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In This Issue
Featured Feline
Compatible Canine
Crazy Critters Update
Come Visit Us!
Adopt-a-Shelter-Dog Month
Calling all BAKERS!
Volunteer Spotlight
Happy Tail
Mid-Week Inspiration
Featured Felines:
Finn & Sleeping Beauty
Finn is a funny boy who came to the Cedar Valley Humane Society as a stray in June. He loves to explore and is great with all other cats and kids. He is a well-rounded cat that would fit in perfectly with any family. His "girlfriend" (kennel mate) is Sleeping Beauty (below) and they have formed a close bond. Sleeping Beauty is a mellow, affectionate cat who balances out Finn's outgoing personality well. She found shelter with us as a stray, too. We hope that these two can go to the same home! Come meet this dynamic duo today!
Compatible Canine:
This sweet, young Terrier-mix pup came to the Cedar Valley Society in September as a stray from Palo. She is ready and willing to join right in to a family that can give her the love and attention she deserves. Be aware that because of her age and breed she will have a fair amount of energy and may be a bit intense for small children to handle. The ideal companion or family for Jesse would have a fenced-in yard for her to run in or the ability to walk her daily. We love Jesse and know you will, too! Come meet her today!

 Crazy Critters Update!
Currently, at the Cedar Valley Humane Society we are housing some very unique homeless pets. Come meet Herman, a Red-bellied Short-necked turtle and Spritz and Spratz, a pair of Degus waiting for their forever homes in our front lobby at 7411 Mt. Vernon Rd. SE.
 Pet-O-Ween Quickly Approaching!
Cedar Valley Humane Society and Theisen's present the 8th Annual Pet-O-Ween pet Halloween costume contest! Surprise Cedar Rapids "Celebrity" judges will determine winner of various categories. Winners will receive prizes and recognition in our E-newsletter!

Who: You and your animal companion
What: Costume contest
When: Sunday, October 24th, 1 pm (registration beginning at 10 am)
Where: Theisen's Home-Farm-Auto, 3111 16th Ave SW
Why: To celebrate the holiday while supporting the Cedar Valley Humane Society!
How: Sign up in advance at Theisen's or the day of the event
Cost: $7 (includes $5 gift card to Theisen's)

Don't forget: adoptable dogs will be present, pet photos will be taken, a bake sale will ensue. It will be a fun-filled day for all!

**All proceeds to directly benefit the Cedar Valley Humane Society
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Check out our website!
Please come visit me and my friends!
Mon, Thurs, Fri:
11am- 6pm
Saturday: 10am-4pm
Sunday: 12pm-4pm

 7411 Mt. Vernon Rd. SE in Cedar Rapids.
(319) 362-6288.

Also, we ALWAYS have cats at Petco and PetSmart in Cedar Rapids!

CVHS Petco hours:
Mon.- Sat: 9am - 9pm
Sun: 10am - 7pm

CVHS PetSmart hours:
Mon-Sat: 9am-9pm
 Sun: 10am-6pm

It's National Adopt-a-Shelter-Dog Month! We understand that it isn't reasonable for every individual or family to adopt a homeless pet. However, various means to help reduce the pet overpopulation problem exist. One of the greatest ways to contibute to the cause is through monetary means. Please Donate NOW! Thank you for your support!
October is National Adopt-a-Shelter-Dog Month! 
October is Adopt-a-Shelter-Dog Month and The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) suggests people who are looking for "man's best friend" to check out the millions of dogs at local 
Come meet our shelter sweetie, Astrid, today.
shelters across the country. However, responsible pet ownership requires more than simply agreeing to take an animal into
  Will you give Fifi a second chance?
your life; the potential adopter should be ready to make a commitment that will enhance the lives of both the human and the animal.

With nearly 10 million animals entering local shelters across the country each year the Adopt-a-Shelter-Dog Month helps focus attention on the pet population problem we face in this country.

Tupup is waiting patiently for a family to claim him

According to The ASPCA, people bringing a companion animal into their lives need to thoroughly review their lifestyle and

their readiness to take responsibility for the animal's care. The ASPCA advises people to consider the five questions below before they adopt a dog:

Mushi is the only Dachshund left at CVHS of the 19 we took in last month.
1. Am I ready to make a long-term commitment? Adopting a pet means being responsible for it's health and happiness for the rest of his or her life, which could be up to 15 years for dogs.

