New Year Deals! |
Daycare Deal
If you are a new customer, or have not done business with us in the last 6 months, bring in this coupon and your first day of daycare is on us FREE! 
Expires: 2/1/12
Daycare Deal
If you are one of our loyal continuous customers, refer a friend and you will get a FREE day of daycare too!
Expires: 2/1/12
Daycare Deal Have you rescued or planning to rescue your companion animal from a shelter or rescue group? Bring proof of adoption and you will receive 5 FREE days of daycare on us! Adoption must be within the past 6 months. Expires: 2/1/12
Retail Deals Check out our discount corner in retail where you can find food, toys, cloths, and much more all for 50% off already cut sale prices! Also keep your eyes out for upcoming sales on different brands of your favorit dog foods. Making New Years Cutbacks We have also started carrying some amazing new brands of healthy dog food for a very low price, come in to our retail store and let one of our knowlegable staff members help you. |
Birthday Party! | Mr. Pug, the pug will be having his birthday party at Muddy paws this Saturday, January 7, 2012. Join us in celebration! The party will be held from 2PM- 4PM and all guests will receive a FREE nail trim.
You dont have to be a pug to join in the fun, everyone is invited!
Dachshund Roundup! |
Dachshunds unite! Bring your Dachshunds to Muddy Paws Saturday, January 21, 2012 from 2PM- 4PM.

We will have Dachshunds from all over the area and from a rescue group. All dogs here for the meetup will receive a FREE nail trim. Hope to see you there! |
Great Dane Meetup! |
Great Dane's unite! Bring your Great Dane to Muddy Paws Saturday, January 8, 2012 from 2PM- 4PM.

We will have Great Danes from all over the area and from a rescue group. All dogs here for the meetup will receive a FREE nail trim. Hope to see you there! |
Dont forget about Soap 'n' Suds Sunday! Every 2nd Sunday of the Month come in for a 1/2 off bath!

Make your reservation in advance, open spots fill up quick! |
Written by Julia Novak | January 2012 |
Dear Friend, Muddy Paws is excited to ring in the new year with you and your companion animals! We have big plans for this year and are delighted to let you in on the fun. In this newsletter you will find some really great deals on daycare, advice and insights for starting a family with a new companion animal and a look into our upcoming renovations.
New Plans for the New Year |
Muddy Paws Newest
This is an exciting year for us! You and your furry family members can start getting excited now too! Our newest addition to Muddy Paws is already under construction. It's an above ground pool, complete with an attached deck and will be staffed with our CPR animal certified lifegard will be on staff at all times of pool play. Completion date is estimated for in the month of March.
Adding a pool will allow us to offer hydrotherapy for your companion animals. Aquatic exercise requires minimal weight bearing during exercise which is easier on their joints and helps to build up muscle and endurance. This is especially beneficial to over-weight pets who benefit by being able to exercise longer. This exercise along with a balanced diet will help pounds fade and good muscle tone appear.
Athletic pets who need conditioning to maintain their weight in order to compete, find aquatic exercise is a safer and faster way to build stamina and muscle mass.
Your veterinarian may recommend aquatic exercise as part of your pet's rehabilitati on following major injuries or surgery, to help them regain muscle mass and improve circulation or mobility.
Remember swimming and having fun benefit all pets. Pool parties, swimming lessons, dog and owner swim time, as well as just a fun way to keep cool while having fun in the summer sun are all part of our upcoming pool plans. |
New Companions | Adding an animal companion to the family is an important decision. It means making a permanent commitment to care for and spend time with the animal and to provide for his or her lifelong care; which could be anywhere from 10-20+ years depending on size and quality of life and care. Before adopting, consider the time and money involved in proper animal care. Do research on your breed or mix of breeds and consider potential genetic problems, exercise needs and grooming requirements. Will your loved one have the time and patience to exercise and housetrain the animal? Is he or she prepared to pay for food, accessories (such as toys, grooming supplies, leashes and harnesses, and bedding), and veterinary care (including, but certainly not limited to, vaccinations, spaying or neutering, flea treatment, deworming, and emergency care)?
If a family decides to adopt an animal, every member of the family should go to the local animal shelter together to choose the animal, having already discussed the obligations and long-term commitments involved. Please, never buy from breeders or pet stores, and always practice your ABCs-animal birth control. For every animal purchased from a breeder or a pet shop, a potential home is taken away from a homeless dog or a cat at a local animal shelter. For those of you who may have already purchased an animal from a breeder or pet store you can still make a great difference by chosing to spay or neuter your newest companion and end the vicious cycle of cruel breeding.
If you decide to adopt another companion, and we highly reccomend having two so that they can keep each other company when you cant be there. It may seem like a lot, but smaller dogs are quite a bit easier to take care of especially when it comes to feeding costs and waste clean up. You will just want to make sure that you bring your current companion with you when picking out another animal so that you can ensure they get along.

