Bay County 4-H Clover Chatter Newsletter
Dear Friends of 4-H:


Welcome to our new Bay County 4-H electronic newsletter!  The busy summer season is almost here!  We are continuing to plan for Fair, Cloverbud Camp, Exploration Days and many other events.  In this edition of the Clover Chatter you will find that 4-H is offering many different programs for youth and adults in our community.  As always, if you have any questions about the contents of this newsletter, contact me at MSU Extension- Bay County at (989) 895-4026.

Bay County 4-H on Facebook
Don't forget that Bay County 4-H is on FaceBook. We give updates, reminders, and last-minute information about 4-H programs. Log-on to Facebook and search for Bay County 4-H on FaceBook and become a fan!  I ask that 4-H clubs please share the information on the Bay County 4-H page with families that do not have Facebook.
New Office Hours

MSU Extension - Bay County has new office hours. We will be open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. or by appointment. To schedule an appointment contact MSU Extension - Bay County at (989) 895-4026. The Bay County MSU Extension office is closed in observance of the following holidays: Memorial Day: Monday, May 28, 2012, Independence Day: Wednesday, July 4, 2012. 

Exploration Days 2012
Exploration Days will take place June 20 - 22, 2012, at Michigan State University. It is a for youth ages 11 through 19.  Bay County is sending 20 youth and 3 adults.  Thank you Amy Sylvester,  Melissa Jenkins, and David Clark for volunteering to be chaperones. 

Cloverbud Camp
 Bay County 4-H will be holding 4-H Cloverbud Day Camp July 10 - 13, 2012, at MSU Extension - Bay County. Youth ages five- to eight-years old (as of January 1, 2012) are invited to learn about food science, animals, healthy lifestyles, and much more! The theme this year is "Career Exploration!"

Each day youth will have fun and exciting topics to explore. Some of the events include walking field trips to exciting places, science experiments, and tie dying your own T-shirt. Youth do not need to be registered 4-H members to attend. The cost is $50 per youth.  The deadline to register is June 15, 2012. There is a limited number of spots so register early! Click here for forms.
Cloverbud Camp 
Counselor Application
If you are 14 years of age as of January 1, 2012, you can apply to become a Bay County 4-H camp counselor! Camp counselors help 4-H staff with camp and work directly with the 5-to-8 year old camp participants. To complete an application see our Website at or call MSU Extension - Bay County at (989) 895-4026. The deadline to apply is Friday, June 16, 2012. Click here for forms.
2012 Fair Dates

Save the date for the Bay County Fair and Youth Exposition.  The 2012 Bay County Fair and Youth Exposition will take place August 7-11.  A complete 4-H Fair schedule will be available soon!
Fair Entry Registration

Entries for all project areas (crafts, horses, livestock, and everything else) will be accepted at the following times only!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012 and Wednesday, July 18, 2012, from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. Bay County Fairgrounds, Canteen Building.

Remember, the Canteen Building is located at the south end of the Fairgrounds, 800 Livingston Street, in Bay City. All 4-H members take note - no changes may be made once you have completed fair entry registration. Any questions can be directed to MSU Extension - Bay County at (989) 895-4026.
Rocket J's Chicken Contest
We are thrilled to announce that Rocket J will once again be sponsoring the Rocket J Chicken Contest at this year's Bay County Fair and Youth Exposition.   Thank you to 4-H Livestock Superintendent, Amy Sylvester, for handling the contest. The chickens will be available for pick-up in June
Wednesday, May 30, 2012, at Rocket J's at 526 North Garfield Road, Linwood.

Check the Bay County 4-H Livestock Association Bylaws for details on this contest.
Pheasant and Chukars Project 

Thank you Amy Sylvester for handling the registrations for this contest.  Pheasants and chukars pick-up will be Wednesday, May 30, 2012, at Rocket J's Feed and Seed. Contact Amy Sylvester with questions.


Check the Bay County 4-H Livestock Association Bylaws for details on this contest. 


Coggins Paperwork

It is your responsibility to bring a copy of your horse's negative Coggins test to fair entry registration on July 17 or 18, 2012. You will not be able to bring your horse to fair without providing this paperwork to the superintendents.
Bay County Fair 
4-H Royalty Contests

Livestock and Equestrian King, Queen, Prince and Princess Contest applications are available on the Bay County 4-H Website at, under the Downloads and Bulletins section. Applications may also be picked-up at MSU Extension - Bay County. The deadline to apply is Thursday, June 21, 2012. Interviews will be held during Fair Entry Registration. The results will be announced during the Bay County Fair.
Click here for the Livestock Application
Click here for the Equestrian Application
Volunteer Clerks Needed
Clerk are needed to assist during still project judging.  Volunteers will be helping to keep track of A, B, and C ribbon placement for each youth. Volunteers do not have to be 4-H volunteers all are welcome to participate.  Contact Melissa Meier to volunteer at or at (989) 225-8239. 