2. Is the animal right for my household? A strong, active pet may be too much for a young child or elderly person to handle. Small pets may be too delicate for rough play with children. Always make sure that everyone in the household agrees to adopt an animal.

Can you give Dale the loving home he deserves?

3. Who will be the primary caretaker for the animal? One adult in the home should be designated as the primary caretaker so that the pet's needs do not become lost in the shuffle of busy schedules.

Give Moses a happy ending after he got one of his legs amputated last month.

4. Can I afford the animal? The cost of a pet is more th

an just the purchase price or adoption fee; rememb

er to include the cost of food, pet supplies, veterinarian bills and training.

5. Am I ready to commit to making this dog a good canine citizen? A well-trained dog is a pleasure and is welcome in public parks, on walks, and as a visitor. Research shows that people who take the time to train their dogs are more likely to keep them longer than people who don't.

Looking for a dog to add to your family? Consider adopting a current resident of the Cedar Valley Humane Society!

*info. adapted from the ASPCA

Call to Action: BAKE for a Great Cause!
Pet-O-Ween is quickly approaching (see left side bar) and in order to make it a success we need assistance from caring community members who want to help our cause. We are planning to have a dog biscuitbake sale to raise proceeds to continue our high level of care for our shelter sweeties. Could you bake and donate goods for this event? You can bake and donate treats of the human variety OR pet variety. If you are willing to help, just e-mail Sarah with what you can make. Drop them off the morning of the event, Sunday October 24th, at 9:30-10 AM at Theisen's on 16th Ave. SW OR at the Cedar Valley Humane Society the night before the event at your convenience. We thank you in advance for your continued support!

speech bubbleWe Asked, You Answered!
What do you think the ideal laws should be regarding "backyard breeders?"

Heidi Karr: Pay an annual breeders license fee and review an annual statement of reason for breeding, then there should be a tax on every puppy born, and a limit of litters with a promise to spay/neuter after breeding is complete.Second option: illegal.
Sage Skogman Roby:
should not be allowed at all!
Sarah Larison: Illegal. I think the term "backyard breeder" implies lack of regard for breed standards or appropriate reasoning for breeding. Usually intended to only create a profit, show children the "miracle of birth," or sometimes by complete accident. There should be no negotiating for people who fit into this (broad) definition. Don't shop, adopt.
Elizabeth Carnicle:don't think it should be allowed period. Living creatuers should not be a source of income (I know some one is going to point out adoption costs - it goes back into taking care of other animals waiting for homes so it's not the same thing). There are too many homeless cats & dogs already. More animals born, means more animals die...

Add us as a Facebook friend (CedarValley HumaneSociety) to give your input, then tune in next time for more of YOUR responses!
hand and pawVolunteer Spotlight: Cindy Foss
Cedar Valley Humane Society sincerely thanks Cindy Foss for her hard work helping our animal shelter!  Cindy started volunteering by walking and exercising our dogs.  In the past few months, she has also assisted with many different Cedar Valley Humane Society events, such as Pet Zone during the Freedom Festival, the Farmer's Market, PetCo, etc.  Cindy is great at communication and always lets us know when she can and cannot help at events.  Cindy is a true asset to the organization.  Thanks, Cindy!

If you want to volunteer or intern, just ask us how!
Happy Tail: Rocky
Dear Humans and Cedar Valley Humane Society,

My new family came to your shelter after losing a beloved member of their family, Pounce the Cat, to severe asthma. They were playing with a few different cats in an adoption room and handing preciousout treats as they got to know the different personalities. The other cats were hogging all the treats and I got stuck behind, so I settled for nap in a nearby chair. My parents noticed how calm I was even with all the other commotion and as the petted me I stood up to "purr." When I opened my big, beautiful green eyes for them to see, the deal was sealed. They chose me as their new companion and now I live in a happy home where I get plenty of love and attention. I live in a big house with many chairs and sofas to nap on and I even get brushed often. My favorite! Thank you for being there for me when I needed a temporary home until I found my forever home, Cedar Valley Humane Society. I am very happy now and hope all the other homeless cats will find the same happy-ending I did! Thank you!


Remember, YOU can send us your happy tail, too!
Sammi (Carfrae Kitten)Love of animals is a universal impulse, a common ground on which all of us may meet. By loving and understanding animals, perhaps we humans shall come to understand each other. -Louis J. Camuti
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