2010: A New Handbell Odyssey
June 17-20, 2010.
On Line Registration Click Here
Clinicians: Dr. Wm. Payn Deborah Rice Michael Glasgow Michele Sharik
UC Davis Campus
Tracks Offered: Church Music Performance All-Ring Directors Basics Tools of the Trade Mass Attack
Problems with Registration?
Kathy Arnold is the Registrar for 2010: A New Handbell Odyssey- June 17-20, 2010 at Davis.
If you are having technical problems with the online registration system, your first call should be to Acteva. If you are not able to resolve your issue with Acteva, please email Kathy at: registrar@areaxii.org
Area XII Board
Chair............ P.L. Grove Past Chair.....William Kyle Chair Elect..... Rima Greer Treasurer.........Don Rossi Secretary..... Linda Krantz
Appointed Officers:
Communication.Carol Smith Webmaster........Mel Tully Events .........William Kyle
Education.....Tess Houston Historian....Diane Levorsen
Regional Coordinators:
NorCal....... Nancy Schmitt Bay Area.......Beckie Wiley CenCal.......Shirley Werner LAMetro........Debbie Shaw SoCal.........Michele Sharik Nevada.......Barbara Walsh Hawaii....... Karen Carlisle
Local Liaisons:
Nevada.........Dixie Bailey
Our National Organization
AGEHR website
Area XII Bell Loan Program
Teachers, would you like the use of a 3 octave set of handbells or chimes to add a new dimension and interest to your music class? Area XII encourages schools and other educational institutions (both public and private) to develop educational programs using handbells and handchimes. To support the development of such programs Area XII has 2 sets of 3 octaves of handbells and 3 sets of 3 octaves of handchimes for loan. Deadlines for applications is 5/31 for the Fall Semester and 10/30 for Spring Semester.To learn more about the responsibilities and procedures for participating in this program Click Here
WestCoast Handbell Supply
For Handbell Music, Supplies and Service Toll Free-888-775-WEST
Call: 559-625-5111 Fax: 559-741-7346
Email: BellMusic@ Westcoasthandbells.com
Schulmerich Bells For Sale
![Schulmerichbells1](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs031/1101283694832/img/232.jpg?a=1103126776811) For Sale: C4-G7 set of Schulmerich Handbells plus mallets. Mint Condition Handles are black with gold braid and naturals Black guards with gold naturals Select a Strike Clappers Contact: davidw@frenchamericansf.org
Composers! Composition Contest
Greater Houston Handbell Association Feb Fest Composition Contest
One award of $1000
Submissions due June 1, 2010
All participants will be notified by August 1, 2010 of the winning composition.
The winning composition will be performed at FEB FEST in Houston, TX on February 26, 2011.
For full contest rules, please email Debbie Busch at:
or visit:
Upcoming Concerts at a Glance:Please check Calendar of Events for full details.
Bay Area
April 17, 2010 7:30 p.m. Michele Sharik in Concert Menlo Park, CA
April 30, 2010 7:00 p.m. SFSU Handbell Choir in Concert Half Moon Bay, CA
May 21, 2010 8 p.m. Tapestry in Concert Concord, CA
May 23, 2010 4 p.m. Tapestry in Concert Walnut Creek, CA
May 26, 2010 7:30 p.m. Tapestry in Concert Livermore, CA
June 5, 2010 Tapestry in Concert Pacific Grove, CA
June 5, 2010 3 & 7 p.m. Bay Bells Mountain View, CA
June 6, 2010 Tapestry in Concert Carmel-by-the-Sea
NorCal Area
Cencal Area
April 17, 2010 3:30 p.m. Central Coast Spring Ring Concert Atascadero, CA
April 25, 2010
3:00 p.m.
Wesley Bronze Ringers
concert: Candlelight and Bells
Wesley United Methodist Church, Fresno, CA
May 2, 2010 6:00 p.m. Handbell choirs of The First Christian Reformed Church of Visalia in concert Viisalia, CA
LA Metro Area
April 25, 2010 3:00 p.m. Concordia Alumni Handbell Spring Concert Irvine, CA
May 2, 2010
4:00 p.m.
Cathedral Bells in Concert
St. John's Lutheran Church
Orange, CA SoCal AreaNevadaApril 24, 20102:00 p.m. Sierra Spring Ring Concert Reno, NV Click Herefor further details |
Quick Links...
AGEHR Website
Happy Easter and welcome to the April issue of The Twelfth Tone E-newsletter. Spring Rings were the highlight of this past month and reports on these events can be found in the Regional Sections. Only 71 days until our conference in Davis! Please check the latest updates, Top 10 Reasons you should go to Davis, and if you haven't registered click on the registration link below. If your funds are low see if you qualify for the Jim Scott Memorial Scholarship offered for the Davis Conference. Many choirs are preparing special music for Easter and Spring Concerts. The calendar is brimming with concert listings during the next few months. Please check them out!
