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           The Twelfth Tone E-newsletter
AGEHR Area 12 Newsletter
September 2011
In This Issue
Handbell Resources
West Coast Handbell Supply
Bell Trees and More
Heitz Handbells
Bell Loan Program
Area XII Board
Upcoming Concerts
A Message From the Chair
Area XII Happenings
Calendar of Events
Advertising Rates

Handbell Resources

WestCoast Lt. Wagon 2
 Handbell Music, Supplies
and  Service



Organizers of

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on a regular basis to see and hear our entire list of published pieces. The latest releases and other website information will be featured on the home page.
Belltree ad 
Please register
on the website.

Louise Frier

Norm Heitz
Carol Scheel
Heitz Handbells Logo

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handbell store:

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Area XII Bell
Loan  Program
African Handbell Print
Teachers, would you like the use of a 3 octave set of handbells or chimes to add a new dimension and interest to your music class?  Area XII encourages schools and other educational institutions (both public and private) to develop educational programs using handbells and handchimes. To support the development of such programs Area XII has  2 sets of 3 octaves  of handbells and 3 sets of 3 octaves of  handchimes for loan. Deadlines for applications is 5/31 for the Fall Semester and 10/30 for Spring Semester.To learn more about the responsibilities and procedures for participating in this program Click Here
Area XII Board
African Handbell Print

Chair...............Rima Greer
Past Chair.........P.L. Grove
Chair Elect...Laurie Sanders
Treasurer.......Kathy Arnold

Appointed Officers:
Communication..P.L. Grove
Webmaster..........Mel Tully
Events............William Kyle
Education.....Tess Houston
Historian....Diane Levorsen

Regional Coordinators:
NorCal........Nancy Schmitt
Bay Area.......Beckie Wiley
CenCal........Kathie Mackie
LAMetro........Debbie Shaw
SoCal..........Michele Sharik
Nevada.......Barbara Walsh
Hawaii.........Karen Carlisle

Local Liaisons:
Las Vegas.......Dixie Bailey
Upcoming Concerts
at a Glance

There are no concerts on the calendar for September, but please check Calendar of Events below for full details of all upcoming events.
To view all the events on the Area XII calendar click here

Or go to the Areas portion of the web site (click on your state or area at top of home page) to see which concerts and events are happening near you.

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We've got the latest information on upcoming fall events, changes in Regional Coordinators, as well as next summer's all-area conference at Disneyland. If it's news, it's here! 

A Message from the Chair
 Rima Greer
Hi folks - happy fall! For those of you who took the summer off, it's time to get ringing again! Whether you're breaking out new music for Sunday service, the new school semester, fall concert repertoire, or diving into holiday music already, it'll be great to get back with your handbell friends and flex those ringing muscles again! It's also possible you'll have new folks starting in your group this fall, so you'll get to make new friends, too!

Speaking of new friends, as you will read in the next few newsletters, we are giving some of our hardworking friends a rest as Regional Coordinator and we're welcoming new volunteers to fill their very sizable shoes. As you know, transitions are often fraught with small speed bumps, so please let us know if we have let something slip through the cracks, and we'll do our best to fix it right away.

That said, I would like to heartily thank Debbie Shaw for her long, active and faithful service as the LA Metro Regional Coordinator, and welcome Pearl Marshall, who has graciously volunteered to pick up the baton. Pearl has been shadowing Debbie for awhile, and I know she will sail into the position seamlessly. Thank you, thank you, Debbie -- and welcome, Pearl!

Our other big news for this fall is that we are finalizing preparations for the Area 12 Conference at Disneyland next June, and we should have online registration up and running before the end of the year. Please let us know if we can get you and your fellow ringers any more information (new information comes in daily, and we don't want to make you crazy with daily email blasts!). Remember to head on over to the Area 12 Conference web pages, or drop me a note and I'll tell you everything I know up to the minute! 


Area XII Chair 

Communiqu (From the Communications Director) 
PL Headshot Resized
This is the month of reminders. Don't let these important bits of information get lost in the craziness of the start of the fall ringing season!


Round two of the Treasure Hunt is on. Will anyone beat Barbara's record of 15 minutes?


There is now a LOT of new information on the Disneyland conference up on the web, and just in case you miss it (buried in all the new info), I've left in the reminder below about the Call for Concerts. If you've ever wanted to play a concert at the Disneyland Hotel, now is your chance!


And speaking of that new Disneyland conference information, check out the main conference web page for all the basic information you wanted to know. Make sure you check back often for new updates.


Ah the magic of the let's get back to ringing!
P.L. Grove
Communications Director
September Clue: Treasure Hunt Round Two!!


