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In This Issue
SCPTSA General Meeting
Seattle School Board Approves Short-Term Capacity Management Options
Six Presidents: A Conversation on Higher Education Funding in Washington
Invitation to Provide Feedback on the Family, Student and Staff Surveys
PTA and the Law
Focus Day - Monday, February 20
Open Enrollment for 2012-13 School Year
US Department of Education Parent Forum

Important Dates:  


January 31:

SCPTSA Art Grant Deadline


February 4:

Region 6 PTA & the Law, Cleveland HS, Seattle 


February 13:

SCPTSA General Meeting, JSCEE


February 20:

Focus Day in Olympia, WA 


February 27-March 9:

Open Enrollment


March 1:

WSPTA Outstanding Service Award Nominations Due


March 1:

WSPTA Men's Essay Contest Entries Due


March 10:

Emerging Minority Leaders' Conference, Renton 


March 17:

Parent Forum, Rainier Beach HS, Seattle


March 22:

Region 6 Spring Training (location and time TBA) 


May 4-6:

WSPTA Convention, Doubletree Hotel, SeaTac



More Information 

 (206) 364-7430





























Dear PTA and PTSA Leaders,


Please feel free to share information in this newsletter with your community.



Lauren McGuire

President, Seattle Council PTSA

SCPTSA General Meeting:

School Budget Nuts and Bolts

Monday, February 13
6:30-8:30pm at the John Stanford Center, Rooms 2772-2774

Join us at our next Seattle Council PTSA General Meeting where we will discuss the nuts and bolts of school allocations plus an update on the State Budget and how that impacts SPS.  This is a great opportunity for PTA/PTSA Presidents, Treasurers, PTA Budget Committee members and BLT (Building Leadership Team) reps to understand school budgets.  Been through school budgets lots of times before?  Come share your experiences with PTSA leaders who are new to the process.

SCPTSA Board member Andrea Baumgarten will facilitate this discussion.  School Board President, Michael DeBell, Sherry Carr, School Board Chair for Audit and Finance, and Cathy Thompson, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, will be at the meeting to answer questions.

Seattle Council PTSA

Seattle School Board Approves Short-Term Capacity Management Options

-From SPS


A short-term capacity management plan that addresses Seattle Public Schools' enrollment growth was approved 7-0 by the Seattle School Board on January 25.


The plan, which outlines how the School District will accommodate the projected increasing enrollment, was developed following input from the Facilities and Capital Management Advisory Committee (FACMAC). Input was considered from about 300 attendees at six community meetings held between September and December 2010, and also included 550 written comments.


Development of the short-term capacity management plan was coordinated with work on the proposed 2012-13 New Student Assignment Transition Plan, which supports the capacity management work.


The plan includes:

  • Reopening Boren School in West Seattle as an interim site for the 2012-13 school year and having it serve as a K-5 Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) option school for Denny International Middle School and Madison Middle School service areas.
  • The installation of portables at various school sites District-wide as needed to address short-term capacity management needs. The exact number of portables and their locations will be based on data obtained during the District's open enrollment period, which will run from February 27 to March 9.
  • Boundary adjustments to John Stanford International School, and B.F. Day and McDonald elementary schools for the 2012-13 school year. Families in this area can determine their school boundary with this address look-up tool, starting Tuesday, January 31 
  • Modifications to Geographic Priority Zones for Queen Anne and Thornton Creek elementary schools and South Shore K-8. 
To read the full plan, see the Board Action Report.
Six Presidents: A Conversation on Higher Education Funding in Washington

Wednesday, February 1

7-9pm at Seattle Town Hall, Tickets $5.00

-From Seattle Town Hall and the Seattle Times


Join us on Wednesday, February 1 for an unprecedented conversation with all six of Washington State's public university presidents on the risks of continued cuts to higher education. Our state now ranks 48th in per capita enrollment in public baccalaureate programs. These cuts to our universities, say many, are permanently undermining our state economy and killing job creation. Participants include Michael Young (UW), Elson Floyd (WSU), Bruce Shepard (WWU), Les Purce (The Evergreen State College), James Gaudino (Central Washington University), Rodolfo Arevalo (Eastern Washington University), Sally Jewell (President and CEO, REI), Brad Smith (General Counsel and Executive Vice President Microsoft), Laura Peterson, (Vice President NW State & Local Government Operations, The Boeing Company).


Moderated by Seattle Times Editorial Page Editor, Kate Riley, and Business Columnist, Jon Talton. More details here
Invitation to Provide Feedback on the

Family, Student & Staff Surveys

New date and time: Thursday, February 2

5:30-7:00pm in the auditorium at JSCEE

-From SPS


Each spring Seattle Public Schools administers a survey to all families, school staff and students asking questions about instruction, leadership, and family engagement. We invite teachers, family and community members to join us on Thursday, February 2 to provide feedback on the surveys. The agenda for the meeting includes an overview of last year's survey results, small group discussion to gather feedback on improving the surveys and Q&A.

For questions, comments, & accommodation requests please contact research@seattleschools.org.

PTA and the Law

Saturday, February 4, 9am-noon at Cleveland HS

5511 15thAve S, Seattle 98108

Remember that each PTA is required to send at least one elected officer to PTA & the Law during the year.  The registration form is attached. 

Registration Form


Leanne Hawkins
Region 6 Director, Washington State PTA


Focus Day 2012

Monday, February 20

8:30am-2:00pm in Olympia, WA

Join the Parade and Noon Rally on the steps of the Capital


Even though the Washington Supreme Court has ruled that the Legislature needs to increase - not decrease - funding for education, it's still important to remind legislators that K-12 education and kids matter; our annual Focus Day does just that.  The day will be informative and entertaining for children and adults. 


The day starts at 9:00am at the Urban Onion (across from Sylvester Park), with opening sessions and children's activities. The parade starts at 11:35, with the rally at noon on the Capital steps. Focus Day is free but please register to help with planning and materials. The agenda and registration form are available on the WSPTA website. You can also pre-order and purchase lunch for pick-up at the Urban Onion (360) 943-9242.


Contact your legislators to make appointments. Save the date! Sign-up and show-up on February 20 to speak out for kids!

Open Enrollment for 2012-13 School Year

-From SPS


Open enrollment for the 2012-13 school year will take place February 27 through March 9. All students will receive an assignment letter right before open enrollment begins. This will tell you your student's initial assignment for next year, and will also provide information on open enrollment if you want to apply for a different attendance area or option school for next year.


Information on assignments for the 2012-13 school year is scheduled to be available on the SPS website and automated phone line (206-252-0212) on April 16. Mailed confirmation letters will be sent out the week of April 23.


Since Seattle Public Schools has shifted to a geographic-based model with the New Student Assignment Plan, most schools will not conduct a daytime school tour. However, most schools will host an evening open house, which is a great opportunity for prospective families and students to visit the school, meet with teachers and the principal and ask questions.


For information on school open houses, please visit the individual  

school websites

US Department of Education Parent Forum

Saturday, March 17

9:30-3:00pm at Rainier Beach High School (Auditorium/Cafeteria), 8815 Seward Park Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98118

 -From SPS 


All parents and families are invited to attend this Parent Forum sponsored by the US Department of Education and the Seattle Alliance of Black Educators, in partnership with Seattle Public Schools. More information and the registration form.