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           The Twelfth Tone E-newsletter
AGEHR Area 12 Newsletter
August 2011
In This Issue
Handbell Resources
West Coast Handbell Supply
Bell Trees and More
Bell Appeal Concert
Bell Loan Program
Area XII Board
Upcoming Concerts
A Message From the Chair
Area XII Happenings
Calendar of Events
Advertising Rates

Handbell Resources

WestCoast Lt. Wagon 2
 Handbell Music, Supplies
and  Service

Toll Free-888-775-WEST

Call: 559-625-5111
Fax: 559-741-7346

Email: BellMusic@

P.O. Box 4361
Visalia, CA
on a regular basis to see and hear our entire list of published pieces. The latest releases and other website information will be featured on the home page.
Belltree ad 
Please register
on the website.

Louise Frier

featuring love songs
past and present


Join Bell Appeal in a concert based on the original "Summer of Love." Music arranged by group members and featuring cello, vocals, bass, drums, violin, viola, piano and glockenspiel.


Directed by P.L. Grove


Saturday, August 27, 2011
7:30 p.m.
Ebenezer Lutheran Church
678 Portola Drive
San Francisco, CA


Free admission
Donations accepted


Refreshments will be
served at intermission




Area XII Bell
Loan  Program
African Handbell Print
Teachers, would you like the use of a 3 octave set of handbells or chimes to add a new dimension and interest to your music class?  Area XII encourages schools and other educational institutions (both public and private) to develop educational programs using handbells and handchimes. To support the development of such programs Area XII has  2 sets of 3 octaves  of handbells and 3 sets of 3 octaves of  handchimes for loan. Deadlines for applications is 5/31 for the Fall Semester and 10/30 for Spring Semester.To learn more about the responsibilities and procedures for participating in this program Click Here
Area XII Board
African Handbell Print

Chair...............Rima Greer
Past Chair.........P.L. Grove
Chair Elect...Laurie Sanders
Treasurer.......Kathy Arnold

Appointed Officers:
Communication..P.L. Grove
Webmaster..........Mel Tully
Events............William Kyle
Education.....Tess Houston
Historian....Diane Levorsen

Regional Coordinators:
NorCal........Nancy Schmitt
Bay Area.......Beckie Wiley
CenCal........Kathie Mackie
LAMetro........Debbie Shaw
SoCal..........Michele Sharik
Nevada.......Barbara Walsh
Hawaii.........Karen Carlisle

Local Liaisons:
Las Vegas.......Dixie Bailey
Upcoming Concerts
at a Glance

Please check Calendar of Events for full details.

San Francisco Bay Area
August 27, 2011
7:30 p.m.
Summer of Love
Bell Appeal in Concert
Ebenezer Lutheran Church
678 Portola Drive
San Francisco, CA
To view all the events on the Area XII calendar click here

Or go to the Areas portion of the web site (click on your state or area at top of home page) to see which concerts and events are happening near you.

Our National

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Countdown to...Christmas? Concerts? Contests? Conference?


There's a whole lotta ringing just around the corner...keep an eye out here to find out when and where! 

A Message from the Chair
 Rima Greer
Happy August, everyone! I hope you've been enjoying your summer as much as I have. Between our local events and National, summer can be busy, even if your group is on hiatus. And that's a good thing.

You'll be happy to know that a good portion of your Area 12 Board attended National Seminar in Minneapolis - not only to ring or teach, but to continue our partnership with your National Board, and to be your voice as our organization moves forward.


I was very excited to hear our fearless Executive Director make an open call for resources...the next step in the New Initiatives designed to make your membership more valuable every year. If you would like to contribute to the process, visit and click on New Initiatives in the center of the front page. Don't be shy if you think you have something to offer!


I was also thrilled to see that we had a huge contingent of first time attendees! It was really inspiring, and it was a delight to meet them. I know it's not news, but seriously, handbell people are the friendliest in the world. Doesn't hurt to be reminded of that once in awhile.


In the meantime, we are closing in on the final details for Disneyland next June, and should be announcing them in the next month or so. I don't think I've been this excited about an event since the first Pinnacle! Remember, you don't have to get your whole group to go. This event is designed to work for everyone, whether you're a bold intrepid, or a busload.


Speaking of Disneyland, check out the Call for Concerts below if you've got an extra special group! Why not give it a shot? It's easy to apply...see below....



Area XII Chair 

Communiqu (From the Communications Director) 
PL Headshot Resized
Right now there is a LOT to be communicated about our coming ringing year.

You'll note a recap of National Seminar, the Call for Concerts, and several notices of upcoming concerts, events and requests for ringers and directors. And that's just for starters.