Congratulations to the August Treasure Hunt winner, Barbara Meinke, who used the first clue to discover the treasure (Rules of Procedure) in a mere 15 minutes!


If you have no CLUE what we're talking about, get one (see second clue below)...we'll try to help by filling you in on what's happening. We're searching for hidden treasure on the Area 12 web site each month when your enewsletter is delivered to you. Each newsletter will contain a clue as to where on the Area 12 web site you can find something NEW. Use the clue to identify the new item. Be the first person to send an email with the correct answer and win the prize. For full details of the contest, eligibility requirements and a list of the prizes, go to the Contest Page on the Area 12 web site.  


Now, here's the second clue: 

Extra funds always boost morale

Find this treasure and be an Area 12 pal 


The first eligible individual to send an email with the correct answer to wins this month's prize. Prize winners will be announced in the following month's enewsletter. All prize winners' contact information will be shared with the other winners to facilitate a potential prize exchange. 


Spread the word that we're on a treasure hunt....

Yo ho, Yo ho!


Reminder: Call for Disneyland Showcase Concert


Wouldn't it be great to perform at the Happiest Place on Earth? We have an opportunity for a handbell choir to do just that.


Area 12 is now accepting applications from handbell groups wishing to perform a mini-concert on Friday, June 29, 2012, during the conference lunch hour. Any group affiliated with an Area 12 membership is welcome to apply.


To be considered for this concert slot, send an email to indicating your interest to perform in the concert. Groups will be selected by a panel based on the following criteria:
  • Unique and appropriate repertoire
  • Exceptional performance ability
  • Technical ability
  • Musicality

A DVD of your group's performance is not required, but it is strongly recommended in order to give the panel a good sense of your choir's capabilities. (YouTube links may also be submitted.) In lieu of a video performance, a CD should be submitted. Once your initial email indicating your interest has been received, you will receive a response in order to coordinate submittal of your recorded materials.  

Deadline for groups to apply for the Friday lunch concert spot is October 15, 2011. The panel intends to finalize its decision prior to the end of the year.

Applicants are especially encouraged to propose a repertoire in keeping with the conference location. Don't miss out on the chance to share your group's magic at Disneyland next summer!

Opportunity Knocks


As we reported last month, there are still a few ringing opportunities around Area 12 that just may have your name (or your group's name) on them:



San Francisco Bay Area Wedding NEEDS BELLS!

A future bride and groom will be holding their wedding in downtown San Francisco on Sunday, December 11th at 3 pm, and they are determined that bells will be ringing. They are specifically looking for 10-15 minutes of prelude music, Canon in D for the processional, and 10 minutes of music after the recessional. Requested music is in the genres of love songs, traditional wedding music or classical music. (Sorry! No Christmas music!) Remueration would be in the range of $300-500. If you know of a group who might be interested, please contact P.L. Grove at for more information.  


Also in the San Francisco Bay Area 

The Chancel Handbell Choir of Lafayette-Orinda Presbyterian Church is looking for more ringers!  We rehearse on Thursday evenings, 6:00-7:20 pm, and play one Sunday a month at both the 9:00 and 11:00 services.  We have five octaves of bells and six octaves of chimes, and we play level 2-3 music.  If you're interested, please contact Tessique Houston at

LA Metro Area

Cathedral Bells at St. John's Lutheran Church, Orange, California is still looking for two advanced ringers, one with low bass bell ringing skills and one with 4-in-hand/Shelley ringing skills. The ensemble plays mostly Level 4 and 5 music using six octaves of bells and chimes. They ring monthly in church services and for festival concerts, in the community, and at their annual concert. Church membership is not required. Contact Ramona Miller, Director, at  

SoCal - Mich�le Sharik, Regional Coordinator

Hello SoCal-ers!


If your group hasn't started their fall season yet, I'm sure it's only a matter of days until they do, and I hope you're as excited as I am about that!


While you're doing your planning, please don't forget to send a note to me letting me know when and where your group will be playing so that I can put your event on the SoCal and Area 12 calendars. 


For example, I will be playing a solo handbell concert on Sunday, October 23 at 3:30 pm at the First UMC in Escondido. You can find more information about that concert at the SoCal page and on Facebook. Wouldn't it be great if your concert were listed, too? :-)


And don't forget, the San Diego Zoo will once again be hosting Jungle Bells this holiday season! I will post a list of all participating bell groups as soon as I have it. Watch the SoCal page for more information.


Please note: the SoCal Directors' Seminar that was scheduled for Saturday, September 10th has been canceled for now - we are trying to reschedule for late summer or early fall 2012.


As always, watch our Facebook page for the latest SoCal handbell news.


