African Handbell Print
           The Twelfth Tone E-newsletter
AGEHR Area XII Newsletter
February 2010
In This Issue
2010: A New Bell Odyssey
Area XII Board
Bell Loan Program
Handbell Resources
Composition Contest
Kathie Fink Tours West Coast
Concerts at a Glance
Message from the Chair
Carol's Reverberations
Registration for 2010 A New Handbell Odyssey
Marching Handbell Choir Featured at Handbell Odyssey
Audition Process for Odyssey Ensemble Announced
Call for Performance Choirs
Nominations Open for 2010 Area XII Election
Area XII New Members
2010 Siskiyou Summit Handbell Conference
Twelfth Night at St. Andrews
Bay Area
LA Metro
National News
Calendar of Events
Advertising Rates
2010: A New
2010 Logo

 June 17-20, 2010.  

On Line Registration
Click Here

Dr. Wm. Payn
Deborah Rice
Michael Glasgow
Michele Sharik

UC Davis Campus

Tracks Offered:
Church Music
Tools of the Trade
Mass Attack

Area XII Board
African Handbell Print

Chair............ P.L. Grove
Past Chair.....William Kyle
Chair Elect..... Rima Greer
Treasurer.........Don Rossi
Secretary..... Linda Krantz

Appointed Officers:

Communication.Carol Smith
Webmaster........Mel Tully
Events .........William Kyle
Education.....Tess Houston
Historian....Diane Levorsen

Regional Coordinators:

NorCal....... Nancy Schmitt
Bay Area......Beckie Wiley
CenCal.......Shirley Werner
LAMetro.......Debbie Shaw
SoCal............Ruth O'Neil
Nevada......Barbara Walsh
Hawaii....... Karen Carlisle

Local Liaisons:

Nevada.........Dixie Bailey

Our National

African Handbell Print
AGEHR website
Area XII Bell
Loan  Program
African Handbell Print
Teachers, would you like the use of a 3 octave set of handbells or chimes to add a new dimension and interest to your music class?  Area XII encourages schools and other educational institutions (both public and private) to develop educational programs using handbells and handchimes. To support the development of such programs Area XII has  2 sets of 3 octaves  of handbells and 3 sets of 3 octaves of  handchimes for loan. Deadlines for applications is 5/31 for the Fall Semester and 10/30 for Spring Semester.To learn more about the responsibilities and procedures for participating in this program Click Here

Handbell Resources

WestCoast Lt. Wagon 2
 Handbell Music, Supplies
and  Service

Toll Free-888-775-WEST

Call: 559-625-5111
Fax: 559-741-7346

Email: BellMusic@

P.O. Box 4361
Visalia, CA
Composition Contest
Musical notes
Greater Houston Handbell Association Feb Fest Composition Contest
One award of $1000
Submissions  due June 1, 2010
All participants will be notified by August 1, 2010 of the winning composition.
The winning composition will be performed at FEB FEST in Houston, TX on February 26, 2011.
For full contest rules, please email Debbie Busch at:
 or visit:
Kathie Fink Brings
"Christmas Treasures" Tour
to West Coast 
David Weck 09
Kathie Fink, solo handbell artist from Burlington, KY, will present, "Christmas Treasures" at various venues along the west coast during Feb. and March.  "Christmas Treasures" intertwines heart warming stories with Kathie's musical ringing and fresh interpretations of traditional Christmas music. Kathie's ringing musicality and choreography will amaze you.  Linda Maloney, Goddard, KS, joins Kathie as tour accompanist.  These two will refresh your spirit as you ponder your Christmas treasures.
Kathie and Linda toured Germany and Finland in December 2008, presenting, "Christmas Treasures" in two German churches (Kassel and Nuemberg) and in military chapels in Ansbach, Stuttgart, Kaiserslautern, Wiesbaden, and Vilseck.  The highlight of the tour was performing for wounded soldiers and their families at the USO Warrior Center at Landstuhl Army Medical Center.  
Kathie began ringing handbells with her family when she was nine years old, taking transcontinental tours of the United States during the summer, and ringing on holiday television show during the Christmas season.  She is a founding member of Sonos Handbell Ensemble in the San Francisco Bay Area. 
Kathie's Area XII performances are as follows:
February 27, 2010
7:00 p.m.
Los Altos Lutheran Church
460 El Monte Ave
Los Gatos, CA 94022
Free will offering
February 28, 2010
2:00 p.m.
St. Andrews Presbyterian
1601 Mary Dr.
Pleasant Hill, CA
Admission: a canned good for the homeless
Free will offering
February 28, 2010
7:00 p.m.
Northminster Presbyterian
3235 Pope Ave
Sacramento, CA
Free will offering
March 1, 2010
7:00 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church
2315 Placer Street
Redding, CA
Free will offering
A list of Kathie's other venues throughout Oregon and Washington can be found at
Upcoming Concerts at a Glance:

