WestCoast Handbell Supply
For Handbell Music, Supplies and Service Toll Free-888-775-WEST
Call: 559-625-5111 Fax: 559-741-7346
Email: BellMusic@ Westcoasthandbells.com
Visit www.BelltreesandMore.com on a regular basis to see and hear our entire list of published pieces. The latest releases and other website information will be featured on the home page.

Please register on the website.
Area XII Bell Loan Program
Teachers, would you like the use of a 3 octave set of handbells or chimes to add a new dimension and interest to your music class? Area XII encourages schools and other educational institutions (both public and private) to develop educational programs using handbells and handchimes. To support the development of such programs Area XII has 2 sets of 3 octaves of handbells and 3 sets of 3 octaves of handchimes for loan. Deadlines for applications is 5/31 for the Fall Semester and 10/30 for Spring Semester.To learn more about the responsibilities and procedures for participating in this program Click Here |
Area XII Board
Chair...............Rima Greer Past Chair.........P.L. Grove Chair Elect...Laurie Sanders Treasurer.......Kathy Arnold Secretary............Sue
Appointed Officers: Communication..P.L. Grove Webmaster..........Mel Tully Events............William Kyle Education.....Tess Houston Historian....Diane Levorsen
Regional Coordinators: NorCal........Nancy Schmitt Bay Area.......Beckie Wiley CenCal........Kathie Mackie LAMetro........Debbie Shaw SoCal..........Michele Sharik Nevada.......Barbara Walsh Hawaii.........Karen Carlisle
Local Liaisons: Las Vegas.......Dixie Bailey |
Upcoming Concerts at a Glance:Please check Calendar of Events for full details.
Southern California
January 2, 2011
5:00-8:30 p.m. San Diego Harmony Ringers Jungle Bells at the
San Diego Zoo 2920 Zoo Drve San Diego, CA
San Francisco Bay Area
January 9, 2011 5:30 p.m. 2nd Annual St. Andrew's 12th Night Final Concert 13601 Saratoga Avenue Saratoga, CA
Nevada January 16, 20114:00 p.m.19th Annual Las Vegas 12th Night Final ConcertSouth Point Hotel and Convention Center9777 Las Vegas Blvd. SouthLas Vegas, NVTo view all the events on the Area XII calendar click here Or go to the Areas portion of the web site (click on your state or area at top of home page) to see which concerts and events are happening near you. |
Our National Organization
AGEHR website
Quick Links...
AGEHR Website
The holiday season - the busiest time of the year for handbells - has come and gone. Take a breath, then start your check list for 2011:
- Go to Area XII web site and find closest Spring Ring.
- Fill out registration forms for group (or for you if you're a ringer!) and send in forms and fees (if something doesn't look possible, contact your Regional Coordinator before completely nixing the idea).
- Start practicing music.
- (If you're a director, don't forget to program in Easter music and other important repertoire for the rest of the year!)
- Have a great time at Spring Ring saying hello to old friends, meeting new ones, being inspired by other groups or being the inspiration for new ringers.
- Mark calendar for next handbell event to do it all again next year!
A Message from the Chair
Happy New Year! Here's hoping you had a wonderful holiday season, and wishing you all the best in the new year!
So, what are your ringing plans for 2011? January is always a great time to set that bar a little higher and dream those dreams of ringing greatness. Don't worry if you don't meet those goals. Just by setting them, you will be challenging your own limitations, and that's what makes for great ringing and close-knit ringing communities.
Some of you will set lofty goals, and some of you will be taking baby steps. I'm thinking that maybe the best thing to do is to do both! Sure, plan to play at Carnegie Hall, but also plan to get your whole group out to a spring ring (including that one ringer who needs it the most and never goes), or maybe try that one piece you all love but are afraid it might be too hard....
Whatever your ringing dreams are for 2011, go for it! And share with us - we really do want to know! Please make sure your Regional Coordinator knows what you are up to, no matter how big or how small you think it is. And if you're shy or you don't yet know your Regional Coordinator, write me and I'll introduce you to the friendliest person you'll ever meet!
We're all in this together...so buckle up, and let's enjoy a whole new year of ringing!
Disneyland in 2012! Rima Area XII Chair |
Communiqué (From the Communications Director)
 In my "day job," I work for an agency that does regional planning. Our standard office joke is that the planners don't do much planning. Like everyone else, they find that by the time they finally get their head out from under some huge effort, the next one is on top of them already!
