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       The Twelfth Tone E-newsletter

Area 12 Newsletter
September 2012
In This Issue
Handbell Resources
West Coast Handbell Supply
Heitz Handbells
Ring Bells in Tuscany
Bell Loan Program
Area 12 Board
Upcoming Concerts
A Message From the Chair
Past Chair Greetings
Area 12 Happenings
National News
Calendar of Events
Advertising Rates

Handbell Resources

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 Handbell Music, Supplies
and  Service
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Call: 559-625-5111
Fax: 559-741-7346



P.O. Box 4361
Visalia, CA

Norm Heitz
Carol Scheel
Heitz Handbells Logo

A full service
handbell store:

music, equipment and maintenance items, bell tree, solo, ensemble music, Malmark bells, Choirchimes� and products





1 (877 or 866) 426-3235



6603 Queen Ave S, Suite S

Richfield, MN   55423

HV Italy Ad
Area 12 Bell
Loan  Program
African Handbell Print
Teachers, would you like the use of a 3 octave set of handbells or chimes to add a new dimension and interest to your music class?  Area 12 encourages schools and other educational institutions (both public and private) to develop educational programs using handbells and handchimes. To support the development of such programs, Area 12 has  2 sets of 3 octaves  of handbells and 3 sets of 3 octaves of  handchimes for loan. Deadlines for applications is 5/31 for the Fall Semester and 10/30 for Spring Semester.To learn more about the responsibilities and procedures for participating in this program Click Here
Area 12 Board
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Elected Officers:
Chair.........................Laurie Sanders
Past Chair.......................Rima Greer
Chair Elect...................Michele Sharik
Treasurer......................Kathy Arnold
Secretary..................Ruben Mendoza

Appointed Officers:
Communication.................P.L. Grove
Webmaster.........................Mel Tully
Events..........................Debbie Shaw
Education.....................Tess Houston
Historian..........................Beth Mays

Regional Coordinators:
NorCal........................Nancy Schmitt
Bay Area.......................Julie Vaquilar
CenCal.............................Lori Smith
LAMetro.......................Pearl Marshall
Nevada.......................Barbara Walsh
Hawaii.........................Karen Carlisle

Las Vegas.......................Dixie Bailey
Upcoming Concerts
at a Glance:

Please check the Calendar of Events below for full details.  

Northern California

October 13, 2012
4:30 p.m.
Redding Handbell Festival
Final Concert
Simpson University
Heritage Life Center
2211 College View
Redding, California

Central California

October 13, 2012
4:30 p.m.
Redding Handbell Festival
Final Concert
Simpson University
Heritage Life Center
2211 College View
Redding, California

LA Metro

October 6, 2012
4 p.m.
Fall Ringers Workshop
Final Concert
Lake Avenue Church
393 North Lake Avenue
Pasadena, California

To view all the events on the Area 12 calendar click here

Or go to the Areas portion of the web site (click on your state or area at top of home page) to see which concerts and events are happening near you.

Our National

Handbell Musicians of America
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Area 12 is ushering in another season of ringing, and it's a season of change and new beginnings. Read on to hear who's coming and going and what is happening in your region of the area.
A Message from the Chair
  Laurie Sanders  

Welcome Back!


It's a new year, with lots of new people to meet, new music to ring and new learning experiences.


And speaking of new, I want to welcome our new Board members. As chair elect we have Mich�le Sharik, Ruben Mendoza takes over as your new secretary, and returning as treasurer is Kathy Arnold. Your regional coordinators will all be coming back to serve you for another two years, with the exception of Southern California, which welcomes Lois Harry as its new representative. I'd also like to introduce you to Barbara Meinke, who will be taking over the Communications Director position later this year, replacing P.L. Grove, who will be managing our web site and helping us grow and make the necessary changes as our National Guild continues to change. And lastly, Debbie Shaw is stepping into the Events Director position.


