WestCoast Handbell Supply
For Handbell Music, Supplies and Service Toll Free-888-775-WEST
Call: 559-625-5111 Fax: 559-741-7346
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Area XII Bell Loan Program
Teachers, would you like the use of a 3 octave set of handbells or chimes to add a new dimension and interest to your music class? Area XII encourages schools and other educational institutions (both public and private) to develop educational programs using handbells and handchimes. To support the development of such programs Area XII has 2 sets of 3 octaves of handbells and 3 sets of 3 octaves of handchimes for loan. Deadlines for applications is 5/31 for the Fall Semester and 10/30 for Spring Semester.To learn more about the responsibilities and procedures for participating in this program Click Here |
Area XII Board
Chair...............Rima Greer Past Chair.........P.L. Grove Chair Elect...Laurie Sanders Treasurer.......Kathy Arnold Secretary............Sue
Appointed Officers: Communication..P.L. Grove Webmaster..........Mel Tully Events............William Kyle Education.....Tess Houston Historian....Diane Levorsen
Regional Coordinators: NorCal........Nancy Schmitt Bay Area.......Beckie Wiley CenCal........Kathie Mackie LAMetro........Debbie Shaw SoCal..........Michele Sharik Nevada.......Barbara Walsh Hawaii.........Karen Carlisle
Local Liaisons: Las Vegas.......Dixie Bailey |
Upcoming Concerts at a Glance:Please check Calendar of Events for full details.
Northern California
April 3, 2011
11:00 a.m. RiverBells in worship with special guest organist Doug Benton
Faith United Methodist Church 3600 J Street Sacramento, CA April 10, 2011 3:00 p.m. Carillons and Simpson University Handbell Choir St. James Lutheran Church 2500 Shasta View Drive Redding, CA
San Francisco Bay Area
April 30, 2011 7:00 p.m. Tapestry featuring Canto Bello Trilogy Vista Clubhouse
1200 Clubhouse Drive Rio Vista, CA
Los Angeles Metro
April 10, 2011 2:30 p.m. Velocity Handbell Ensemble
Rhythm and Bells Concert La Verne Church
of the Brethren
2425 "E" Street La Verne, CA
Southern California
April 9, 2011 12:40 p.m. Timbre Ensemble debut performance Hope Lutheran Church 29141 Vallejo Avenue Temecula, CA
April 9, 2011 6:00 p.m. Southern California Spring
Ring Final Concert Hope Lutheran Church 29141 Vallejo Avenue Temecula, CA
April 9, 2011
2:00 p.m.
Sierra Spring Ring
Final Concert
South Reno United
Methodist Church 200 De Spain Lane Reno, NV
South Reno United
Methodist Church 200 De Spain Lane Reno, NV
To view all the events on the Area XII calendar click here Or go to the Areas portion of the web site (click on your state or area at top of home page) to see which concerts and events are happening near you. |
Our National Organization
AGEHR website
Quick Links...
AGEHR Website
There are still a few chances left to get to a Spring Ring. Several ringers traveled to attend events in the San Francisco Bay Area and LA Metro area. Don't let the distance keep you from enjoying a great day of ringing. Head on over to Reno (April 9), Temecula (April 9), or Atascadero (May 14) to ring in spring! |
A Message from the Chair

I just spent the weekend at the Bay Area Spring Ring and, once again, I found out something wonderful about handbells.
Not only did I have a BLAST, not only did I learn a lot (how could you not?), not only did I get to see old friends and make new ones...but I also discovered - or should I say RE-discovered - one of the giant hidden benefits of ringing.
Ringing is such an intense process, it takes over your whole being. It cleans your brain of all your "to do" lists, all your clutter, and all your worries. You can't think about ANYTHING else when you're engaged in bells. It's like a vacation for your frontal lobe. And that's a good thing. A lot of the brain-spinning we all do is a useless and unproductive stressor - a complete waste of energy. By spending my time ringing and teaching, I got a huge break from all the other nonsense in my life, and I'm able to approach my desk the following Monday morning with a fresh, new outlook.
