Monthly Newsletter                                                                                      March 2011 



Exercise: A Key Ingredient

in the Recipe for Optimal Fitness

According to the President's Council

on healthy stuffPhysical Fitness & Sports,

recent studies show exercise benefits everyone -- regardless of age. Exercise can help you take charge of your health and maintain the level of fitness necessary for an active, independent lifestyle.

Click here to read "Pep up Your Life: A Fitness

Book for Mid-Life and Older Persons."


Whether You're Just Starting Out

or Bridging the Gap...

Have a new resolution to get on the road toward

better health? Someone or some event may have inspired you. Or perhaps you've just been discharged from physical therapy with your home exercise program in hand. You're feeling

great and you'd like to keep it that way. In fact,

you're more motivated than ever to be your

healthiest; to increase your overall level of fitness.

You just don't know where to start.

 Bridging the Gap

...What Should

Your First Step Be?

Short answer:  Become more physically active. Easier said

than done? Not really. Just a small amount of extra commitment can be a valuable short-term investment toward improving your long-term health. Read on for practical advice on how to make it happen.


The Bustle on Muscle

No matter what your goals, it's important

to challenge your muscles regularly so they're

able to respond to the demands of daily life.

Keep it simple -- we're not talking

power lifting here!

barbellsBasically, anything that creates resistance has the potential to strengthen muscles. Options are plentiful. Lifting free weights, using exercise machines or working with simple, specially-designed elastic bands are just

a few ways to gain strength. Even working against

your own body weight or the resistance of water in

a pool can effectively challenge muscles & create substantial change. 


Use what works best for you;

take your lifestyle into consideration.

If you belong to a gym, seek the help of a professional on staff and ask for assistance with creating a workout plan. This is a value-added service in most fitness facilities.older man w appleWell-trained personnel should always be available to make sure you're using equipment properly to ensure safety. If you don't have a gym membership, consider purchasing a few low-cost items such as dumbbells or resistance bands. These are great for use at home and are easily transportable for those who travel.


Add some heart-pumping punch to get

the mosheartt out of your workouts.

Spend some time on the treadmill, stationary bike or elliptical machine at the gym.

Or simply go for a brisk walk or jog outside. Take a look at the tips in the right-hand column and try to incorporate one or two of these
into your daily 
routine. Your body will thank you! 


Consult with your physician

before starting any exercise program.

stethescopeDon't forget to tap into the knowledge of health and fitness professionals to ensure proper form and safety. Ask for guidance as you wander out into the "real world" after PT. Remember, your physical therapist IS a health and fitness professional!  

He or she is well-trained and eager to help you

with tips on safe ways to achieve optimal fitness,
a strong body and good
health that will last
you a lifetime.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Physical Therapy & Fitness:

The Key to My Success

(A Patient's Two Cents)

I've been to other places for PT. But beforetwo cents

I found HARTZ, being discharged from therapy meant the end of my exercise

routine as I knew it. The philosophy

at HARTZ, along with their

Medically Adapted Gym, has

changed that for me. I now look

forward to my workouts and know I'm

in a safe environment that's ejoyable, too.


I continue to receive PT as needed and am always

impressed by my results. Physical therapy is

different here than the other places I've been.

It just works better. I can always count on quality

one-on-one time with my therapist, which is terrific!

I love the personalized attention I get and how the staff

connects with me and with each other. They're a team

that motivates me to be my best -- whether I'm

in PT or at the gym.

                                                   ~Bonnie K.


scrabble "Physical therapy
is different here
than the other places I've been. It just works better."


"What fits your busy schedule better? Exercising 

one hour a day or being dead 24 hours a day?"

Fitness Cartoon







Fitness Fact 


After age 40, most people start losing

at least 10% of

their muscular

strength with each passing decade. 


 The good news is incorporating 

physical activity 

into your daily routine may

help reverse

 this trend.




Easy Ways to Add Activity:

Take the far spot 

Avoid trying to snag that

prime parking

space and enjoy

the walk!


Get into the swing

 Swing your arms

when you walk

for extra heart

pumping power.


Play hard

 Find the inner

child in you.

A little active fun

will go a long

way toward

improved physical

(and mental) health.


Clean house

Just 15 minutes of vacuuming burns

about 80 calories.


Find workout


 Adding a social element to exercise 

helps many people

stick with it.


Walk the dog

 Several studies

have shown that

dog owners get

more exercise than

the canineless.


Tackle the stairs

Take steps instead

of an elevator

when you're able.








Our therapists
will help you "Experience the Difference"


"Wayne is friendly

and funny and he knows his job inside and out. He makes

me work hard and

it's really paid off.

I finally have

 my life back."

~Joan E




Wayne McKinley,


"Being a Physical Therapist has many rewards. The greatest  one for me is the opportunity to help our patients recover from their disabilities and lead healthier lives."





question mark
Our physical therapists,
personal trainers & exercise physiologists have your answer!
Click here to submit.










HARTZ PT's Medically Adapted Gym (M.A.G.) 


Call 717.735.8880 

to schedule your appointment.

Open evenings and Saturdays! 

Click here to learn more.







Find us on Facebook


HARTZ Physical Therapy has offices to serve you in two locations.
For more information visit our website
or call or visit either of our two locations.

100 Highlands Dr., Suite 100
Lititz, PA 17543

90 Good Dr., Suite 201
Lancaster, PA 17603