Finally, I'd like to introduce myself! I'm Laurie Sanders, and by the time my term as Chair is over I will have been ringing bells for 40 years. (Wow, I'm so not *that* old!) So much has changed in the handbell world since 1974, with the connectivity we experience every day with e-mail, Facebook and the rest of the web. Ideas and ideals change so quickly that sometimes it's hard to keep up. So hold on! It's going to be a fun two years as we grow and change together as the Handbell Musicians of America!


Laurie Sanders

Area 12 Chair


From the Past Chair
 Rima Greer 

This month I move from the position of Area 12 chair to past-chair, and I think it is fitting to stop and recognize those outgoing Board members who have assisted me over the past two years.


First, I want to say a word of thanks to Diane Levorsen, who concluded her role as the historian last year. Diane took on the position at a time when we struggled to find volunteers, and she kindly (and always with humor and a smile) schlepped historian paraphernalia from conference to conference, helping us to keep track of who we are via our history.


I'd also like to thank Sue Coddington-Allen for her work over the past two years as our secretary. During one of the most hectic and task-filled periods leading up to our Disneyland conference, Sue made sure we had task lists and minutes for all of our meetings to keep us on track.


Then there are a few changes to the Board as individuals move from one position to another:


  • P.L. Grove will move from the position of Communications Director to the position of Webmaster later this year. Her expertise as a writer and editor will be missed (but I suspect she'll be called on to lend a hand during the transition).
  • Also later this year, Mel Tully will inaugurate the position of Vendor Liaison. As Area 12's inaugural (and only, up until this point) webmaster, it's likely he is the longest running Board member for Area 12. We're thrilled he will continue to assist us in a new way, making sure our events and ringers are well stocked with everything we need to continue to make music with handbells.
  • And while all of the Regional Coordinators have kindly agreed to stay on in their positions, one, however, is moving on to a new role. You will be seeing quite a bit more of Michele Sharik as your chair elect, but I wanted to recognize the work she's done for the past few years in revitalizing the Southern California area. Her enthusiasm is infectious, and I know she will bring that enthusiasm to her new role as chair elect.

Last, and definitely not least, I want to say an extra special word of thanks to William Kyle. William has spent the last several years learning how our conferences work, improving on them, negotiating contracts and deals for us, and finding volunteers to make it all come together. You (and I) have NO idea of the amount of creativity and patience - along with the number of hours - William has given to Area 12 as our Events Director. And he managed to do it while he was serving as chair as well! Thanks to William, Area 12 successfully experimented with his ideas for a "track" system, and as a result we just experienced one of the best conferences we've ever had. I, for one, could not have done my job without him.


A leader can only be as good as his or her assistants, and I know that our shared success is due, in large part, to our Board members. Thanks to all of you who have served over the past several years!


Finally, I would like to thank all of YOU, Area 12 members, for inviting me to be your chair, and for being part of the process. Remember, this is YOUR Guild and we are here to serve you! I look forward to seeing you all in 2014 in Central California. Your new conference committee is Kathy Arnold (who is foolish enough to let us make her Registrar again!), Debbie Shaw (Event Chair/Event Facility Liaison) and yours truly (Event Programs/Past Chair). As we work over the next two years to bring you yet another fantastic conference, and attempt to follow in William's big-shoe footsteps, we welcome your suggestions. Feel free to send an email to rimacampanile@gmail.com or pastchair@area12.handbellmusicians.org  with your thoughts.


Rima Greer 

Area 12 Past Chair

Communiqu (From the Communications Director) 
PL Headshot Resized

I've had one of the busiest and most exciting summers I can remember in all my years of ringing handbells. Lots of travel, teaching, conducting (my first time conducting at an area festival - with three separate divisions!), and hosting our incredible Disneyland event!


I have not had a chance until now to say a big word of thanks and kudos to the groups and individuals who gave such great concerts at Disneyland. I know the rest of the Board agrees when I say to Cathedral Bells (Ramona Miller, director), Linda Krantz, Vivace (Carlos Rivera and Carlos Avila, directors), Tintabulations (Barbara Walsh, director), the Magic Ensemble (under the direction of Carlos Avila), and my own group Velocity, Job Very Well Done to you ALL!


