The Paw Print Newsletter masthead 

 December 20, 2011                                                                                         Volume 2   Issue 26

In This Issue
Featured Feline
Compatible Canine
Holiday Hours
Tree of Hope
Facebook Challenge
We Asked, You Answered
Volunteer Spotlight
Happy Tail

December 20

Holiday Gift Wrapping

Barnes & Noble

333 Collins Rd. NE

Cedar Rapids


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December 23

Holiday Gift Wrapping

Barnes & Noble

333 Collins Rd. NE

Cedar Rapids


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January 5

Volunteer Orientation

Gage Memorial Union

Coe College

1220 First Ave NE

Cedar Rapids




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January 14

Adoption Event

Old Navy

345 Collins Rd. NE

Cedar Rapids


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February 2

Volunteer Orientation

Gage Memorial Union

Coe College

1220 First Ave NE

Cedar Rapids




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February 4

Whacked at da Wedding: A Comedy Whodunit

Clarion Hotel

525 33rd St. SW

Cedar Rapids

Cash Bar at 6pm

Dinner and show at 7pm


Featured Feline:

Theison was brought to us at the end of September because he wasn't getting along with the other cats in the household. He seems to get along fine with the cats here, but we still recommend that he be the only pet in the home. This sweetie loves to be picked up--you can tell because his purr-motor gets going. It's loud and doesn't stop! He loves his tummy rubs, too. Come meet him. Maybe he's the kiddo you've been looking for!
Compatible Canine:

Lightning came to us as a stray in mid-November. He is very calm in his kennel, but when you get him outside, you'll see how much energy he really has! This sweet boy is very playful and he would be great for a family with kids older than 10. (Just because he's so rambunctious!) He likes to run and would make a great jogging partner. Lightning would love, love, love a fenced-in yard to run around in, too! He seems to do well with other dogs, so if you're looking for a companion for your canine, consider Lightning!
Please come visit me and my friends!
Saturday and Sunday:

7411 Mt. Vernon Rd. SE Cedar Rapids
(319) 362-6288

Also, we ALWAYS have cats at PetSmart in Cedar Rapids!

PetSmart hours:
Mon-Sat: 9am-9pm

Sun: 10am-6pm
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Check out our website!



Bob Citrullo in Santa hatAh, the holidays. The spirit of giving is everywhere you look.

During this time of year, our hearts are especially stirred by stories of selflessness: anonymous donors who pay six months' rent so a family will have a place to live; a person who drops a real gold coin in a red kettle; an individual who funds a program to help senior citizens bring cats into their lives for companionship.

It's heartening to see how people in our community are moved to help those who are less fortunate than themselves. To those of you who have remembered the needy animals who come through our doors--animals who can't ask for help, who have no home to go to, who can't tell us they are hungry, or hurting--we thank you with all our heart.

If you haven't yet had a chance to fulfill your end-of-year-giving goals, we ask you to think of the nearly 2,000 animals we give care and refuge to each year. Our nonprofit organization is funded solely by the services we provide and by generous people in our community--people just like you.


Wishing you and yours a safe and warm holiday-

Bob Citrullo's signature

Bob Citrullo
Executive Director


P.S. It takes a lot of resources to provide for nearly 2,000 animals a year. Please take a moment to donate today. Every little bit helps!

Special Holiday Hours Begin

Christmas treeWe have special holiday hours that begin Christmas Eve! We will be open from 10am to 3pm on Christmas Eve and closed on Christmas Day. Regular hours will resume on Monday, December 26 and be in effect until New Year's Eve.

On New Year's Eve, we will once again be open from 10 am to 3 pm. We will be closed on New Year's Day and return to regular hours on Monday, January 2.

Our regular hours are Monday through Friday from noon to 7pm, and weekends noon to 5pm.

Tree of Hope Still Going Strong!

PETCO storefrontThere's still time to shop for your furry, scaly, and finny friends at PETCO in Marion and round up your purchase to support the Cedar Valley Humane Society!

You can round up to the nearest dollar...or keep rounding up, up, up! PETCO has fun stars that you can purchase for Donation stars at PETCO$5, $10, or $20 and post in their doorway to show your support for our shelter sweeties. It's an easy way to be a superstar and make a big difference in the lives of homeless animals in Linn County.

You can also meet a few of our adoptable animals between 10am-1pm on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. (PETCO will be closed on Christmas Day and New Year's Day.)

