It's Been 39 Years...

Jeremiah 30:17

"For I will restore health unto you, and I will heal you of your wounds, saith the  Lord."


As others are networking in DC at the March for Life, my phone rings endlessly off the hook with calls from those hurting. The weeks surrounding the March for Life in DC and the Walk for Life in San Francisco are always big weeks for our CARE Line. Add to that the increased use of the word "abortion" in the media, with all the election coverage, and people across the country are being "triggered" with thoughts of a past choice.


If you've ever wondered what kinds of thoughts go through the hearts and minds of those impacted by abortion, please feel free to visit our message boards:  ARIN Message Boards.
Bottom line is.... It's time! The time has come to heal! Today starts the 40th year since the Roe vs Wade verdict. Don't you think we're about due to restore our nations?


Time to heal our friends and family. Time to heal our communities, our states and our nations of the emotional and psychological pain of abortion. Time to restore lives and relationships throughout our globe.


But how?

It takes all of us to accomplish such a feat. Every last one of us! Working together to heal those wounded from the many risky behaviors we experience today. Addictions, eating disorders and personal cutting. The fascinations with pornography and involvement in the sex industry. All of which are often behaviors established out of the pain of a past abortion.
Tip Idea #1) If you are pro-life organization, church, blogger, media personality, public speaker, etc... and you share information regarding abortion; make sure you alway include a link, phone number and/or email to to help those that read or hear your message to find hope and healing. will allow those hurting to input their zip code and be matched with one of our many affiliates in their area who provide post-abortion support. Reaching one of our affiliates is often the first step in the recovery process. The end result changes lives! Praise God!
Empowering YOU, and those you know, on how to reach out to those hurting is a KEY GOAL for our ARIN Team in 2012. We'll be addressing sharing more tip ideas, discussing ways to offer assistance and all sorts of new educational tools through: 

empower, the new ARIN blog can be found here: 


So, bookmark the address, check in a couple times a week and share your thoughts. If you're interested in being a guest blogger or having a more permanent role... let us know. We'd love your input as we move forward with this new communication tool.
We'd like to publicly thank Tim Layton (son of our own beloved Pat Layton), of Crazy Tree Media for his creative assistance in getting our blog up and running. If you need any blogging assistance, give Tim a shout at:  Crazy Tree Media


A few members asked if we could extend the cut off for Affiliation Updates until the end of January due to the holidays. We'd love to obliged the last few of you who just couldn't get the time to update your partnership. Here's the link again: JoinARIN.  
Please complete your Affiliation Update by the end of January 2012,
so that we may wrap up our Ministry Report for the year.

We greatly appreciate those of you who have already completed the request. Thank you for your time. Further information regarding updating memberships, or joining ARIN for the first time, can be found here: Affiliate Steps to Update or Join


Our extended sympathies to those individuals and families who may be hurting and our heartfelt thanks to those willing to offer a hand of hope. Healing is on the forefront for 2012...
It's time...
Stacy Massey
President / Founding Partner
Abortion Recovery InterNational, Inc.

Don't forget to mark the dates for the SHARE Symposium 2012 ~ July 16-18th in Long Beach, CA. Our presenters, facilitators bios and topics are now posted. Things are coming together quite nicely for the event. We're honored to have such a wealth of knowledge and networking to look forward to. Drop in an look around:  SHARE Symposium


ARIN in new colors, long name  

Abortion Recovery InterNational (ARIN) is a Christian association of peer and professional counselors

helping to restore lives and relationships after abortion.


         We Are...
  • Encouraging and Extending healing opportunities to those hurting after abortion.
  • Enlightening society on the affects of abortion on individuals and families
  • Educating others through continued education, conferences and specialized training and awareness opportunities.
  • Establishing and Equipping a world-wide association of Abortion Recovery CARE* Centers/Teams united in mission, cohesive in nature and similar in practice.   *Compassionate Abortion Recovery Efforts



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