As our chair and past chair mentioned, some changes are ahead. I will be winding down as your Communications Director at the end of this year, and will move into a new role as webmaster. This will be a welcome change for me, since I will have much less typing! :>)


Until then, I will try to keep up with all of your news, events, and reports for this enewsletter. We've had so much happening this year already, so I'm sure many of you are ready for the fall, which will mean a bit of a rest! But Christmas is just around the corner, so please remember to send us your concert and event information so everyone knows what's happening.


And on the what's happening front, congratulations to Michele Sharik, Ruben Mendoza and Kathy Arnold who were recently elected as your chair elect, secretary and treasurer for the next two years. They and the rest of your Board will be meeting later this month on September 22nd for the biannual meeting. If you have comments or things you would like shared at that meeting, please let me or someone else from the Board know.


P.L. Grove
Communications Director


Scholarship Winners Give Thanks
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Beth Montroy of San Francisco received a scholarship to the Disneyland conference this summer, and sent in the following words of thanks:


To everyone who was a part the conference, I wanted to express my thanks for the opportunity to attend the conference at Disneyland this past summer, thanks to the scholarship that I won. I had an awesome time at my first ever handbell conference and I had a chance to work with some really great clinicians and learn more about ringing. It also helped that this conference was in an amazing location, which I am happy to say that I took advantage of!
Beth Montroy  
I honestly would not have been able to attend the conference if I had not received tscholarship, so I wanted to say thank you for making it happen. Aain, I had an awesome time, and I look forward to attending future conferences!
All the best,



Dianne Bryant of Bells of Praise of St. John's Lutheran Church in Bakersfield was the other scholarship winner this summer, and she kept a diary of her weekend. Her biggest desire was to see the two bells she had only heard about: a C2 and a C9. She had not found the C9 by Sunday and was getting desperate, as noted in her diary excerpt below:

  • 9:00 a.m. - Getting ready for the "Massed Ringing" part of the conference. Trying to scan the room for a C9 but I don't see one yet. There has to be one here somewhere in this group of 350 handbell ringers. I don't feel ready for this part of the conference since I was unable to practice the music ahead of time. I was able to preview it and study it but that's not the same as practicing it. Here we go anyway. Thank you to the handbell choir from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Goleta for adopting me for the weekend and letting me ring with them today.
  • 10:00 a.m. - Wow, I feel like I can actually do this. Because of what I learned this weekend I am able to recognize some rhythm patterns and understand some of those crazy sixteenth notes better. Maybe I'm not such a bad ringer after all.
  • 12:15 p.m. - Time for lunch and the last lunch concert. Velocity Handbell Ensemble was wonderful, entertaining, and amazing. I really want to try this quartet thing with some members of my handbell choir. Even bought my own piece of duet music yesterday.
  • Decided to try bidding on something in the silent auction. Today is the last day to sign up and the final bids will be announced at 2:00 p.m. today. This auction helps provide funding for Area XII to use for the next conference in two years. Asked Michele Sharik if she knew if anyone had a C9 here today. She said she thought there was at least one here in the room and she would help me look.
  • 2:30 p.m. - Practice ran a little late but it's now time for everyone to get ready for the massed concert. I'm so excited, just found out I won an item in the silent auction. Michele Sharik will be coming to Bakersfield to lead a workshop just for our handbell choir. Can't wait.
  • Saying "goodbye" to everyone now since I need to leave for home right after the concert. I can't believe the weekend is almost over. But wait, still haven't found that C9 yet. I'm going to check every handbell choir here and see if someone has one. Michele said to check with the group from St. John's Lutheran Church in Orange County. They have one, but it's not out!!! Please, please, I begged the director can you find it for me?? Success, finally, here it is, the fabled C9!! Kind of ironic that St. John's Lutheran from Orange had it since I am from St. John's Lutheran in Bakersfield. It's so cute, and what a cute sound it makes. Also got to hold and ring their C2. Amazing. Now my conference experience is complete. Time to start saving for our sixth, and seventh, octave of bells.
  • 4:30 p.m. - It's all over and I'm tackling the two and a half hour drive home. Took me four hours to get here due to the L.A. traffic. Going home should be a lot easier. So much to think about. I'm trying to go over it all in my head so I can share it with the rest of my choir when we resume rehearsals in September. Wish I could remember that little song that Michael Glasgow taught us, something about Scrable I think???