Such is also the life of a handbell ringer - especially right after the holidays. You probably looked at the above checklist of things to do to get ready for Spring Ring and heaved a big sigh.
And yet, the absolute best thing we can do is future planning. So while you're thinking about Spring Ring, perhaps a spring concert or selections for Easter or music Sunday, and even if you're looking as far forward as next Christmas, I'm here to tell you that NOW is the time to start planning for Disneyland. Come on now, don't blow me off! You know it's true! There's potential fundraising; if you're considering traveling with kids there's scheduling, chaperones, and parental permission (aka parental "buy-in" - who do you think is gonna chaperone?); music needs to be learned so that will have to be worked into next year's repertoire; and if someone can't go, you may need to find subs.
And we have a few surprises coming, too, so now is the time to make the commitment so you can make sure you're in line for some cool stuff.
Yes, go to the nearest Spring Ring. But don't wait until 2012 to start thinking about 2012. Mark the calendar, start saving, and start planning for the future!
P.L. Grove Communications Director |
Area XII Composition Contest Returns
 In case you missed last month's announcement, the Area XII Composition Contest is back! Every other year, Area XII sponsors a contest to encourage composers to write new music for handbells and to create an exciting new piece for our next conference. As you probably know by now, in 2012 the Area XII conference will be at Disneyland, so any of you composers or budding composers out there are encouraged to be particularly creative with this one. Reminder that all contest submissions must be postmarked by February 26, 2011 and should be mailed to:
P.L. Grove
AGEHR Area XII Composition Contest
5665 Leona Street
Oakland, CA 94605 For full details of the 2011 Area XII composition contest, go to the Area XIi Web site. |
SoCal - Michèle Sharik, Regional Coordinator
 Hi, everybody! Wow, that was a busy holiday season! Between the San Diego Harmony Ringers, Sonos, and school, I played in 18 concert events and I know that many of you racked up a similar tally. January gives us a chance to catch our breath ... ... just in time to start preparing for Spring! :-) Now that the busy December holiday season is finished, don't forget to send in your registrations for the 2011 Bronze Vision and Spring Ring events before the Early Bird deadline. With so many great classes, a director's round-table, a lunch-time concert, AND massed ringing with Christine Anderson, it's sure to be a fabulous event! Looking even farther ahead, there will be a Director's Workshop on Saturday, Sept 10th in Chula Vista. This event is targeted at directors who are new to handbells AND to handbell ringers who are new to directing. There will be instruction in conducting technique, instruction in handbell technique, a roundtable discussion, plus a chance for all participants to take their turn with the stick and direct a group of ringers. Watch the SoCal web page for more details. Also: we are looking for a venue in the northern part of the SoCal Region to host a Directors Workshop - perhaps Redlands, Riverside, or even San Bernardino. If you're interested in hosting this type of event, or if you have ideas for other events we should be having in Southern California, please drop me a line and let me know! Finally, are you on Facebook? Head over to the Southern California Region - Area XII page for up-to-the-minute news about Spring Ring and other handbell happenings in SoCal! My best, -Michèle
LA Metro - Debbie Shaw, Regional Coordinator
It's still winter, but spring is right around the corner, bringing your annual spring ring.
The LA Metro event will be on Saturday, March 19, at a new location: Mater Dei High School in Santa Ana. Mark your calendars for what promises to be a fun event, and order your music now so you can start practicing. For more information, head on over to the LA Metro page of the web site.
Happy New Year!
P.S. Check out our LA Metro Facebook page!

CenCal - Kathie Mackie, Regional Coordinator
 How do you know when you've bitten off more than you can chew? Is it when you suddenly realize that everyone in your group is only available on one particular weekend - the SAME weekend when you already have two other concerts to play? Or is it when you look up at the calendar and see a rehearsal on Monday, another rehearsal for a different group on Tuesday, an advent service to play on Wednesday, yet another bell rehearsal on Thursday, the Velocity concert on Friday, an extra pre-performance bell rehearsal on Saturday, and a worship service on Sunday the week leading into your three-group concert marathon (that also just happens to be at three different churches in three different cities all on the same day!)?
Or is it on Christmas Eve when you suddenly remember that you were supposed to get gifts for your family, and - oops...? (Oh well, guess they'll get cash this year.)
Or do you find yourself having nightmares repeatedly about that tricky bell change in measure 52, and that mallet lift you keep forgetting in measure 78 (you know, the one your director keeps glaring at you for because you've grown totally paranoid about missing it to the point it's become a self-fulfilling prophecy)?