Carol Smith Director of Communication
A Message from the Chair
![PL Headshot Resized](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs031/1101283694832/img/220.jpg?a=1103126776811)
Well, I missed seeing my Bay Area "ringer" friends at the Spring Ring this year in Cupertino. The good news is that I had a great time making new friends and saying hello to some old ones in Southern California at their Spring Ring. (Hey! That's #2 in the Top Ten List below!)
This marked the final Southern California event coordinated by Ruth O'Neil, your outgoing SoCal Regional Coordinator, and I just had to be there to personally thank her for her work over the past few years. Putting on an event for a hundred or more ringers is no small feat, and Ruth had things humming along, as usual (I still have fond memories of the cake at lunch - yum!). I reconnected with Donavon Gray and got to see the Azusa Pacific Ringers play again (they were teaching the classes; it's been a while since they've been north), and I reconnected and talked with several others of you during the day. I was even drafted to ring for the final concert! Ruth says she's going to be happy to return to "just ringing" for a change - I have to say I know exactly what she means. Meanwhile, Northern California's loss is SoCal's gain in the form of Michele Sharik, and she joins this month as your new Regional Coordinator. Southern California, you are in good hands.
Speaking of "just ringing," I envy all of you who can take advantage of our conference this summer. As a Board member, I'm a planner this time around, so I don't get to sit at the feet of Michele Sharik, Michael Glasgow, Debbie Rice or the incredible Bill Payn. I don't get to play in the final concert at the Mass Attack. And I wasn't able to audition for the Odyssey Ensemble or apply for a scholarship. You all sure are lucky...so enjoy your luck! If you haven't registered yet, what are you waiting for?!!!
By the way, even if I'm not ringing in Davis, I'll be there, and, as always, I look forward to seeing you behind the tables.
P.L. Grove Area XII Chair |
Carol's Reverberations......
![Barb Walsh Headshot](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs031/1101283694832/img/4.jpg?a=1103126776811) Dear Handbell Friends, Wow, Spring has arrived! Colorful wildflowers dot the hillsides, trees are in full bloom, the creeks are babbling a song as the winter run offs cascade over the rocks, and the birds are singing, unfolding their wings, and diving high in the sky. That intangible feeling of anticipation and excitement that accompanies spring was certainly present this past month at the four Area XII Spring Rings in Cupertino, Bakersfield, Long Beach, and Vista. Record attendance at each of the events brought the total participants to over 500 ringers! Many were first time registrants which infused new energy and enthusiasm
into the events. Another 150 ringers are registered to attend the NV and Central Coast Spring Ring this month. The Area XII Board thanks all the hosts, workers, and Regional Coordinators whose hard work made these events so successful. A special thanks to all the participants who came so well prepared and helped make it a fun day. Reports on the individual Spring Rings can be found in the Regional Section. Last month it was brought to my attention that some of your e-newsletters were not formatted correctly (especially aol customers) when you received them. Another indicated they could only print one page. At the top of each newsletter you will find a statement that says: Having trouble reading this email? Click Here. If you click there, it brings the e-newsletter up as a web page which permits easier reading and printing of the entire newsletter. The Area XII Board will be meeting this month, (April 16 & 17th) to finalize plans for the Davis Conference. If you have any concerns, or questions, please bring them to the attention of your Regional Coordinator. Happy Easter! Carol Special Announcement: It is reported a pawn shop in Whittier, CA has a set of Malmark bells. A detective is trying to determine if they are stolen bells. If you know of anyone who has had their bells stolen please have them call Mary Hanson at 562-889-8151. |
In the tradition of David Letterman, here are your "top ten" list of reasons why you and your friends should definitely be a part of 2010: A New Handbell Odyssey this summer:
· #10: Hello! There's even a scholarship! (see below)
· #9: UC Davis is just ½ hour from wine country (depending on how fast you drive and how decent a wine you require).
· #8: It's the only place you can get four directors for the price of one (and one of them is Master Conductor Dr. William Payn).
· #7: Sunday morning worship service with Christine Anderson.
· #6: The Odyssey Ensemble conference choir is performing on Friday night.
· #5: Opus Handbell Ensemble is performing on Saturday night.
· #4: Being there is the best way to find out who is giving other performances.
· #3: There are luxurious accommodations and fine dining (Hey - by University standards, this is NOT hyperbole!)
· #2: This is your biennial chance to see old friends and make new friends. (And the campus is big enough to avoid people not classified as friends...okay, just kidding! We all know that handbell ringers love EVERYONE!)
· And the #1 Reason Is: Aw, c'mon! You can go to Disneyland next year (and the year after that) - it will still be there.
