The Stanley Report
Waltham, Volume 4, No. 9 September 2009
In This Issue
Waltham Corner
Upcoming Events
About Rep. Stanley

Tom Picture

Rep. Thomas M. Stanley
9th Middlesex District
Did you know? 

The Waltham Boys & Girls Club provided 8779 meals to youth in the city of Waltham during June 29-August 28.  This is an 8.75% increase from last year.
At the Boys & Girls Club Summer Camp at Hale Reservation, there were 2,341 breakfasts and lunches served.  Also, club members at the Boys& Girls Club were served 765 lunches, an increase of 3.75% over last year.
5,673 meals were served in Waltham locations, an increase of 26.75%.  Locations included: Chesterbrook Gardens, McDonald Park, Lowell Park and Whittemore.

Pizzi Farms
 Rep. Stanley and Peter Azar
 at Pizzi Farms buying buying ducks for the Waltham Education and Beyond Foundation. 
Cherry tomatoes at Waltham Fields Community Farm.  The 2009 Farm Day will take place on 
Sat, 9/26 from 2-5pm. 
Harvest For Students Week
2008 Farm Day at Waltham Fields Community Farm
Honoring Sen. Kennedy
In front of State House

Before the procession
Dutch Flower Shop 
Flower Market

Tower at Dusk
Purple Flower
Lavender Flowers 
 Autumn arrives
State House Tour
If you'd like to visit the State House, please call 617-727-3676.

Contact Information:


State Rep.

Thomas M. Stanley

State House

 Room 167

Boston, MA 02133

(617) 722-2810


Dear Friend: 

It is my pleasure to deliver September's edition of The Stanley Report, my monthly update from Beacon Hill. Please feel free to pass this e-mail along to your friends, family and co-workers and let them know they can subscribe to receive my monthly newsletter by emailing me.  

Thanks for reading, and for giving me the opportunity to represent you in the legislature.  As always, please do not hesitate to contact my office at (617) 722-2310.


Thomas M. Stanley

News from Beacon Hill  

Rep. Stanley cosponsors legislation to regulate DCR's pool schedule
Rep. Stanley signed onto legislation that would regulate the Department of Conservation and Recreation's (DCR) schedule for its pools, most of which closed Sunday, August 16th, in spite of the record temperatures being felt across most of the region. The legislation requires the DCR to open all public swimming pools on the same day in the last week of June and close all their pools on the same day in the last week of August each year.  The legislation would make budgeting and staffing more uniform for these facilities, as well as provide a more consistent level of service to MA citizens.   The Waltham DCR Pool will be reconstructed next year.  Rep. Stanley, Rep. Koutoujian and Senator Fargo secured funding for this important resource. 
Stanley Votes against Interim Appointment Proposal
Rep. Stanley voted against the proposal to change the law to allow for an interim appointment by the Governor to the United States Senate.  Rep. Stanley believes that the voters should select the candidate of their choice to provide representation.  To read Rep. Stanley's blog about this vote on, please click
Belmont, Waltham, Lexington Subarea Study
The Belmont, Lexington and Waltham Subarea Study is available on the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) home page under the 'What's New' column. The study was formally approved by the Boston MPO Transportation Planning and Programming Committee (TPPC).  
The need for a subarea study in sections of Belmont, Lexington and Waltham came to the attention of the TPPC of the Boston MPO during the preparation of the fiscal year 2005 Unified Planning Work Program.  MAPC and CTPS held meetings with planners, transportation officials, and other interested parties in each of the three communities to discuss options and opportunities for addressing their concerns.  Concerns primarily related to existing and future traffic, the amount of future development under consideration and a need to mitigate project impacts.
Special Election to fill Sen. Kennedy's Seat
A special election for senator in Congress for Massachusetts will take place to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Senator Edward M. Kennedy.  The state primary will take place on December 8, 2009 and the state election will take place on January 19, 2010.  For a calendar of events regarding this special election, please click here