Do you wake up one morning and it dawns on you that you eat, sleep and breathe handbells? Oh yeah - you've definitely bitten off a whopper. At the very least, it sure FEELS like it.
Okay, I know you're probably thinking I'm making this up, but it's actually only part of my recent schedule - and I was sick through most of it, too. I'm certainly no super performer, by any means, but you know what they say: "The show must go on." It's a funny thing, when we love doing something so much, we somehow find a way to accomplish it. Yes, we do sometimes overbook ourselves, yet, for me, in spite of the fact that I am now completely toast, I loved every minute of it, and I can look back with pride at having given something musically special to a lot of people. I guess I'm just thrilled, too, that I survived the effort! Of course, I didn't do this all alone. I had a lot of help from some really terrific people in the groups I direct and perform with who helped make it possible for me to get through this challenging holiday schedule, and I am so grateful to all of them for their patience and contributions, musical and otherwise.
So now what? Well, personally, I played my last service this morning, so I am hoping to finally get some rest before rehearsals resume in January. Our ringing year is far from over, so I am looking forward to learning new music and hearing about more concerts from all of you in the Central California region.
Here's wishing you all a very Happy New Year!
Kathie Mackie
SF Bay Area - Beckie Wiley, Regional Coordinator
Annually in the Tri-Valley area, Hope Hospice sponsors "Lights of the Valley," a celebration of light to honor and remember loved ones. My church handbell choir, Asbury Ringers, has performed at this event for more than 20 years. It is a wonderful way to begin the holiday ringing season! In the late 80s, this ceremony was held outdoors in front of Valley Memorial Hospital in Livermore. The very first year, our director thought the hospital was providing banquet tables for us, but because of miscommunications, that didn't happen. There wasn't enough time to return to the church for out tables, so we improvised. Several gurneys were wheeled out of the hospital for us to set up our pads and bells. That was a very memorable ringing experience!
Kudos to William Kyle and Bay Bells for their exquisite concert performance of "Silver Bells". I was very impressed by the artistry, the articulation and the musicality of their inspiring concert. This was truly a Pinnacle caliber performance!
As you plan your ringing events for 2011, take advantage of the following opportunities:
- 12th Night at St. Andrew's on Sunday, January 9. Contact Larry Sue at larry@choraegus.com. There is still time to register!
- The Bay Area Handbell Festival in Oakland on Saturday, February 26. Festival coordinators P.L. Grove and Dolores Rhoads host this event for the 16th time. Contact P.L. at plgrove@jps.net.
- The Bay Area School Festival on March 24. Gues conductor is Kathleen Wissinger, Contact Dian Ruder at dian
- And the Bay Area Intense ring and Spring Ring returns on March 25-26. Guest conductor is Michael Glasgow. Contact for more information.
More information about these and other events can be found on the Area XII calendar and the SF Bay Area portion of the web site.
Please send me information about your concerts and events so I can add them to the Area XII calendar.
Wishing you happy ringing in 2011!
Beckie |
NorCal - Nancy Schmitt, Regional Coordinator
 Maybe some of you have experienced what bell director Mac Caywood of Orland experienced recently. His bell choir was set to perform at the Glen County Chorale on Sunday, December 5th. They had a rehearsal the night before, and pow...the C4 bell broke! What to do? Perhaps superglue will hold it. No, that didn't work. So he called the other bell directors in the area and asked them two questions: "Are you performing on December 5th, and if not could I borrow your C4 bell?" I received Mac's call Saturday night, December 4th, and I said we had that bell available. So Mac drove up Sunday morning to get the bell, and then after their concert he drove back to Redding to return it. Or perhaps you directors have experienced what Lois Nichols experienced before her Christmas performance on December 16th. It all started with the performance being the week of finals for Simpson University. First one student told her she wouldn't be there to play bells, so Lois called me to see if I could find a sub. I did. Then Lois called me back to say a student was leaving for home right after finals and could I find another sub. So I did. Then she called me again to say another student ringer was leaving for home right after finals and could I find another sub. So I did. Finally, at the last minute, yet another student decided to leave for home right after finals, and Lois needed me to find a sub to play the next day. Lois has agreed that next year there will be no performance the week of finals!!