Registration for 2010 New Handbell Odyssey
ON LINE REGISTRATION is NOW AVAILABLE on the Area XII website for 2010: A New Handbell Odyssey! Register
now to assure a space in the tracks of your choice. Just click on the
2010 logo on the left for the link to registration. The Early Bird discount ended Feb. 15, 2010, however you can still get a $20 discount if you take all three tracks.
Scholarships Offered for Davis Conference
If you think you can't afford to attend 2010: A New Handbell Odyssey and be part of an exciting new way of experiencing a handbell conference, think again.
Every two years Area XII offers scholarships to two Area XII members to assist them with the cost of attending the Area XII conference. The Jim Scott Memorial Scholarship fund assists one ringer and one director who demonstrate financial need by covering their registration, room fees (at double occupancy), and any meals that are included in the registration packet.
It is especially fitting that the funds be awarded this year. Jim Scott was instrumental in scheduling the Area XII conference at the UC Davis campus the first time it was held there in 1984. We hope to award two scholarships in his memory when we return there this summer.
Applications are being accepted now through May 1st, so don't delay! If you or someone you know is interested, send in your application today.
To find out more information on qualifying for the Jim Scott Memorial Scholarship and to download an application, click here. |
Information on Odyssey Tracks
2010 Handbell Odyssey offers unique day long Tracks with outstanding clinicians. Friday's Tracks include Church Music with Deborah Rice, Performance with Dr. William Payn, and All-Ring with Michael Glasgow. Saturday: Directors with Dr. William Payn, Basics with Michele Sharik, Tools of the Trade with Michael Glasgow, and All- Ring with Deborah Rice. Sunday: the Mass Attack. The schedule for these track sessions along with details of topics covered in each track are now available on the Area XII Web site by Clicking Here. Check back periodically, as the Web site will be updated with the latest information. |
Have you met Martalina? by Julie Vaquilar
![Martalina](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs031/1101283694832/img/226.jpg?a=1103126776811) Greetings, Bellringers! I'm Martalina, one of two Area XII mascots made by Norma Rose. I attended my first conference in Visalia where I "cased out" Area XII. The following conference, I was placed up for adoption at the Silent Auction which was the beginning of great handbell adventures for me. It's that time again when my brother, Bronzer, and I will be placed up for adoption and auctioned off at the Area XII Conference: 2010 A New Handbell Odyssey in Davis. Ringers bid to be our host families for two years with the proceeds going to the Area XII Bells in Education fund to help purchase the missing bells in the set being donated to Area XII by the Marching Handbell Choir. I've spent a terrific two years in the SF Bay Area with my host ringer, Julie Vaquilar. I created loads of scrapbook memories tagging along with Low Ding Zone, the SFSU Handbell Choir, and the Marching Handbell Choir at their concerts and parades. I set sail on the Bells of the Cascades Cruise X to the Caribbean, stayed in a Tuscan Villa with Bay Bells in Italy, visited North Carolina for ![Julie and Martalina](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs031/1101283694832/img/227.jpg?a=1103126776811) the Capitol Area Handbell Festival, and most recently, traveled to Bremerton, Washington, for Distinctly Bronze West. Pictured on the right Julie and I take a much needed break at DBW! It was exciting to meet and have my picture taken with notable conductors such as Bill Payn, Dave Harris, David Weck, Monica McGowan, and Jason Wells. Along the way, I expanded my handbell knowledge to include bass bell technique, but only in theory! I'm still quite attached to my little bell and I'm quite proud to wear my very own Low Ding Zone shirt. It was a real treat to don a cap and gown at the SF State International Business graduation ceremony. I've had a great time and I'm looking forward to even more handbell adventures. Please consider bidding on me to become my next host ringer or simply stop by the Silent Auction tables to say "Hi". See you in Davis! Note from Julie: Martalina has been a wonderful guest. She never complains, travels well, and is always ready to take on any handbell experience. She was a good sport about having to stare at bass bells a lot these past two years, but probably wouldn't mind getting back to working on her four-in-hand technique. Martalina is highly adaptable and enthusiastic. Please adopt!
This year, Norma Rose will once again spearhead the Silent Auction, and your donations are needed to complete the Marching Handbell Choir's donated bell sets! Don't wait until June, or even May to locate something special to donate. Donation forms can be downloaded from the Area XII Web site and should be mailed to Norma as soon as possible.
