WestCoast Handbell Supply
For Handbell Music, Supplies and Service Toll Free-888-775-WEST
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Email: BellMusic@ Westcoasthandbells.com
Norm Heitz and Carol Scheel present
A full service handbell store: music, equipment and maintenance items, bell tree, solo, ensemble music, Malmark bells, Choirchimes� and products
Play six octaves of bells anywhere, anytime on your iPhone or iPad.
Tap or swing any notes
or chords to ring
your own songs.
Now including a songbook of Christmas carols!
Available on the
Area 12 Bell Loan Program
Teachers, would you like the use of a 3 octave set of handbells or chimes to add a new dimension and interest to your music class? Area 12 encourages schools and other educational institutions (both public and private) to develop educational programs using handbells and handchimes. To support the development of such programs, Area 12 has 2 sets of 3 octaves of handbells and 3 sets of 3 octaves of handchimes for loan. Deadlines for applications is 5/31 for the Fall Semester and 10/30 for Spring Semester.To learn more about the responsibilities and procedures for participating in this program Click Here |
Area 12 Board
Chair...............Rima Greer Past Chair.........P.L. Grove Chair Elect...Laurie Sanders Treasurer.......Kathy Arnold Secretary............Sue
Appointed Officers: Communication..P.L. Grove Webmaster..........Mel Tully Events............William Kyle Education.....Tess Houston Historian....Diane Levorsen
Regional Coordinators: NorCal........Nancy Schmitt Bay Area.......Julie Vaquilar CenCal.............Lori Smith LAMetro.......Pearl Marshall SoCal..........Michele Sharik Nevada.......Barbara Walsh Hawaii.........Karen Carlisle
Local Liaisons: Las Vegas.......Dixie Bailey |
Upcoming Concerts at a Glance :Please check the Calendar of Events below for full details. Nevada
December 17, 2011 6 p.m. Tintabulations and First Church Ringers First U.M.C. 209 West First Street Reno, NV Northern California
December 2, 2011 7:30 p.m. Bel Tempo with the River City Chorale Christ Community Church 5025 Manzanita Avenue Carmichael, CA
December 3, 2011 1-4 p.m. RiverBells at Lucas Winery 18196 N. Davis Road Lodi, CA December 3, 2011
7:30 p.m. Bel Tempo with the River City Chorale Faith Presbyterian Church 625 Florin Road Sacramento, CA December 4, 2011
3 p.m. Simpson University Music Dept. featuring Simpson Handbell Choir Simpson University 2211 College View Drive Redding, CA December 4, 2011 5:30 p.m. First U.M.C. Handbell Choir First U.M.C. 1825 East Street Redding, CA
December 4, 2011 7:30 p.m.
Bel Tempo with the River City Chorale Pleasant Grove Comm. Church 1730 Pleasant Grove Blvd. Roseville, CA December 9, 2011 7:30 p.m. RiverBells in concert Faith U.M.C. 3600 "J" Street Sacramento, CA December 11, 2011 4 p.m. Bel Tempo in concert Northminster Presbyterian 3235 Pope Avenue Sacramento, CA December 17, 2011 12 Noon RiverBells State Capitol Building corner of "L" and 10th Sts. Sacramento, CA December 18, 2011 3 p.m. Bel Tempo Crocker Art Museum 216 "O" Street Sacramento, CA December 21, 2011 12 Noon Bel Tempo Westminster Presbyterian 1300 "N" Street Sacramento, CA SF Bay Area December 1, 2011
8 p.m. Sonos with the SF Symphony and Chorus
Davies Symphony Hall 201 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA
December 3, 2011
1 p.m. SFSU Handbell Choir in concert San Mateo Co. History Museum
2200 Broadway Street
Redwood City, CA
4 p.m. Tapestry featuring Canto Bello Walnut Creek U.M.C. 1543 Sunnyvale Avenue
Walnut Creek, CA December 6, 2011 7:30 p.m. Bay Bells in concert Valley Presbyterian Church 945 Portola Road Portola Valley, CA
December 8, 2011
8 p.m. Velocity with the SF Gay Mens Chorus
Masonic Auditorium 1111 California Street
San Francisco, CA
December 9, 20117 p.m. Tapestry featuring Canto Bello San Leandro U.M.C. 1600 Bancroft Avenue
