"Free Ride" 


"I have to tell you how exciting this is. Since we joined ARIN within the last month we have had several inquiries. Thank you again for the great work that you are doing."   

~ Julie Weber, Liberate Ministries, MN



Do you have an Abortion Recovery Program, but just aren't getting calls or requests for help? 


Do you encourage your volunteers to seek post-abortion assistance somewhere else, because your agency isn't ready to offer abortion recovery support?


Do you truly wish to start an Abortion Recovery Program, but just don't know where to begin?


If you are not yet an ARIN Affiliate but have been considering it...  


We are offering an end of the year special for NEW MEMBERS or for RETURNING MEMBERS who's membership may have lapsed! The last quarter for 2011 is FREE!


That's right... You can join ARIN during the months of October, November and December for FREE! 

Once your new or updated application is received, we'll invoice your organization to be paid within 14 days. You'll pay only for 2012! For some of you... that's 13-15 months of membership for the cost of 12 months!  




Our membership structure has changed for 2012, thanks to some great suggestions by our Affiliates. 

  • We've reduced the number of Partnership levels available. Too many choices were confusing.
  • We've reshaped the levels to accomodate different annual budgets of organizations that affiliate with ARIN. 
  • We've also added an opportunity for more than one person to affiliate from each agency. This will prove to be very beneficial for those organizations with multiple Abortion Recovery Leaders.
  • We've also given HUGE discounts for having multiple sites/centers. We hope this will encourage agencies to list ALL their satellite church sites, multiple pregnancy and resource centers, etc. 
  • We hope these few changes will help to better meet the needs, or not only our Affiliates, but of the over 40,000 individuals and families that contact us each year for help.

In addition to the new "tier" changes, we're creating a special website JUST for ARIN Affiliates to network with each other. Each Abortion Recovery Leader may choose to have her own personal profile which can be shared, or not share, with other Leaders. A Leaders Directory is being established just for Affiliates... and will NOT be similar to the CARE Directory. Lots of new things coming in 2012.


EVERY ARIN MEMBER will need to complete a NEW Affiliate Application as they'll need to pick the new "level" that is best suited for their agency. Active Affiliates, please start reviewing the new tiers and see which one will be meet the needs of your agency!


We greatly appreciate hearing from you as to how we can better meet your needs. We hope that these new tiers of Partnership will make it easier, and more cost effective, for your agency to join the ARIN Network, or continue in your Affiliation for 2012. Check out the new membership levels here!


Then feel free to click JOIN ARIN and get your 2011-2012 Affiliation started or your new "Partnership Level" selected.


Please feel free to pass this email onto someone else you may know who is providing Compassionate Abortion Recovery Efforts. There is never enough of us offering and encouraging the Grace of our Father and the healing that only He can provide.


Thank you for your continued support of Compassionate Abortion Recovery Efforts! 


We just can't do it without you!!



President / Founding Partner
Abortion Recovery InterNational, Inc.

Don't forget to mark the dates for the SHARE Symposium 2012 ~ July 16-18th in Long Beach, CA.

More information can be found on the SHARE Symposium website. 


ARIN in new colors, long name  

Abortion Recovery InterNational (ARIN) is a Christian association of peer and professional counselors

helping to restore lives and relationships after abortion.


         We Are...
  • Encouraging and Extending healing opportunities to those hurting after abortion.
  • Enlightening society on the affects of abortion on individuals and families
  • Educating others through continued education, conferences and specialized training and awareness opportunities.
  • Establishing and Equipping a world-wide association of Abortion Recovery CARE* Centers/Teams united in mission, cohesive in nature and similar in practice.   *Compassionate Abortion Recovery Efforts


1-866-4-MyRecovery    info@arininc.org 

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