To find out more about the Silent Auction, click here. |
Nominations Open for 2010 Area XII Election
![Sample Ad 2](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs031/1101283694832/img/1.jpg?a=1103126776811) The nominating committee is now taking nominations for persons to be considered as candidates for AGEHR Area XII Chair-Elect, Treasurer and Secretary. Elections will be held by ballot in 2010, and two nominees will be selected as candidates for each office. SUBMITTING NOMINATIONS: Those wishing to submit a name (including your own) into nomination should:
- contact the person to ensure his/her willingness to serve
- provide a letter of qualifications from the potential candidate
Nominations must be accompanied by a statement/letter of qualifications by the potential candidate. This statement may be used for the candidate's ballot profile. Letters may be submitted via pdf or via regular US mail to the chair of the nominating committee. POTENTIAL CANDIDATES: The Area XII Board is a diversified and inclusive group of individuals who share an interest in our instrument, but without gender or ethnic restrictions. To continue this focus for future Boards, the Nominating Committee will concentrate on candidates with one or more of the following qualifications:
- Historic experience with AGEHR
- Music and handbell experience as a director, ringer, music educator, church musician, or involvement with community or special needs handbell choirs
- Business experience in finance, accounting, policy governance, marketing, law, human resources, or fundraising
- Strategic planning with not-for-profit organizations
- Current AGEHR membership
- Good communication skills
- Ability to attend 2 or 3 meetings per year, each meeting lasting 2 days
- Time, willingness and demonstrated ability to do the job
Area XII Welcomes 1 New Member to AGEHR
![African Handbell Print](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs031/1101283694832/img/1.jpg?a=1103126776811) Please welcome the following new members to AGEHR Area XII. Ascensio Lutheran Church, San Diego Malou Rogers, director |
Redlands University to Offer Handbell Major. by Beth Mays It's ringing in Redlands! The University of Redlands has joined the world of bronze this year by expanding its renowned music program to include handbells. As part of the Bachelor of Arts in Music program, Beth Mays has been accepted as an Applied Handbell student under the instruction of new adjunct faculty member Boude Moore. Boude Moore is the Music Director at Prince of Peace Episcopal Church in Woodland Hills, and well known for his handbell group, Alchemy.
Beth is extremely excited and honored to be accepted at this fine school. "They've given me the opportunity to grow as a musician and gain all the skills I need to become a professional performer. Also, I'm very grateful that they're offering this program that demonstrates that handbells truly are a valid instrument worthy of study."
This coming fall, the University of Redlands will also expand to include a handbell choir as part of the chamber ensemble program. This ensemble will be under the advising and direction of Dr. Jean-Sebastion Vallee. Beth Mays has been asked to come teach ringing techniques. "I believe there are quite a lot of opportunities available for this choir, " Dr. Vallee has commented. For more information about the music program at Redlands and upcoming performances, please visit: http://www.redlands.edu/music.asp
Area XII Represented at Distinctly Bronze West By Debbie Shaw
![12th Night Reno](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs031/1101283694832/img/230.jpg?a=1103126776811)
On Feb. 25, 2010 fourteen Californians traveled to Bremerton, WA for the 2nd Annual Distinctly Bronze West Event. This event is for advanced level handbell musicians who want the opportunity to work together on challenging repertoire and present a high quality performance. The 2010 DBW was a milestone event with the passing of the baton to our new Maestro, Jason Wells. Jason brought his trademark energy and passion to the podium in beautiful Bremerton. The 90+ musicians from ![12th Night Reno](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs031/1101283694832/img/231.jpg?a=1103126776811) across the U.S., Canada, and Hong Kong worked for 3 1/2 days on 11 demanding pieces and presented a final concert on Sunday afternoon. The high point of the event was the recording of a CD during the concert. Beth Mays, of Redlands, was attending her second DBW event and said, "I felt Jason did a great job working with us. I liked the challenge of memorizing " Fancye" (by Tim Waugh). It is always good seeing old friends and spending time with them." I agree with Beth that the friendships you make at DB are special and the hard work is rewarded when you rise to the challenge of playing such demanding repertoire in a beautifully musical manner. Attending your first DB is always a special experience. When Julie Vaquilar, of San Francisco, was asked how she felt about being accepted into this prestigious auditioned event she said, "I'm thinking it might be similar to the first time I waited to ride the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror in Walt Disney World. Everyone came out of the ride saying it's a lot of fun. The outside of the place looks somewhat classy, but I could hear screams coming from the inside of the tower." Indeed, it is somewhat scary when you realize that you are expected to learn such challenging music as Level 6, "Tempest" by Kevin McChesney and a transcription of Khachaturian's " Waltz from The Masquerade Suite." We also had the honor of playing the World Premiere of " Let All Things Now Living" arranged by Area XII's own Larry Sue. This level 5+ piece was challenging to learn but very fun to play. It is loaded with many rhythms in 11/8 and we definitely grew as musicians playing this piece. Barbara Meinke, of Lake Elsinore said, "As a first-timer, I was excited to be participating in such a high caliber ensemble and I was not disappointed in the experience! Ringing in Distinctly Bronze gave me the technical and musical challenges I was hoping for and Jason Wells brought out the best of both in all of us. I particularly enjoyed tackling the complicated rhythms and exchanging problem solving ideas with the other ringers. I would do it all again, and I hope to in October on the east coast!" The next DB event will be the 12th annual DBE held from Oct. 7-10, 2010 in the beautiful and historic New Bern, NC. The dates for the next DBW have not been announced yet. Watch for the announcement on the AGEHR website. The above two pictures by Malia Johnson, Woodinville, WAMore photos from DBW can be viewed by Clicking Here |
NorCal - Nancy Schmitt, Regional Coordinator
Dear Fellow Ringers and Directors,
Happy Spring Ringing to you all! People in Redding were treated to an early or a late Christmas concert by Kathie Fink and her accompanist, Linda Maloney. It was truly inspirational watching Kathie perform and listening to Linda narrate to give the songs more meaning. Our thanks to Kathie and Linda for spreading the art of handbell ringing here in Redding.