San Leandro, CA December 10, 2011 7 p.m. Sonos with the Symphony Silicon Valley Chorale California Theatre 345 S. First Street San Jose, CA December 10, 2011 7 p.m. Tapestry featuring Canto Bello Trinity Lutheran Church 1225 Hopyard Road Pleasanton, CA December 11, 2011 4 p.m. Bay Bells Dublin Senior Center 7600 Amador Valley Blvd. Dublin, CA December 11, 2011 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. SFSU Handbell Choir Oakland Temple - Chapel 4770 Lincoln Avenue Oakland, CA December 24, 2011 5 p.m., 7 p.m., and 9 p.m. Velocity with the SF Gay Mens Chorus Castro Theatre 429 Castro Street San Francisco, CA
Central California
December 2, 2011 7:30 p.m. Velocity with the Stockton Chorale
Central U.M.C. 3700 Pacific Avenue
Stockton, CA December 2, 2011 8 p.m. Opus with the Modesto Symphony & Chorus Gallo Center for the Arts 1000 I Street Modesto, CA
December 3, 2011
1-4 p.m. RiverBells at Lucas Winery 18196 North Davis Road Lodi, CA December 3, 2011 2 p.m. Opus with the Modesto Symphony & Chorus Gallo Center for the Arts 1000 I Street Modesto, CA
December 3, 2011 3 p.m. Velocity with the Stockton Chorale
The Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist 1055 S. Lower Sacramento Road
Lodi, CA December 20, 2011 8 p.m. Opus with the Modesto Symphony & Chorus Stanislaus Catholic Church 1416 Maze Blvd. Modesto, CA
Southern California December 2, 2011 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a. m. San Diego Harmony Ringers "San Diego Living" Channel 6 TV San Diego, CA December 2, 20116:30 p.m. San Diego Harmony Ringers San Diego History Center 1649 El Prado, Suite 3 San Diego, CA December 2, 2011 7:00 p.m. Ring in Christmas! Bells, voices, & instruments Chula Vista Presbyterian 940 Hilltop Dr. Chula Vista, CA
December 4, 2011 12:00 p.m.
Crusader Bells Advent Concert
Pacific Beach Presbyterian
1675 Garnet Ave
San Diego, CA Dec. 9 - Jan 1, 2011-12 5:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. Jungle Bells San Diego Zoo San Diego, CA December 11, 2011 3 p.m. Timbr� with the Palomar Chorale and Chamber Singers California Center for the Arts 340 N. Escondido Blvd. Escondido, CA December 18, 2011
3:00 p.m.
Campanile Ringers Christmas Concert
Clairemont Lutheran Church
4271 Clairemont Mesa Blvd
San Diego, CA
To view all the events on the Area 12 calendar click hereOr go to the Areas portion of the web site (click on your state or area at top of home page) to see which concerts and events are happening near you. |
Hark how the bells...all seem to say...Christmas is here. Well almost! But it's definitely handbell ringing time. Enjoy all the various handbell concerts and performances listed below!
A Message from the Chair

Hi everyone! Happy December! Well, more like Busy December! Just glancing at the calendar below is enough to tell anyone how nuts you all must be! Even so, I want to remind you all about something really important. We all love playing bells. But as crazy as our schedules get ringing, it's just as important for us all to go listen. After all, if WE don't go to handbell concerts, who will? Oh, and bring some friends along, won't you? You know they'll have a fabulous time. After all, as much as I'm always whining about how "Handbells aren't just for Christmas," let's say - at least in December - that the operative word is "just," and that handbells certainly do make everyone's Christmas bright! Once we've recovered from our concert craziness, we'll also have a moment to reflect about the coming year. Do you have your handbell events for 2012 on your calendar yet? I know I'll be at three or more before the end of July, and I'm really looking forward to them all. Don't let the year get away from you - pencil in that Spring Ring, think about National, and first of the year, you'll be able to register for Disneyland! And so, with that exciting thought for the future, let me wish everyone a wonderful Holiday season, and a very Happy New Year!