Not only that, but on my long drive home, I felt so inspired that I was able to outline (in my head, anyway) my next three arrangements that will be used in the Handbell Theater track at Disneyland in 2012. Oh yeah, that reminds me...one of the great joys this weekend was seeing so many of your Area XII Board members (and others) wearing mouse ears! We did it to remind everyone to save the dates for the Disney conference (June 28 through July 1, 2012), but it also brought an extra level of fun to an already happy and lively occasion.
There are more spring rings coming up in the next few weeks. If you aren't already registered, check the calendar and go for it now - it's never too late! At the very least I'll see you June 28th in 2012 - and maybe you'll have your ears on, too!
Rima Area XII Chair chair@areaxii.org |
Communiqué (From the Communications Director)
 What's the Buzz in Area XII? The buzz is all about Disneyland! As Rima mentioned, the Area XII Board was channeling Mickey at the Cupertino Spring Ring last weekend, and if the comments I've overheard and that have reached my in-box are any indication, this could be the biggest handbell event Area XII has seen in some time.
But as my personal trainer tells me all the time: "Don't just talk about it - BE about it!" (Words to live by.)
As the Board begins to BE about it, you will start to hear more and more about Disney in 2012. There are postcards circulating now reminding you to save the dates (June 28-July 1). And yes, there are mouse ears at some of your Spring Rings. And even a few door prizes.
Speaking of prizes, next month we'll be revealing another incentive for you to attend the Disney conference in the form of a contest. "What?" you say! "I can win something?" Yes you can! You'll have to be the fastest to read your enews each month beginning in the fall, and you'll have to do some sleuthing as well. Oh, and you have to be an AGEHR member attending the conference next year. But hey...a little prize for attending a handbell event at the Happiest Place on Earth never hurt anybody! Sounds like a three-fer to me.
So go ahead and buzz. But don't just talk about it - BE about Disney in 2012.
Patty Marquart Scholarship - Last Call!
Youg people apply all the time for scholarships to attend expensive colleges in this country. Well, before you decide you can't afford to attend this year's National Seminar in Minnesota, you should know that there are scholarships for attending handbell events, too.
The Patty Marquart Scholarship assists one director in attending the AGEHR National Seminar, usually held each summer. The scholarship funds include registration fee and room at half the double occupancy rate, as well as any meals provided as part of the registration fee.
Applicants must: - Reside within Area XII (California, Nevada, Hawaii, or Guam)
- Be attending his/her first National Seminar
- Be a member or associated with an organizational membership of AGEHR
- Currently be a director, or have contracted to be a handbell director within Area XII
Applications are being accepted until May 1, 2011 for this summer's National Seminar in Minneapolis. To be considered, download the application form, fill it out, and mail it to the current Area XII Past Chair (see address on application form).
If you or someone you know is interested in attending the National Seminar and is in need of funds, click here to find out more about the Patty Marquart Scholarship, or send an e-mail to pastchair@areaxii.org.
DON'T DELAY! Download the form TODAY and send it in! |
SoCal - Michèle Sharik, Regional Coordinator
 Hi, everyone!
This is it - the final countdown. Just 8 more days until the SoCal Bronze Vision & Spring Ring event begins! I am so excited about this event - it really promises to be a super-fun event, what with the great classes, the debut of Timbré and a final concert featuring massed ringing, as well as the Bronze Vision group, and performances by groups such as the San Diego Harmony Ringers and Velocity.
I also have some good news: there's still time to register! There is still space left on the ringing floor, so if you want to bring your group or register as an individual (or "orphan") ringer, please contact me via email and we'll get you signed up.
Looking ahead, don't forget to mark your calendars for the Fall Directors Workshop, which will be held Saturday, September 10 in Chula Vista. Finally, don't forget to check out the Southern California Region - Area XII Facebook page for up-to-the-minute news about Spring Ring and other handbell happenings in SoCal!
LA Metro - Debbie Shaw, Regional Coordinator
Wow! That is how I would sum up my March. A new adventure in attending our Area XII Board Meeting via Skype. Our LA Metro Spring RIng on March 19th and a trip north to the Bay Area Spring Ring and Intense Ring this past weekend. I have to admit my "non-handbell" friends really wonder about me this time of year! But, as you know, for a Handbell Addict there is no such thing as too much ringing or too far to travel.
