Hello Stylists-
I am not sure how to start this letter other than saying, I am in awe. In awe of what has happened in less than a year and in awe of the opportunity you have before you. Jewel Kade is at the very beginning stages of sweeping the nation with an amazing product, and creating an opportunity that will change the lives of people from all over the country. One of those lives could be yours...it's all up to you.
I have witnessed people come on board with JK, tell a few friends about this amazing jewelry line, host an event and watch miracles happen. Many Stylists have never done anything like this before, and yet in a short period of time, have had success that is unheard of in this industry. What is it with this company? Why is this so different? What makes people want to jump on board with excitement and passion?
Simple...the products. People have a passion for these products and that passion is infectious. Everyone wants to share!
I am sure many of you know what I am talking about. You saw it and fell in love. You tried it on and thought....I can do this! Jewel Kade is unique, there's no doubt about it.
Let me give you an example;
Not too long ago I called a woman by the name of Sue Dickinson. She had seen someone wearing Jewel Kade at an expo and had to have it...of course. She hosted a party because she loved the idea of earning free JK and two of her friends decided that JK was right for them. She jumped on board, booked her launch and is on her way to recruiting 6 new Stylists (this is her goal for February.)Wow...right!!??!!
What I did not tell you is that Sue is busy...really busy. Too busy to add one more thing to her plate, too busy to recruit, host events and build a business. What changed her mind? The products. Her passion for these products led to her hosting a party, led to recruits, led to her sign up which ultimately led to her excitement. It's that simple.
February is here and the company has given us an amazing tool for recruiting. Now is the time to get our bookings in order and begin sharing the products. Think of your goals and what you want for the future. Think of the possibilities before you and begin. Share, have fun and discover what can happen!
February Promotion
Take advantage of the sponsoring promotion this month and build, build, build!!!
This is a perfect incentive to bring your new Stylists on board with a little extra bonus for them. The best part is that it costs you nothing!
From February 1st - 28th
Purchase the JK Stylist Starter Kit and receive the Kate Stamp and the 24"small ball chain with Swarovski Creamrose Pearl FREE. $30 Value.
Purchase the JK Executive Kit and receive the Kate Stamp, 24" small ball chain with Swarovski Creamrose Pearl and the Layering Pearl Necklace absolutely FREE. $70 Value
To maximize your sponsoring potential, go to: http://box.net/stylistoffice and print out our February Flyer!
Special February Team Promotion
In addition to the company wide promotion in February, I would like to offer all Stylists the opportunity to earn some FREE jewelry!
Maybe you signed the last couple days of the month or didn't take advantage of the 40% discount on the new collection. Here's a way to earn it...FREE!!
Want to play?
If so, here are the details:
1. Sponsor 2 people in the month of February
2. Get your 2 new Stylists to $500 in sales volume by the end of Feb.*
3.Your name will be in a drawing for the Double Hearts Necklace, the Layering Pearl Necklace, the Kate Stamp (up to 7 letters) with Swarovski Creamrose Pearl, and the 20" Pearl Necklace.
If you sponsor 4, your name will be added twice...and so on.
* All orders must be in by 11:59pm PST February 28th
Social Networking
Let's face it, we are all connected to the computer in some way shape or form. Why not make the computer work for you and spread the word about your business with Jewel Kade. Regardless of what one might think, Social Networking is a brilliant way for you to put the word out that you are in business. It is a way to tell not just one or two people about your business, but literally a way to tell hundreds, if not thousands of people about Jewel Kade!
I received a private message the other day from a friend I hadn't spoken to in years. Apparently she watches what I put on FB and has decided, after viewing the beautiful postings of jewelry, that she would like to become a JK Stylist! This can happen for you and everyone who joins your organization.
My husband, who happens to be one of the most creative people I know, spends many hours creating widgets for me to post to my FB profile. With a simple click of your mouse, you can post these beautiful widgets to your profile and share with your friends. Don't try to reinvent the wheel, friend me on FB and start sharing.