Looking forward to hearing from all of you this fall!


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My best,

LA Metro - Pearl Marshall, Regional Coordinator
Pearl Marshall Photo
Hello LA Metro handbell ringers! My name is Pearl Marshall, and as you may know, this month I officially take over from Debbie Shaw as your LA Metro Regional Coordinator. The Area 12 Board asked me to write a bio so you can get to know me, and in the interest of space in this column, you can click here to be transferred to the LA Metro web page and read all about my handbell history. I am excited to represent you and assist you in holding wonderful handbell events in our area. Now...on to the local news!


The Fall Ringers Workshop is back again on October 15. This is going to be a wonderful warm-up for the new ringing season. This year, clinician Barbara Meinke is going to focus on ONE massed piece and ONE piece for each division. Only minimal music purchase and preparation is required, yet since all our efforts will be devoted to just a few pieces, we anticipate great success and satisfaction. This year there will also be a special 4-in-hand class offered by local soloist, Linda Krantz. The registration deadline is September 23, and more information can be found on the LA Metro portion of the web site.


This fall we are also offering a new Youth Handbell Festival on November 12! It is open to all choirs comprised, or partially comprised, of youth in grades 6 through 12. Directors, please consider bringing your youth for what promises to be an exciting day. Our clinician is the dynamic KatRyn Howell, who will appeal to your pre-teens and teens. The teaching staff for breakout classes also has been specially selected not only for their handbell ringing knowledge, but also for their ability to engage our young people in a meaningful way. Our inter-choir Lunch Time Tournament will be great fun and a way to help various choirs interact. The Friday Night Bronze Challenge (Nov. 11), is a wonderful opportunity for those youth just itching to further stretch their ringing skills. The deadline for Bronze Challenge is September 30 so we can assign ringing positions and allow your students time to practice. The deadline for the Saturday festival is October 14. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me.


And now a question for you: Does anyone in the region have elementary aged choirs? Would you like to see a Young Ringers Festival put on the schedule? What kinds of music or activities would appeal to you and your 3rd through 6th grade ringers? I am very eager to organize an event for this age group, so any and all input will be much appreciated.


I am greatly looking forward to meeting more of the LA Metro handbell ringers and directors. Directors, if you know you'll have a hole in your weekday rehearsal, please contact me to sub. It could be a great opportunity for me to meet you and for you to meet me, and for me to learn how I can best serve you and your ringers. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to contact me with your questions and ideas!


And as always, please let me know when and where you're ringing so we can post your concert on the calendar.


Pearl Marshall


Check out our LA Metro Facebook page!

Find us on Facebook


CenCal - Kathie Mackie, Regional Coordinator
Kathie Mackie
 Hello Central California handbell ringers.... 


It's that time again. Time to dust off those handbells and start rehearsing for the fall ringing season! I can already hear Christmas and Advent music in my mental ear, can you? Speaking of music, how many of you have thought that you might like to write music for handbells? Or maybe you have already written something?


Being a composer myself, and one who rings next to a fellow composer in a community handbell choir, I love to encourage people to write handbell music. Do you know that when handbells first started in this country, there wasn't any music written specifically for our wonderful instrument? Music was played from hymnals, and piano music, etc., until people starting creating their own music for handbells. I remember playing B4 and C5 as one of my first assignments when I began ringing and I had to read BOTH staves because C5 was written on both staves back then (oh, now I feel so old). Luckily, I was a pianist, so though it was a bit of a challenge, I did have an advantage. Fortunately, now in my "golden" years as a ringer who once again rings B4 and C5, handbell notation has been standardized so that C5 stays in the bass clef. If you aren't certain about proper notation, the Guild puts out a pamphlet on handbell notation, so check out the Guild store for that.


If you've thought of writing a piece for handbells, be sure and show it to your director as I did with my first piece. If you are the director, ask you handbell choir if they would play through your piece for you, so you can hear how it sounds. That's a very important step as a composer: to hear how the music sounds on the instrument. Also, Area 12 holds a Composition Competition, so have courage and enter, because you never know, you might just win! 


...and farewell Central California handbell ringers....


As sometimes happens, this year the new school year brings a significant change for me. I will be bidding you all a sad, but fond farewell as your Regional Coordinator. This past year has been a wonderful experience for me, and I have loved getting to know the people in my region and hearing about all the music you are making through the art of handbells. Thank you all for receiving me so warmly at workshops and concerts. It has been such a pleasure to serve you, and to serve with our wonderful and creative Area 12 Board. But for personal reasons, I now need to step down and focus my energies in a different direction.