Area XII Chair
chair@area12.handbellmusicians.org |
Communiqu� (From the Communications Director)
Whew! SO much ringing to do...so little time! That's evident by Area 12's December ringing calendar (and I'll bet there are quite a few concerts and performances not on our list below).
In the midst of all the holiday concerts, I need to at least point out that Area 12 has scholarships available. Make sure you check out the information below and on the web site. If you or someone you know thinks they can't afford to attend the Disneyland conference, perhaps a scholarship is just the answer. Even lack of funds can't stop us from doing what we love!
And as always, make sure you send in your best guess for the Treasure Hunt. There are still prizes...which amounts to still more money for Disneyland.
And speaking of Disneyland....registration's right around the corner. Watch the Area 12 conference page for updated information as it comes in, and watch your mailbox for the brochure.
After Christmas, the next best thing is...well, probably Disneyland!
December Treasure Hunt Clue
Congratulations to the November Treasure Hunt winner, Beckie Wiley, who was the first person to correctly guess the answer to the November clue: Area 12's 2011-2012 budget is now available on the web site.
If you're just now finding out about the Area 12 Treasure Hunt, we've invited members to search for hidden treasure on the Area 12 web site each month through this enewsletter. Each newsletter will contain a clue as to where on the Area 12 web site you can find something NEW. Use the clue to identify the new item. Be the first person to send an email with the correct answer and win the prize. For full details of the contest, eligibility requirements and a list of the prizes, go to the Contest Page on the Area 12 web site.
Now, here's the fifth Treasure Hunt clue:
It might be just draft, and a few things it lacks
But as we update this page, it will keep us on track
The first eligible individual to send an email with the correct answer to info@areaxii.org wins this month's prize. Prize winners will be announced in the following month's enewsletter. All prize winners' contact information will be shared with the other winners to facilitate a potential prize exchange.
Spread the word that we're on a treasure hunt....
Yo ho, Yo ho!
Scholarships Available for Disneyland
If you think you can't afford to attend the Area 12 conference next summer at Disneyland, think again.
Every two years Area 12 offers scholarships to two Area 12 members to assist them with the cost of attending the Area 12 conference. The Jim Scott Memorial Scholarship fund assists one ringer and one director who demonstrate financial need by covering their registration, room fees (at double occupancy), and any meals that are included in the registration packet. Applications are being accepted now through April 15th, so don't delay! If you or someone you know is interested, send in your application today. To find out more information on qualifying for the Jim Scott Memorial Scholarship and to download an application, click here, or contact the Area 12 past chair at pastchair@areaxii.org. The Happiest Place on Earth could also be affordable! |
SoCal - Mich�le Sharik, Regional Coordinator
 H ello SoCal-ers!
Wow, so much going on this holiday season! check the SoCal page for all the news, but here are some highlights:
- Fri, Dec 2: San Diego Harmony Ringers to appear on "San Diego Living" on Channel 6 TV. Airs live 9-10am (SDHR to play sometime in that window).
- Sun, Dec 4: Crusader Bells of Pacific Beach Presbyterian Advent Concert at 12 noon.
- Dec 9 through Jan 1: Jungle Bells at the San Diego Zoo. Many groups (and a soloist) from SoCal and LA Metro!
- Sun, Dec 18: Campanile Ringers from Clairemont Lutheran Church Christmas Concert at 3pm.
ALSO: Don't forget that the 2012 Southern California Spring Ring is coming in April 2012. Information & registration packets are now available at the SoCal web page. I'll be sending the paper packets out by the end of next week.
As always, watch our Facebook page for the latest SoCal handbell news.
Looking forward to hearing from all of you this holiday season!
LA Metro - Pearl Marshall, Regional Coordinator
Season's Greetings Fellow LA Metro Ringers!
Everyone is in the Mood for bells this time of year. Please don't forget to send me information on your concerts throughout the season. I do get emails from potential audience members about when and where they can hear and see handbell ringing. If they can't come to my concert, maybe they can make it to yours!
