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In This Issue
A Summer to Remember
Summer Camps
WSA Medical Procedure Assistance Fund
A Special Welcome!
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July/August 2012
A Summer to Remember!

The WSA celebrated 30 years in the best possible way this summer - with our biggest national convention ever, held in the city where the battles for our Country's Independence were first fought over the "Independence Day" Holiday.  It was a great place to "Let Our Colors Burst" both as an Association and as Individuals with WS, and those who love them.  More than 1500 were in attendance, including 350 individuals with Williams syndrome of all ages.  The convention provided opportunities for "once in a lifetime" (for some) visits to the Tall Ships, the Boston Pops 4th of July Celebration, and many local Boston attractions.  School age kids had a blast at camp, while the teens and adults explored Boston sites and enjoyed special sessions on everything from zumba and square dance to relationships and internet safety during their time spent at the hotel.  Parents were provided with information on medical issues, educational strategies and important resources. 

Summer Camps
Camp 2012
Once again this summer, more than 125 youth and young adults with Williams syndrome enjoyed 1 or more camp weeks designed especially for them, at the WSA sponsored camps in Grand Rapids, MI and Boulder, CA.  Four separate camp weeks kept campers busy and happy with many different activities and specialized programming.

Williams Syndrome Association Medical Procedure Assistance Fund

The WSA is pleased to announce a new fund to help families.  The Medical Procedure Assistance fund is a needs based fund providing families with financial support for non-covered expenses associated with essential medical treatments for their child(ren) with Williams syndrome.  Examples* of covered expenses include:
  • Travel expenses for out of town procedures (gasoline and/or mileage expenses, air travel etc.)
  • Overnight lodging for families when a child is hospitalized out of town
  • Respite services for siblings while parents are out of town with their child with Williams syndrome 

Other related expenses will be considered on request. 


*Level of support may vary in accordance with financial need  

A Special Welcome!
Jennifer O'Byrne, WSA Volunteer and Event Coordinator, and her husband Brendan welcomed their third child, Declan Tomas O'Byrne, on August 7th.  Many of us present at the National Convention, thought Declan might make his appearance in Boston, but it turned out he was just kidding.  Not only did he wait until Jennifer got home, he kept everyone waiting for another 4 weeks.  Both Jennifer and Declan are doing fine.  Jennifer will be out of the office on maternity leave until September 17th.  Please direct any volunteer or event questions to info@williams-syndrome.org.

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