The Consciousness Collaborative
"Guiding clients toward greater personal awareness"
April 2011 Newsletter

Consciousness Collaborative Update


Register for Upcoming Classes & Events 




Getting a Taste of What You Deserve

April 16th 


Monthly Meditation
April 20th



 Parenting As Path

April 30th



What's Next?! Workshop  Summer Intensive


June 17th-19th 



Rousing Intuition Workshop

June 24th - 26th 

Live the Life You Want 

blue flowered path

What's Next?!  A Night of Discovery  


In the film, Field of Dreams, the hero was told, "if you build it, they will come."  The same is true for you.  The question is, what do you want to build?  And what limiting belief is stopping you?
For many, A Night of Discovery has been a stepping stone to participating in the What's Next?! Workshop series, which has been described as: "transformational - incredibly exhilarating and growth producing - and a forum to make life-long changes."
Take the first step to building and fulfilling your own dream. 


Register On-Line

 What's Next?! 

A Night of Discovery

April 4th ~ 7pm -9pm

Facilitated by:  

Joanne Lutz 

Creator of the  

What's Next?! Programs


WNW summer intensive

What's Next?! Workshop

Summer Intensive 

WARNING:  If you are not prepared to change your life, DON'T sign up for this workshop!

However, if you are seeking meaningful and tangible change; if you want to meet the world from a different place; and if you wish to make decisions from your best self, the What's Next?! Workshop IS the program for you.  Participants have a proven track record of making huge shifts in their lives.  Every person who has put 110% of themselves into manifesting, using the tools and support provided by Joanne Lutz, creator of the What's Next?! programs, has yielded stellar results. You can, too!

For the first time ever, the What's Next?! Workshop is being offered as an intensive summer program, rather than the traditional six-month version.  So, if you've been holding back because: "I don't want to drive in the snow" or "it's really hard during the school year" or "uggh, six months is just too long to commit," this is your chance make meaningful change over the course of three months.

Read what past participants have said about this program and learn more about what to expect for yourself, then...

Register On-Line Today!

What's Next?! Workshop

Discounted tuition if registered by

May 10th.

Save the Date

June 24th-26th

RI architechtural fun

Rousing Intuition Workshop 

Feeling crazed by the people in your life?  Learn to appreciate the style of your personal nemesis and explore ways to better recognize and trust the voice of your own intuition.  Through a series of playful, active, and artistic exercises lead by Beth Sutton, you may begin to experience yourself, and those who challenge you most,
in a new light.  Together, we'll discover the ways fear and judgment shut down our perception, and begin to open our ears to our own intuition.  This deep knowing, in turn, informs our insight and understanding and opens life-filled options for us - moment by moment.

Rousing Intuition Workshop 

June 24th-26th

Register before 

May 17th to receive discounted tuition 

Sign Up Today! 

Read what past participants say about this workshop.




of the


shiitake mushroom

Shiitake & Kale

A scrumptious way to eat your leafy greens.

Prep Time: 2 mins
Cooking Time: 10 mins
4 servings

- 1/2 pound shiitake mushrooms
- 1 tblsp olive oil
- 1-2 cloves of crushed garlic
- 1 bunch of kale, chopped
- pinch of salt

1.  Warm oil in pan on medium heat with minced garlic until aromas of garlic are released - about 2-3 minutes.
2.  Add chopped shiitake mushrooms, stir-fry for
5 minutes.
3.  Add chopped kale, stir-fry for a couple of minutes.
4.  Add a splash of water and pinch of salt to pan, cover and let steam for
4 minutes.

-Contributed by

Nathalie Blitz

of Vitamin N


of the
Week Contest 

Strictly Ballroom


"A life lived in fear  

is a life half lived." 


-Fran from the film  

Strictly Ballroom 1992  


Each week an informative, inspirational, provocative, or consciously amusing quote is posted to The Consciousness Collaborative home page and on our Facebook fan page.  We invite you to get involved!

If you have a favorite quote that you'd like to share, click here, fill out the form, and if selected you will be credited for sharing the prose!  If you've missed any of the great quotes that have been posted these past few months, read them here.

