Thank God I'm Forgiven = TGIF


"I would never do what you have done. I would never murder my child.
You'll never be forgiven for THAT!"



Those words cut through my heart as they were thrown at me across a room, like a javelin is thrown across a field. Judgement, condemnation, shame, guilt, grief... the floodgates of emotions again rose to the surface of my heart. If I had known about the recovery process then, I would have sat that person down and loving explained what my God was capable of. Aaahhhh, what a difference time makes! 


My quote on an upcoming movie website says, 


"October Baby touches home and leaves imprints on your heart!" 


I meant those words, not just because I personally have experienced abortion... but because I know what it feels like to be forgiven for that "choice" and the release that comes with forgiving others of the same. The Lord's gift of forgiveness has left imprints on my heart for Eternity. It truly is a priceless gift. I have been forgiven for THAT! And so can others...


When we speak of forgiveness, we must include forgiveness toward those that have wronged us, toward those we have wronged... and even forgiveness toward ourselves.

For the woman or man who has been impacted by abortion, either directly or indirectly, often the act of forgiving oneself is the hardest. Christian women come into our support groups saying they know God has forgiven them, but they just can't forgive themselves. The recovery process helps with those feelings of guilt, shame and grief. 


October Baby opens tomorrow in theaters across the United States. The general public has not seen television advertisements or media blitz, like are often seen regarding movie releases. But because of the imprints left on the hearts of those that have seen it, word of mouth will propel this film into a category all of it's own.


Hits to the ARIN CARE Directory, over the past two months (since being added to the movie "Immediate Help" webpage) have increased by 50%. Over 7,502 people have reached out through our "Hits for Help" pages in just the last eight weeks. Last years requests were just above 5,000 for the same time period. Key point here is... the movie hasn't even been launched yet in theaters. God's moving mountains ladies and and see! 


So.. if you haven't seen October Baby yet, here's the link to the theaters: TheatersBuy some tickets for your whole family, your whole street... geez, get your whole church or neighborhood to go!


If you provide Abortion Recovery Support and want to help us, help those that are hurting... please complete an online application to affiliate with ARIN!


Here are the details:


1) Download our Membership Benefits and Options here: Membership Benefits


2) Once you've reviewed the membership and benefit download, go to our online application here:  ARIN Online Application for Affiliation


3) Complete the application


4) And use our PROMO CODE: OctoberBaby to receive a discount on Partnership fees! FYI: tomorrow is the last day to use the promo code.


If you should have any questions, please feel free to email us at: Promo Questions


May you reach out to those who have hurt you with the message of "forgiveness" and may you ask our Heavenly Father and those you've wronged for the same grace and mercy. And while you're at it, walk in front of that mirror... the one you look into everyday, and this time say.... "Self, I forgive you!"...  It may just change your life.


TGIF: Thank God I'm Forgiven,

Stacy Massey
President / Founding Partner 
Abortion Recovery InterNational, Inc. 


Special thanks to those already registering for the upcoming Symposium.  We've had an outrageous response there as well. We can't wait to see you all in California in July!



 SHARE Symposium   

Early registration ends March 31st... be sure to register soon!
ARIN in new colors, long name  

Abortion Recovery InterNational (ARIN) is a Christian association of peer and professional counselors

helping to restore lives and relationships after abortion.


         We Are...
  • Encouraging and Extending healing opportunities to those hurting after abortion.
  • Enlightening society on the affects of abortion on individuals and families
  • Educating others through continued education, conferences and specialized training and awareness opportunities.
  • Establishing and Equipping a world-wide association of Abortion Recovery CARE* Centers/Teams united in mission, cohesive in nature and similar in practice.   *Compassionate Abortion Recovery Efforts




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