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           The Twelfth Tone E-newsletter
AGEHR Area 12 Newsletter
June 2011
In This Issue
Handbell Resources
West Coast Handbell Supply
From the Top Music
Bell Loan Program
Area XII Board
Upcoming Concerts
A Message From the Chair
Area XII Happenings
Calendar of Events
Advertising Rates

Handbell Resources

WestCoast Lt. Wagon 2
 Handbell Music, Supplies
and  Service

Toll Free-888-775-WEST

Call: 559-625-5111
Fax: 559-741-7346

Email: BellMusic@

P.O. Box 4361
Visalia, CA
From the Top Ad 
Area XII Bell
Loan  Program
African Handbell Print
Teachers, would you like the use of a 3 octave set of handbells or chimes to add a new dimension and interest to your music class?  Area XII encourages schools and other educational institutions (both public and private) to develop educational programs using handbells and handchimes. To support the development of such programs Area XII has  2 sets of 3 octaves  of handbells and 3 sets of 3 octaves of  handchimes for loan. Deadlines for applications is 5/31 for the Fall Semester and 10/30 for Spring Semester.To learn more about the responsibilities and procedures for participating in this program Click Here
Area XII Board
African Handbell Print

Chair...............Rima Greer
Past Chair.........P.L. Grove
Chair Elect...Laurie Sanders
Treasurer.......Kathy Arnold

Appointed Officers:
Communication..P.L. Grove
Webmaster..........Mel Tully
Events............William Kyle
Education.....Tess Houston
Historian....Diane Levorsen

Regional Coordinators:
NorCal........Nancy Schmitt
Bay Area.......Beckie Wiley
CenCal........Kathie Mackie
LAMetro........Debbie Shaw
SoCal..........Michele Sharik
Nevada.......Barbara Walsh
Hawaii.........Karen Carlisle

Local Liaisons:
Las Vegas.......Dixie Bailey
Upcoming Concerts
at a Glance

Please check Calendar of Events for full details.
San Francisco Bay Area
August 27, 2011
Time TBA
Bell Appeal in Concert
Location TBA
San Francisco, CA
To view all the events on the Area XII calendar click here

Or go to the Areas portion of the web site (click on your state or area at top of home page) to see which concerts and events are happening near you.

Our National

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AGEHR website
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Ah, summer...pools, exotic vacations, camping, bells? Well, not quite - there are still a few opportunities. And if all else fails, you can combine the adventure AND the bells by going on a Treasure Hunt....


We'll take a newsletter break in July, however, and be back with more news in August!

A Message from the Chair
 Rima Greer
C'mon, sing with me..."I love bells in June - how about you?"
Some of you are taking the summer off from ringing, but I hope a bunch of you are taking the summer off TO ring! Maybe your whole group is on vacation, but wouldn't that be the perfect time to try that duet or trio you've always wanted to take a stab at? Of course there's another die-hard ringer who wants to try that with you! If not now, when? Go ahead - you'll have fun!
If you're in a community group, the summer could actually be a busy time for you. It's time for summer touring, which is always great fun. Do make sure you let us know when and where you're playing!

Then there's National Seminar in lovely Minneapolis, which looks to be wonderful fun: lots of great clinicians, lovely ringing opportunities, the works. Are you going? Drop me a line and let me know. I'll be there teaching assigning, performing, and doing a bunch of round tables. I'll also make myself available for private coaching and consultation. Make sure you come by and say hello, and let me know how I can help you in your ringing life.


Finally, we're just about a year away from our huge Area 12 extravaganza at Disneyland. Make sure you drop one more dollar in your D-land fund. If you never go to another handbell conference (heaven forbid!), make this one IT! Or maybe you've never been to one? Well, make Disneyland your first! We'll have more details for you by fall, so you'll have plenty of time to choose your tracks and make travel plans. (Yes, we're doing the track system again, so you can plan out exactly the kind of conference that works best for YOU!)


See you soon! 



Area XII Chair

Communiqu (From the Communications Director) 
PL Headshot Resized
As we begin the dry spell for ringers - that time we call summer - I'm reminded that there are still many things that occur during the summer that make the year go smoothly.
As a ringer, you may not be aware that your directors are hard at work selecting music, purchasing or fixing supplies, polishing bells (or, if you're like me, organizing the annual summer polishing party!) and generally using the "down" time to do everything we don't have time to do during the ringing season.
Then there are some groups who can't seem to get enough during the year, and they play all through the summer anyway!
Whatever your summer may bring, I hope you'll share it with other ringers by making sure we hear about it. Playing a concert? Let us know so we can post it here so others can attend. Summer "new ringers" group? Again, let us know so we can get the word out. And don't forget there's always National Seminar, Zephyr and Bayview if you just have to keep ringing.
And use the months of June and July to make sure every Area 12 member you know is subscribed to this enewsletter so they can participate in the Treasure Hunt. (Subscribe by clicking here and scrolling to the bottom of the page.)
Take a vacation during the summer, but don't let all the ringing opportunities pass you by. Stay involved and in touch with the rest of the ringing world.
P.L. Grove
Communications Director
Area 12 Treasure Hunt Begins in August!!


