Date: Wednesday September 26th - Friday, September 28th
Products Exhibition Thursday, September 27th
Location: Lafayette, Louisiana
Louisiana Native and 2006 Design Conference Speaker Celebrates Oscar Win The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore
Former Speaker at the 2006 AIA Louisiana Design Conference William Joyce, is the author/illustrator of The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore - a 14-minute animated film. Joyce helped score a win for all of "Hollywood South" when he brought home the Oscar for best animated short at the 84th Academy Awards. Joyce, and Brandon Oldenburg, co-director, accepted the award and paid homage to their Louisiana roots during their acceptance speech saying, "We're just , like, these swamp rats from Louisiana," read more
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Join the ENERGY STAR Challenge 2012 Race to DC
 The ENERGY STAR Challenge is a call to action for architects to incorporate energy efficiency into their projects and achieve Designed to Earn the ENERGY STAR certification. This year EPA is asking AIA Chapters and organizations affiliated with design services to help by encouraging members to participate in the Race to DC. All Designed to Earn the ENERGY STAR projects must be submitted to EPA by April 4,2012. Read more |
March is AIA's Sustainability Advocacy Month
This month, the AIA will be sharing tools and resources to advocate on sustainability issues. Later this month, the International Green Construction Code (IgCC) is expected to be released, and many other resources and news pieces will be made available throughout the coming weeks. On this webpage, the AIA will post new information daily, including articles on AIA activities and links to new sites. Read more
The Fire Marshal Association of Louisiana & the Office of the State Fire Marshal presents
ABA-ADA Code Seminar
Dates and Locations
Baton Rouge - April 3, 2012
Harvey - April 11, 2012
Shreveport - April 16, 2012
Alexandria - April 17, 2012
Trade Mission Trips Planned for Mexico
A Match-Making Meeting for Business Opportunities
Local businesses wanting to build relationships with Mexico can look to trade missions planned this year by the LSU Ourso College of Business. The first mission will take place May 2-4 in Mexico City and will feature information in industries such as aerospace, agriculture, automotive, architecture, defense shipbuilding, railroads and heavy equipment. read more |

AIA APA and ASLA Lobby Congress Moving Forward on Transportation Legislation
 Three major design and planning organizations today urged Congress to include four necessary elements in pending transportation legislation to make it a successful catalyst for economic growth: (1) dedicated funding for mass transit; (2) federal support for multiple forms of transportation; (3) community planning empowerment and (4) certainty of secure funding. Read More |
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Vouchers for Portions of the ARE
 Grants to ten Louisiana interns to help assist in the costs of taking the ARE will be offered by the Professional Focus Group, Inc. The grants are in the amount of $420.00 and will be awarded to help pay the costs of two segments of the licensing exam. |
September 26-28, 2012 : AIA Louisiana : State Convention in Lafayette (more information coming soon) October 26-28, 2012 : AIA Baton Rouge : ARE Structures Seminar with David Thaddeus (more information coming soon) each event is linked to event information