On the first Sunday of March my bell choir, the Carillons, provided an emotional Lenten worship experience at St. James Lutheran and First Presbyterian Churches. To begin the servie we stood in a cross formation in the sanctuary and played "Amazing Grace" by memory with a violinist, Tricia Ferguson, accompanying us on the first verse. Then as we walked back to our bell tables Tricia played anaother verse alone. This was then followed by the Trinity chimes. Later in the service we rang Cynthia Dobrinski's "What Wondrous Love Is This" accompanied by Tricia Ferguson, violin, and Shannon Park on double bass. They are pictured on the right.
If you are looking for a fall ring to take part in then come to Redding for the Third Annual Redding Handbell Festival with Larry Sue as guest conductor. It will be held at Simpson University October 23, 2010 with an advanced ring the night before. For more information check out the Norcal Area XII website page. Click Here
Ringcerely, Nancy
Bay Area- Beckie Wiley, Regional Coordinator
![Barb Walsh Headshot](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs031/1101283694832/img/94.jpg?a=1103126776811) The 2010 Spring Ring in Cupertino on March 12-13 was awesome! Some participants even stated, "This was the best Spring Ring ever!" Many factors contributed to this being the best ever: incredible leadership by Monica McGowan, the lunch time solo concert by Ruben Mendoza, exciting and stimulating classes offered by many talented clinicians, the 240 ringers who participated with enthusiasm, the evening concert featuring mass ringers, well prepared individual ensembles, and the detailed planning by organizer, Dave Ruder. Guest director and clinician, Monica McGowan who is pictured on the right with Dave Ruder, is the artistic director of Twin Cities Bronze, a premiere ensemble from Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN. This ensemble has the distinguished honor of performing at Pinnacle, an AGEHR National event in Nashville, TN this summer. Monica challenged Intense Ringer participants to play more than just the notes. "Ring musically as one instrument." Her amicable personality and sense of humor made five hours of rehearsal together an amazing experience. For the first time at Spring Ring, a concert was performed at lunchtime. Soloist Ruben Mendoza dazzled the audience, ringing six selections with incredible ease and artistry. "Plink, Plank, Plunk", arranged by our own Carol Smith and Jane Patty, displayed Ruben's dexterity and precision, as the entire piece was rung with mallets. A rousing standing ovation expressed appreciation for Ruben's talent and performance. Ruben is the handbell director at Lafayette/Orinda Presbyterian Church and performs with SONOS Handbell Ensemble. Michele Sharik's "Basics Revisited" class was so popular that the classroom was jammed elbow to elbow with more than 70 participants. Other inspirational classes included Conducting Tips, Change Ringing, Solo Ringing, Bass Bells, Articulations, Handchimes, and Moari Sticks. The evening concert presented a wide variety of music by mass ringers, Intense Ringers, ensembles, a trio and another impressive solo by Ruben. As Bay Bells prepared to perform, "Yellow Bird" arr. by Gail Downey, Monica borrowed a big yellow stuffed bird from a young girl in the audience and placed the bird on the Bay Bell's table. The look of surprise on the Bay Bells' faces was priceless. The little girl was quite relieved to have her bird returned after the song. "For the Beauty of the Earth" arr. by J.D. Frizzel provided an exhilarating close to the concert. Wil Mandac, our official photographer, did a fantastic job of capturing the happenings with his photos which can be viewed by Clicking Here Check them out!
Hope to see all of you at next year's Spring Ring on March 25-26, 2011. Michael Glasgow will be the director and Michele Sharik will perform a solo concert during lunch time. Mark your calendars now!
Happy Spring and Easter! Beckie
Bay Area School Handbell Festival
April 15, 2010All Saints Catholic School Hayward, CA Dave Ruder, Mass Conductor Steven J. Meyer, Host For more information contact: dianruder@comcast.net
CenCal - Shirley Werner, Regional Coordinator
Easter Blessings to All:
The days, weeks & months are flying by and I feel like I'm always trying to catch up on whatever!