Thank you Stacy Lundquist, Linda Levi, Ray Bachand, and Amy Feinerman for sharing their favorite quotes this past month! 

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sitting with a friend

When I was in my 20's I had a friend who would call periodically for me to "talk her down off the ledge."  This was code language for "please listen to how I feel and help me to make sense of what's happening in my life."  When I felt on the edge, I called her with the same plea.  Every once in a while, though, I could sense in her voice a mirror of my own's hard work to be responsible to bring someone back to safety.

Ever received one of these calls?  A friend who's struggling with her husband; your brother who feels oppressed by his boss; or your child afraid that not going to the best college is going to be the end of the world...and when the call comes...what do you do?

If you're feeling as I did, your mission appears clear.  Get him or her in out of the cold and into the safety nest only you can provide.  So, off we go, how to accomplish this:

Option 1)  Fix it!  Find a way to solve the problem or explain how easily he/she can solve the problem by just...hmm...let's pause for a moment here.  How do you feel when someone tries to tell you how easy it is to "fix" your problem "if you would just..."  I don't know about you, but my teeth start grinding and I tune them right out.

Okay, let's move on to
Option 2)  Pat on the head.  "Oh, it will be okay, don't worry.  It will all work out.  You're getting all worked up for nothing."  Actually, for me this one is worse than fix it.  For me, it feels completely condescending when someone tells me not to feel what I feel.  Clearly, no one is listening in this scenario.

Option 3)  Help dig the hole that the jumper will land in.  This is a case of "yes-ing" someone to death.  Agreeing with all of the injustices, how the world is against them, and "the man" has really got control.  You can almost imagine yourself watching Dexter and every so often picking the phone up to say, "yeah, I hear ya."  Uggh!

In my 30's I experienced a paradigm shift relating to these calls.  While the plea might be "talk me down from the ledge," the true request is: "hang out on the ledge with me and be present."  This rights the universe on its axis; because, being present means there's nothing to do.  I can sit on the metaphorical ledge with hot chocolate and a blanket, and know that my grounded presence creates an invitation for my friend to find his own ground.  By listening, being genuine, noticing the patterns of what I hear, and tapping into my authentic curiosity, there is no action to take, nothing to fix, no one to rescue.

I encourage you to give ledge-living a try, rather than attempting to talk someone down off of it.  This respectful exchange builds intimacy - even when it feels hard or scary.  The connection to yourself and other becomes clean and clear, as each person remains responsible for her own feelings...his own journey. 

Looking forward to warm nights on the ledge,

Joanne Lutz
Third Option Coaching
Founder of The Consciousness Collaborative ~ ~ ph. 617-827-0803

Lisa AndrewsLisaAndrewsWelcoming     

Lisa Andrews of Equilibrium Retreats

We are proud to introduce the newest member of The Consciousness Collaborative, Lisa Andrews - creator of Equilibrium Retreats.

"Guide to Your Inner Athlete" 

To discover and manifest our inner athlete is a profound mind-body experience," explains Lisa.  "The resistance that keeps us from living in our personal best healthy body requires a willingness to notice what actions and beliefs keep us stuck in the same old groove, in addition to a commitment to making subtle, yet powerful, changes for our overall vitality."

Lisa approaches personal training by addressing each client as a whole being.  This includes lifestyle coaching, injury rehabilitation, all levels of sport/exercise performance, core conditioning, postural re-alignment and nutrition.  These elements combine essential mind-body education blended with tailored exercise allowing every client to utilize his or her body to its fullest potential with an emphasis on holistic balance.

For most of us, finding true balance is hard to discern objectively.  Lisa's gifted expertise guides you to manifest your potential - whether you've been a couch potato or a triathlete - she will help you to reach the next level and find your own "Equilibrium."

In addition to her local practice, twice a year Lisa facilitates Equilibrium Retreats at the beautiful PGA National Resort and Spa in West Palm Beach, Florida.  Each retreat invites participants of all levels to connect with their physical, emotional, and mindful health and vitality.  Through vigorous physical practice - designed to bring you into balance, increased breath awareness, clarified goals, and a genuine connection with self, participants experience increased energy and leave with training ideas and tools to use in daily life at home.   Lisa's unique program reveals, for each person, the obstacles blocking the path to fully living life and maximizing the athlete within.

