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Each week Companions shares upcoming events and activities of this caring community of Christian faith for all people. If you enjoy Companions, please forward this to friends and neighbors so they can become our companions as well. We want to build this online community of faith!
Weekend At-a-Glance
Pentecost 10
"In the Dust of the Rabbi"
Saturday, August 20
>5:30pm: Crossroads Communion
Contemporary and intimate Communion worship
Sunday, August 21
> 8:30am: Classic Communion
>9:45am: Coffee Hour -- SCRIP table open
Adult Bible Study: Weekly Gospel Texts
>10:45am: Praise Communion
>7:00pm: Holy Ground Communion
Click Here to see the weekly parish schedule and news |
The Word This Weekend
Pentecost 10
Isaiah 51:1-6
Psalm 138
Romans 12:1-8
Matthew 16:13-20
We continue to follow in "the Dust of the Rabbi." During the long green season called "Ordinary Time." Our lessons reflect on the will and way of God as centered in Rabbi Jesus, the Son of God and Savior of all.
The prophet bids people to look to their spiritual ancestors as the rock from which they were hewn. Jesus declares that the church will be built on the rock of Peter's bold confession of faith. God's word of justice and mercy are keys to the church's mission. Paul urges us to not be conformed to this world, but to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, using our individual gifts to build up the body of Christ. From the table we go forth to offer our spiritual worship through word and deed.
Prayer of the Day:
O God, with all your faithful followers of every age, we praise you, the rock of our life. Be our strong foundation and form us into the body of your Son, that we may gladly minister to all the world, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.
NOTE: For more detailed discussions of this week's lessons,visit
"The Text This Week" website at |
O Lord, hear our prayer...
One important way to express our companionship in Christ is to pray daily for the church, the world, and all those in need. Click here for the latest prayer list on the FLCS website. If you wish to make a request for prayer, click here .
Into your hands, O Lord, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your mercy, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.
Pastor Jared and
Sister Laura Carson
invite you to join them
for the Baptism of
Andrew David
Sunday, September 4th
8:30am Worship Service
First Lutheran Church
Torrance, CA
A reception will follow
in the courtyard |
National Youth Gathering
It is with much excitement that we tell you about the ELCA National Youth Gathering that will take place July 18-22, 2012 in New Orleans.
Every three years, the ELCA offers an opportunity for young people from all over the country to come together for worship, prayer, learning, service, and fun. This gathering will be in New Orleans to learn about the new house God is building, "a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you also are built together spiritually into a dwelling place for God." (Ephesians 2:21b-22). The theme, Citizens with the Saints, will invite participants to practice discipleship, peacemaking, and justice as we dwell together as "one new humanity," remembering who we are in Christ and acting in response by forming faithful, wise, and courageous leaders.
Youth Gathering registration deadline: This coming Sunday - forms and a deposit of $150 dollars are due. Contact Sister Laura for more information or to make a donation. The 2011-12 school year will be filled with fundraisers - please help us out and participate in these events! |
Dave Ramsey is coming to LA!
September 24th, 2011!
Dave will present his Total Money Makeover course at the Long Beach Convention Center Areana, from 1-6pm.
Normally the tickets are $47. Because First Lutheran hosted the Financial Peace University Course I got a discount and can sell them for $25 a piece!
Bring your spouse, your kids, tell your friends and neighbors, or your broke "Aunt Sally" - thanks Dave. This could be the moment to "change your family tree" or help someone else take back their financial freedom from debt. This is the time to learn how to "live like, no one else; so that later you can live, like no one else."
Contact Pastor Jared to purchase tickets. |
Faith Hall Construction Underway!
Pardon our dust! Tom Motta and his dedicated crew are hard at work in the demolition phase of Project Faith. Take a moment this weekend to view their progress, and please continue your faithful support of this important project with your prayers and financial support.
FLCS Holy Land 2012 Planning
Pastor Hurst is planning a study tour to the Holy Land, probably in November 2012, including visits to Galilee, Jordan, Judea and the Dead Sea. We will also visit Lutheran ministries in the region.
More than 50 persons have indicated their interest so far. If you would like to consider participating in this travel opportunity, please e-mail Pastor to indicate your interest at, or by phone to the church office. |
| Click here to give now | Online Giving
A New Way to Give
First Lutheran Church and School is making it easier than ever for families to be generous with the financial gifts God has entrusted to them. Now one-time gifts or recurring donations can be made, securely, online! You don't event need to create an account to make a one time gift! Knowing that people carry cash or their check books less and less, we believe many people will find this a convenient way to manage giving.
You can go online now and create an account to make recurring donations (no account is needed to make a one-time gift). In the coming weeks, we will open the computer lab and provide assistance for those who want to set up an account for recurring donations.
First Lutheran Church and School Mission: We seek and make disciples in the saving way of Jesus
called and sent to serve and speak God's love in daily life.
Vision: A caring community of Christian faith for all people
A ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America |