2012 Fair Barn Theme

The theme for the livestock and horse barns is "College Teams!" Start thinking of ways to decorate the barns using items like University colors, sports items, etc.  Remember that these are just some examples to get your creativity started. 

Vegetable Contests

The 2012 youth and adult vegetable contests are underway. Youth will be growing giant sunflowers, which are donated by Van Ooteghem Bros. Greenhouse in Essexville. Adults will be growing patty pan squash donated by Main Street Feed and Seed in Bay City.

Both seeds are available to pick-up at MSU Extension Bay County, 515 Center Avenue, Suite 301, Bay City. Office hours are Tuesday and Thursday, 8:00 a.m. until noon.  
Livestock Registration Forms
All 4-H youth exhibiting a livestock project at the Bay County Fair and Youth Exposition must complete a Livestock Registration Form.  This form is used to assign cages and to assure that enough space is available in the barn.  The deadline to complete this form is June 28, 2012. 
Fair Camping
Fair Camping is being handled by the Bay County Fair Board this year.  All registration forms and money will be sent directly to the Bay County Fair Board.  More information about camping should be available soon.

Ag Olympics  
Don't miss out on the fun Friday, August 10, 2012, at 1:00 p.m.! The Ag Olympics registration forms are due at Fair Entry Registration. This is a fun-filled activities that is guaranteed to get you messy!  All 4-H youth are invited to attend.

Livestock Association 
T-shirt Orders

The Bay County 4-H Livestock Association will be selling 
t-shirts again this year. The order forms will be available on the Bay County 4-H Website at, under the Downloads and Bulletins section soon!  All proceeds will benefit the Livestock Association. Order forms are due at Fair Entry Registration. 
Bunnies For Sale
Amy Sylvester has mini lop, dutch and mini rex bunnies for sale.  If anyone is interested contact Amy at (989) 205-9570.

Jodi Wrzesinski
Bay County 4-H Program Coordinator
MSU Extension - Bay County
515 Center Ave. Ste 301
Bay City, MI 48708
(989) 895-4026
In This Issue
Join 4-H on Facebook
MSU Extension Office Hours
Exploration Days
Cloverbud Camp 2012
Camp Counselor Application
2012 Bay County Fair and Youth Exposition information
Fair Entry Registration Dates
Rocket J Chicken Contest Information
Pheasant and Chukar Information
Coggins Testing Reminder
Livestock Association Royalty Information
2012 Barn Theme
Vegetable Contest
Livestock Registration Forms
Fair Camping
Ag Olympics Information
Livestock T-shirt Information
Bunnies For Sale
Meeting Reminders
4-H Community Outreach
Upcoming Activities
Meeting Reminders

Livestock Association 
June 21, 2012, 7:00 p.m. at Canteen Building, Bay County Fairgrounds. 800 Livingston St. Bay City. 
4-H Council Meeting
Thursday, June 28, 2012, 6:00 p.m. MSU Extension - Bay County 515 Center Ave. Ste 301, Bay City.

Bay County Fair Board
Monday, June 4, 2012, Bay County Fairgrounds Canteen Building.

Upcoming Dates

4-H Night at the Loons
July 26, 2012.
Dow Diamond
Midland, MI

4-H families can come enjoy a Great Lakes Loons baseball game and celebrate 4-H too! Advance purchase tickets are $9 for box seats and $6 for lawn seats.  To reserve your tickets contact Matt Hoffman at (989) 837-6136.
Upcoming Activities
Barn Improvement Meeting
June 9, 2012, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Bay County Fairgrounds

Rabbit/Poultry Clinic
June 16, 2012, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Diane Julian's home 4278 Zimmer Rd. Bay City MI. You may bring your rabbit or chicken to learn hands on. Contact Diane for more information (989) 686-1083.  

Pinconning Cheese Town Parade
1:00 p.m. Pinconning, MI

Activities For 2012-2013
Auburn Cornfest Parade
Sunday, July 15, 2012, 1:00 p.m. 

Munger Potato Festival Parade
Sunday, July 29, 2012, 12:45 p.m. Munger MI.