I hope everyone has enjoyed my little diary of the Area 12 Regional Handbell Conference weekend. My hope is that those ringers who have never attended a regional or national conference or even a local one will take the opportunity to do so. I was fortunate enough to receive a scholarship from Area 12 that covered most of my expenses. A lot of the conferences offer this so be sure to check into it if financing is a problem. I learned so much and was able to bring home a lot of good things to contribute both to our choir and our spring ring that we host every year. Shoot, maybe I can even be a handbell director now!!!


Thank you so much to Area 12 for giving me this opportunity to attend such a great event. I'll start saving my money right now to attend the next one, or maybe I'll go to the National Conference in Portland, Oregon, in two years!

And we hope to see you there, Dianne, along with Beth and other past and future scholarship winners who have the chance to experience a handbell conference. The scholarship program gives enthuasiasm for the instrument to those who are able to attend a conference because of those funds. However, we all benefit from your continued enthusiasm as a result of participating in these events. So congrats to both Beth and Dianne! And don't forget that Area 12 members can continue to participate in the future by filling out an application if you're qualified, and by supporting our scholarship program through your donations and participation in the Silent Auction.

Fei Tian Academy Also Gives Thanks for Handbell Loan
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Fei Tian Academy of the Arts California borrowed bells from the Area 12 handbell loan program for approximately five weeks following the Disneyland conference across two of our three 3-week summer sessions. The general music camp used the bells to introduce its students to a new instrument that also required them to work together as a group in ways that chamber music on their primary instrument did not. It also allowed students at varying levels to work together on more equal footing. General music students rang mostly 2-octave music (including O Come Little Children and Greensleeves) and learned about change ringing. Every student had the opportunity to act as the caller during the change-ringing, and the class later gave a demonstration at the end-of-camp recital. Students also found the singing bell technique (which was demonstrated one day with the wooden dowels the class used as Maori sticks) to be particularly interesting, prompting them to pass along the technique to two curious teachers of Fei Tian's other camps who came by to sit in for a class.


Fei Tian 1During the third session, students from other camps also tried out the bells after school. Many students stayed for after-school activities until their parents picked them up at 6 pm, and by the end of the camp, nine students were ringing two and a half octaves of bells two days a week. As they took out bells and put them away, many of these students would tell curious visitors about the bells: that you "shouldn't touch the bronze with your bare hands," or how to hold them, for instance. The students selected It's A Small World as their first piece, and later added O Come Little Children. The latter piece served as their performance piece for the camp recital.


Fei Tian's other camps included Chinese classical dance, ballet, erhu (sometimes known as the Chinese 2-stringed violin), Chinese language and culture, and fine art. Each summer camp was geared either towards children 6 and up, or children 9 and up. During the academic year, the school's full-time program is for students in grades 6 through 12, and it also has after-school and weekend programs in dance, music, fine art, and Chinese language and culture.


Fei Tian Academy of the Arts California would like to thank Handbell Musicians of America Area 12 for the use of three octaves of handbells this summer to enhance and enrich its general music summer camp.

SoCal - Mich�le Sharik, Regional Coordinator

Hello, SoCal handbell musicians!


I hope you all had a great summer. After the big Disneyland conference, some of us didn't want to stop ringing for the rest of the summer, so we held a ringer/director workshop. Thanks to the efforts of D.L. Shearer, the bells were not silent at the end of the summer. Here's a report from D.L. on how the day went:



"First United Methodist Church of Escondido, CA hosted an all-day handbell workshop on Saturday, August 18, 2012, featuring well-known clinician Mich�le Sharik. The day was designed for both directors and ringers of all ability levels. The workshop consisted of two classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. Following bagels/cream cheese and coffee during registration, the ten participants introduced ourselves and told a bit of our background in handbells which ranged from 38 years' experience to beginners. Mich�le gave a lot of hands-on individual instruction with each participant as we had our "100,000 Measure Tune-Up" in her Basics Revisited class, followed by her Ringing with One Accord class to learn techniques and strategies to ring chords cleanly as well as runs rapidly and accurately. Following a no-host lunch at the local Irish Pub, we continued with a Multiple Bell Techniques class to master weaving techniques using three or four bells, and then we concluded with six methods to ring four-in-hand. The relaxed yet informative day was enjoyed by all participants, and we left with a new zest to begin our fall programs. Thank you to our host choir, to all the participants, and to our clinician Mich�le Sharik."