All of you Northern California rodeo fans plan to take part in a fantastic new event in Redding on May 21, 2011: the first ever Redding Marching Handbell Choir! Yes, we are going to try to put together a 48-ringer maching bell choir for the rodeo parade. Anyone remember your high school days of marching band? Now you can relive that experience with handbells. For more information contact Julie Hunziker at jbhunziker@gmail.com.
Nancy Schmitt
Nevada - Barbara Walsh, Regional Coordinator
 It's January, and Christmas is now a joyful memory! Christmas carols that we practiced since September are done, and it is time to turn our minds to spring music. Easter is approaching...or is it?
For those who really loved ringing Christmas music for the past several months, there is a time and a place to continue. The 19th Annual 12th Night Handbell Festival will be held in Las Vegas in just two weeks! Hundreds of ringers, thousands of bars of music, the Christmas spirit renewed, and the return of Tim Waugh: all will be gathered together for a weekend of Christmas music! Don't miss the fun on January 15 and 16 at the South Point Hotel. For more information, visit the Nevada section of the Area XII Web site or contact me at nevada@areaxii.org. Barbara Walsh |
Hawaii - Karen Carlisle Regional Coordinator
If you haven't done it already, get your calendar out right now and mark it for Saturday, May 28, 2011 for our Aloha Ring! We are still finalizing plans, but it's never too early to save the date on your calendar! Hawaii is excited to have the incredible Tim Waugh for this event, so stay tuned for more details.
Karen |
NATIONAL NEWS: Last Chance for Master Class & DB West
 Registration has been extended for a limited time for AGEHR's master classes being held later this month in Tucson, Arizona. While Dr. William Payn's conducting classes are currently full, there are still spots available for those wishing to ring and observe (not conduct). For the master class in composition with Arnold Sherman, there is only one spot still available, so if you're interested, don't delay. There is a new addition this year: a beginning directors' seminar with Bill and Carolynne Mathis. There are undoubtedly many directors who would have loved to have the opportunity to attend a session like this when they were first starting out. Now is your chance to get some one-on-one instruction from this incredible teaching couple from Minneapolis. Don't miss it!
And if you are "just" a ringer, there's an event for you, too. There is still space available for ringers to practice and perform advanced repertoire under the baton of Jason Wells. Bremerton, Washington is once again the host city for the four-day conference on February 24-27, 2011. If you haven't yet experienced the adrenaline rush, Jason will leave you believing in your heart that you can ring anything (memorized, too)!
For more information on the Master Classes and Distinctly Bronze, visit the
Calendar of Events January-February
January 2, 2011, 5:00-8:30 p.m. San Diego Harmony Ringers plays Jungle Bells at the San Diego Zoo, 2920 Zoo Drive, San Diego, California. For information, email events@sdhr.org.
January 15-16, 2011. The 19th Annual Las Vegas Twelfth Night Handbell Festival, South Point Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada. Clinician is Tim Waugh. For more information, contact Dixie Bailey at dxbail@embarqmail.com or Janet Ty at jyty@aol.com.
February 26, 2011. The 16th Bay Area Handbell Festival, First Covenant Church, 4000 Redwood Road, Oakland, California. Rehearsals and classes all beginning at 9 a.m; concert (open to the public) begins at 7 p.m. Directors P.L. Grove and Dolores Rhoads. For more information contact P.L. Grove at plgrove@jps.net or Dolores Rhoads at doloresrhoads@gmail.com.
To view all the events on the Area XII calendar Click Here |
Advertising Rates for the 2011 Publishing Year
The Twelfth Tone E-newsletter is published the first of each month, except July, by Area XII of the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers. AGEHR is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the musical art of handbell ringing through education, community, and communication. The editor of this publication reserves the right to reject or modify copy.
Advertising Rates: 2011 Publishing Year
Two different types of ads are offered:1.(a) An ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels X 300 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will by hyperlinked to your website.Cost: $10 an issue 6 issues for $54 11 issues for $941. (b) Ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels X 600 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. Cost: $18 an issue 6 issues for $97 11 issues for $168 2.(a) A 1.5in. X 4in ad which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor. Cost: $15 an issue 6 issues for $81 11 issues for $1402.(b) A 1.5in. X 8 in. ad which contains a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor. Cost: $27 an issue 6 issues for $146 11 issues for $252 Payment is due before publication.DEADLINE is the 24th of the monthPlease submit your ads to P.L. Grove, Communications Director via e-mail at info@areaxii.org.
Make checks payable to AGEHR Area XII and send to:
Kathy Arnold, Treasurer
1228 Isabelle Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94040 |