I have also been starting to get requests for "gigs." Some of these have honorariums available, others do not. They have varying specifics like available table space, time of day/week, and concert length. I even have a request from someone who doesn't want a "Christmas" program. If you are interested in learning about potential performances, please send me an email with some details about you and/or your group. Information about required honorarium rates, size of your group, and availability would be particularly helpful. I'll do my best to inform you of these opportunities as they arise. I'd hate to pass on a chance to bring handbell ringing to any new and eager audience.
All (youth, teachers, and parents!) who came to last month's Youth Handbell Festival with KatRyn Howell had a fantastic time. We spent the morning playing rhythm games like the "Maori Stick Game," the Filipino dance "Tinikling," and a Ghanaian stone-passing playground game with the song "Sansa Kroma," all to give practice in "internalizing the beat." We also learned a little Speed Stacking to reinforce our bi-lateral dexterity. In the afternoon, we rehearsed the festival repertoire with Kat, which gave us a chance to try new approaches to making music. Our day was filled with laughter and learning. Many thanks to all the staff: KatRyn Howell (& Ian!), Debbie Shaw, Shannon Shaw, and Justin Wooten, as well as the parents of Los Altos United Methodist Church who organized lunch for us all and fully participated in our morning activities. Our small numbers this time allowed us to tailor-make a day of ringing and musical activity.
Youth Handbell Directors, if you were not able to come to this event this year, I would love feedback from you as to what obstacles and interests I could try to accommodate for next time. We are already planning for next year's Youth Handbell Festival, so it's not too early for your two cents!
Our Spring Ring 2012 flyer is ready and available on the LA Metro page of the Area12 website. With Kath Wissinger as our clinician, the ringing space will fill up fast. You'll want to get your registration in as soon as possible since table space will be assigned according to registration postmarks.
Ringers Wanted: We still have several handbell choirs looking for ringers. Our webpage has information about the groups and locations, rehearsal and performance schedules, average ringing level, specific position openings, and contact information for each group. If you need ringers for your choir, even on a substitute basis, please contact me so we can post your request.
We are still looking for a couple places for the youth ringers from St. Matthew's UMC in Annandale, VA to perform while in town next June for the Disneyland Conference. If you are interested in hosting this exceptional group, please contact me and I will put you in touch with their director, Nancy Cappel. You can learn more about them by following this link to a page on the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts website:
This is a special time of year for us as ringers. Remember to enjoy it!
Pearl Marshall lametro@areaxii.org Check out our LA Metro Facebook page!

CenCal - Lori Smith, Regional Coordinator
Season's Greetings E veryone!
It's a busy time for everyone. And yet, if you can find a little extra time, there are wonderful opportunities to check out what's happening with the other bell choirs in your nearby area. Maybe listen to a rehearsal for a few minutes. The learning opportunities by watching are plentiful.
And coming up....
Registration begins in January!
If you have upoming events and concerts, remember to let me know so I can post them in this newsletter, on the main calendar, and on the Central California portion of the Area 12 website.
Lori Smith
SF Bay Area - Julie Vaquilar, Regional Coordinator
Happy Holidays, Bay Area Ringers!
Last month was the annual United Methodist Mass Ring, and even though it was held in Central California this year, the event was begun right here in the Bay Area. Bruce Pettit from Bell Appeal has written the following recap of this year's event.
Five United Methodist churches in northern California participated in the 8th Annual United Methodist Bell Festival at St. Paul's United Methodist in Manteca on November 5th. The event had the largest audience attendance - over 100 - of any of the preceding concerts, due to extensive outreach by St. Paul's.
The theme of the concert was African-American spirituals, and Dorothy Straks, a deacon in the United Methodist Church, directed the five massed choirs. The Reverend Brandon Austin, pastor at St. Paul's, joined the mass ring and one of the choirs on drums.