David Leigh Shearer, Director of Music Ministries

First United Methodist Church of Escondido


As most of you (hopefully) know, this fall I will be moving into the role of chair elect. I want to thank all of you for your support over the last two years. Stepping into the Southern California Regional Coordinator position as a new transplant to SoCal was both intimidating and exciting, but you all made me feel very welcome. Now that I will be moving on to take on new Board duties, please join me in welcoming Lois Harry as your new SoCal Regional Coordinator. I know you will extend to her the same hospitality and cooperation you've given me, and I look forward to continuing to see you all at local events under Lois' coordination. Best wishes to you all!




As always, watch our Facebook page for the latest SoCal handbell news.


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SoCal Regional Coordinator

Area 12, Handbell Musicians of America



The Southern California Region is all of Imperial & San Diego Counties, and most of Riverside & San Bernardino Counties.


LA Metro - Pearl Marshall, Regional Coordinator
Pearl Marshall Photo

Welcome back to a new year of ringing!


I hope everyone has had some time to relax this summer, because it's time to gear up for our 2012-2013 regional events!


As you know, the flyer and registration form for the Fall Ringers Workshop are available on the LA Metro webpage. There are no divisions this year, and we are only asking that choirs purchase one piece of music. We are offering a wider variety of classes than we've had in recent years, some of which require pre-registration so we can be sure to have enough equipment for everyone. Since we're at a different venue this year, we have plenty of space for all who are interested in attending.


We are getting very excited about this year's Youth Handbell Festival as well. Fast-paced and high-energy, this event will appeal to middle- and high school ringers. All groups that include ringers of this age are welcome to attend. Directors, if you intend to bring your group to this event, please send me a quick email to let me know. That way we can start molding the existing plan to the ringers attending. Again, the flyer and registration form for this event are available on our webpage.


Our Spring Ring is scheduled for March 2, 2013, with composer Michael Joy as our clinician. However, we are still looking for a venue. If you know of a church or school in our area that has a space suitable for massed ringing (approx. 5,000 square feet), please contact me as soon as possible.


And please check out the Directors/Ringers Wanted section on our webpage for groups looking for ringers and directors, and even ringers looking for a group.


As we begin this new ringing year, please don't hesitate to let me know what I can do to serve you better.


Pearl Marshall

Check out our LA Metro Facebook page!


Find us on Facebook

CenCal - Lori Smith, Regional Coordinator
Lori Smith

Hello CenCal Ringers!


Ah, September! (Just as hot as August...)



I'm anxious to get the bells onto the tables and see what this fall's repertoire will be. I've heard from several folks how much fun the various events were in Anaheim, Cincinnati, and Liverpool! And there were two outstanding bell groups touring through California this summer as well: Vivace, from Puerto Rico, and Dolce, from Finland. Many of us got some great ideas from them to incorporate into our own playing techniques and strategies.


The summer break was wonderful, and now we're refreshed and ready to rediscover the bells.


Oh...and mark your calendars for Saturday, October 13th, and stay tuned for more information on a local workshop in Paso Robles on that day!


Lori Smith, CenCal Regional Coordinator  

SF Bay Area - Julie Vaquilar, Regional Coordinator
Julie and Martalina

Hello, Bay Area Ringers!


Hopefully, you've had a terrific summer, and perhaps you even had a chance to attend a handbell concert or festival, or participate in an event yourself.