Our LA Metro Spring Ring was a big success with 120 ringers attending in two divisions of rInging. Michele Sharik worked us to new levels, and we even rose to the challenge of "Beach Spring Stomp." Some of us were a bit nervous to start, but we ended up having so much fun!!!
| LA Metro Spring Ring 2011 under the baton of Michele Sharik |
We had 14 classes offered by our talented teachers, Stan DeWitt, Ron Dotson, KatRyn Howell, Linda Krantz, Beth Mays, Barbara Meinke, Rudy Rodriquez, and Shannon Shaw. The classes were varied from "6 ways to 4 in Hand" to "Weaving and Passing" to learning "Speed Cup Stacking," which helps with eye-hand coordination and right-left brain stuff that we need for bells. All reports were that everyone had a great time. Many thanks to Michele, Pearl Marshall (Class Coordinator), and Scott Melvin, Director of Choral Music and Handbells at Mater Dei High School (our host), for all their work in making this event such a success! It is always wonderful to see everyone at these events.
I wll be attending the So Cal Spring Ring and Bronze Vision next weekend. If I missed you in March, please stop by and say hi! There are a few concerts in our area this month, so please check out the LA Metro page of the web site.
LIke everyone else on the Board, I am looking forward to Disneyland 2012. This is the perfect event for me because I can mingle my love of handbells with my love of Disney. This is a local event for us here in LA Metro, so I am hoping to see lots of LA/OC people at DIsneyland. Mark your calendars now for June 28-July 1, 2012. You will be glad you did!
Don't forget to let me know about your upcoming events. Our LA Metro Fall Workshop has been scheduled for October 15th in Glendale. More on that next time.
Debbie P.S. Check out our LA Metro Facebook page! 
CenCal - Kathie Mackie, Regional Coordinator
Greetings from Central California - Happy Easter, everyone!
I had a wonderful time at the 8th annual Bakersfield Spring Ring held in the new sanctuary at St. John's Lutheran Church in Bakersfield. Beneath a beautiful pipe organ of monolithic proportions, about 65 ringers from seven handbell ensembles attended the day-long event that included mass rehearsals, classes, individual ensemble performance, and an outstanding special performance by soloist Susan Hitch. The closing concert literally had standing room only (we should all be so lucky!).
Congratulations to Dianne Bryant, who coordinated and hosted the event, and to the day's delightful and talented conductor, Christine Anderson, for a very successful Spring Ring.
I understand next year's Spring Ring has been set for March 17, 2012, and Christine Anderson will be back to teach classes and perform a special solo concert.
So mark your calendars now for next year, and until then, happy ringing!
Kathie Mackie
SF Bay Area - Beckie Wiley, Regional Coordinator
The 20th annual Bay Area Spring Ring on March 25th and 26th was certainly one to remember! Organized by Dave Ruder and assisted by registrar Carol Smith, the 2011 Spring Ring at Valley Church in Cupertino drew a record number of participants - 270 ringers and directors from the entire state of California and northern Nevada.
Michael Glasgow of Raleigh, North Carolina, was the featured conductor. Michael's passion for handbells, his charismatic personality, and his abundant energy provided a fun and challenging ringing experience for all.

The weekend began on Friday night with the 5th annual Intense Ring, an extra session that gave 42 ringers the chance to ring Hart Morris' arrangement of Ezekiel Saw the Wheel and Susan Sylvester's arrangement of The King of Glory under Michael's baton. With only 4.5 hours of practice together, the Intense Ringers performed these two selections in concert the next day, and received a rousing round of applause.
In addition to massed rehearsals on Saturday, an all-star cast of clinicians taught 15 classes. Michael was joined by Rima Greer, William Kyle, Dave and Dian Ruder, Michele Sharik, Larry Sue and Cheryl Woldseth as they explored topics such as stopped sounds, timbre control, basics revisited and many more. During lunch, Michele Sharik's solo concert, accompanied by Larry Sue on the piano, wowed the audience, who showed their enthusiasm with a standing ovation.