Please check Calendar of Events for all the details
Bay Area

February 14, 2010
2:00 p.m.
Bell Appeal in Concert
San Francisco, CA 

February 27, 2010
7:00 p.m.
Kathie Fink in concert
Los Gatos, CA

February 28, 2010
2:00 p.m.
Kathie Fink in Concert
Pleasant Hill, CA
 March 13, 2010
6:30 p.m.
Bay Area Spring Ring Concert
Cupertino, CA

Northern CA

February 28, 2010
7:00 p.m.
Kathie Fink, soloist
Sacramento, CA

March 1, 2010
7:00 p.m.
Kathie Fink, soloist
Redding, CA

CenCal Area

March 20, 2010
4:00 p.m.
Bakersfield Spring Ring Concert
Bakersfield, CA

LA Metro Area

February 14, 2010
4:00 p.m.
Concert Handbells of Concordia
University Irvine
Riverside, CA

February 20, 2010
4:30 p.m.
Concordia Handbell Invitational Concert Series 2010, Concert
Irvine, CA


April 24, 2010
Spring Ring Concert
2:00 p.m.
Reno, NV

SocCal Area

March 13, 2010
4:00 p.m.
Spring Ring Concert
Vista, CA

Click Here
for further details.

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Quick Links...

AGEHR Website

Join Our Mailing List
  Welcome to the February issue of The Twelfth Tone Enewsletter where you will find updates on 2010 Handbell Odyssey; a feature article on The Marching Handbell Choir, who will be performing  at the closing concert of Handbell Odyssey; reports on Twelfth Night events; a composition contest to challenge our Area XII composers; concert tour featuring Kathie Fink, handbell soloist; and Spring Ring updates. Come join in the fun by attending one or all of the exciting events and concerts offered this Spring.  

Carol Smith
Director of Communication
A Message from the Chair 
Pam Grove
Well, my winter handbell travels have finally come to an end, and I have to disagree with that old saying. What happens in Vegas doesn't always stay there! 
I had a fabulous time at my first 12th Night Handbell event in Las Vegas, getting to catch up with some old friends (even ringing the buckets in the front row with Brad!) and make new ones (hey to all you UNLV student ringers!). There are some of you on the Area XII membership roster who I met for the first time (shout out to Mater Dei High School!), and some who are now interested in becoming members. What a fabulous event, and I have to tip my hat to Janet Ty for continuing to make it happen every year (this year with help from Dixie Bailey and her daughter Denise)! I hear that Tim Waugh may even return next year (yep! he had a great time, too!).
While I'd like to just quit my day job and visit all of the Area XII events over the next few months, I suppose that's not practical. But I'm really hoping to see you all in Davis this summer. As Carol reminds us all, the deadlines are looming, but don't let uncertainty keep you from signing up in time for the early bird discount. This year we have brought back the ever-popular "deposit," so you can hold your spot by registering now and figure out your tracks after the classes get posted later in the month. And don't forget that your daily lodging fee also includes your meals for the day, so at $90 a day (or less for multiple days), it's a great deal. Our registrar, Kathy Arnold is standing by ready and willing to assist any of you who have questions about the registration process.
These days, every little bit of financial assistance helps, so don't miss that early bird registration deadline. Your $50 deposit by February 15th assures your spot and a 15% discount on your registration fee. Visit the Area XII Web site to register, or contact for assistance (Kathy can also be reached via phone at 650-962-0375).
And if I don't see you before, I look forward to seeing you all this summer in Davis as we usher in our 2010 New Handbell Odyssey!

P.L. Grove
Area XII Chair
Carol's Reverberations......

Barb Walsh HeadshotDEADLINES!! Two very important deadlines are fast approaching this month. There are only 15 days left to take advantage of the early bird discount  for 2010 Handbell Odyssey in Davis from June 17-20.  In addition Feb. 15 is also the deadline for applying for the Saturday night Showcase concert for the Davis Conference.  If you want to participate in the Odyssey Ensemble for advanced ringers, applications must be in by March 1, 2010.  Excitement is building for this  unique and  new "cutting edge"  format which will permit you to study under several exceptional clinicians.  So don't delay - take advantage of the opportunity to  save a few dollars and be a part of this exciting conference. 