This handbell event began in 2004 as the inspiration of Susan Griffin, manager of San Francisco Bethany's Bell Appeal. The event first involved only the northern seacoast district, but the invitation later expanded to include all of the United Methodist churches of northern California and northern Nevada. Bell Appeal has managed the first eight concerts, but the ninth concert in 2012 will be co-managed by Aileen Williams, director of Mission Bells of St. Paul's UMC, and Sharon Ericksen, director of Monarch Handbells of First UMC of Pacific Grove. This year, besides Bell Appeal, Mission Bells, and Monarch Handbells, two other choirs were from Foothills UMC in Cameron Park and Woodland UMC in Woodland. B.J. Cassevah, a high school sophomore who aspires to be a music teacher by learning as many instruments as he can, attended with Woodland UMC's choir.
The five mass ring spirituals were: "I'm So Glad," arranged by Sue Nelson; "I've Got Peace Like a River," arranged by Valerie Stephenson; "Just a Closer Walk With Thee," arranged by Bruce Greer; "Rock-a-My Soul," also arranged by Valerie Stephenson, and "Wade in the Water," arranged by Sandra Eithun.
Caroline Harnly, director of the handbell choir at Community UMC of Half Moon Bay, performed two solo pieces - "Swing Low" and "Joshua," both arranged by Nancy Hascall - for the evening's most sustained applause.
First UMC of Pacific Grove performed two selections: "Holy Manna," arranged by Martha Lynn Thompson, and its Ring 4 Glory quartet performed "Ain't That Good News," arranged by Susan Sylvester. St. Paul's two selections were "Soon and Very Soon" by Andrae Crouch, arranged by Hart Morris, and "Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho," arranged by Martha Lynn Thompson. Bethany UMC performed "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" and a medley of "Wayfaring Stranger" and "Motherless Child."
Moving into December, it's officially "our" season - the season when people think of bells. Check out the calendar below for events going on in the Bay Area.
Hope your holiday is full of happy bell ringing! Julie Vaquilar
Friend us on Facebook!
NorCal - Nancy Schmitt, Regional Coordinator
Dear Handbell Musicians,
Valley Baptist Church of McArthur, California recently invited the Carillons of Redding, California to come and play for their church service and give our Germany presentation, "Bells of Wittenberg." This is a small church located in a small town. The pastor of Valley Baptist is Gary Brom, whose wife, Amy Brom, is the former choir director of First Presbyterian Church of Redding. Both Amy and Gary enjoyed hearing the Carillons play on the first Sunday of the month. Since becoming involved at Valley Baptist, Amy has missed hearing the bell choir, so she invited us to come and play and share about our mission trip to Wittenberg. The entire McArthur community was invited to come, since everyone there enjoys music as well as hearing about mission trips. We presented everyone with a crocheted cross, played songs from our Germany concert, and gave our slide show presentation which was then followed by questions and answers. Then we were guests at their congregational lunch before heading home. We had a warm reception and a wonderful experience playing bells and making new friends at this small church in their small town. We so enjoy spreading the art of handbell ringing whenever and wherever we can.
December is packed full with handbell concerts, so please check the calendar of events so that you might be able to attend one of these special holiday concerts near you. I wish you all a wonderful Christmas season.
Nancy Schmitt norcal@areaxii.org
Nevada - Barbara Walsh, Regional Coordinator
Hello Nevada, and welcome to the season!
Here's a quick reminder that once you've taken a breath after the Christmas ringing rush, you'll want to have something to look forward to. The Next Big Ringing Event in Nevada is Las Vegas 12th Night. We've got David Weck, so you won't want to miss it!
Saturday-Sunday, January 14-15, 2012
20th Annual Las Vegas 12th Night
Southpoint Casino and Convention Center
Las Vegas Nevada Clinician: David Weck
For more details on this and other events in Nevada, check out the Nevada section of the Area 12 Web site or contact me directly. Oh, and don't forget to send me your concerts so we can advertise them on the web and in this newsletter.
Barbara Walsh
Hawaii - Karen Carlisle Regional Coordinator

Mele Kalikimaka Hawaii!