The day culminated in a concert extravaganza. Attired in a black tuxedo with tails, Michael directed four massed selections and the two Intense Ring songs. In rally ring format, eight invididual handbell ensembles also performed a variety of music including The Devil Went Down to Georgia (Bell Appeal), Renaissance (Tintabulation), and Gwerzy (Velocity).
Thanks to Dave and Carol for an awesome event! Mark your calendars now for next year's Spring Ring on March 23-24, with Deborah Carr as guest conductor.
In the meantime, to keep up on what's happening with bells in the San Francisco Bay Area, check out the Area XII calendar and the SF Bay Area web page. (And don't forget to send me information about your concerts and events so I can add them to the calendar.)
ps. Check out the San Francisco Bay Area Facebook page!
NorCal - Nancy Schmitt, Regional Coordinator
 Dear Handbell Musicians,
Simpson University Handbell Choir and Carillons Handbell Choir will combine to perform a concert on Sunday, April 10 in Redding (see the calendar for more details). Lois Nichols, the Simpson choir director, and I started planning the concert back in January, and our planning conversations went something like this:
"Wouldn't it be neat to play a song with trumpets? Wouldn't it be neat to play a song with organ and piano? Wouldn't it be neat to play a song with harp? Wouldn't it be neat to play a song with violin and double bass? Wouldn't it be neat to play a song with flute, cello and percussion? Wouldn't it be neat to do a processional? Wouldn't it be neat to have time for the children to come forward and play the bells? Wouldn't it be neat to give each concert attendee something special as a token of appreciation for their attendance?"
Well, guess what? We are going to do all of that at our combined concert. The tricky part has been finding times for us to rehearse with each of the instrumentalists. That is why over the next two weeks we will have three rehearsals a week to accomodate all those special performers who will accompany our songs. Are we going to be tired? YES! Will it be worth it? I believe I can speak for all of the ringers in answering: YES!
The concert is a benefit for the Castle Church of Wittenberg, Germany, where the current music director has always had a dream of having a bell choir. This concert will help her fulfill that dream. Oh, and before I forget, each concert attendee will receive a crocheted cross made by a special lady who used to play bells. She has crocheted 1,200 crosses for us to be used as a fundraiser for our trip. It promises to be a very special concert.
Don't forget to check out the Northern California calendar for more events.
Nevada - Barbara Walsh, Regional Coordinator
 As a Regional Coordinator, I find there are many people who help me make things happen in the handbell world, and they are often the unsung heroes of your wonderful ringing experiences. My friend and partner in ringing, Sarah Bigelow, is one such person, who has been helping me by writing this monthly article. I'd like to recognize her efforts in the future, so beginning this month, you will see the "by line" or signature from both of us. I'm happy to give Sarah the credit for her assistance and incredible writing skills.
Now, on to the heart of the matter: your top seven reasons to attend this year's Sierra Spring Ring:
- No. 7: Make new bell friends!
- No. 6: Catch up with old bell friends!
- No. 5: Feel the adrenaline rush as you sightread the massed ring music. (Note: This is NOT recommended! But let's face it, we are human and a few people will not have prepared as well as the conductor would like. Those people will have the fun of enjoying the "I-have-no-idea-what-I'm-supposed-to-be-doing" adrenaline rush!)
- No. 4: Feel the deep satisfaction of playing music that you have practiced forever, and hear the other bells around you singing the same tune, turning that one small melody into a triumphant chorus!
- No. 3: Share a favorite song during the solo rings, and bask in everyone's applause.
- No. 2: Hear new music as other bell groups share their favorite songs with the crowd. And hear a concert by a featured group or solo performer.
And the No. 1 reason to attend this year's Sierra Spring Ring:
- No. 1: Just have loads of good, clean fun!
The Ninth Annual Sierra Spring Ring, and the first Radical Ring, will be held on Saturday, April 9th at South Reno United Methodist Church, with Tess Houston conducting.
Sarah Bigelow, Writing Assistant |
Hawaii - Karen Carlisle Regional Coordinator
Calling all Hawaii ringers! We need YOUR help to make our Aloha Ring a reality. For the past two years, I have been working with the Area XII Board to hold an event here in Oahu. Our main problem is finding a location with enough space to hold approximately ten choirs in a massed ringing setting, along with breakout classes for the day. We have an ongoing commitment from the amazing Tim Waugh to be our conductor if we can find a place to hold the event.