To learn more about Lisa Andrews and the wide range of services she offers, check out her new page on our website or contact her directly via email or phone 781-RETREAT (738-7328) to schedule an appointment.


You Deserve Abundance


deserving relaxation

How do you get what you want, if you don't truly believe you deserve it.  If you've ever experienced not having your needs met, you may believe, in a dark corner of your being, that YOU didn't deserve to get what you needed.  It's okay for everyone else, but not YOU. 


Many of us live in scarcity.  We only eek out as much good feeling as we can tolerate.  Then we reach what Gay Hendricks refers to as our "upper limit problem."  When we just can't stand things going quite so well, feeling quite so good...and we sabotage our experience to get back to what we can feel comfortable deserving. 


This experiential class will explore what we've learned, how we respond when we feel we don't deserve something, and begin to forge a new pathway - a truth within - that we are deserving, even if we don't always get what we need.


Getting a Taste of What You Deserve?! is a self-contained class that is a perfect addition to the What's Next?! Workshop

series.  Ideal for someone stuck in an old paradigm of belief that you have to "pay your dues, " "give yourself away," or "don't deserve" love, connection, and happiness.


Treat yourself to the experience of deserving abundance.


Getting a Taste of What You Deserve

April 16th ~ 9am - 4pm


Register for the What's Next?! Workshop series at the end of this one-day event, and today's class is free! 


Getting a Taste of What You Deserve will be facilitated by Joanne Lutz, creator of all the What's Next?! Workshop programs.  



...And When There Is No  Village?

   You still deserve support!  


parent and child holding hands

It has become clichéd to say that it takes a village to raise a child - no one knows this better than parents in the trenches. But what happens when there is no village?  What then?  That is the situation most parents face every day.


If you are a parent with a desire to have that support and to "find the wisdom within the struggle" of parenting, I invite you to join me for the Parenting As Path one-day workshop on April 30th.


In the more than 40 years that I have been working with children and parents, I have talked with many parents about the challenges presented by the lack of community in our lives.  There is much the modern world offers and each of us treasures the independence of our lives, but it does come at a real cost.


What is it that community life offered in years past that we, in the modern world, experience as such a soul level loss?  Is it practical help with caring for the children?  Is it the relief of sharing the frustrations and delights with other adults who live in those same trenches?  Certainly those things are a critically important part of a healthy family life, but I believe another very important aspect of community is the availability of those who have walked the path of parenting before us - those who have walked it but who are no longer living in the intensity and relentless demands of the child-rearing years.


Why?  When we are in the "parenting-trenches" it is hard, if not impossible, to take the long view, and harder still to trust ourselves when the stakes are so high and the demands so relentless.  It is hard to know whether the explosive two year old or the outrageous 15 is just a passing phase, i.e. something you need to make peace with, or if the anger it rouses in you is your deep and wise alarm system letting you know help is needed.  Without the perspective that was once a given in the multi-generational village life, what do we have to help us distinguish between the normal frustration of our very human adult struggles, and the voice of our wisdom alerting us to a deeper need?


Time and space certainly help - but of all the things in short supply for parents, these two top the list!  So it becomes imperative to make better use of the time and space we do have.  Over the years, many parents I have consulted with - whether by phone or in person - have described the consultation experience as one that provided an expansion of time and space that they didn't believe possible.  In a life where everything seems urgent, they found a fresh perspective - not just any perspective, but one that brought their own wisdom to the forefront.


For parents:

  • wanting to learn to recognize their inner wisdom;
  • in need of a sense of space and breath;
  • interested in taking a broader view;
  • with specific concerns about your children and the family system...

Immerse yourself in a full day of "village" living, and find your path to a more joyful family life.


Parenting As Path 

April 30th ~ 9am - 4:30pm

Arlington, MA

Only 2 Spaces Left! 

Register ON-LINE


Read what parents say about working with Beth. 


- Contributed by Parenting Consultant, Beth Sutton 


Spring Cleaning

spring sweep 

 "You can clutch the past so tightly to your chest that it leaves your arms too full to embrace the present." 