It was wonderful having Christine Anderson here for the workshop at Harris UMC in October. We had around 50 participants which was great to see. It is easy to focus just on the notes and not the musicality of what we do, and Christine was able to focus in and remind us that it is more than the notes. Learning solo ringing techniques also helps choirs to play fast moving notes more effectively.
Christine was also able to share mulitiple concerts here on Oahu for us using the techniques she taught us. Her concerts were very well received and such a treat. Check out the pictures on the Hawaii web page that were sent in by Young Pak. I want to thank Christine and the work she and Young did to make the workshop a success. It was a great way to lead into the Holiday Season.
If you are interested in attending the Disneyland Convention June 28 to July 1, please contact me. I will be putting together a conference choir and rehearsing the music for all that want to attend. Registration starts soon. Come join the fun. If you would like to come and watch the Mele Mai Paki Lima Community Handbell choir we will be at Ward Warehouse stage Sunday December 4 from 5 to 6pm, and the Honolulu Chorale concert December 11 at 4pm in the Sacred Hearts Academy Chapel on Waialae Avenue in Kaimuki.
With all of the holiday concerts and the hustle and bustle I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Enjoy the season.
Karen Carlisle
NATIONAL NEWS: National Ringing and Learning Opportunities
The Handbell Musicians of America event for advanced ringers is now accepting registration applications. The fourth west-coast version of Distinctly Bronze returns to Bremerton, Washington and the Kitsap Conference Center February 23-26, 2012. Find detailed event information and application procedures here.
The Handbell Musicians of America Master Series provides a unique opportunity for participants to develop their skills as a conductor, composer, director or ringer. Acquire personalized one-on-one instruction from our master clinicians during this 3-day event at the beautiful Hilton El Conquistador in Tucson, Arizona. You will gain hands-on experience in a nurturing and supportive environment. For more information about class requirements and the application process, check out the national web site.
And the 15th International Handbell Symposium is happening next summer in Liverpool. All the details and registration information can be found on the national web site. |
Calendar of Events December-January
Thursday, December 1, 2011, 8 pm Sonos performs with the San Francisco Symphony and Chorus, Davies Symphony Hall, 201 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco California. For tickets (cost $25-68), phone the SF Symphony Box Office at 415-864-6000. For more information, go to http://www.sonos.org/events.html. Friday, December 2, 2011, 9 am San Diego Harmony Ringers appear on "San Diego Living" Channel 6 TV. Friday, December 2, 2011, 6:30 pm San Diego Harmony Ringers perform in December Nights at the Prado, San Diego History Center, 1649 El Prado, Suite 3, San Diego California. For more information, go to http://www.sdhr.org/eventlist.html.
Friday, December 2, 2011, 7 pm Ring in Christmas! Bells, voices and instruments, Chula Vista Presbyterian Church, 940 Hilltop Drive, Chula Vista, California. Friday, December 2, 2011, 7:30 pm Bel Tempo performs with the River City Chorale, Christ Community Church, 5025 Manzanita Avenue, Carmichael, California. For more information, contact Mary Balkow at rmbalkow@sbcglobal.net. Friday, December 2, 2011, 7:30 pm Velocity performs with the Stockton Chorale, Central United Methodist Church, 3700 Pacific Avenue, Stockton, California. Tickets $20. For more information, go to www.velocitybells.org.
Friday, December 2, 2011, 8 pm Opus performs with the Modesto Symphony and Chorus, Gallo Center for the Arts, 1000 I Street, Modesto, California. Tickets $15-80. For more information, go to www.modestosymphony.org.
Saturday, December 3, 2011, 1 pm San Francisco State University Handbell Choir in concert, San Mateo County History Museum, 2200 Broadway Street, Redwood City, California. For more information, contact Caroline Harnly at charnly@sfsu.edu.
Saturday, December 3, 2011, 1-4 pm RiverBells performs at Lucas Winery, 18196 North Davis Road, Lodi, California. For more information, contact Sue Coddington-Allen at 916-397-2923.
Saturday, December 3, 2011, 2 pm Opus performs with the Modesto Symphony and Chorus, Gallo Center for the Arts, 1000 I Street, Modesto, California. Tickets $15-80. For more information, go to www.modestosymphony.org.