Gov Announces Foster Children Bill of Rights
The Patrick Administration announced the creation of the Foster Child Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights, developed by the Department of Children and Families' (DCF) Youth Advisory Board consisting of current and former DCF foster youth who participate on a volunteer basis, was created to ensure that foster children across the state are treated with respect and actively included in the decisions that affect their lives. The Bill of Rights, initiated by the Youth Advisory Board, was a project the youth worked on for several months with DCF Commissioner Angelo McClain.
The Bill of Rights includes reasonable access to a caseworker who makes case plan decisions; participation in the development and review of the service plan and input into changes made that affect the permanency, safety, stability or well being of the youth; information about a foster family or program whenever possible; and access to information contained in medical, dental and educational records.
September Workshops at MBHP

The Metropolitan Boston Housing Partnership's (MBHP) mission is to ensure that the region's low- and moderate-income individuals and families have choice and mobility in finding and retaining decent affordable housing; all of its programs and initiatives are designed to encourage housing stability, increased economic self-sufficiency, and the enhanced quality of the lives of those it serves.  To achieve its mission and to promote efficient service delivery, it works collaboratively with a broad array of service providers and neighborhood-based organizations.
MBHP offers a variety of workshops and events for supporters, tenants, and property owners.  Please click
here to learn more. 

New RMV iPhone App

Check out three new iPhone applications to make visiting the RMV and riding the MBTA easier. 

To help the user determine the closest MBTA station is based on the user's current iPhone location, visit
To access the MBTA's  scheduling data as an interactive iPhone application, please visit
To access RMV wait times via your phone, please visit
For more information about the Executive Office of Transportation & Public Works' efforts to "democratize data" and provide transportation data to developers, please click
MBTA Moves toward Environmentally Cleaner Commuter Rail Fleet
As part of its commitment to building a healthier and more reliable public transit system, the MBTA announced it has launched a Request for Proposals to purchase up to 40 new diesel electric passenger locomotives. The majority of funding for the locomotives is expected to come from federal grants. In a move that will improve public health along commuter rail corridors, the procurement permits the MBTA to replace the oldest and least environmentally friendly vehicles with a more reliable and environmentally cleaner fleet.  Dedicated to procuring the most technologically advanced, cost-effective commuter rail equipment, transportation officials are encouraging every available manufacturer to competitively bid this work. 
Presently, the T commuter rail fleet consists of 410 coaches including 140 bi-level and 270 single coaches, and 80 locomotive units.  The fleet ranges in age from 29 to 7 years of age.  Commuter rail service carries approximately 74,000 customers each weekday.    The MBTA anticipates that 80% of the cost of the locomotives will be funded through Federal Transit Administration grants and a 20% match from the MBTA's Capital Investment Program.Proposal documents are available at the MBTA Materials Management Directorate, Room 2810, Transportation Building, 10 Park Plaza, Boston. 

2009 Greater Boston Walk Now for Autism
The 2009 Greater Boston Walk Now for Autism will be held on Sunday, October 18th at Suffolk Downs Racetrack in East Boston.  Join more than 20,000 people as they walk to raise funds for autism research, education and family services!  To get informed or get involved, please click
Weekly Swine Flu Updates
With the flu season approaching, it is important that we do what we can to stay healthy. For more information about protecting yourself and others, please click
here for the most up to date information.

Food and Nutrition Information
The Office of Health and Human Service's website includes information about programs that offer access to free or low cost food to help eligible people meet their basic needs.  Please click here for information on food banks, SNAP benefits (a nutrition program for families and individuals that meet certain income and resource guidelines), breastfeeding initiatives, growth and nutrition programs (makes expert services available to children and their families to ensure that nutrition does not impair the health and development of children in Massachusetts), meals and nutrition assistance for elders, school breakfast and school lunch programs and women, infants and children (WIC) nutrition programs. For complete information, please click
United States Census 2010
The census is a count of everyone residing in the United States in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Island Areas. All residents of the United States must be counted every 10 years. This includes people of all ages, races, ethnic groups, citizens and non-citizens. The next census occurs in 2010. Census questionnaires will be mailed or delivered to every household in the United States in March 2010. The questions ask you to provide information that is accurate for your household as of April 1, 2010. The Census Bureau must count everyone and submit state population totals to the U.S. President by December 31, 2010. The first Census was conducted in 1790 and has been carried out every 10 years since then.  For additional information about the 2010 census, please click