As we begin our year-long countdown to Disneyland, all Area 12 members are invited on a Treasure Hunt!

In case you missed the announcement last month, beginning in August, Area 12 is following Captain Jack Sparrow to World's End to find a hidden treasure each month. Make your trip to the Disneyland handbell conference next summer pay off by winning one of ten prizes offered through this newsletter.


From August 2011 through May 2012, each Twelfth Tone enewsletter will contain a clue. Follow the clue and find the latest treasure on the Area 12 web site. To win that month's treasure, be the first person to send an e-mail with the correct answer to Prize winners will be announced in the following month's enewsletter.


Here's a hint as to how you can prepare for the hunt and improve your chances of winning: go to the Area 12 web site now! Start familiarizing yourself with where things are located and what content is already there. It will be easier to spot something new once it's posted.


Here are the official contest rules:

  • Winners must be attending the 2012 Area 12 conference at Disneyland.
  • Participants must register for the conference no later than May 1, 2012. (In the event the conference is full before that date and future winners are not registered, those prizes will be forfeit and given to the next individual already registered who submitted the correct answer.)
  • Participants must reside in Area 12 (California, Nevada, Hawaii or Guam).
  • Winners must be an AGEHR member or belong to a member group. (Winners will be asked to provide their AGEHR number and director's contact information for confirmation.)
  • Participants must send an email personally - you cannot have someone send it for you.
  • To be declared the winner, you must have provided ALL details outlined in that month's instructions or clue(s).
  • Prizes will be distributed to the winners via their registration packet and may be picked up at the registration table at Disneyland.
  • Winners must be willing to share their name and contact information with the other nine prize winners, in case they wish to exchange prizes. 

"What will I win?" you ask. Here's a list of the ten prizes (not in any particular order):

  • Two prizes each of $50 worth of Disney Dollars
  • One $50 gift card for Patina Restaurant Group (good at Tortilla Jo's, Catal Restaurant, Naples Ristorante & Pizzeria, the Concert Hall Cafe, Patina Restaurant, plus other locations)
  • Three prizes each of a $50 Disney gift card good for purchase of any Disney merchandise, including food and accomodations at the Disneyland Hotel
  • One $50 gift card for Ralph Brennan's Jazz Kitchen in Downtown Disney
  • Two prizes each of one evening Disneyland park ticket
  • One $50 gift card for House of Blues in Downtown Disney 

(Note that if you win, your name and contact information will be shared with the other winners so that you can exchange prizes if you'd like.)


Spread the word in June and July and tell all Area 12 members

to subscribe to the enewsletter!

The treasure hunt begins August 1st....

Yo ho, Yo ho!


SoCal - Mich�le Sharik, Regional Coordinator

Hi, everyone!

First, thanks to everyone who took a moment to fill out the anonymous on-line survey about your experience at Bronze Vision and/or Spring Ring. This survey helps us know what worked and what didn't, and (most importantly!) how we might improve the event to better meet your needs next year. If you missed your chance to submit your survey answers, there's still time!  Here's the link to the survey:  


Secondly, I know we're all getting ready to (reluctantly) put the bells away for the summer, but there are still a few groups who are playing their end-of-year concerts, or doing summer tours, so be sure to check out the Area 12 calendar and get out and support these groups in their efforts to bring beautiful bell music to you and audiences everywhere!

Finally, don't forget to check out the Southern California Region - Area XII Facebook page for up-to-the-minute news about Spring Ring and other handbell happenings in SoCal!