We're kicking off a year-long Treasure Hunt that offers prizes to the first individual to use the clue and find that month's "treasure" on the Area 12 web site. See details below, and make sure everyone you know is subscribed to receive this newsletter so they're eligible to participate.


And in the coming months, look for more information to appear about the 2012 Area 12 conference being held at Disneyland. If you haven't yet considered attending, now is the time to add it to your list of "must dos" for next summer.

Yeah, there is a lot of information that will be coming your way soon. Make sure you stay involved by reading this newsletter. Oh, and please let me know if we miss something! We'll need everyone's help to make sure we pay attention to all the details leading up to next summer's magical event!
P.L. Grove
Communications Director
August Clue: The Hunt is On!!


This month we kick off our year-long Treasure Hunt! "What?" you say! "Treasure? Where?" 


If you STILL aren't in the know, we're searching for hidden treasure on the Area 12 web site each month when your enewsletter is delivered to you. Each newsletter will contain a clue as to where on the Area 12 web site you can find something NEW. Use the clue to identify the new item. Be the first person to send an email with the correct answer and win the prize. For full details of the contest, eligibility requirements and a list of the prizes, go to the Contest Page on the Area 12 web site.  


Here's the first clue: 

Board members need to know what to do, of course

That's why we have documents that we use as a resource 


The first eligible individual to send an email with the correct answer to wins this month's prize. Prize winners will be announced in the following month's enewsletter. All prize winners' contact information will be shared with the other winners to facilitate a potential prize exchange. 


Spread the word that the treasure hunt has begun....

Yo ho, Yo ho!


Call for Concerts: Disneyland Showcase


Wouldn't it be great to perform at the Happiest Place on Earth? We have an opportunity for a handbell choir to do just that.


Area 12 is now accepting applications from handbell groups wishing to perform a mini-concert on Friday, June 29, 2012, during the conference lunch hour. Any group affiliated with an Area 12 membership is welcome to apply.


To be considered for this concert slot, send an email to indicating your interest to perform in the concert. Groups will be selected by a panel based on the following criteria:
  • Unique and appropriate repertoire
  • Exceptional performance ability
  • Technical ability
  • Musicality

A DVD of your group's performance is not required, but it is strongly recommended in order to give the panel a good sense of your choir's capabilities. (YouTube links may also be submitted.) In lieu of a video performance, a CD should be submitted. Once your initial email indicating your interest has been received, you will receive a response in order to coordinate submittal of your recorded materials.  

Deadline for groups to apply for the Friday lunch concert spot is October 15, 2011. The panel intends to finalize its decision prior to the end of the year.

Applicants are especially encouraged to propose a repertoire in keeping with the conference location. Don't miss out on the chance to share your group's magic at Disneyland next summer!

Ringers and Directors Wanted


There are several groups seeking ringers and directors throughout Area 12. There are even ringers and directors looking for a group in which to showcase their talents. Take a look and see if some of these "want" ads might fit with some person or group you know: 

San Francisco Bay Area
  • Canto Bello, a community handbell ensemble based in Clayton, California has openings for this fall. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at St. John's Episcopal Church in Clayton. Informal auditions will be held in September. If inteterested, please contact Cindy Krausgrill at  
  • First Presbyterian Church of Mountain View, California, a Christ-centered community celebrating God's love through caring, sharing and growing, is seeking a Director of Handbell Ministries. The essential prerequisites for this position are a personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ, loving God's people and desiring to serve them in an attitude of Christian love. The successful candidate will lead appropriate handbell music during services of worship and special church events determined in a cooperative working relationship with the Director of Music Ministries and the Pastor. A full description of this position may be found at Interested candidates are encouraged to submit resumes to
LA Metro Area
  • Cathedral Bells at St. John's Lutheran Church, Orange, California is looking for two advanced ringers, one with low bass bell ringing skills and one with 4-in-hand/Shelley ringing skills. The ensemble plays mostly Level 4 and 5 music using six octaves of bells and chimes. They ring monthly in church services and for festival concerts, in the community, and at their annual concert. Church membership is not required. Contact Ramona Miller, Director, at  
  • Ruben Mendoza is looking for a handbell choir director position. He has over 30 years of handbell experience, which includes 14 years directing a church handbell choir. Ruben has taught at workshops and at handbell festivals. He is also a handbell soloist and has performed with several community handbell ensembles. Ruben is looking for a church within a 15-20 mile radius of the North Hollywood area. he can be reached at  
  • After 20 years, Shirley Dunlap has retired as the handbell director at Christ First Baptist Church in Covina, and the church is now seeking a new handbell director. They have five octaves of Schulmerich bells and even have their own bell room. Shirley is available for advice and assistance. For more information, please contact Shirley Dunlap at
SoCal - Mich�le Sharik, Regional Coordinator

Hello SoCal-ers!


