The Paw Print Newsletter masthead 

 September 25, 2012                                                                                       Volume 3   Issue 19

In This Issue
Featured Feline
Compatible Canine
Moolah-Paw-Looza Winners
We Asked, You Answered
Happy Tail
Notable Quote

September 29

Adoption Event


4810 First Ave. NE

Cedar Rapids



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October 4

Volunteer Orientation

Gage Memorial Union

Coe College

1220 First Ave NE

Cedar Rapids





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October 6

Pumpkin Festival

Earl May

1200 Edgewood Road SW

Cedar Rapids



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October 27

Adoption Event


4810 First Ave. NE

Cedar Rapids



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October 28



Cedar Rapids

Both Locations


Featured Feline:

Ashes originally came to us as a stray at the beginning of May, but she was brought back to us in mid-September because her owner was moving and couldn't keep her. Ashes loves to lie in her raised bed and watch the world around her. If she thinks she will get petted, though, she will gladly step forward for a good cuddle session! Ashes is full of love and ready to give it to some lucky person or family!
Compatible Canine:

Daisy transferred into our care from another shelter in mid-September. She was originally surrendered because she was not getting along with the other dog in the family. Daisy is a playful pup who loves to play with sticks! She knows a few commands, like sit. Say "Nice to know you," and she might just offer her paw to shake! Even though we recommend she be the only dog in the family, she does seem to get along okay with cats. She also does well with children and people she doesn't know. Come meet this sweet girl today!

Please come visit me and my friends!

Saturday and Sunday:

7411 Mt. Vernon Rd. SE Cedar Rapids
(319) 362-6288

Also, we ALWAYS have cats at PetSmart in Cedar Rapids!

PetSmart hours:
Mon-Sat: 9am-9pm

Sun: 10am-6pm
 Second Chance Thrift Store storefront
Second Chance Thrift Store


617 Center Point Road NE
Cedar Rapids
(319) 365-1931

Donations Accepted Tuesday-Saturday:

All proceeds benefit homeless animals at the Cedar Valley Humane Society!
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Check out our website!



Chuck Tourtillott with RebaAt the Cedar Valley Humane Society, we believe that the best way to obtain a new pet is to adopt your new companion from our shelter.

You make a difference when you adopt from the Cedar Valley Humane Society both for the animal and yourself...because adding a pet to your family is a lifesaving and life-enhancing experience. Countless people have realized the therapeutic effects that can be gained through the human-animal bond.

Owning a pet is a lifetime commitment. If you're ready to provide a permanent, loving home for an animal, our staff and volunteers would be happy to guide you through the adoption process. We currently have 20 dogs and nearly 60 cats available for adoption, so there's sure to be one that's the right fit for your family. We hope to see you soon!


On behalf of the animals-

Chuck Tourtillott's signature    

Chuck Tourtillott
Executive Director


P.S. So far this year, we have provided refuge to more than 1,200 animals. We count on your support to help us take care of them until they can be adopted into forever homes. Please take a moment to donate now!

Congrats to our Moolah-Paw-Looza Winners!

Chuck Tourtillott with Regina Schmitt and granddaughter DevannRegina Schmitt of Marion is the $2,500 grand prize winner of our Moolah-Paw-Looza raffle!

"You gotta be kidding! I can't believe it!" said Regina when she heard the news. "I guess I better donate some of that back to the Humane Society!"

The three $1,000 prizes were won by Joyce Sandrock, Dr. and Mrs. James L. Stickley, and Anne Duffy, all of Cedar Rapids.

When Anne Duffy received the notification call, she knew immediately what she wanted to do. She refused the check, saying that she was donating it right back to the animals. We can't thank her enough for her generosity!

Congratulations to all of our winners, and thanks to everyone who supported us by purchasing Moolah-Paw-Looza raffle tickets!

All proceeds from Moolah-Paw-Looza support the Cedar Valley Humane Society's spay/neuter program for homeless animals.

Get Thrifty: Outfit Yourself for Fall

sweatersThe weather is beginning to get cooler, and the Second Chance Thrift Store has a wide selection of clothing perfect for the changing seasons.

Stop out and browse our great selection of men's, women's, and children's sweaters, sweatshirts, and fall outerwear. There are many styles, colors and sizes to choose from...and they're all buy one, get one free! That's's BOGO time, and you can mix and match these items all you want! You won't find a better deal than this anywhere, so bring the whole family and get outfitted for fall.

All proceeds from the Second Chance Thrift Store benefit the homeless animals at the Cedar Valley Humane Society.

We Asked, You Answered!
speech bubble

How does your dog (or cat) behave when he thinks he's going for a car ride?

John Moore: She goes crazy.

Camille Roth: They all act like idiots.

Cherie Kline: Hear the keys and it's a free-for-all...scratching at the door and barking...

Julie Fisher: My little guy flies out to the garage and throws himself into the door, then looks back with a big smile on his face. My older Heeler starts jumping up and waits for me to open the garage door. They also respond to "McDonalds" in the same way.

Erin Blockhus: All I have to say is "car ride" and my dog is waiting by the garage door with a waggy tail and smile. :)

Deborah Busching: He was wound tighter than an eight-day clock. Couldn't wait, even to go to the vet!

"Like" us on Facebook. You can find our page by searching "Cedar Valley Humane Society." Then stay tuned to see your responses in our E-news!

Volunteer Spotlight: Ken Allers

hand and pawKen Allers recently retired and has generously given Cedar Valley Humane Society some of his new free time. Ken has walked dogs, as well as helped at events, such as the North Liberty Doggie Plunge and Drives for Lives. Ken, along with two other volunteers, has helped create a new volunteer orientation packet, which will be rolled out at volunteer orientation within the next couple of months. Ken has also offered to help give a tour of the shelter to a group of students. Ken, we are so grateful for your many different strengths and honored to have you as one of our volunteers. Thank you for everything!

Happy Tail: Spock (now Raz): From Jumpy to Snuggly

I adopted Raz (formerly Spock) from the Cedar Valley Humane Society almost three years ago. He was found running down Highway 13 with a Raz and his best buddy, Capone the catchain wrapped around his leg and then spent the next four months waiting for a home. When I met him while volunteering on Labor Day weekend, I promised that if he didn't have a home by October 1, that I would take him. Well, that ended up being the case, and the rest is history!

Raz went from a kennel-crazy boy who jumped on all fours when people walked a dog who now snuggles up with perfect strangers. In addition to his three adopted dog siblings, he lives with three cats. His best friends are my pit bull, Freedom, and my cat, Capone.

Raz and I run about 2.5 miles around the lake, and then we finish the run with a dip in the lake (for him, not me). He still isn't really sure how to play with toys, but he loves to chew on bones and eat Frosty Paws dog ice cream.

Thanks for a great dog!


Stephanie F.

Remember, YOU can
send us your Happy Tail, too!


Notable Quote

A dog wags its tail with its heart.


-Martin Buxbaum


The Cedar Valley Humane Society is dedicated to building healthy relationships between people and animals, and eliminating cruelty, abuse and overpopulation of animals through education, adoption services and inspiring compassion for all living things.
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