You will, however, have a new Regional Coordinator very soon. Lori Smith will introduce herself in the next enewletters, and she is a lovely, creative lady who I know will fill my shoes admirably. I look forward to Central California greeting her with the same enthusiasm and warmth as you have me.


Peace, Love and Happy Ringing always,

Kathie Mackie
SF Bay Area - Beckie Wiley, Regional Coordinator
Beckie Wiley

Hello Bay Area Ringers!


While it's not "technically" a Bay Area event, the annual United Methodist Church Handbell Festival has often been held in the San Francisco area. This year, the 8th annual event will be held in Manteca on Saturday, November 5th at St. Paul's U.M.C. Dorothy Straks is once again the festival director, and the theme is African-American spirituals. After a day of rehearsing five selections, participants will perform in concert at 5 pm. For more information on this inspiring event, contact Bruce Pettit at


Low Ding Zone, the nation's first bass only ensemble, has a vacancy and is presently seeking applicants. Rehearsals are 2-4 pm on Sundays at Grace Lutheran Church in Palo Alto. Fall rehearsals begin on Sunday, September 18. An ability to read bass clef, commitment to attend rehearsals, and a willingness to perform two-three concerts per year is required. Interested applicants should contact founder and artistic director Larry Sue at


One of the few handbell groups that continues through the summer, Bell Appeal gave a fun performance on August 27th that was full of "love." With the theme Summer of Love, the group wove a story of two couples who meet during the summer, fall in love, experience the normal relationship ups and downs (one of the concert highlights was their rendition of Love Stinks by the J. Geils Band - yes, on bells!), and realize the true meaning of love in the end. Many ringers from around the Bay migrate to San Francisco in the summer to play with this group, and I understand that this summer's audience was not disappointed.


In sadder news, beginning October 1st, I will be stepping down as your Bay Area Regional Coordinator. I am thrilled to announce that Julie Vaquilar has agreed to fill this position for the Bay Area region of Area 12! Stay tuned for a proper introduction and welcome to Julie next month. In parting, let me just say that it has been an honor to serve you, and I look forward to seeing you all behind the tables at future events (especially Disneyland)!


And as always, as you plan your workshops and concerts, please send in your dates so they can be included in the Twelfth Tone enewsletter and on the calendar!!


A joyful ringer,



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NorCal - Nancy Schmitt, Regional Coordinator
Nancy Schmitt

Summer is winding down and fall is just around the corner. Rehearsals are starting or perhaps have already started. After a well-deserved break, it is always exciting to get back to ringing bells, being back with your ringing buddies, planning to host bell events or to attend bell events, reading through music for the season, and the list goes on.


Please be sure to add one thing to your list of ringing opportunities you would like to do in the fall, and mark your calendars now for the Redding Handbell Festival on October 22 at Simpson University Heritage Life Center. Our guest conductor will be Barb Walsh. Again this year will be the addition of the bronze choir called Ringin' in the Red Zone under the direction of Larry Sue. The bronze event will begin on Oct. 21 in the same venue.


In addition, we are having a pre-festival workshop on Sept. 10 at First Presbyterian Church , 2315 Placer Street in Redding from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. to give us a jump start on the massed numbers for the festival as well as the two bronze numbers.


The information and registration forms for the Redding Festival can be found on the Northern California portion o the web site or by e-mailing me at


And don't forget, I would love to hear about your fall or holiday events so that they can be added to the Area 12 calendar.


Nancy Schmitt
 Nevada - Barbara Walsh, Regional Coordinator
Barb Walsh Headshot

Hi, all!


Summer is almost over, and Nevada will be hopping with handbell events this fall and winter. Here's a quick review:

  • Saturday, October 1, 2011
    Fall Ringers' Workshop
    Reno, Nevada
    Clinician: Tess Houston
  • Friday-Saturday, October 7-8, 2011
    7th Annual Las Vegas Ringers' Workshop
    Las Vegas, Nevada
    Clinician: Nancy Jessup
  • Saturday-Sunday, January 14-15, 2012
    20th Annual Las Vegas 12th Night
    Las Vegas Nevada
    Clinician: David Weck

For more details on these upcoming events, check out the Nevada section of the Area 12 Web site or contact me directly. Oh, and don't forget to send me your concerts so we can advertise them on the web and in this newsletter.

Barbara Walsh

Hawaii - Karen Carlisle Regional Coordinator
Karen Carlisle

I am so excited that Hawaii is featuring Christine Anderson as a clinician this fall. Harris United Methodist Church is hosting a workshop with Christine Anderson, who will be focusing on improving technique and musicality. Technique is so important, and we all need touch ups here and there.