-Jan Glidewell


People like "stuff."  We tend to hold onto it year after year.  We save and stock up on things that we don't know what to do with anymore.  Maybe we keep things because they hold precious memories of days gone by, or they remind us of our parents, grandparents, past loves or childhood.  To part with these precious possessions seems out of the question.  There is a saying that goes, "You have to get rid of the old to make way for the new."  If you are feeling stuck or stagnant in your life, try spring-cleaning.  Throw out some of that stuff, say goodbye to your past, and welcome the new energy of your happy, healthy future.


For good mental and physical health, we actually have two "houses" that need to be spring-cleaned: our physical homes and our physical bodies.  Just as we accumulate "stuff" in the form of outgrown clothes, magazines, rusty bicycles, tools and random keepsakes, so do our bodies accumulate old food residues and toxins that need to be cleaned out.


To spring clean your body, give it a break from rich and complicated foods by either cleansing or fasting for a short period of time.  Cleansing means paring down your food to just simple fruits and vegetables, lots of water and perhaps whole grains.  Fasting means limiting most foods and drinking lots of water, fresh vegetable and fruit juices, teas and soups.  Without much energy going towards digestion, more energy is available to the rest of your body and mind.  Cleansing and fasting can sharpen your concentration, help you gain insight and promote spiritual awareness.  It can also bring improved immune function and better digestion.


While you're cleaning out your body and home, don't forget to spring-clean your heart.  Throw away negative thoughts and habits you've been harboring that no longer serve you.  A clean, open heart will allow you to receive all the good that awaits you each and every day.  If your heart and mind are cluttered, there is no room for life's gifts and surprises to enter. 


-Contributed by Nathalie Blitz of Vitamin N


Food Focus: Greens 


greens at marketLeafy greens are some of the easiest and most beneficial vegetables to incorporate into your daily routine.  Densely packed with energy and nutrients, they grow upwards to the sky, absorbing the sun's light while producing oxygen.  Members of this royal green family include kale, collard greens, swiss chard, mustard greens, arugula, dandelion greens, broccoli rabe, watercress, beet greens, bok choy, napa cabbage, green cabbage, spinach and broccoli.

How do greens benefit our bodies?  They are very high in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous and zinc, and are a powerhouse for vitamins A, C, E and K.  They are crammed full of fiber, folic acid, chlorophyll, and many other micronutrients and phytochemicals.  Their color is associated with spring, which is a time of renewal and refreshing, vital energy.  In traditional Asian medicine, the color green is related to the liver, emotional stability and creativity.  Greens aid in purifying the blood, strengthening the immune system, improving liver, gall bladder and kidney function, fighting depression, clearing congestion, improving circulation and keeping your skin clear and blemish free.

Leafy greens are the vegetables most missing from the American diet, and many of us never learned how to prepare them.  Start with the very simple recipe below.  Then each time you go to the market, pick up a new green to try. Soon you'll find your favorite greens and wonder how you ever lived without them. 


-Contributed by Nathalie Blitz of Vitamin N


Meditation of the Month

Just Right Moment
just right moment
This simple mindfulness exercise was created for and incorporated into What's Next?! Workshop before the first class ever ran.  It's like a super highway to the essence of who you are - your core self.  Since introducing this easy and effective method, many members of The Consciousness Collaborative have shared this with clients.  Now I share it with you!

Begin with a few deep breaths.  Fill the belly, fill the chest, and let it go.

Now, bring to mind a moment in time when everything just lined up and you knew you were exactly where you were meant to be.  Your moment will be unique to your life experience.  Truly give yourself time find a moment that resonates deeply with you, and evokes a sense of "rightness" with who you are deep within.

Allow yourself to picture the moment, feel it in your body.  What was it like to be there?  What do you see, smell, hear, taste?  Become aware of the temperature of the air, and whether it is still, breezy, or gusting.  What do you notice about your breathing in this place?  How is the flow of energy in your body?  Is your body at rest or in motion in your Just Right Moment? 

Fully be there, with all of the connection that you feel, and know that this connection is always within you, simply waiting for you to remember.  Breathe into the feeling of your Just Right Moment and bring it with you throughout the day...knowing that it is always available to you.

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