One event that occurs each summer is called "Let Freedom Ring." It is an event that is shared across the country annually each July 4th. At 11 am Pacific Time (2 pm Eastern Time, etc.), ringers throughout the nation toll their bells.


In the Bay Area, Los Altos Lutheran Church participated with bell-ringing by the church handbell choir and ringers from Low Ding Zone. In addition, the program included the singing of the military anthems of the US Army, US Navy, US Marines, and the US Coast Guard. Some in attendance were service veterans from various eras in US history.


A Harrison, Arkansas, website about the history of the event states:


The tradition of ringing bells for celebrations goes back hundreds of years and was adopted by Congress on June 26, 1963 with Resolution No. 25. Congress declared that the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence should be observed each year by the ringing of bells throughout the United States at the hour of 2 o'clock, eastern daylight time, in the afternoon of the 4th day of July, or at such other time on that day as may be determined by local authority.



Thanks to Los Altos Lutheran Church (and others, I'm sure) for continuing the tradition!



In other news:

  1. The 15th International Handbell Symposium took place in Liverpool earlier this month. The Bay Area was well-represented with ringers Joel Gingrich, P.L. Grove, Nuno Raposo, Dave Ruder, Dian Ruder, Jeannine Schwartz, and Julie Vaquilar. There were ringers from Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Singapore, the United States, and Great Britain. Stayed tuned for info for the 16th Symposium in August 2014 in Jeju, Korea.
  2. Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church is seeking a handbell director to begin in September 2012. The Choir of Bells is an inter-generational group that rehearses every Tuesday evening and plays in church once per calendar month, plus some out-reach activities and festivals. The church owns 5 octaves of Schulmerich handbells and 5 octaves of Malmark handchimes. For more information, or to apply for the position, please contact the church office at 408-739-1892 (http://www.svpc.us


As always, check the Area 12 calendar and the Bay Area web page for upcoming local concerts.  Oh! And don't forget that Bay Bells is looking for a new director, too. Details on that are also on the Bay Area web page!



Julie Vaquilar




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NorCal - Nancy Schmitt, Regional Coordinator
Nancy Schmitt
Dear Handbell Musicians,


Most of the big ringing events from the summer are over, and hopefully you are all finding time to relax before the fall season kicks off. Speaking of fall, there is one local ringing opportunity coming up that you won't want to miss. The Fifth Annual Redding Handbell Festival is October 13 and will be held at Simpson University Heritage Life Center in Redding. The festival kicks off on Friday evening, October 12, with Ringin' in the Red Zone bronze choir rehearsal for all of you ringers reaching for the stars of more advanced ringing; it will once again be under the direction of Larry Sue. Then the main festival starts at 9 a.m. on Saturday, October 13, with Mary Balkow directing the massed choir. There will also be classes to fit your needs: a reading session of new music, bell trees, basic ringing, bell maintenance, tricky rhythms, percussion instruments, and a fun class with boomwhackers and other whacky instruments! You also will be treated to a light breakfast and lunch. For more information on the festival please contact me soon.


And be sure to check out the Area 12 calendar of events, and remember to e-mail me with your upcoming concerts, workshops, or other happenings.



Nancy Schmitt

 Nevada - Barbara Walsh, Regional Coordinator
Barb Walsh Headshot


Hello, all!


Our Nevada Fall Ringers Workshop is just around the corner! The event will be held on October 6th. The flyer and information will be up on the Nevada page of the web site soon, so check the web for further details or send an email to me at nevada@areaxii.org.


Barbara Walsh

Hawaii - Karen Carlisle Regional Coordinator
Karen Carlisle
Aloha all!


Several Hawaiians were awed and inspired at this summer's Area 12 in conference at Disneyland. We were so inspired, that we're working extra hard to bring a conference here to Hawaii. Tim Waugh has agreed, once again, to be our clinician, and we are pulling all the details together. Stay tuned for more information as we finalize the plans!

Karen Carlisle

National Summer and Beyond   
Handbell Musicians of America


It was a National summer, as ringers and directors attended the National Seminar in Cincinnati, Ohio, and the International Symposium in Liverpool, England. Area 12 was well represented at both events, and if you're disappointed you weren't there, note there are two more opportunities to participant in National ringing events.


