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In This Issue
SPS Budget Update
Transportation Plan Update
Washington State PTA Focus Day Feb. 21st
School and Community Partnerships Focus Group
SeattleYouth and Family Initiative
Seattle Public Schools Family Symposium
Public Review K-5 General Music Instructional Materials Adoption
Important Dates


Feb. 10: Seattle Channel Town Hall: Seattle Speaks on Seattle Public Schools - Live event sold out. Broadcast times on Seattle Channel.

Feb. 16:  School Board votes on Transportation Plan

Feb. 21:  WSPTA Focus Day in Olympia.  Rally to save K-12 budgets on the steps  of the Capitol. 

Mar. 12: SPS Family Symposium Supporting Your Student's Success Ballard HS

Dear Seattle PTA and PTSA Leaders,

The School Board continues to discuss the impact of the State Budget cuts on the SPS operational budget.  They met this week and have further issues to resolve.

This past Monday, the SCPTSA hosted our School Budget Nuts and Bolts presentation.  I'd like to thank School Board Directors Steve Sundquist and Sherry Carr as well as Chief Academic Officer Susan Enfield and Executive Director of Finance Duggan Harman for serving on the panel.  Documents from the presentation are on the SCPTSA website, and follow-up questions / answers we were not able to address that evening will be up soon. I'd also like to thank Andrea Baumgarten for facilitating the meeting.

Housekeeping business from the General Meeting:  The membership elected me to fill the presidency which Ramona Hattendorf vacated.  Other elections: Andrea Baumgarten agreed to serve out the year in the VP position which I vacated; a Nominating Committee was elected to seek interested members to fill next year's positions.  Interested in helping serve kids at all schools, or in issues that transcend individual schools?  We'd love to welcome you to Seattle Council PTSA.  Contact Sharon Rodgers, sjrodgers@comcast.net, for more information.



Lauren McGuire
President, Seattle Council PTSA
SPS Operational Budget Update
District officials presented their recommendations to the School Board this past Wednesday regarding the final budget cuts.  The budget gap was adjusted to $35M and details of the proposed cuts are below.  Proposed cuts that will directly impact schools:  1/3 reduction in Per Pupil (Supply) allocations; eliminate .5 elementary counselor; eliminate .5 Certificated Core, eliminate .5 High School Intervention Specialist.  Schools will receive their actual allocations in mid to late February.
Staff also recommended saving around $8.5 million by cutting around 97 central office positions (central defined in this case as non-grant-funded, non-school-based central positions).
The Board has not yet finalized the budget plan; however, there was discussion to resume Strategic Plan funding for the New World School to support secondary English Language Learners, as well as add funds back to early education.


For more information on the SPS budget, click hereComments or concerns?  Contact budget@seattleschools.org or contact your School Board Director.



Central Reductions


Reduce WSS by K-4 revenue loss amount


Across the Board Non-Instructional Furlough


Use of Unreserved Fund Balance to 3.25%


Transportation Changes


Reduce Budget Development Contingency


Eliminate 1 X 1.0 full day K in WSS


Maximize Title I Carry Forward


Reduce Spec. Ed. ARRA exp. To only ICS revised model


No Backfill for loss of National Board Cert. Funding


Transfer from Capital -Technology


Reductions in Strategic Plan and Budget Review


Central Mid Year Reductions


Eliminate Evening School


Eliminate dual Principal at Rainier Beach


Shift BTA interest to General Fund


Charge 1 day TRI to Capital


Charge for full or partial loss of childcare orgs


Eliminate Medical Retiree Subsidy


Eliminate Summer School


Freeze Non-Rep step increase


Reduce Custodial Support and look at outsourcing





Proposed Transportation Plan Update 

On February 8, 2011, there was a school board work session which presented more details of the proposed Transportation plan.  These changes will be voted on by the School Board at their meeting on Wednesday February 16, 2011.  Details of the Proposed Transportation Changes can be found at: 

The purpose of the change is to fit the state's new model for transportation funding and to preserve classroom funding.
Transportation Zone Maps
Students in elementary and K-8 attendance area schools residing within their school's attendance area OR within a 1.25 mile straight-line radius of their assigned school are eligible for District-provided school bus transportation (outside of the walk zone).  Spectrum and ELL students receive transportation within their middle school service area.

Click here to see individual school maps.  

Intermediary transportation zones are being established to extend transportation for two years. Students outside their immediate transportation zone, but within their extended intermediary zone, can walk to an attendance area school for bus pick-up if they live within a safe walk zone (up to one mile). Otherwise, they can walk up to � mile to a regular neighborhood stop.