We will be here for every step of your new companion animal's life. We are here to help you through every part of your exciting life together. We offer great positive reinforcement training, healthy food to fit you animal's personal needs, a full service grooming salon, and a special daycare and boarding experience when life calls you to be elsewhere. We look forward to seeing you both very soon! |
Why Not From a Breeder? |
Many people know to avoid puppy mills and "backyard" breeders. However, sadly, numerous kind individuals fall prey to the picket-fence appeal of so-called "responsible" breeders and fail to recognize that no matter how reputable a breeder, no breeding can be considered "responsible" as long as dogs and cats are dying in animal shelters and pounds due to a shortage of loving of homes.
All breeders fuel the animal overpopulation crisis, and every time someone purchases a puppy or a kitten instead of adopting from an animal shelter, homeless animals lose their chance of finding a home...and will be euthanized.
Many breeders don't require every puppy or kitten to be spayed or neutered prior to purchase, so the animals they sell can soon have litters of their own thus exacerbating the surplus of animals to lack of housing crisis. The un-lucky ones who don't get adopted oftentimes wind up in shelters or so-called "no-kill" animal warehouses
Simply put, for every puppy or kitten who is deliberately produced by any breeder, an animal in
an animal shelter dies.
Producing animals for sale is a greedy and callous business in a world in which there is a critical and chronic shortage of good homes for dogs, cats, and other animals. The only "responsible breeders" are those who, upon learning about how they contribute to the overpopulation crisis, spay or neuter their animals and get out of the business altogether.

Breeding Trouble
The business of animal production, either to make money or to obtain a certain "look" or characteristic, goes against monther nature and can be incredibly harmful to the animals produced by breeding. Dogs and cats don't care whether their physical appearance conforms to a judge's standards, yet they are the ones who suffer the consequences of humans' manipulation. Inbreeding causes painful and life-threatening genetic defects in "purebred" dogs and cats, including crippling hip dysplasia, blindness, deafness, heart defects, skin problems, and epilepsy. Distorting animals for specific physical features is also to blame for many other severe health problems. The short, pushed-up noses of bulldogs and pugs, for example, can make exercise and even normal breathing difficult for these animals. Dachshunds' long spinal columns often cause back problems, including disc disease.
Adoption: The Only Compassionate Option.
There is no excuse for breeding animals or for supporting breeders.
If you love animals and are ready to care for a cat or a dog fo r the rest of the animal's life, please adopt from your local animal shelter. There are dogs and cats galore-tails wagging and hearts filled with hope, looking out through the cage bars, just waiting to find someone to love. Shelters receive new animals every day, so if you don't find the perfect companion to match your lifestyle on your first visit, keep checking back. When you find your new animal companion, you'll be glad that you chose to save a life-and made a new best friend as well.If you know anyone who is considering purchasing an animal instead of adopting from an animal shelter, please share this article with them.
Hope you have enjoyed this year's first newsletter and would love to hear your feedback and ideas of what you would like to read about next month! Sincerely,
Muddy Paws
3700 Hampton Blvd.
Norfolk, VA 23508
Phone: 757-965-9702
Fax: 757-965-9703 |
Daycare Closed Reminder
Dont forget, This coming Monday, January 9, 2012 daycare will be closed for cleaning. We will reopen the following day with regular business hours. 