If you or someone you know has access to a church, school or social hall that we can use, please contact me immediately. Come on, Hawaii...let's make this happen! Karen
NATIONAL NEWS: National Election Results
 The National office recently announced the winners of the 2011 election to the board of the Handbell Musicians of America.
Our new President Elect is Ed Rollins of Columbia, Missouri. Ed has been associate pastor of music and administration at First Baptish Church for the past 22 years. In addition, he is co-founder, bass bell ringer, and the current conductor of the Columbia Handbell Ensemble, and has served as the AGEHR Missouri State Chair, and Area VIII chair twice.
Also coming on to the Board are Stephanie Rhoades of Fort Worth, Texas; Steve Shorney of River Forest, Illinois, who is vice president of sales and marketing for Hope Publishing; and Jessica Westgard of North Dakota. This fall, they will join current Board members Philip Roberts, Stephanie Wiltse and soon-to-be Board President Lee Afdahl.
To read more about the newly elected members, visit the
Congratulations to all! |
NATIONAL NEWS: National Seminar in Minneapolis in July
 Online registration is now open for the National Seminar to be held July 14-17, 2011 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Minneapolis boasts some of the best musicians in the country, including handbell groups like Twin Cities Bronze and Bells of the Lakes. There will be classes, tracks, and, if you want, you can even spend the entire time ringing.
Check out the web site where you can find schedule, class, clinician, and online registration information.
NATIONAL NEWS: In Memoriam - Donald Allured
 Many of you already know that on February 28, 2011, the handbell community lost one of its greatest teachers: Donald E. Allured.
If you've been around handbells for awhile, you will, no doubt, have fond memories of "The Donald." Perhaps you remember his constant desire to create musical excellence - even in the midst of several hundred ringers in a massed setting (few of who are watching the director!). Perhaps you've used some of his books to teach handbells. You may even be aware that he is credited with establishing a now well-known handbell protocol called "damping," which, before his leadership, had been completely non-existent!
If you haven't been around handbells for long (and even if you have), take a moment to view the remembrance page for Don on the National web site. It's an incredibly moving tribute to a pioneer of our instrument: the man we called The Maestro. |
Calendar of Events April-May
Saturday, April 2, 2011, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. RiverBells Ringers' Workshop, with special guest Doug Benton, Faith United Methodist Church, 3600 J Street, Sacramento, California. For more information, go to www.riverbells.org.
Sunday, April 3, 2011, 11 a.m. RiverBells in worship with guest organist Doug Benton, Faith United Methodist Church, 3600 J Street, Sacramento, California. For more information, go to www.riverbells.org.
April 8-9,2011. Southern California Bronze Vision and Spring Ring, Hope Lutheran Church, 29141 Vallejo Avenue, Temecula, California. Christine Anderson conductor, with class clinicians Roy Attridge, Gretchen Rauch, Joe Rodriguez, and Michele Sharik. Final concert begins at 6 p.m. and is open to the public. For more information, contact Michele Sharik at socal@areaxii.org.
April 8-9,2011. Sierra Spring Ring and Radical Ring, South Reno United Methodist Church, 200 De Spain Lane, Reno, Nevada. Tess Houston conductor. Final concert begins at 2 p.m. and is open to the public. For more information, contact Barbara Walsh at nevada@areaxii.org.
Saturday, April 9, 2011, 12:40 p.m. Timbre Ensemble performs during the lunch hour at the Southern California Spring Ring, Hope Lutheran Church, 29141 Vallejo Avenue, Temecula, California. For more information, email info@timbre-ensemble.org.
Saturday, April 9, 2011, 3:45 p.m. Tintabulations concludes the Sierra Spring Ring with a special concert, South Reno United Methodist Church, 200 De Spain Lane, Reno, Nevada. For more information, contact Barbara Walsh at barbagehr@att.net. Saturday, April 10, 2011, 2:30 p.m. Velocity Handbell Ensemble performs its Rhythm and Bells concert, La Verne Church of the Brethren, 2425 "E" Street, La Verne, California. A freewill offering will be taken. For more information, go to www.velocitybells.org. Saturday, April 10, 2011, 3 p.m. Carillons and Simpson University Handbell Concert (a benefit for Castle Church of Wittenberg, Germany), St. James Lutheran Church, 2500 Shasta View Drive, Redding, California. Admission is free, and a freewill offering will be taken. For more information, contact Nancy Schmitt at schmitt@awwwsome.com.