MA School Building Authority Accepting Statements of Interest for FY2010 Process
State Treasurer Tim Cahill, Chair of the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) and Katherine Craven, MSBA Executive Director, announced that the MSBA is accepting Statements of Interest (SOI) electronically through its online web-based SOI System for the FY2010 filing season. The filing season began Friday, July 31, 2009 and will close Friday, October 23, 2009. Submitting a SOI is the first critical step in the MSBA's process for schools building construction and renovation grants. The MSBA program is a non-entitlement competitive grant program, and grants are distributed by the MSBA Board of Directors based on need and urgency, as expressed by the community and validated by the MSBA.
Through an SOI, districts are asked to outline any specific school building deficiencies and any resulting negative educational impact. Selection of which school projects get funded in the new program will be a competitive process where grants will be directed to school projects that present the greatest need and urgency for capital improvements. Once projects are selected, the MSBA and the local community will collaborate on a solution that makes educational and financial sense.  To learn more or apply, please click

AARP launches new web tool to help lower drugs costs
AARP launched its new Doughnut Hole Calculator, a free web tool that can help residents "avoid the dreaded coverage gap" which can leave folks stuck with thousands of dollars in unbudgeted spending.  Click
here to access this calculator.  According to the AARP, in 15 minutes visitors can view a graph of their out-of-pocket spending by month, look up lower cost drugs for their conditions, create a Personal Medication Record and print out personalized letters to their doctors to help start a conversation about safely switching prescriptions. 
MBA Veterans Legal Hotline
If you are a veteran, or family member of a veteran who needs to appeal a state or federal benefits decision, the Massachusetts Bar Association can help. Please call (617) 338-0572 to be matched with a volunteer attorney - for FREE.
AG and MA Association of Realtors offer consumer publication on foreclosures
In an effort to educate homeowners on how to avoid foreclosure, the AGO and the Massachusetts Association of Realtors have collaborated on a brochure to help educate consumers on financing a home and avoiding foreclosure.  The brochure is entitled "Protecting your Investment: Understanding Financing and Avoiding Foreclosure."  To download a copy of the new brochure, please click

Apply online for Food Stamps or Health Insurance and Health Assistance!
You may be able to complete a Food Stamps or Health Insurance and Health Assistance Programs application online. A simple screening survey asks questions about people in your household and compares your answers with the program rules. For more information, please click
Job Opportunities with the Commonwealth of MA

There are a number of job listings posted on the Commonwealth of Massachusetts home page.  For more information, click
Waltham Corner
Reminder!  Municipal Election on 11/3
The City of Waltham will hold a municipal election on Tuesday, November 3, 2009 for city council seats.  The last day to register to vote is October 14th.  For more information, please click here
Fernald Land to be Appraised
An independent appraiser will place a value on the 196-acre Fernald campus on Trapelo Road.  The  Fernald Reuse Committee with then meet with the appraiser to discuss possible future uses for the land. 
Waltham Public Library Receives Grant
The Waltham City Council approved a $75,398 appropriation from the State Library Incentive and Municipal Equalization Grant to fund general expenses at the Waltham Public Library. 
Curbside Leaf Vacuuming
Waltham's Recycling Department reminds residents that leaves will be vacuumed only once during the fall.  Residents must have the leaves out prior to the Monday of your scheduled week for vacuuming.  To access the City's schedule for its Leaf Vacuum Program, please click here.   The City encourages residents to bag leaves which will be picked up until 12/18/09 on your regular waste day.  Any questions, please call 781-314-3855.
Waltham Fields Community Farm, Farm Day