Today, March 20th, was the 7th Annual Bakersfield Spring Ring, under the direction of Bill & Lee Waggener. It was great seeing Bill & Lee and catching up on what is continuing to keep them busy. I was able to take one of the classes offered and to enjoy sitting and listening to the rehearsals that lead to the concert at the end of the day, not to mention a little visiting with ringers I haven't seen in awhile.
![12th Night Reno](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs031/1101283694832/img/228.jpg?a=1103126776811) Approximately 98 ringers (including directors) were in attendance - their largest group to date. A large audience attended the concert and enjoyed all of it. Many were fascinated hearing the 'singing' bells; some sitting close by asked," what were they doing with those sticks!" The two solo numbers, performed by Linda Krantz, were most enjoyable, as well. Linda rang those bells with such grace and eloquence and a smile on her face. She did share with a few of us that she never makes a face if she happens to make a mistake!
Dianne Bryant did a great job organizing this event and we know one person doesn't make these events happen. So a huge thank you to all who worked and participated in whatever way to make this event a success.
Looking forward to the success of our 10th Annual Spring Ring, here on the Central Coast. As of this writing, numbers are down, so we'll see how all this plays out. We're looking forward to having Nancy, as our Clinician and just the camaraderie of ringing with our 'ringing family' will be fun.
As of this writing, it looks like we'll have room for another choir or two for the April 17th Spring Ring; so if you're interested, give me a call or send an email and we'll see how things are at the end of March. I doubt I'll know in time to put anything in the newsletter, we'll have to wait & see.
I had the opportunity to attend the Soundwave concert at the Methodist Church in San Luis Obispo a couple weeks ago and it was awesome. The speed at which they rang those bells on several selections was beyond me, and they didn't have to have their eyes glued on the music. Oh, to be younger! Those that didn't attend missed a great concert. It was nice seeing many bell ringers from the area.
Due to medical emergencies, the Wesley Bronze Ringers had to cancel their Christmas concert last December. Mark your calendars for April 25th, and attend their Candlelight and Bell Concert, at Wesley United Methodist Church in Fresno. This concert will include some Christmas music and selections from this past Bakersfield Spring Ring and more. Soloist, Joyce Lilyquist will perform two solo, as well. See details listed below for more information.
Please remember to send me information on your bell event(s), so it can be published in the 12th Tone and perhaps increase attendance. Also, the Area XII Board will be meeting mid April, so if you have any questions, concerns you would like addressed, send me an email and I will see it gets to the right person.
Happy Ringing
2010 Central Coast Spring RingApril 17, 2010 Elks Lodge 1516 El Camino Real Atascadero, CA
"Favorites from the Past".
![Sample Ad 2](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs031/1101283694832/img/25.jpg?a=1103126776811)
Nancy Jessup, Clinician
Registration is $20 per ringer and the deadline is March 31, 2010.
It will be a bring your own lunch, however, snacks & drinks will be provided. Space will be limited, but a waiting list will be made & acted upon after March 31st. All will be asked to bring your tables, pads, bells, chimes, mallets, music books, risers, gloves & anything else you need. All music must be
originals and each choir is welcome to do a solo at the concert which will be at 3:30 p.m.
Candlelight and Bells Concert will be performed by the Wesley Bronze Ringers on Sunday, April 25, 2010, at 3:00 p.m. This will be held at the Wesley United Methodist Church, 1343 E. Barstow Avenue, Fresno, CA.
Upcoming Concert- The First Christian Reformed Church of Visalia, 1030 S. Linwood Ave, Visalia invite everyone to their Handbells in Concert and Worship, Sunday May 2, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. Contact Joan Natoli at itolanj@sbcglobal.net
LA Metro - Debbie Shaw, Regional Coordinator
![Canterbury 6th grade team](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs031/1101283694832/img/20.jpg?a=1103126776811) Happy Spring Everyone!
April is here and we are in the midst of Holy Week and Easter and that brings many handbell performances. That also means that Spring Concerts can not be far behind. With so much music to prepare and perform it is nice to discover easier ways to stay in touch. I have recently started a Facebook Group page for the LA Metro Region. If you are on Facebook then you can become a fan of our group: Los Angeles Metro Region - AGEHR Area XII. I will post announcements and other things from time to time. You can post items that are relevant to handbells in our region. We can network by asking for subs and offering to help. We can get to know each other and build a stronger handbell community here in the Greater LA area.
The LA Metro Spring Ring was a nice success. Over 100 ringers attended the LA Metro Spring Ring. The addition of classes to the schedule was well received and we will keep classes for future Spring Rings. If you would like to see more pictures from our Spring Ring, I have posted many of the pictures I took on our new Facebook Group. Even if you are not on Facebook you can click this link and look at the pictures. A special thank you goes to Larry Sue, our teachers, and our host choir for making the day fun.