Find us on Facebook

My best,

LA Metro - Debbie Shaw, Regional Coordinator
Debbie Shaw Headshot
Like some of the other Regional Coordinators, I, too, have an assistant who helps me with my Area 12 duties, including writing this month's column. Thanks to Pearl Marshall for her help and support in making sure we continue to have events in the LA Metro area. Here's her update:  
I know we are all looking forward to a relaxing summer. Of course, if you're like me, you are already planning for next year. The LA Metro Region has two exciting events lined up for the fall that you'll want to add to your calendar.
First, the annual fall workshop is scheduled for October 15 at the First United Methodist Church of Glendale with Barbara Meinke as our clinician. This year's event will have one massed piece and one piece for each division, as well as several breakout classes. The event flyer, registration form and list of repertoire will be posted on the LA Metro page soon, so check back for updates. Also - whether you will be attending or not - the LA Metro region is interested in borrowing copies of the two division selections, "A Merry Heart" by Cynthia Dobrinski and "Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus" by Cathy Moklebust. If you have copies of either of these pieces that you can loan for the workshop, please contact Pearl Marshall at A small rental fee is available.

The second event this fall is a Youth handbell festival on Saturday, November 12 (Veteran's Day weekend). This event is open to groups of young ringers and intergenerational groups that have students grades 6 through 12, and will also be held at the First United Methodist Church of Glendale. The day will include massed ringing, breakout classes, an intergroup game, and will feature the dynamic KatRyn Howell as massed clinician.

As many of us close out our ringing year, some still may have concerts coming up. Please let us know when and where you're ringing so we can post your concert on the calendar.
Pearl Marshall and
Debbie Shaw


Check out our LA Metro Facebook page!

Find us on Facebook


CenCal - Kathie Mackie, Regional Coordinator
Kathie Mackie
Greetings from Central California!
Shirley Werner graciously agreed to give a brief review of the Central Coast Spring Ring, since I was not able to attend. Here's her report:
The 2011 Central Coast Spring Ring is now a past memory. It was an absolutely fun and successful day. We gathered early in the morning for set-up, coffee, treats and fellowship, before beginning the day's task of learning from our clinicians.
Barbara Walsh and Tess Houston are such fun people and great teachers. The day really flew by, and before we knew it we were running through the open rehearsal that would end our day. This year the format included both Division A and Division B groups for ringers, each ringing two selections. Besides a quickly learned processional, there was only one massed piece, along with individual choir solos.
The ringers all came well prepared and ready for the polishing and added teachings to help us ring the music even better. Many listeners came to appreciate all the hard work we accomplished in just a few hours. Everyone learned something to add to their skills as ringers. It was a treat to have a violen accompany us on "A Simple Dance," and a cellist accompany one of the choir colors entitled "He Leadth Me."
Hopefully someone will step up to host the Central Coast Spring Ring in 2012. In addition to that, I hope you all plan to attend the Area 12 conference at Disneyland!
Happy ringing!
Shirley Werner and
Kathie Mackie
SF Bay Area - Beckie Wiley, Regional Coordinator
Beckie Wiley

Someone recently said that it seems as though the San Francisco Bay Area has the busiest handbell calendar in the world! But it appears we're finally winding down for the summer.


Before settling in for a month or so of rest, we did play host to Concordia Irvine's outstanding handbell choirs last month. And the Bay Area's own Handbell Ventures held its first-ever open house where attendees were treated to food, wine, an array of goodies at the auction, and several handbell groups and soloists performed. So while May was fairly quiet around here, there were still some bells ringing.


I wonder if we'll prove that comment correct: does the Bay Area have the busiest handbell calendar in the world? Only the summer months will tell....


Be sure to let me know if you have a handbell concert or event coming up so I can put i on the Area 12 calendar and the SF Bay Area web page. We can't claim to be the busiest area if we don't fill up the calendar!




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NorCal - Nancy Schmitt, Regional Coordinator
Nancy Schmitt
Now that all those spring festivals have come and gone, is there anything left for a handbell addict to do this summer close to home? A place where one might go and vacation before or after a bell conference?
Yes! It's the annual handbell conference at Zephyr Point in beautiful Lake Tahoe, Nevada, on Sunday, July 24 through Thursday, July 28. The theme for this year's conference is "Joyfully Ring," and the event - under the direction of Bill Alexander and Mary Balkow - features massed ringing, small ensembles and classes. For more information, contact Joe or Sally at the Zephyr Point Conference Center at 1-755-588-6759.
The Carillons Handbell Choir of Redding will depart June 26th for their mission mission trip to Wittenberg, Germany to help the Castle Church form their first handbell choir. Months of fundraising, plus the 13 ringers' personal constributions - have made it possible for the group to go. The shipment of donated bells and equipment arrived in Wittenberg on May 18, and music directors Thomas and Sarah Herzer are excited about the arrival of their bells. You can follow the Carillons on their trip to Wittenberg (June 29- July 5) through their Facebook page entitled "Bells of Wittenberg." Once there, the group will lead workshops, perform a concert, and play for two church services. The Carillons are proud to represent Area 12 of the Handbell Musicians of America (AGEHR) and the United States as they spread the art of handbell ringing. 