Come see what's growing at the Waltham Fields Community Farm at 240 Beaver Street, Waltham, at the FREE WALTHAM FARM DAY EVENT on 
Saturday, September 26th, from 2-5pm. Join with us in celebrating  Massachusetts Harvest for Students Week and the season's harvest with  cider-pressing, cooking demos, a community farm art project, compost exploration, volunteer projects, and a demonstration of herb preservation techniques by Iris Weaver. For more information visit the 
farm's website.  
Innovations of Yesteryear Event
The Charles River Museum of Industry will hold a new one-day festival, Innovations of Yesteryear, on Saturday, September 13, 2008, 10 am-4 pm, as part of Historic Waltham Days. This hands-on event will feature an eclectic, interactive assortment of innovations prior to 1950. Ride on a miniature train, check out a gigantic camera, fire a Viking catapult, and type a letter to your Nana on a vintage 1920s typewriter. We've got noisy steam engines, puttputt autos, high-wheel bikes, musical instruments (ever hear of a Sarrusaphone?), spinners and weavers, blacksmiths, antique sports & games, watches & clocks and more. The event will take place - rain or shine - in Waltham's Landry Park, on the scenic banks of the Charles River. Admission is $10 for adults, $5 for children, seniors, and students; kids under 5 are free. Festival admission includes outdoor exhibits and museum galleries.
Gore Place to offer a special Halloween season tour of the mansion
This Halloween season, Gore Place, the historic Governor Gore estate in Waltham, will be offering a unique event entitled Things That Go Bump in the Night. This fun and informative tour of the mansion features costumed actors in a spooky setting. There's a mystery to solve and it has the whole household in an uproar! The tour will start in the carriage house and, led by a willing guide, will explore the mansion while encountering suspicious characters with chilling tales to tell.

This tour is recommended for adults and children 12 years old and up. Things That Go Bump in the Night will be offered on Friday and Saturday, October 23 and 24 from 6 to 9pm. Admission is $20, $15 Gore Place members. Reservations are recommended. Call (781) 894-2798 to reserve.

Gore Place is located at 52 Gore Street, just off Route 20 (Main Street) near the Waltham/Watertown line. By public transportation: Take the Red Line to Central Square. Take the 70 or 70A bus toward Waltham. Gore Street is 1-1/4 miles West of Watertown Square. For more information call: (781) 894-2798 or visit the museum's website.  
News from the Waltham Partnership for Youth (WPY)

The WPY established the Open Summer Lunch program in Waltham in the summer of 1999, working with the Waltham Boys & Girls Club and many others.  The WPY is pleased that the Club continues to facilitate the lunches.  This past summer, the WPY provided a $4,000 challenge grant, and that grant was matched!
The September 2009 edition of the Waltham Youth Activities Listing, distributed to Waltham Public Schools elementary and middle school students, is available at the WPY website.
The 4th Annual WPY Spelling Bee will be 6:30 pm on November 12th at McDevitt Middle School.  Click here for more information to sponsor or enter a team.  As always, coming to watch the Bee is free.  It's a great opportunity to see teams of adults having a good time while raising funds for youth programs.   
Registration Now Open for Fall First Time Homebuyer Classes

The federal tax credit for first time homebuyers has resulted in a significantly higher demand for WATCH's first time homebuyer classes.  WATCH has two classes scheduled for this fall, to be held at Christ Church Episcopal, which can accommodate up to 75 people.  The first class will be held on Saturdays: October 3rd and 10th from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm. The second class will be held on November 9th, 11th, 16th and 18th from 6:00 - 8:30 pm. Registration is now open for both classes.
WATCH Board Member Annette Reynolds coordinates the class, including providing direct instruction and soliciting professional experts to teach sections of the class, such as the legal process for buying a home, the home inspection or how to select a mortgage. WATCH's classes are certified by CHAPA's Homeownership Collaborative.
Those interested in registering for the October or November class with WATCH can receive the registration form at, by e-mailing or by calling 781-891-6689 ext 0. Classes offered in other parts of the state can be found at

Waltham League of Women Voters Candidates Nights
The Waltham League of Women Voters and the Waltham West Chamber of Commerce announce two Candidates Nights. School Committee Candidates Night will be held October 8, 2009, at 7:30 p.m. in the Cannon Lecture Hall at Waltham High School.  At Large Candidates Night will be held on October 22, 2009, at 7:00 p.m. in the Cannon Lecture Hall at Waltham High School.
The public is welcome and encouraged to attend these free programs brought to you by the Waltham West Chamber of Commerce and the Waltham League of Women Voters.  This is your opportunity to see all of the candidates in action.  Both events will be broadcast on cable WCAC. 
Reach Back to School Drive
It's Back-to-School time for many of REACH's participants.  As in the past, REACH is fortunate to partner with Cradles to Crayons who will once again provide backpacks and school supplies for children ages 12 and under.  However, REACH seeking support to help them provide backpacks and supplies for 41 kids between the ages of 13 and 17. 