During the day's events, Christine will incorporate weaving, passing of bells, and some 2-in-hand. She will also focus on how to make ringing more musical by finding the melody, phrasing and dynamics.


The workshop is on October 15, beginning at 1 pm at Harris United Methodist Church. Dinner will follow the workshop and then Christine will give a free solo concert.

While she is in Hawaii, Christine will also give several other performances at the following venues:

Oct. 9 - Central Union Church worship service, 9 AM

Oct. 15 - Concert after workshop, Harris UMC, 7 PM

Oct. 16 - Harris UMC worship service, 10:45 AM

Oct. 16 - Aiea UMC, 6 PM concert


And I don't know about you, but I am really looking forward to going to Disneyland next summer, June 28 through July 1, 2012. Individuals and whole choirs are welcome, and I will have more information available at the workshop. I am soooo excited!


NATIONAL NEWS: Distinctly Bronze Positions Still Open!
Handbell Musicians of America
Each year it seems that several ringers from Area 12 make the trek across the country to New Bern, North Carolina to ring at Distinctly Bronze East. This year's event is coming up October 6-9, and we understand there may still be some spots open if you're interested but thought it was too late (it's NEVER too late to ring!).

We're sure there will be a report and photos for those of you who won't be attending. And if you are interested but can't muster the fortitude to fly all that way, there's always DB West in February....

To find out more about this and other National events, visit the National web site.
Calendar of Events  October-November

Saturday, September 10, 2011, 10 am-3 pm. Pre-Festival Workshop to work on repertoire for the October Redding Handbell Festival, First Presbyterian Church, 2315 Placer Street, Redding, California. Clinician: Larry Sue. For more information, contact Nancy Schmitt at


Saturday, October 1, 2011, 9 am-4 pm. Fall Ringers' Workshop, South Reno United Methodist Church, 200 De Spain Lane, Reno, Nevada. Clinician: Tessique Houston. For more information, contact Barbara Walsh at

Friday-Saturday, October 7-8, 2011. Seventh Annual Las Vegas Ringers Workshop, First Presbyterian Church, 1515 W. Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada. Clinician: Nancy Jessup. For more information, contact Dixie Bailey at

Saturday, October 15, 2011. Fall Ringers' Workshop, First United Methodist Church, 145 North Kenwood Street, Glendale, California. Clinician: Barbara Meinke. For more information, contact Pearl Marshall at

Friday, October 21, 2011, 6 pm. Ringin' in the Red Zone, Bronze Choir for Redding Handbell Festival, Simpson University, Heritage Life Center, 2211 College View, Redding. Clinician: Larry Sue. For more information, contact Nancy Schmitt at

Saturday, October 22, 2011, 9:15 am-6 pm. Redding Handbell Festival, Simpson University, Heritage Life Center, 2211 College View, Redding, California, Final concert begins at 4:30 p.m. Clinician: Barbara Walsh. For more information, contact Nancy Schmitt at 


Friday, November 11, 2011, 7-10 pm. Bronze Youth Challenge, First United Methodist Church, 134 North Kenwood Street, Glendale, California. Clinician: KatRyn Howell. Registration $10. For more information, contact Pearl Marshall at


Saturday, November 12, 2011, 8 am-5 pm. Young Ringers' Handbell Festival, First United Methodist Church, 134 North Kenwood Street, Glendale, California. Clinician: KatRyn Howell. Registration $25 for HMA members/$30 for non-members. For more information, contact Pearl Marshall at

To view all the events on the Area 12 calendar Click Here

Advertising Rates for the 2011 Publishing Year

The  Twelfth Tone E-newsletter is published the first of each month, except July, by Area XII of the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers.  AGEHR is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the musical art of handbell ringing through education, community, and communication.  The editor of this publication reserves the right to reject or modify copy.

Advertising Rates: 2011 Publishing Year

Two different types of ads are offered:

1.(a) An ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels X 300 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will by hyperlinked to your website.

Cost:  $10 an issue    6 issues for  $54    11 issues for $94

1. (b) Ad  designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels X 600 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file.

Cost:  $18 an issue    6 issues for $97  11 issues for $168

2.(a) A 1.5in. X 4in ad which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor. 

Cost:  $15 an issue      6 issues for $81    11 issues for $140

2.(b) A 1.5in. X 8 in. ad which contains a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website.  You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor.

Cost:  $27 an issue    6 issues for $146  11 issues for $252

Payment is due before publication.
DEADLINE is the 24th of the month

Please submit your ads to P.L. Grove, Communications Director via e-mail at

Make checks payable to AGEHR Area XII
and send to:
Kathy Arnold, Treasurer
1228 Isabelle Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94040