We are working on getting the LA Fall Ringer's Workshop scheduled and I have begun work on next year's Spring Ring. We have had an idea to make the Fall Workshop easier to attend. To make this happen I need some help from you! I am looking for places to host these events. I would like to see Fall Workshops in several areas in September and October. If you can host 2-5 choirs in you church or school please let me know! I am willing to help you learn how to host an event. I would especially like to see an event in areas that haven't had one in a long time, such as in Ventura, South Orange County, and Santa Clarita Valley. Please let know if this idea appeals to you. The LA Metro Spring Ring has grown larger than most church facilities can manage. This is a great problem to have. Do you have a LARGE space at your church or school? A gym or large activities center is what we are looking for. I would really like to know about your space and if you are interested in having a bunch of great handbell people come to your place for an event.
The Area XII Board is meeting this month on April 16 & 17. Please let me know if there is anything you would like me to bring to the board. Don't forget to send me your Concert announcements and let me know if I can help you with your handbell needs. Read below about a great concert coming up on May 2nd in Orange. I have personally attended this concert for the last several years and am never disappointed. Cathedral Bells is one of very few advanced level handbell groups in the greater Los Angeles area. This concert is worth the drive! I hope to see you there!
The Cathedral Bells concert is right around the corner (May 2nd, 4:00 p.m. at St. John's Lutheran Church, 185 South Center St. Orange 92866). This lively, dedicated group of musicians, drawn from a radius of fifty miles and gathering weekly to rehearse, uses six plus octaves of bells and five and a half octaves of handchimes. Ramona Miller is the Director of Cathedral Bells and she tells me, "The program for our concert is wonderfully varied. Highlights: classical (music of Handel, adapted for harp and bells, and of Bach); original compositions for handbells, including a return of "Horizons", composed by Dr. William Payn for Cathedral Bells, on the fifth anniversary of its premiere performance; some "fun" secular music of the 40"s and 50"s; a handbell solo and duet, and more! Cathedral Bells often incorporates additional musical and percussive instruments into its music. This concert will be no exception. There is no charge - free will offering only. Child care is available."
SoCal - Michele Sharik, Regional Coordinator
Hi there, Southern California!
I am very excited to be your new Regional Coordinator and am looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible!
A little bit about myself: I am a recent transplant to San Marcos, in the North County San Diego. I grew up in Ohio, and moved to the SF Bay Area in 2002 to ring with Sonos. (Yes, I still ring with Sonos, and fly up to Oakland twice a month for rehearsals.) I am also a soloist and a director and a teacher and... basically anything to do with handbells! In addition to being a full-time handbell musician, I am also a full-time student, majoring in Visual and Performing Arts at CSU San Marcos.
As Regional Coordinator, I want to make myself as available as possible to all of you to help you promote your events and to really reap the benefits of your AGEHR membership. Watch for more news regarding exciting upcoming events in our Region.
Let's work together to promote the joy of handbells in SoCal!
Best wishes Michele Sharik
Nevada- Barbara Walsh, Regional Coordinator
![African Handbell Print](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs031/1101283694832/img/61.jpg?a=1103126776811) Howdy! We are excited to announce that the Annual Las Vegas 12th Night Handbell Festival will again be at the South Point Hotel and our clinician will be Tim Waugh. HOWEVER THERE IS ONE MINOR DETAIL: the festival will be the 3rd weekend in January..Martin Luther King holiday.. SATURDAY and SUNDAY January 15 and 16, 2011. Hotel accommodations will again be available for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday @ $85 per room, single or double occupancy. Watch for more details later. Contact Dixie Bailey, the registrar, if you have further questions. I hope to see many of you at our 8th Annual Sierra Spring Ring on April 24th. It's not too late to register so come join the fun with vivacious Tessique Houston, our clinician. Barb
8th Annual Sierra Spring Ring 2010
April 24, 2010 South Reno United Methodist Church 200 DeSpain Reno,NV 89511 Tessique Houston, Clinician Cost: $7.00 per ringer Click Here for Schedule, Registration form, and Repertoire List
Hawaii - Karen Carlisle Regional Coordinator
Aloha Hawaii ringers!
I am sorry to report that we have had to postpone our Aloha Ring originally planned for May 8 due to the loss of our venue. But we're hard at work rescheduling the event for next year, and we have some excellent possibilities for a location. So stay tuned for more information on Hawaii happenings.