There are a few ways you can help: Purchase the items on your own,  provide REACH with a check, and it can purchase the items for you or send REACH gift cards to allow clients to pick out their own school supplies.  If you'd like to help, please email or call Courtney at 781-891-0724 ext. 104.   For more information about REACH, please click here 
Waltham Citizens Police Academy

Applications are now being accepted for the Waltham Citizens Police Academy.  This 12-week FREE program will allow you to get a behind-the-scenes look at police work.  Classes include patrol procedures, narcotics investigation, domestic violence, field exercises, patrol ride alongs, firearm training and much more! 
Classes are once a week (Wednesdays), Sept. 23rd until December 9th, 6:30 pm until 9:30 pm at the Waltham Police Department Academy Classroom, 155 Lexington Street. Applications are available at the Main Station at 155 Lexington Street or from the Neighborhood Substation at 11 Carter Street.
"Quack for Education" Duck Race
On Saturday, September 19, 2009, the Waltham Education & Beyond Foundation (WEBF) a non-profit organization held a "Quack for Education" duck race to raise funds to benefit the foundation's Excellence in Education Grant Program.  The grant program provides teachers with funding to incorporate new learning programs that will enhance the educational opportunities of students of the Waltham Public Schools. The WEBF's Excellence in Education Grant Program is in its second year of providing $17,000 in grant funding.
Recycling in Waltham!

There are many easy day-to-day things you can do to help the environment.  Learn more about what you can do to help. Information about recycling programs in Waltham is available by clicking
Waltham Food Pantries:
COLLINS FAMILY FOOD PANTRY - operated by the Red Cross behind Red Cross offices at 867 Main St. every Thursday from 1 to 7 p.m. Call 781-642-7000 for more information.

GRANDMA'S PANTRY - operated out of Christ Church, 750 Main St., Waltham. For Waltham residents 60 years old or older on a fixed income. Open Fridays, 9 to 11 a.m. Food may be left at the church office; call ahead for hours (781-891-6012). Checks may be made out to ``Grandma's Pantry'' and sent to Christ Church.
SACRED HEART FOOD PANTRY - operated out of the Church Hall. Donors may leave food in the kitchen daily from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Call 781-899-0469 for more information.
KIDS F.E.A.S.T. - operated by the Salvation Army provides 55 children with a hot meal every day, and serves 300 families each month. Donors may leave non-perishable food at the office, 33 Myrtle St. Monday through Friday. Checks may be made out to the Salvation Army. Call 781-894-0413 for more information.
THE FOOD PANTRY AND SOUP KITCHEN - operated by the Immanuel United Methodist Church at 545 Moody St. is open Wednesday 9 to 11 a.m. Food donations accepted at the church entrance at the corner of Moody and Cherry streets from 2 to 6 p.m. Operated from the Methodist Church, 545 Moody St. under the direction of Dick Rogers of Middlesex Human Services. Rogers may be reached at 781-883-2050.
Tenant Advocacy Clinic at WATCH
The Tenant Advocacy Clinic provides one-on-one training and personalized assistance to any tenant with a housing related issue or question.  Tenants can drop in to receive assistance at WATCH (517 Moody Street) every Monday from 7 - 8:30 pm and every Thursday from 7 - 8:30pm.  Those who cannot come in person may leave a message on the Tenant Clinic Hotline and someone will return their call during Clinic hours: 781-891-6689 x203. The clinic is provided through a partnership between Brandeis University and WATCH.

Nonprofit Spotlight: Waltham Family School
The WFS is an Even Start Literacy Program which provides educational opportunities for children and their parents by integrating early childhood education, adult education and parenting activities in a comprehensive family literacy program.  WFS serves Waltham's families who have a preschool age child, age 3-5, and who want to work on improving their English language skills and strengthening their parenting and life skills.   
Waltham is one of seven communities in MA awarded a federal grant, funded through the Massachusetts Department of Education, for an Even Start Literacy Program. WFS is a partnership of the Waltham Public Schools and four key community agencies located in Waltham, including Breaking Barriers, Inc., the Parent Child Home Program, the Power Program and the Waltham Partnership for Youth (PFY).  For more information about the WFS or to learn if your family might qualify, please click here.