I hope you all had a great summer and got to attend some wonderful handbell events and concerts. August is finally here, which means it's time to start planning for fall and Christmas!


Speaking of Christmas, the San Diego Zoo will once again be hosting Jungle Bells, and I will post a list of all participating bell groups as soon as I have it. Watch the SoCal page for more information.


If your group is playing anywhere this fall, please let me know so I can put it on the calendar.


As always, watch our Facebook pageFacebook page for the latest SoCal handbell news.


Looking forward to hearing from all of you this fall!


Find us on Facebook

My best,

LA Metro - Debbie Shaw, Regional Coordinator
Debbie Shaw Headshot
Last month I mentioned I was receiving assistance with my Regional Coordinator duties. Well I am officially announcing my resignation as your LA Metro Regional Coordinator, and the person who has been so helpful to me over the past few months - Pearl Marshall - will be taking my place.

Like many of you, I juggle my responsibilities at my "day job" with my many handbell interests and volunteer work. And, like many of you, there is sometimes just too much to do. Therefore, I find myself no longer able to continue to represent you at this time.

I have enjoyed the past few years serving in this capacity, and I look forward to continuing to see you all at events - but from behind the tables!

And I'm sure you'll join me in welcoming Pearl as your new coordinator, and I encourage you to spend some time at our events getting to know her.

And even though that's the big news for this month, I still want to remind you that we have two great fall events coming up in the LA Metro area:
  • Saturday, October 15, 2011
    Annual Fall Workshop
    Clinician: Barbara Meinke
    First United Methodist Church
    134 North Kenwood Street 
    Glendale, California
  • Saturday, November 12, 2011
    Youth Handbell Festival
    Clinician: KatRyn Howell
    First United Methodist Church
    134 North Kenwood Street
    Glendale, California
Watch for more details and registration forms and flyers to be posted soon to the LA Metro portion of the web site.


As always, please let us know when and where you're ringing so we can post your concert on the calendar.
Debbie Shaw and Pearl Marshall


Check out our LA Metro Facebook page!

Find us on Facebook


CenCal - Kathie Mackie, Regional Coordinator
Kathie Mackie
Greetings from Central California!
I hope everyone has been having a great summer so far. I love ringing, but even a ring-a-holic like me needs a break now and then. But if you're a director, you're probably already thinking about your fall music selections. I know I am!

Usually I spend part of July planning my fall music (maybe that's really where the idea of "Christmas in July" came from?), but I got waylaid this summer with an illness, so I'm going to be scrambling to get things back on schedule. Hopefully most of you will already have gotten a good start on your fall planning by now. I've already received packets of new music, so I'm getting some listening in to the promo CDs to see what might be good for my handbell choirs this season. That's a great resource, you know.

We may be enjoying the summer heat still, but it will be getting colder and into the holiday season before you know it. And we all know that there's no such thing as enough practice time....
Happy ringing!
Kathie Mackie
SF Bay Area - Beckie Wiley, Regional Coordinator
Beckie Wiley

Hello Bay Area Ringers!


I just returned from another exhilarating National Seminar for Handbell Musicians of America, held this year in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Classes, concerts, and clinicians were awesome! My favorite part of attending a national handbell event is getting acquainted with composers and ringing music they have written. This brings the music alive for me as I learn the interpretation and inspiration of the composer. These are often the songs I select for my church choir to learn during the next ringing season.


Looking ahead to 2012, Bay Area handbell enthusiasts have the opportunity to ring under the direction of Arnold Sherman, one of my favorite composers, at the Bay Area Handbell Festival in February. And Deborah Carr will be the featured clinician and director at the annual Spring Ring in Cupertino on March 23-24. Ms. Carr directed one of the all-star ensembles in Minneapolis. Watch this enewsletter and the SF Bay Area web page for details in the coming months.  


Of course, there will also be opportunities to ring under the baton of esteemed composers at Disneyland 2012!! Look for Tim Waugh, Michael Glasgow, Carlos Avila, and Nancy Hascall to "Share their Magic" at the Area 12 conference June 28-July 1!


As always, as you plan your workshops and concerts, please send the dates to me so I can include your special events in the Twelfth Tone eNewsletter!!