PETCO's Tree of Hope continues through the end of December, so donate early and donate often!

A HUGE thanks to PETCO for choosing us as their Tree of Hope recipient this year. And a HUGE thanks to you for your support!

Facebook Challenge: 2,012 "Likes" by 2012

We have fewer than 100 "likes" to go to reach 2,012 on Facebook!'s challenge time! Help us get to 2,012 "likes" by 2012. Haven't gotten around to joining us on Facebook? Just click on the Facebook logo, and we'll get you there! You gotta join us for adorable pet photos, event announcements, news, and the chance to talk about your fave thing--your own pets!

Share this e-newsletter with all your friends! Go on Facebook and share! 2,012 by 2012! We can do it!

We Asked, You Answered!
speech bubble

How do your pets react to and interact with your holiday decorations?

Jennifer McLean: Wreak havoc!! :)

Dan Kramer: Surprisingly, Jameson, formerly Hiccup, couldn't care less about the trees. He'd much rather knock over cups and swat at ankles.

Wendy Patterson: My cats eat the tree, lights, tree skirt, and they knocked the tree down! (it's a fake tree)

Lisa Sopousek McAtee: No tree in our home. My cat can't resist climbing it. We put garland around the stairs and our new kitten that we got at CVHS a month ago thought that it was the greatest toy ever!! Klinger went nuts jumping on the garland! He is so sweet and such a happy kitten!!!

Sara Swender: Thankfully they just ignore the tree and decorations.

Mandy Zieser: Our cat likes to bite the tree. We have ornaments on the bottom of the tree just for her.

"Like" us on Facebook. You can find our page by searching "Cedar Valley Humane Society." Then stay tuned to see your responses in our E-news!

Volunteer Spotlight: Heidi Hansen

hand and pawHeidi Hansen has been giving us a hand with so many things! Heidi photographs animals for our website, as well as taking pictures at special events, such as Dog-O-Ween. Recently, Heidi took holiday photographs at our open house and with Santa during PetCo's Tree of Hope. She also has assisted with other special events with anything that's needed.

Whenever Heidi is at the shelter, she has to give the animals some extra attention, too, whether it's taking a dog for a walk or scratching a cat or two (or seven) behind the ears. Thank you, Heidi, for being so generous with your time and talents. The animals appreciate it!

Happy Tail: Zeus is a Chief Source of Happiness for Family

Our family is very excited for the season and all the joy it brings. Zeus, in particular, is one of the chief sources of happiness that we currently have. He is a continuous supply of love, affection and exuberance in our lives and we couldn't imagine life without him.

On October 2, we celebrated one year of bringing Zeus home with us. Since we don't know for sure what his actual birthday Zeus and familyis, we decided it would be this date. He had a fabulous day playing with his two best Golden Retriever friends, Lilly and Daisy (Cathy's parents' dogs), and eating Frosty Paws Ice Cream treats (Zeus' favorite)! Talk about a happy boy!

The three of us have gotten along wonderfully over the last year. Zeus fit in so quickly; it felt like we had had him forever. Our first few months were spent trying to get Zeus to trust us as his new family. This little guy had some abandonment issues. Whenever we would try to leave the house, Zeus would cry, shake, and shred things. So, to help him ease into his role as a pampered pup, he started spending the day with Cathy's mom and her two Golden Retrievers. This helped tremendously! After a few months, Zeus began to trust us and now, we're happy to report, Zeus is totally fine with staying home alone. Of course, he would rather be with people, and we never leave him alone for long periods of time, but now he is comfortable enough to simply sleep through our absence. YAY!

Zeus is also a very active boy, which means that he and Cathy have a lot in common. They are constantly taking walks at the park, visiting friends and going for car rides. Zeus goes everywhere with his mom! We are currently training for a 5K in the spring which Zeus will run with us. We are convinced training is his faviorite part of the day, as Zeus is quite the runner. We tucker out long before he does!

Zeus is such a blessing in our lives, and we want to thank you so much for choosing us to be his forever home. We couldn't be happier with him and love him very much!

Thanks again, and Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Cathy and Casey M.

Remember, YOU can
send us your Happy Tail, too!


Notable Quote

Cats are smarter than dogs. You can't get eight cats to pull a sled through snow.


-Jeff Valdez


The Cedar Valley Humane Society is dedicated to building healthy relationships between people and animals, and eliminating cruelty, abuse and overpopulation of animals through education, adoption services and inspiring compassion for all living things.
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