Rep. Stanley is a board member of the WPY and Advisory Board member of the Waltham Family School. 
Donate Your Books to More than Words Bookstore and Caf�!
Looking for somewhere to donate your books, CDs and DVDs?  Interested in hosting a book drive?  More Than Words Bookstore and Caf� is the place for you!
More Than Words is a nonprofit that empowers youth who are in the foster care system, court involved, homeless, or out of school, to take charge of their lives by taking charge of a business!
By working as a team to manage their own retail and online bookstore and cafe business, our youth develop leadership, employment skills and self confidence as they prepare for their transition to adulthood!
Please contact Jennifer Stewart at 781-788-0035 or for more information regarding book drives and donations or stop by 376 Moody St.
Council on Aging volunteers
The Council on Aging is looking for volunteers to deliver meals on wheels once a week.  The delivery process takes less than 45 minutes.  It's a great opportunity to help our homebound seniors. On-call volunteers are also needed. Please call Betty Giusti at (781)314-3499, ext. 3300.

National Archives

The National Archives is open to the public Monday through Wednesday and Friday from 7am - 4:30pm, Thursdays 7am- 9pm and the first Saturday of each month 8am - 4:30pm. The National Archives and Records Administration is located at 380 Trapelo Road in Waltham.

Waltham Partnership for Youth Announces Activities Directory
The Waltham Partnership for Youth posted an online activities directory for 2008-2009. Information is available on after school programs, arts, homework and tutoring, outreach, recreation, scouts, sports, summer programs, technology, and more.  Activities, opportunities and resources are available for school-aged children (PK-12). Click
here to access the directory in English and click here for Spanish. 
City of Waltham website announces job openings 
Job opportunities are posted on the City of Waltham's website
City of Waltham posts a boards and committee meetings calendar of events

Click here for more details!

Upcoming Events & Opportunities

Waltham Calendar & Events (as announced in the Daily News Tribune)  


From waking to the rooster's crow to catching the 8 am train, how Americans judge and value time has changed over the centuries. For All Time: Clocks and Watches from the National Heritage Museum is a new exhibit at the Museum, 33 Marrett Road, Rte. 2A, Lexington, running Aug. 15-Feb. 21. It explores the story of timekeeping through spectacular objects drawn from the Museum's own collection - 95 clocks and 22 watches, ranging in dates from about 1700 to about 1930. For information, contact the Museum at 781-861-6559 or click here.

The West Suburban YMCA, 276 Church St., has announced its new fall sports line-up. There are three new tennis programs: Toddler Tennis, Youth Tennis, and Adult Indoor Tennis. Rookie Soccer League, exclusively for 7 year olds, focuses on strengthening skill sets and learning team play. All games will be 3 v. 3, allowing for a lot of touches. Friday's Recess program combines all of your favorite recess-style games into one exciting, fast-paced, and fun program. Games include; Dodge ball, Nuke 'Em, Capture the Flag, Mat Ball, Speed Ball, and Floor Hockey. And, for the first time in the fall, one-day PRE-YBA Basketball Clinics. The clinics are open to children ages 5-8. For more information, contact Renee Gaudette at 617-244-6050, ext. 3012 or
Waltham Farmers' Market
Find plants, early produce and more in the Sovereign Bank parking lot at One Moody Street, Waltham, across from Waltham Common. The Spring Market Day will take place rain or shine. For more information on the Waltham Farmers' Market, click here.  
WALTHAM LIBRARY, Land Trust book on display
The Waltham Public Library, 735 Main St., is currently displaying the Waltham Land Trust's conservation book. There are a wide range of topics, including a history of New England forests, endangered animals, solutions to global warming, a bio of Rachel Carson, and a video by Al Gore. You'll discover how to make your workplace greener - and your children, too. Featured in the display is material on The Waltham Land Trust, Waltham's own local group dedicated to preserving open space. This year the WLT celebrates 10 years of working to benefit the environment.For more information about the Waltham Land Trust and its activities, visit

FATHERS, Comprehensive evaluations
The Boston Metro West office of Right at Home In Home Care & Assistance, a private duty home care agency, will be honoring elderly fathers in the community by offering free comprehensive senior care evaluations for any male over the age of 65 during the week before and the week after Father's Day. To schedule an appointment, contact Right at Home at 617-597-1500. For more information, go to
`YOU DON'T SAY' The Waltham Channel presents a new program, ``You Don't Say.'' Waltham residents are allowed 5 minutes of airtime to speak on topics that are important to them. Commercial content is not allowed. Information: 781-899-8834.