Saturday, December 3, 2011, 3 pm Velocity performs with the Stockton Chorale, The Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist, 1055 S. Lower Sacramento Road, Lodi, California. Tickets $20. For more information, go to www.velocitybells.org.
Saturday, December 3, 2011, 7:30 pm Bel Tempo performs with the River City Chorale, Faith Presbyterian Church, 625 Florin Road, Sacramento, California. For more information, contact Mary Balkow at rmbalkow@sbcglobal.net.
Sunday, December 4, 2011, 12 pm Crusader Bells Advent Concert, Pacific Beach Presbyterian Church, 1675 Garnet Ave, San Diego.
Sunday, December 4, 2011, 3 pm Simpson University Music Department Christmas Concert, featuring the Simpson University Handbell Choir, Simpson University, 2211 College View Drive, Redding, California. For more information, contact Nancy Schmitt at schmitt@awwwsome.com.
Sunday, December 4, 2011, 4 pm Tapestry performs The Magic of Christmas, featuring Canto Bello, Walnut Creek United Methodist Church, 1543 Sunnyvale Avenue, Walnut Creek, California. Freewill offering will be taken to support Open Heart Kitchen, a non-profit that provides free meal service to the needy in the Tri-Valley area. For more information, contact Carol Smith at carolsmith@comcast.net.
Sunday, December 4, 2011, 5:30 pm First United Methodist Handbell Choir in concert, First United Methodist Church, 1825 East Street (corner of South and East Streets), Redding, California. For more information, contact Carol Whitmer at handbell@reddingumc.org.
Sunday, December 4, 2011, 7:30 pm Bel Tempo performs with the River City Chorale, Pleasant Grove Community Church, 1730 Pleasant Grove Blvd., Roseville, California. For more information, contact Mary Balkow at rmbalkow@sbcglobal.net.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011, 7:30 pm Bay Bells in concert (with potluck dinner at 6:30 pm), Valley Presbyterian Church, 945 Portola Road, Portola Valley, California. For more information, go to www.baybells.org.
Thursday, December 8, 2011, 8 pm Velocity performs with the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus, Masonic Auditorium, 1111 California Street, San Francisco, California. Tickets $10-60. For more information, go to www.velocitybells.org.
Friday, December 9, 2011 thru Sunday, January 1, 2012, 5 pm, 6 pm, & 7 pm Experience Jungle Bells at the San Diego Zoo. Bell ringers' welcome is on Front Street. For a full listing of which handbell groups are playing which days, go to the Southern California page of the website. And for full details of Jungle Bells activities at the San Diego Zoo, go to www.sandiegozoo.org/junglebells/index.html.
Friday, December 9, 2011, 7 pm Tapestry performs The Magic of Christmas, featuring Canto Bello, San Leandro United Methodist Church, 1600 Bancroft Avenue, San Leandro, California. Freewill offering will be taken to support Open Heart Kitchen, a non-profit that provides free meal service to the needy in the Tri-Valley area. For more information, contact Carol Smith at carolsmith@comcast.net.
Friday, December 9, 2011, 7:30 pm RiverBells in concert, Faith United Methodist Church, 3600 "J" Street, Sacramento, California. For more information, contact Sue Coddington-Allen at 916-397-2923.
Saturday, December 10, 2011, 7 pm Sonos performs with the Symphony Silicon Valley Chorale, California Theatre, 345 South First Street, San Jose, California. For tickets (cost $26-36), phone the Symphony Silicon Valley Box Office at 408-286-2600, x23 (M-F 10-5). For more information, go to http://www.sonos.org/events.html.
Saturday, December 10, 2011, 7 pm Tapestry performs The Magic of Christmas, featuring Canto Bello, Trinity Lutheran Church, 1225 Hopyard Road, Pleasanton, California. Freewill offering will be taken to support Open Heart Kitchen, a non-profit that provides free meal service to the needy in the Tri-Valley area. For more information, contact Carol Smith at carolsmith@comcast.net.
