ONE Day... You'll Learn!!

Abortion Recovery InterNational
announces a
    1 Day Registration Option 
for the  
SHARE Symposium

Abortion Recovery InterNational has been asked to offer a 1 Day Registration option for our upcoming SHARE Symposium.   
The requesting ARIN Partners have a desire to seek and save those that are lost after a previous abortion choice. They simply can not clear their work schedules to attend a three day conference. Our goal is to accomodate where possible and give them an amazing opportunity to participate, share and to LEARN!

A VERY LIMITED number of single day registrations are therefore now available.

If you have hesitated to enroll for the Symposium, because it conflicted with your work schedule ... this opportunity might be helpful.


Those wishing to take advantage of this opportunity need to contact ARIN prior to registering. You may email us at: Priority will be given to active and current ARIN Affiliates.


Key upcoming Symposium dates:
  • Regular registration rates and hotel discounts expire on June 15th!  
  • Late registration begins June 16th.  
  • Symposium registration close on June 30th.

You'll want to jump on these opportunities before time runs out!


ONE Day...You Learn! We promise! Join us in Southern California and see for yourself!


Come Aboard...


Stacy Massey
President / Founding Partner
Abortion Recovery InterNational, Inc.  


SHARE Symposium

Registration Information
on the

Symposium website:  SHARE Symposium 




Top image = marine flag for the number 1!

Abortion Recovery InterNational (ARIN) is a Christian association of peer and professional counselors

helping to restore lives and relationships after abortion.


         We Are...
  • Encouraging and Extending healing opportunities to those hurting after abortion.
  • Enlightening society on the affects of abortion on individuals and families
  • Educating others through continued education, conferences and specialized training and awareness opportunities.
  • Establishing and Equipping a world-wide association of Abortion Recovery CARE* Centers/Teams united in mission, cohesive in nature and similar in practice.   *Compassionate Abortion Recovery Efforts



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