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NorCal - Nancy Schmitt, Regional Coordinator
Nancy Schmitt
On June 26, after one year of fundraising and personal contributions by its 13 ringers, the Carillon Handbell Choir of Redding left for Germany to help Castle Church of Wittenberg start a bell choir. The Carillons were accompanied by two quest ringers, and Michele Sharik was also along on the trip.

Sarah and Thomas Herzer are co-music directors at the church, and it was Sarah's dream to have a church bell choir. That dream became a reality on July 2, as the newly formed Castle Church bell choir played for the first time at the Carillons concert. Prior to the concert, the Carillons led two workshops for 16 very enthusiastic participants. The soon-to-be ringers played rhythm games and learned the basics of bell ringing and damping, plus various bell techniques. The new group learned a simple rendition of "Ode to Joy" that used several of those techniques, and they played the song at the July 2nd concert. The smile on their faces was priceless, and it was a joy to watch them play!


Now that we're back in Redding, we're settling back into our fall ringing events, including the annual Redding Handbell Festival. If you're looking for an extra spark for the fall season, plan to attend this annual event that will be held on October 22 this year at Simpson University. There will be massed ringing, plus a variety of classes including chimes, rhythm games, bottle music, mallets, the singing bell technique, and a reading session. Our guest conductor will be Barb Walsh. And for those looking for even more of a ringing challenge, a bronze level ringing led by Larry Sue will begin on Friday night, October 21 and continue on Saturday. Sign up either for just the Saturday festival or for both Saturday and Friday events. Registration forms and more information can be found on the Northern California page of the Area 12 web site.


And to get us started on music for the Redding Festival, Larry Sue will lead ringers in a pre-festival workshop on Saturday, September 10 from 10 am to 3 pm at First Presbyterian Church on Placer Street.
As always, send me your local concert information for posting to the enews and the web site, and feel free to email me if you have questions. 


Nancy Schmitt
 Nevada - Barbara Walsh, Regional Coordinator
Barb Walsh Headshot
The 23rd annual Zephyr Point Handbell Conference was just as wonderful as the previous 22 years. The beauty of Lake Tahoe, the camaraderie, and the music making with Mary Balkow, founder and dean, and guest conductor Bill Alexander are all reasons we attend.

I'm sure next year will be just as wonderful, but with a bit of a change: William Kyle will be apprenticing with Mary to become the next dean.  His unofficial title is Dean in Training, Zephyr (D.I.T.Z.).  William has been part of the staff for the past few years, so we're used to his great sense of humor and amazing ringing skills which will help make this a smooth transition.  Welcome, William!

We're kicking off the fall with a few events in Nevada. There will be a handbell workshop here in Reno on October 1st with Tess Houston as our clinician - more details to come. And don't forget the annual Las Vegas Ringers Workshop on October 7-8 with Nancy Jessup as the clinician.

For information on these and other local events, check back at the Nevada section of the Area 12 Web site.

Barbara Walsh
Hawaii - Karen Carlisle Regional Coordinator
Karen Carlisle
Aloha Hawaii!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. Mine has been very busy, as we just welcomed a new son to our family in May!

I am also very excited to announce our fall workshop on Saturday, October 15th - we are pleased to welcome Christine Anderson as our clinician here from the mainland. In addition to the workshop, she is available to refurbish handbells and will be performing solo concerts (dates, times and locations to be announced).

And we are still hoping to find a location to host a larger scale ringing experience here in Hawaii. If you or anyone you know has a facility large enough to accomodate approximately ten choirs in a massed ringing setting (along with breakout classes for the day), please let me know. We have an ongoing commitment from the amazing Tim Waugh to be our conductor if we can find a place large enough to hold the event.

NATIONAL NEWS: National Seminar Recap
Handbell Musicians of America
Fifteen ringers and directors represented Area 12 at this year's National Seminar held last month in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Once again, the event was packed with classes, concerts, vendors and lots of opportunities for networking with like-minded handbell enthusiasts. Below are some of the highlights.
2011 National Seminar Attendees

The seminar was kicked off with an energetic concert by Twin Cities Bronze. Other concerts followed, including a shared solo concert by two of Area 12's finest solo ringers: Christine Anderson and Michele Sharik. Minneapolis was well-represented not only by Twin Cities Bronze, but also by Bells of the Lakes, who gave a unique twist to their concert by playing a hymn fest, complete with organ and congregational singing. The Olivet Handbell Choir from Fargo, North Dakota also performed, and four soloists played a stunning Bell Tree Extravangaza.

