Creative Life Management

Newsletter ~ May,  2010

In This Issue
Mothering Our Self
Creative Solution
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Michelle MillerEach month I will share with you my personal  insights, thoughts and suggestions on how to live a creative life. 
A creative life is a process just like this newsletter. So if you have any suggested topics or input
please feel free to email me.

                                           Michelle Miller 
Hypnosis-Assisted Life Coaching 
B.A., B.Div., Dip. in Life Coaching
 Clinical Hypnotherapist, Heart-Centered Hypnotherapist,
  NLP Practitioner,Transformational Meditation, 
 Quantum Focus Coach
         Michelle Miller

Mothering Our Self 

Mother's day is fast approaching.  I love Mother's Day. To begin with, I am blessed to have my own children and a great family.  I also think it is a great time to be thankful and to recognize our mothers for giving us the greatest gift of all-the gift of life.
As I honor and pay tribute to my mother for all the lessons she has taught me, for making me who I am and for allowing me to live my life as I choose, I am at the same time also honoring myself.
By honoring our mothers it motivates us to honor our own lives.  When we honor ourselves and have gratitude for our lives, we open our hearts to the gentleness and care that we deserve. Within each person there is an inner ability to nurture and care for our self. We were given the innate motherly virtues of love, courage, compassion, healing and forgiveness. These gifts give us the strength to overcome weakness and downfalls. The truth is, no matter how old we are we all at times need mothering. 
So, how can we use our motherly virtues towards ourselves? Mothering requires gentle assertiveness, enduring concern and calm understanding.  You can utilize these qualities when you are faced with difficult situations. For instance, when you make a mistake or are in a bad mood, it is easier to rally yourself back with compassion, patience, and also, by expressing your feelings. You can vent either by journaling or finding someone to compassionately listen to what you have to say.  When you write your feelings or talk them out, you do not necessarily need to fix anything.  Mostly, what you are looking for is validation. As you pay attention to your feelings and recognize your needs a solution will usually surface.  
Mothering also means acceptance for all that you are. So when you feel discouraged, be kindhearted and  understanding for the situation. Encourage yourself to move beyond a stuck point. Strive to catch yourself in self-doubt or judgment.  With the proper attention and encouragement you can change your thoughts to a more positive outlook. If you look to outside emotional  support make sure that you feel comfortable and can 'be real'  with that person without the need to justify or defend yourself. Acknowledge your faults but also praise yourself when you do something  well.  Good or bad, right or wrong mothering requires working with both your strengths and weaknesses; having unconditional acceptance for all that you are. 
In addition, there are other ways we can  nurture ourselves.  Take in the warm feelings of a hug or a heartfelt compliment. Know when it's time to rest or take a break.  Cuddle up in your favorite blanket and watch a 'feel good' movie. Let yourself play. Dance. Have fun. Take a walk. Cook a delicious meal.  Exercise.  
Ultimately, it is important for us to discover what refreshes us and what makes us feel good about ourselves.  Investing time in our well-being is not selfish.  As we celebrate Mother's Day, remember that nurturing ourselves is smart mothering.
Happy Mother's Day!      
 A creative life is having the power of choice to:    
Be with the present moment ~ Trust your intuition ~ Honor your unique gifts 
 Utilize your imagination ~ Allow yourself to feel inspired
Explore new possibilities ~ Discover a solution

Michelle Miller

Creative Solution for Mothering Distress
             1.   Notice any discomfort.
             2.   Listen attentively; acknowledge and validate your feelings. 
             3.   Pause. Breathe. Let Go. 
             4.   Assess your situation.  
             5.   Gather your self-assurance.
             6.   Adjust towards positive thinking, behavior, or  words.

Find out if hypnosis-assisted life coaching is right for you. 

  Free telephone consultation call:   305-571-9996

 I will get back to you as soon as possible.
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