WALTHAM MUSEUM Experience the rich history of Waltham at The Waltham Museum, 25 Lexington St., open Tuesday through Saturday, 1 to 4:30 p.m. Admission $4, seniors and children under 12, $2. Information:
BOOKS, CDs, DVDs If you are looking to donate your books, CDs and DVDs, or hosting a book drive, donate to More Than Words Bookstore and Cafe, 376 Moody St. More Than Words empowers youth who are in the foster care system, court involved, homeless, or out of school, to take charge of their lives by taking charge of a business. Information: 781-788-0035;

HOMES FOR OUR TROOPS Atrium Mall and the Mall at Chestnut Hill invite shoppers to help Homes for Our Troops, an organization that remodels or builds homes for soldiers returning from Iraq that have sustained severe injuries. The Giving Tree is at both malls Nov. 28-Dec. 24. Information:; 508-823-3300.

SUPPLIES FOR TROOPS Waltham VFW Post 2152 and Ladies Auxiliary will be collecting donations to send to our soldiers in Iraq - Master Sgt. Kathrine Ortaga, Sgt. Chris Physic, Spc. Jeremy Bray, Spc. Paul Briggs, Spc. Daniel Fernandez, Maater Sgt. Kathrine Ortaga and 2Lt. Ryan Galluzzo. Items: Information: 781-894-9243.

OPERATION SOLDIER Operation American Soldier is collecting items or donations for shipping costs. Soldiers have requested the following items: candy, cookies (small packages), snacks, microwave popcorn, powdered drink singles, socks (crew), T-shirts, toiletries (unscented), feminine products, blank note cards, playing cards, DVDs & CDs. We need help packing boxes, paperwork and more. Information: 617-504-0532.

BOOKS TO SOLDIERS Got Books can send someone who is currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces overseas a care package full of books. To submit the name and address, visit Got Books provides all books and also handles and pays for all labor and shipping costs. Information:; 978-396-6026.

CLOTHING EXCHANGE The Waltham Clothing Exchange, 50 Church St., is closed until September. Information: 781-893-6240.
SATURDAY SOCIALS The French American Victory Club Saturday socials with the Country Masters are on the second Saturday of the month, 8 p.m. to midnight. Admission is $10. Information: 781-899-8195;
STUDENT ART Back Pages Books has installed artwork by art students of the Waltham Public Schools at its store, 289 Moody St. The artwork will rotate monthly. Information: 781-788-9988;

About Rep. Stanley:
State Representative: 2001 - Present
City Council: 1998 - 2004, 2006 - Present
Council President: 2003
House Committees:
Post Audit and Oversight
Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure
Education:  Suffolk University (MPA), Bentley College (BS - Management), Mass Bay Community College (AS - Business Administration)
Board Member: Waltham Partnership for Youth, Reagle Players, Warrandale Little League, Waltham Family School Advisory Board, Waltham Safe and Healthy Schools YRBS Steering Committee, Waltham Community Day Center (Honorary), Reach Beyond Domestic Violence Advisory Board, Safe Schools Healthy Students Initiative, Waltham Community Day Center (Active Honorary) 
Member: Lions Club, Sons of Italy, Democratic City Committee, Fizgerald School PTO, Fernald Reuse Committee, Hardy Pond Association, Friends of Waltham Library 
Work, Community, Independence - Human Service Advocate of the Year, 2008
COFAR - award recipient for support of people with mental disabilities, 2003
MassBay Community College Distinguished Alumni Award
WATCH CDC - Housing Advocate Award, 2007
Minuteman Senior Services - Certificate of Appreciation, 2006
Boston Bar Assoc., Greater Boston Legal Services and MetroWest Legal Services - Pillar of Justice Award, 2003
Shining Star Award, Edinburg Center 
Married to the former Kimberly A. Bayliss
Children: Ryan, age 15, Parker, age 6