New this year to the class list was a four-session track called "Festival Conducting." Only eight conductors were selected to participate in conducting for critique by the clinician, Elizabeth Judd. Two of Area 12's directors were selected from the applicant pool, and a third was chosen as the alternate. The conductors were given three pieces to prepare ahead of time, and upon arrival were assigned a small portion of each piece to conduct in eight-minute intervals. Ms. Judd commented on each of the conductors' technique and effectiveness, giving helpful hints for success. At the debrief session the next day, there was a lot of positive feedback, and the conductors all agreed it was a worthwhile course that should continue in the future. Also new this year were courses for a re-vamped certification program.

One returning event this year was the Distinctly Teen track. On Sunday evening, approximately 20 young ringers performed at the final concert under the baton of Carolynne Mathis. Their concert that featured spirited renditions of Pirates of the Caribbean (arr. McChesney) and Exultate by Josh Bauder, and a moving performance of Compassion by Jason Krug was one of the big highlights of the conference.

Another outstanding performance of the weekend was Saturday evening's concert by the Columbia Handbell Ensemble. Under the direction of Ed Rollins, incoming National president, the group deftly and musically performed some "oldies-but-goodies" (A Flight of Angels by Dale Jergenson and A Festival Day in Japan by Tsubono Ota), as well as two new unpublished pieces (Blackberry Winter, Movement III, C. Ellisor/E. Rollins, and Bound for the Promised Land, arr. P. Dell!) for handbells and marimba. Puerto Rican conductor Carlos Avila (who was also the keynote speaker for the seminar) was featured on marimba on one of the unpublished pieces, as well as a soloist in place of saxophone in a soulfully stirring rendition of Hart Morris' I'm Just a Poor Wayfaring Stranger. The performance proved that - even in spite of losing several saxophone players and changing the concert plan at the last minute - this is a group that knows how to make music.

All in all, it was another successful and inspiring National Seminar. Next year - Cincinnati, Ohio.

To keep abreast of what's happening at the National level, visit their web site.
Calendar of Events  August-October

Saturday, August 27, 2011, 7:30 pm. Bell Appeal performs its Summer of Love concert, Ebenezer Lutheran Church, 678 Portola Drive, San Francisco, California. Admission is free, but donations will be accepted. Refreshments will be served at intermission. For more information, go to

Saturday, September 10, 2011, 10 am-3 pm. Pre-Festival Workshop to work on repertoire for the October Redding Handbell Festival, First Presbyterian Church, 2315 Placer Street, Redding, California. Clinician: Larry Sue. For more information, contact Nancy Schmitt at

Friday-Saturday, October 7-8, 2011. Seventh Annual Las Vegas Ringers Workshop, First Presbyterian Church, 1515 W. Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada. Clinician: Nancy Jessup. For more information, contact Dixie Bailey at

Saturday, October 15, 2011. Fall Ringers' Workshop, First United Methodist Church, 145 North Kenwood Street, Glendale, California. Clinician: Barbara Meinke. For more information, contact Pearl Marshall at

Friday, October 21, 2011, 6 pm. Ringin' in the Red Zone, Bronze Choir for Redding Handbell Festival, Simpson University, Heritage Life Center, 2211 College View, Redding. Clinician: Larry Sue. For more information, contact Nancy Schmitt at

Saturday, October 22, 2011, 9:15 am-6 pm. Redding Handbell Festival, Simpson University, Heritage Life Center, 2211 College View, Redding, California, Final concert begins at 4:30 p.m. Clinician: Barbara Walsh. For more information, contact Nancy Schmitt at 


To view all the events on the Area 12 calendar Click Here

Advertising Rates for the 2011 Publishing Year

The  Twelfth Tone E-newsletter is published the first of each month, except July, by Area XII of the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers.  AGEHR is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the musical art of handbell ringing through education, community, and communication.  The editor of this publication reserves the right to reject or modify copy.

Advertising Rates: 2011 Publishing Year

Two different types of ads are offered:

1.(a) An ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels X 300 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will by hyperlinked to your website.

Cost:  $10 an issue    6 issues for  $54    11 issues for $94

1. (b) Ad  designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels X 600 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file.

Cost:  $18 an issue    6 issues for $97  11 issues for $168

2.(a) A 1.5in. X 4in ad which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor. 

Cost:  $15 an issue      6 issues for $81    11 issues for $140

2.(b) A 1.5in. X 8 in. ad which contains a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website.  You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor.

Cost:  $27 an issue    6 issues for $146  11 issues for $252

Payment is due before publication.
DEADLINE is the 24th of the month

Please submit your ads to P.L. Grove, Communications Director via e-mail at

Make checks payable to AGEHR Area XII
and send to:
Kathy Arnold, Treasurer
1228 Isabelle Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94040