Impact of New Plan (pages 10-15 in presentation)
Approximately 600 students would not be eligible for any transportation who are currently eligible and are in grades K-4.  The majority of elementary and K-8 students in the Intermediary zone may have to walk up to a mile to an attendance area school if they need transportation (approx. 3600 students)

Students in "No Transportation" Area (pages 16-17)
In order to reduce or eliminate the number of students without transportation, the following changes would need to be made:
� Amend the NSAP Transition Plan for 2011-12 so students in "no transportation" area can be reassigned to their attendance area or designated ELL school if requested. (468 students)
� Extend transportation boundaries for students whose attendance area school does not have capacity to assign additional students (i.e., putting them in a transportation zone for their current school). (120 students)

Bell Changes (pages 18- 22): Bell times may change for many schools. A chart of proposed bus drop off and pick times is on slides 21-22

Middle School Adjustment:  Middle school students living between 1.5 miles and 2.0 miles from the school that they attend are eligible for Orca passes (increase in service)
Email Seattle Public Schools at Transportation@seattleschools.org  with questions and comments on the proposed transportation plan.
Washington State PTA - Focus Day In Olympia -February 21, 2011 (President's Day)

Rally for K-12 education and let our Legislators know just how important it is for Seattle's kids to receive an education that meets 21st Century standards. We need to speak out against cut that are profoundly cutting K-12 education - cuts that might be retroactive to Fall 2010! 


Come down to Olympia for Focus Day, 2/21, march and rally on the Capitol steps. Meet with legislators and staff, leave notes, receive updates from policy-makers on key issues and network with other PTA advocates. Click here for a list of Seattle legislators.


PTA members do make a difference when they come to the Capitol in large numbers.  This is a kid-friendly event so bring them and your neighbors.


Register TODAY  and for more info go to www.wastatepta.org.  Registration is free.  Lunch is available for pre-order. Contact Heidi@bennettdirect.net if you need help setting up legislator appointments.


Sign up for PTA Action Alerts so you'll know first-hand when we need PTA Members to speak up either for or against bills. Click here to download a sign-up form and advocate for education - easier from your computer and phone.

School and Community Partnerships Focus Group Thursday, Feb. 17 at 7:00 p.m. at the John Stanford Center

From Courtney Cameron, SPS Manager of School & Community Partnerships

We would like to get PTSA input on School & Community partnerships.  We are trying to make improvements in the way we support partnership, so feedback from the PTSA is incredibly valuable. The focus of these focus groups is on improving partnership with community based organizations (CBO) that provide direct services to students. We know that the PTSA works with partners to bring services to schools, therefore we look forward to getting your perspective.
Here are the general questions that will be asked:
  • How are school and community partnerships established?
  • Are community partnerships aligned to articulated school goals and daily instruction?
  • How do we know whether students and families who need access to programs and services are getting them?
  • How do you assess the quality and effectiveness of community partnerships?
  • How do we build upon and strengthen effective community partnerships?
RSVP SCPTSA Enrichment VP Stephanie Barnett at 2thequeenbee@gmail.com.

Courtney Cameron
Seattle Public Schools
Manager of School & Community Partnerships
(206) 252-0513


Seattle Youth and Family Initiative


Earlier this week Mayor McGinn endorsed the recommendation of the Levy Advisory Committee to renew the Families and Education Levy in 2011. 


For those of you who aren't familiar with the history of the Families and Education Levy, it's a funding package that goes to support children and their families, both in and out of school. It was first passed in 1990, and it's been renewed twice since then; there's a good overview here.


This year's $231 million proposal will ensure that more students in Seattle graduate from high school ready for college or a career.

The levy renewal will meet that goal by funding programs that the Seattle Public Schools budget doesn't cover, specifically focusing on the priority issues that emerged from the Kids and Families Congress that many of you participated in last year. The City Council will be considering this proposal over the course of the next two months.


To see the current Levy proposal click here, or to review the list of priority issues from the Congress, click here.

Seattle Public Schools Family Symposium

Saturday March 12th 9:30 - 2:00pm 

Ballard High School


Supporting your Student's Success with workshops on Science, Math Literacy Advanced Learning, Special Education, College Readiness, Community Resource Fair, Arts and Pre-K ... and more


Child activities, transportation & light lunch will be provided.


Public Review K-5 General Music Instructional Materials Adoption

Public review fo the instructional materials for the K-5 General Music Adoption will be ready for review February 14-18, 2011 in the Professional Library located on the second floor of the John Stanford Building from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Materials may also be viewed on Thursday, February 17th from 5-7 PM in the John Stanford Building auditorium.


Feedback forms will be provided and the content of responses will inform the K-5 General Music Adoption Committee's instructional materials recommendation.


A public review of the committee's final recommendation is scheduled for March 28 - April 8, 2011. Information regarding review locations will be made available on the Curriculum Alignment and Adoption website http://www.seattleschools.org/area/curriculumalign/index.dxml


For more information contact

Carri Campbell

Visual and Performing Arts Manager Seattle Public Schools