Local Meetings
Midland Michigan Team Training - February 24th @ 11:30am Grand Traverse Pie Company 2600 N. Saginaw Rd. Midland, MI 48640
Contacts - Kim Vogel (989) 284-4302 or Jill Ahearn (989) 430-2005
Southeastern Michigan Team Training - February 8th and March 8th @ 7pm
Holiday Inn Express - The Hamilton Room 35270 Woodward Ave. Birmingham, MI 48009 (248) 642-6200
Contacts - Sophia Fisher (734) 480-2377 or Suzan Vitale (248) 467-9007 - Bring a snack and anything you would like to drink
Regional Michigan Team Training - April 24th - 10am-1pm
Shaps Restaurant 2520 W Hill Rd Flint, MI 48507 (810) 232- 8727
- Sophia Fisher (734) 480-2377 - Julie Shangle (989) 615-9523 - Suzan
Vitale (248) 467-9007 and Kim Vogel (989) 284-4302
Denver Colorado Team Training - 1st Monday of each month @ 7pm
Mimi's Restaurant 14416 Delaware St Westminster, CO
Contacts - Khristy Silvas-Nash (303) 829-5481 or Lisa VonColln (303) 464-8076
Gulf Shores Alabama Team Training -Thursday February 18th @6:30pm
Starbucks - inside Target 3820 Gulf Shores Parkway Gulf Shores, AL 36542
Contacts - Lisa Hill (251) 223-2251 or Kristi Sawyer (251) 978-3013
Jewel Kade National Training Call
Saturday, February 20th @ 12n Eastern Time (218) 339-3600 - Access Code 105645#
For those of you who cannot make the local meetings, this is a great way to connect with the rest of our team. Please join us for training, and get to know other people from around the country!
Team Recognition
Top in Sales
December Renee Tekely $4945 Lisa VonColln $4373 Jill Ahearn $3409 Jennifer Diltz $3114 Heidi Galka $3028 Tanya Hamilton $2967
Top in Sponsoring
December Kristine Foulk - 2 Cheri Yegge - 2 Juli Fox Reem - 1 Adela Gonzalez - 1 Tanya Hamilton - 1 Angela Santopietro -1 Lauralea Taylor - 1 Renee Tekely - 1 Kim Thorell - 1
For those of you who placed catalog orders with JK, we have good news. Your orders were placed yesterday!
If for some reason you were unable to order, or forgot, we will keep you updated on any extras that Jewel Kade may have on hand.
If there are extras, all requests will be on a first come, first serve basis. I'll let you know when I know.
Please Email All Future Bookings
As word about your business spreads and you begin booking parties, please don't forget to email Christine all future bookings at: cmale@mac.com
Custom Photo Charms Playback Number: (712) 775-7199 Access Code:
324822# Interim Compensation Plan, 30-5-5 (712) 775-7299 Access
Code: 1007488#
potential Sponsors listen to this quick recording: National
Opportunity Playback Number: (712) 775-7199 Access Code:
314433#. These basic trainings are available:
Call 1: Host Coaching
and Conducting a Business Launch Playback Number: (712) 432-1590 Access
Code: 523287# Call 2: How to Secure Bookings Playback Number: (712)
775-7399 Access Code: 305360# Call 3: How to do a Party and building
a team. Playback Number: (218) 844-8799 Access Code: 297488# Call
4: Product Training with Janet Kinkade Playback Number: (218)
844-8799 Access Code: 476155# Call 5: Sponsoring 101 (part
1) Playback Number: (712) 432-1590 Access Code: 1063160# Call 6:
Sponsoring 101 (part 2) Playback Number: (712) 432-1590 Access Code:
518479# Call 7: The Stylist Office and Summary Form
Explained Playback Number: (218) 862-1099 Access
Code: 954246#
Your Stories
There are so many stories out there that haven't been heard...maybe it is your story. Maybe it's you, or someone you know who has struggled with the business, had a breakthrough and is having success. Maybe it is a great launch party you had and you'd like to share with us. It could be a special tip that you use to get bookings, recruits, etc...that could be helpful to others. Whatever it is, I would like to hear and share with our group. Please email me any success stories that you don't mind being shared with the team. We will feature these stories and interviews with every Team Newsletter beginning March 1st. Don't be shy and email me at sophiafisher@comcast.net