And this fall, plan on attending the Redding Handbell Festival on October 22nd, with guest director Barbara Walsh.
As always, don't forget to send me your bell choir news and performances so your events can be posted in this enewsletter, and don't forget to check the Northern California page for events in our area.
I wish all of you a fun and restful summer.

Nancy Schmitt
 Nevada - Barbara Walsh, Regional Coordinator
Barb Walsh Headshot
June brings the end of of spring, the end of school, and, for many, the end of the handbell season. For the young ringers in the Reno area, this year's end was celebrated with the Young Ringers' Festival. Over a hundred children from six different schools, ages 9 to 19, gathered at South Reno United Methodist Church to experience a massed ring. For many, this was their first taste of a large handbell gathering.
Dr. James Smith did a fantastic job of gently leading these young people in an exercise of cooperation.To make lovely music, the students needed to understand their role in the song and then understand what else was happening around them. As two-octave choirs suddenly heard the three-octave version being played in front of them, there was understandably some occasional confusion. To keep us all together, Dr. Smith used body techniques ("Bob your knees on the first beat..."), bell techniques ("Let's play that passage with all finger damps and listen"), and lavish amounts of praise ("You did it! You damped for that first rest - awesome!"). Dr. Smith made the students feel they were part of a larger world - and able to do well in that world.
As handbell groups gear down (or up, as the case may be) for the summer, one remembers that the sound of bells is well worth hearing, whether it be in a small church choir, a talented community group on tour, or 100 young people striving to make music through cooperation and teamwork.

Keep up with the latest handbell happenings in Nevada at the Nevada section of the Area 12 Web site.

Sarah Bigelow and
Barbara Walsh
Hawaii - Karen Carlisle Regional Coordinator
Karen Carlisle

Calling all Hawaii ringers! We are STILL seeking your help in order to hold an Aloha Ring here in Hawaii. For the past two years, I have been working with the Area 12 Board to hold an event here in Oahu. Our main problem is finding a location with enough space to hold approximately ten choirs in a massed ringing setting, along with breakout classes for the day. We have an ongoing commitment from the amazing Tim Waugh to be our conductor if we can find a place to hold the event.
If you or someone you know has access to a church, school or social hall that we can use, please contact me immediately. Come on, Hawaii...let's make this happen!

NATIONAL NEWS: National Seminar in Minneapolis in July
Handbell Musicians of America
It's not too late to sign up to attend National Seminar this July 14-17, 2011 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Minneapolis boasts some of the best musicians in the country, including handbell groups like Twin Cities Bronze and Bells of the Lakes. There will be classes, tracks, and, if you want, you can even spend the entire time ringing.
Check out the web site where you can find schedule, class, clinician, and online registration information.
Calendar of Events  June-August

July 9-July 16, 2011 Handbell Venture Italy Concert Tour, Le Fonti Hamlet, Tuscany, Italy. For more information, contact William Kyle at


July 24-July 28, 2011 Zephyr Point Handbell Conference, 660 Highway 50, Presbyterian Drive, Zephyr Cove, Nevada. For more information, contact Joe or Sally at Zephyr Conference Center at 1-755-588-6759.


August 27, 2011 Bell Appeal in concert, time and location to be announced, San Francisco, California. For more information, go to

To view all the events on the Area 12 calendar Click Here

Advertising Rates for the 2011 Publishing Year

The  Twelfth Tone E-newsletter is published the first of each month, except July, by Area XII of the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers.  AGEHR is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the musical art of handbell ringing through education, community, and communication.  The editor of this publication reserves the right to reject or modify copy.

Advertising Rates: 2011 Publishing Year

Two different types of ads are offered:

1.(a) An ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels X 300 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will by hyperlinked to your website.

Cost:  $10 an issue    6 issues for  $54    11 issues for $94

1. (b) Ad  designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels X 600 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file.

Cost:  $18 an issue    6 issues for $97  11 issues for $168

2.(a) A 1.5in. X 4in ad which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor. 

Cost:  $15 an issue      6 issues for $81    11 issues for $140

2.(b) A 1.5in. X 8 in. ad which contains a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website.  You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor.

Cost:  $27 an issue    6 issues for $146  11 issues for $252

Payment is due before publication.
DEADLINE is the 24th of the month

Please submit your ads to P.L. Grove, Communications Director via e-mail at

Make checks payable to AGEHR Area XII
and send to:
Kathy Arnold, Treasurer
1228 Isabelle Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94040