14th International Handbell Symposium
Handbell Ringers of Japan are still accepting applications for the 14th International Symposium in Osaka, Japan August 3-7, 2010. However, the last day to register is today, April 1 so get your registration and deposit in today. Forevent details and registration forms Click Here
Pinnacle 2010
"Pinnacle", AGEHR's signature event for performing handbell ensembles, ringers, and directors, will be held July 18- July 21, 2010 in Nashville, TN Headline concerts will be given by Sonos, Raleigh Ringers, Vivace,(Puerto Rico) and Agape Ringers. For those whose passion is ringing, you can register to ring in one of the all star choirs under the direction of the following conductors, William Griffin, Hart Morris, William Payn, and Arnold Sherman. Jason Wells will lead an Art of Performance Track which will focus on presenting an engaging, visual performance. The goal of this event is to help each attendee to reach their personal best. For more information Click Here
Calendar of Events - April-May-June April 17, 2010, 7:30 p.m. Michele Sharik, handbell soloist, in Concert. St. Bede's Episcopal Church, 2650 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA. Tickets $25/$18 Contact: jwhall@stbedesmenlopark.org
April 17, 2010, 3:30 p.m. Central Coast Spring Ring Concert. Elks Lodge, 1516 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA. Free. Contact:cencal@areaxii.org
April 24, 2010, 2 p.m. Sierra Spring Ring Concert. South Reno United Methodist Church, Reno NV. Contact: nevada@areaxii.org
April 25, 2010, 3:00 p.m. Concordia Alumni Handbell Ensemble Spring Concert. Concordia University Center, 1530 Concordia West, Irvine, CA Free will offering
April 25, 2010, 3:00 p.m. Wesley Bronze Ringers. Wesley United Methodist Church, 1343 E. Barstow Avenue, Fresno, CA. Candlelight and Bells Concert
April 30, 2010, 7:00 p.m. SFSU Handbell Choir in Concert. Half Moon Bay Public Library, 620 Carreas, Half Moon Bay, CA Free. Guest artists: Suzanne Bates, Charlotte O'Brien(flute and percussion), the Coastside Chorale, and Bells of Joy from Community UMC of Half Moon Bay.
May 2, 2010, 6:00 p.m. Handbells in Concert and Worship, First Christian Reformed Church, 1030 S. Linwood Ave, Visalia, CA Contact: Joan Natoli itolanj@sbcglobal.net
May 16, 2010, 4:00 p.m. The 32 Annual Walnut Creek Handbell Concertd, titled "Just for the Fun of It". Walnut Creek UMC, 1543 Sunnyvale Ave, Walnut Creek, CA Free. Contact: info@areaxii.org
May 21, 2010 8:00 p.m. Tapestry (Canto Bello Handbell Ensemble and Heartsong, women's vocal chorale) present "Shall We Dance". St. Bonaventure Catholic Church, 5562 Clayton Road, Concord, CA Free will offering. Contact: ckrausgrill@gmail.com
May 23, 2010 4:00 p.m. Tapestry presents "Shall We Dance". Walnut Creek UMC, 1543 Sunnyvale Ave, Walnut Creek, CA Free will offering. ckrausgrill@gmail.com
May 26, 2010 7:30 p.m. Tapestry presents "Shall We Dance" at Asbury UMC, 4743 East Ave, Livermore, CA Free will offering. Contact: ckrausgrill@gmail.com
June 5, 2010 Tapestry in concert. St. Mary's Episcopal Church, 12th and Central, Pacific Grove, CA Free will offering. Contact: ckrausgrill@gmail.com
June 5, 2010 3 & 7 p.m. Bay Bells present Clapper Critters. Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts, Mountain View, CA. Tickets: $10, $5 kids 12 and under Contact: www.baybells.org
June 6, 2010 Tapestry in Concert. Church of the Wayfarer, Lincoln St. at 7th Ave, Carmel-by-the-Sea. Free will offering. Contact:ckrausgrill@gmail.com
June 17-20, 2010 Area XII Conference, 2010: A New Handbell Odyssey, Davis University, Davis, CA Contact: www.areaxii.org
To view all the events on the calendar for Area XII Click Here
Advertising Rates for 2010 Publishing Year
The Twelfth Tone E-newsletter is published the first of each month, except July, by Area XII of the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers. AGEHR is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the musical art of handbell ringing through education, community, and communication. The editor of this publication reserves the right to reject or modify copy.
Advertising Rates: 2010 Publishing Year Two different types of ads are offered:1.(a) An ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels X 300 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will by hyperlinked to your website.Cost: $10 an issue 6 issues for $54 11 issues for $941. (b) Ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels X 600 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. Cost: $18 an issue 6 issues for $97 11 issues for $168 2.(a) A 1.5in. X 4in ad which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor. Cost: $15 an issue 6 issues for $81 11 issues for $1402.(b) A 1.5in. X 8 in. ad which contains a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor. Cost: $27 an issue 6 issues for $146 11 issues for $252 Payment is due before publication.DEADLINE is the 24th of the monthPlease submit your ads to Carol Smith, Director of Communication at info@areaxii.orgMake checks payable to AGEHR Area XII and send to Carol Smith, 406 Mt. Sequoia Ct., Clayton, CA 94517 |