Sunday, December 11, 2011 3 pm Timbr� Ensemble appears as guest artists of the Palomar Chamber Singers & the Palomar Chorale in O Magnum Mysterium holiday concert, California Center for the Arts, 340 North Escondido Boulevard, Escondido, California. For more information, go to www.timbre-ensemble.org.
Sunday, December 11, 2011, 4 pm Bay Bells in concert, Dublin Senior Center, 7600 Amador Valley Boulevard, Dublin, California. For more informatiobn, go to www.baybells.org.
Sunday, December 11, 2011, 4 pm Bel Tempo in concert, Northminster Presbyterian Church, 3235 Pope Avenue, Sacramento, California. For more information, contact Mary Balkow at rmbalkow@sbcglobal.net.
Sunday, December 11, 2011, 7 pm and 8 pm San Francisco State University Handbell Choir in concert, Oakland Temple - Chapel, 4770 Lincoln Avenue, Oakland, California. For more information, contact Caroline Harnly at charnly@sfsu.edu.
Saturday, December 17, 2011, 12 Noon RiverBells performs at the State Capitol Building, corner of "L" and 10th Streets (north door entrance), Sacramento, California. For more information, contact Sue Coddington-Allen at 916-397-2923.
Saturday, December 17, 2011, 6 pm Tintabulations and First Church Ringers in a joint concert, First United Methodist Church, 209 West First Street (corner of First and West Streets), Reno, Nevada. Admission is free; donations will be accepted. For more information, contact Barbara Walsh at barbagehr@att.net.
Sunday, December 18, 2011, 3 pm Bel Tempo performs at the Crocker Art Museum, 216 "O" Street, Sacramento, California. For more information, contact Mary Balkow at rmbalkow@sbcglobal.net.
Sunday, December 18, 2011, 3 pm Campanile Ringers Christmas Concert at Clairemont Lutheran Church 4271 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, San Diego, California.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011, 8 pm Opus performs with the Modesto Symphony and Chorus, Stanislaus Catholic Church, 1416 Maze Boulevard, Modesto, California. Tickets $10-35. For more information, go to www.modestosymphony.org.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011, 12 Noon Bel Tempo in concert, Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1300 "N" Street, Sacramento, California. For more information, contact Mary Balkow at rmbalkow@sbcglobal.net.
Saturday, December 24, 2011, 5 pm, 7 pm, and 9 pm Velocity performs with the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus, Castro Theatre, 429 Castro Street, San Francisco, California. Tickets $20-25 (special low-income pricing available). For more information, go to www.velocitybells.org.
Saturday-Sunday, January 14-15, 2012 20th Annual Las Vegas Twelfth Night Handbell Festival, South Point Hotel and Convention Center, 9777 Las Vegas Blvd. South, Las Vegas, Nevada. Clinician: David Weck. For information contact Janet Ty at jyty@aol.com or Dixie Bailey at dxbail@embarqmail.com.
To view all the events on the Area 12 calendar Click Here. |
Advertising Rates for the 2011 Publishing Year
The Twelfth Tone E-newsletter is published the first of each month, except July, by Area 12 of the Handbell Musicians of America, also know as the Guild. The Guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the musical art of handbell ringing through education, community, and communication. The editor of this publication reserves the right to reject or modify copy.
Advertising Rates: 2011 Publishing Year
Two different types of ads are offered:1.(a) An ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels X 300 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will by hyperlinked to your website.Cost: $10 an issue 6 issues for $54 11 issues for $941. (b) Ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels X 600 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. Cost: $18 an issue 6 issues for $97 11 issues for $168 2.(a) A 1.5in. X 4in ad which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor. Cost: $15 an issue 6 issues for $81 11 issues for $1402.(b) A 1.5in. X 8 in. ad which contains a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor. Cost: $27 an issue 6 issues for $146 11 issues for $252 Payment is due before publication.DEADLINE is the 24th of the monthPlease submit your ads to P.L. Grove, Communications Director via e-mail at info@areaxii.org.
Make checks payable to AGEHR Area 12 and send to:
Kathy Arnold, Treasurer
1228 Isabelle Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94040 |