Newsletter Banner March 2012
Dear Friends:    

SEARCH 2012 Annual LuncheonSEARCH shared another meaningful luncheon with approximately 720 guests on March 1, 2012 to convey our message of SEARCH's work and next undertakings. Dixie and Ron Messner, Luncheon Chairs, lead the event with high energy and effectiveness as they rallied the support of many new and old friends to SEARCH. Honorees Melissa and Jamey Rootes shared their passion and understanding for the needs of the young and spoke eloquently of their commitment to the children's futures. We exceeded our goal  and raised $518,223 with this amazing group's involvement.


We also launched SEARCH's new video that provides the perspectives from family members of people who've been homeless. Please click here to watch our video.Then, share your feedback about the video by sending me an e-mail. I want to know what you think.


Thank you for being on the SEARCH team. We could never do what we do without your support.



  Thank you,

 Thao's signature gif file                           Contribution Button - Body version

Thao Costis 



Teens Raise Big Bucks for SEARCH
Photo of Charlotte Crawford and Party

In lieu of a big birthday bash, Caroline Crawford organized a benefit for SEARCH. Caroline, age 13, calculated that a $10 donation would create a beneficial toiletry kit for SEARCH's clients. She asked her friends to bring a donation to seed the project and then they went from door to door and ended up collecting $480. Afterward, they bought the supplies and created 50 kits.


To make a contribution in honor of Caroline's efforts, click here.


Inspired by Caroline? Click here to learn more about other meaningful drives you and your children can organize.

How To Talk To Your Children About Homelessness
Photo of Family for Talking To Children About Homelessness

Parents and their children work 

together to help SEARCH clients.

The homelessness topic can be frightening to young children and intimidating for parents to explain.  We see people on the streets, they may be dirty and many have serious mental illness.  We struggle ourselves to understand what to do. Yet, we need to respond to our children's questions about what they see, Read more

SPENT an online game created by Urban Ministries of Durham 



SPENT is an online game created by McKinney for Urban Ministries of Durham. This is a great online game used to raise awareness of poverty and homelessness in our community.


SEARCH Awarded Leadership Award
Houston Leadership Award
On March 7, 2012 SEARCH Homeless Services was awarded Leadership Houston's Leadership in Action Award! This prestigious honor recognizes non-profits and corporations that have made extraordinary contributions through their programs/projects toward the betterment of life in the Greater Houston area.
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Tip of the month:

As spring approaches, we begin to notice new beginnings in nature and in our lives. Help someone at SEARCH start anew. Your contribution can help someone pay for the equipment and clothes they need to start a new job!



Looking for group volunteer opportunities? 

Fill out an application to volunteer at SEARCH: Click here


For more information  
contact Alexis Shiber

Volunteer Opportuntities

Have a different skill you want to share? Maybe you paint, knit, sing, walk, or play an instrument-we want to hear from you. Share your talents and enthusiasm with our clients by volunteering your time to a skills workshop.


For more information  
contact Alexis Shiber
In Memoriam: Earl Hatcher
Photo of Earl Hatcher 2
SEARCH's founding Executive Director, Earl W. Hatcher, age 64, 
died on February 9th from pulmonary fibrosis, a lung illness. Mr. Hatcher was the Executive Director of Housing Corporation of Greater Houston.
"Earl was one of the most passionate advocates about helping people who are homeless," said Thao Costis, President/CEO.  
Make A Donation
SEARCH Homeless Services | 2505 Fannin St. | Houston | TX | 77002