First, what is arguably the very best ringing event for advanced handbell ringers - Distinctly Bronze - has been occurring on the West Coast for the past couple of years. This year, the event returns once again, so don't delay in getting your forms in once registration is opened. This is a great opportunity for individuals who play only in a local church choir to expand their repertoire, and for advanced ringers to gain some experience under a different conductor. This year's conductor for Distinctly Bronze West will be the beloved and greatly respected Fred Gramann. Spots are bound to fill up quickly, so save the date and watch the National web site for details.


If you don't have time or resources to attend an event, there's a  new and exciting opportunity for you to ring at home. Handbell Musicians of America is seeking participants for a virtual handbell ensemble. The Virtual Handbell Ensemble is an exciting new project of the Handbell Musicians of America, in which you will have the opportunity to perform a new work of music via video uploads. Misterium, a special composition by Area 12's own James Meredith, consists of 135 musical segments to be recorded separately by individuals and small groups of players from around the world over a seven month period and uploaded to the web. All of the segments will be assembled by the editing videographer and the composer into the final work to be premiered online in July, 2013. This is your opportunity to participate in a National handbell project without incurring the expense of travel of attending a conference - don't miss it! For a video introduction by Mr. Meredith and all the information you need to participate, visit the project website at virtual.HandbellMusicians.org.


National events are a great way to increase your knowledge of the instrument and test your skills at a more advanced level. 


To find out more about these exciting National ringing and learning opportunities, go to the National web site.

Calendar of Events    September-October


Saturday, October 6, 2012, 9 am to 5 pm  LA Metro Fall Ringers Workshop, Lake Avenue Church, 393 North Lake Avenue, Pasadena, California. Clinician: Rudy Rodriguez. Final concert begins at 4 pm. For more information, contact Pearl Marshall at lametro@areaxii.org.


Friday, October 12, 2012, 6 pm to 9 pm  Ringing' in the Red Zone, Bronze Choir for Redding Handbell Festival, Simpson University, Heritage Life Center, 2211 College View, Redding, California. Director: Larry Sue. For more information, contact Nancy Schmitt at norcall@areaxii.org.

Saturday, October 13, 2012, 8 am to 6 pm Redding Handbell Festival and Ringing' in the Red Zone, Simpson University, Heritage Life Center, 2211 College View, Redding, California. Clinician: Mary Balkow. Final concert begins at 4:30 pm. For more information, contact Nancy Schmitt at norcall@areaxii.org.


Saturday, October 13, 2012, Time TBD  Central Coast Fall Handbell Workshop, Trinity Lutheran Church, 960 Creston Road, Paso Robles, California. Clinicians: Lee and Bill Waggener. For more information, contact Shirley Werner at shipley712@sbcglobal.net.


To view all the events on the Area 12 calendar Click Here.


Advertising Rates for the 2012 Publishing Year

The  Twelfth Tone E-newsletter is published the first of each month, except July, by Area 12 of the Handbell Musicians of America, also know as the Guild. The Guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the musical art of handbell ringing through education, community, and communication.  The editor of this publication reserves the right to reject or modify copy.

Advertising Rates: 2012 Publishing Year

Two different types of ads are offered:

1.(a) An ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels X 300 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will by hyperlinked to your website.

Cost:  $10 an issue    6 issues for  $54    11 issues for $94

1. (b) Ad  designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels X 600 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file.

Cost:  $18 an issue    6 issues for $97  11 issues for $168

2.(a) A 1.5in. X 4in ad which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor. 

Cost:  $15 an issue      6 issues for $81    11 issues for $140

2.(b) A 1.5in. X 8 in. ad which contains a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website.  You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor.

Cost:  $27 an issue    6 issues for $146  11 issues for $252

Payment is due before publication.
DEADLINE is the 24th of the month

Please submit your ads to P.L. Grove, Communications Director via e-mail at info@areaxii.org.

Make checks payable to AGEHR Area 12
and send to:
Kathy Arnold, Treasurer
1228 Isabelle Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94040