Saturday, April 30, 2011, 7 p.m. Tapestry in concert (featuring Canto Bello), Trilogy Vista Clubhouse, 1200 Clubhouse Drive, Rio Vista, California. For more information, contact Carol Smith at carolsmith2@comcast.net. Sunday, May 1, 2011, 4 p.m. Cathedral Bells in concert, St. John's Lutheran Church, 185 South Center Street, Orange, California. For more information, contact Ramona Miller at brmiller2@cox.net. Friday, May 6, 2011, 7 p.m. Tapestry in concert (featuring Canto Bello), Walnut Creek United Methodist Church, 1543 Sunnyvale Avenue, Walnut Creek, California. Pie party following the concert. A freewill offering will be taken. For more information, contact Carol Smith at carolsmith2@comcast.net.
Saturday, May 7, 2011, 7 p.m. Tapestry in concert (featuring Canto Bello), First United Methodist Church, 1600 Bancroft, San Leandro, California. A freewill offering will be taken. For more information, contact Carol Smith at carolsmith2@comcast.net.
Saturday, May 14, 2011 Central Coast Spring Ring, Atascadero United Methodist Church, 11605 El Camino Real, Atascadero, California. Clinicians Tess Houston and Barbara Walsh. $15.00/ringer. For more information, contact Margie Orchard at margie6@wildblue.net or visit the Central California web page. Sunday, May 15, 2011, 4 p.m. The Power of Music, Walnut Creek U.M.C. Annual Handbell Concert, Walnut Creek United Methodist Church, 1543 Sunnyvale Avenue, Walnut Creek, California. For more information, contact Jane Patty at janeepatty@aol.com.
Sunday, May 15, 2011, 4:30 p.m. St. Mark's Handbells Spring Concert, St. Mark's United Methodist Church, 3502 Clairemont Drive, San Diego, California. A freewill offering will be taken. Childcare provided; reception following concert. Wednesday, May 25, 2011, 7 p.m. Tapestry in concert (featuring Canto Bello), Rossmoor Clubhouse, Rossmoor Parkway, Walnut Creek, California. For more information, contact Carol Smith at carolsmith2@comcast.net.
Saturday, May 28, 2011, 7 p.m. Tapestry in concert (featuring Canto Bello), Congregation Beth Israel, 5716 Carmel Valley Road, Carmel, California. For more information, contact Carol Smith at carolsmith2@comcast.net. Sunday, May 29, 2011, 10 a.m. Tapestry in concert (featuring Canto Bello), Church of the Wayfarer, 7th & Lincoln, Carmel, California. For more information, contact Carol Smith at carolsmith2@comcast.net. To view all the events on the Area XII calendar Click Here
Advertising Rates for the 2011 Publishing Year
The Twelfth Tone E-newsletter is published the first of each month, except July, by Area XII of the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers. AGEHR is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the musical art of handbell ringing through education, community, and communication. The editor of this publication reserves the right to reject or modify copy.
Advertising Rates: 2011 Publishing Year
Two different types of ads are offered:1.(a) An ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels X 300 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will by hyperlinked to your website.Cost: $10 an issue 6 issues for $54 11 issues for $941. (b) Ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels X 600 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. Cost: $18 an issue 6 issues for $97 11 issues for $168 2.(a) A 1.5in. X 4in ad which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor. Cost: $15 an issue 6 issues for $81 11 issues for $1402.(b) A 1.5in. X 8 in. ad which contains a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor. Cost: $27 an issue 6 issues for $146 11 issues for $252 Payment is due before publication.DEADLINE is the 24th of the monthPlease submit your ads to P.L. Grove, Communications Director via e-mail at info@areaxii.org.
Make checks payable to AGEHR Area XII and send to:
Kathy Arnold, Treasurer
1228 Isabelle Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94040 |