As was announced back in December, the Nominating Committee for Area XII is developing their slate of officers for their next election this spring.  Positions to be filled are Chair Elect, Secretary and Treasurer.  The Chair elect is a 6 year commitment and the Sec/Treasurer two years. Bylaws require two candidates for each office.  We hope each of you will give serious consideration to volunteering your special talents for one of these positions.  Area XII depends on its volunteers for leadership, and serving on the board is a way to make a difference.  It's your opportunity to help shape the organization and to give back what other volunteers have given you in the past.  I have now served six years on the board in appointed positions and the rewards have been many.  Serving on the board has provided a new avenue to channel my passion for handbells and has brought me into contact with so many interesting people who share my love of handbells.  It has been exciting to be apart of the planning and decision making for Area XII events and conferences. Serving on the board has been a  very rewarding, gratifying, and fun experience and I encourage those of you who would like to get involved to consider running for an office or contact our chair if you'd like to be considered  for an appointed position. 

Many of you have asked, "Where has Handbell-l gone?"  For those of you who aren't familiar with Handbell-l , it was an online digest, founded by Jason Tiller, and serviced by Rusty Sanders, where handbell directors and ringers could exchange ideas, ask handbell related questions, and keep in touch with the handbell community.  Unfortunately Rusty's equiment failed, and the Handbell-l as serviced by Rusty came to an end.  The good news is that a new temporary Handbell-l has now been organized through google groups.  If you are interested in subscribing  send an email to :

Happy Valentines Day!

Registration for 2010 New Handbell Odyssey

Sample Ad 2 ON LINE REGISTRATION is NOW AVAILABLE on the Area XII website for 2010: A New Handbell Odyssey!  Register now to assure a space in the tracks of your choice. Just click on the 2010 logo on the left for the link to registration. Early Bird discount ends Feb. 15, 2010!

2010 LogoMarching Handbell Choir Featured Guests in Closing 2010 Handbell Odyssey Concert

Marching Handbell Choir 1The Marching Handbell Choir, which was formed back in 1987 for the sole purpose of marching in the 1988 Tournament of Roses Parade, will give their final performance on June 20, 2010 as part of the closing concert of the 2010 Handbell Odyssey Conference at UC Davis.  Nearly 200 ringers from California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado  marched in that parade back in '88.  The marching handbell choir, which was the vision of Richard and Carol Viselli of LaVerne, CA, became a reality due to Richard's experience working with local bands and various Tournament of Roses officials.  The difficulties encountered to reach this goal included forming an application process, establishing a budget, multitudes of paper work- insurance, housing, transportation,  music - selection, arrangements, publishing and distribution, Uniform creation, communication with 200 ringers (across several states), and bells- 16  4 1/2 oct. sets.  Ten different areas across the four states were established for individual ringers to rehearse once a month with leadership provided by local directors.  Mr. Ron Hoar was the Marching Instructor and an Executive Committee, Richard, Carol, and Nancy Jessup traveled to each area to give instruction in uniform marching techniques. 

  Marching Handbell Choir 2  This unique choir made quite an impression in that 1988 Rose Parade, and many of the members felt that the organization should continue, so  they  continued to march over the years in such parades as the Fiesta Bowl Parade, Calgary Stampede, and at Disneyland.  Although their membership has decreased over the years, they have continued to march, even this year at the Patterson Apricot Fiesta Parade (where they were awarded 1st place in the band category), the Arroyo Grande Harvest Festival Parade, and the  Lights on Celebration in Hollister. On March 20, 2010 they will appear in the Murphys Irish Day Parade and in May at the Dixon May Fair Parade. 

Caroline Harnly (Pacifica) and Kika Hutchings (Carpinteria) have been with the group the entire 20+ years.  Several others have been with the group since 1989 including Carol Baltzell (Sacramento), Jacqueline Wan (Pleasant Hill), Marilyn Perry (Sunnyvale), and Gail Hybarger (San Jose). 

2010 marks the end of this unique choir; however, they will close their 23 years of existence with a big flourish at the Davis Conference as they open the closing concert.  At that time, they will present Area XII with a gift of their handbells which they are donating to the AreaXII Chime/Handbell Loan Program. Their generosity will help further handbell programs in our local schools.

The Marching Band will be just one of many outstanding features of this summer's 2010 New Handbell Odyssey, and we invite you to participate in honoring them as they celebrate their 23-year contribution to handbells in Area XII.
Audition Process for Odyssey Ensemble Announced

2010 Logo
Applications are now being accepted for individuals wanting to ring with the Odyssey Ensemble at Area XII's 2010 Davis Conference. Ringers in this ensemble should be advanced ringers with good command of handbell technique, experience ringing complex and difficult literature, and possess the ability to play the instrument with a significant level of musical expression. This year, a select group will spend a day rehearsing up to six pieces of music under the direction of Dr. William Payn and will perform for the Friday evening concert at the conference.
Ringers wishing to participate in this group should register for the rest of the conference, but NOT register for the Odyssey Ensemble. You will be instructed how to sign up for the Odyssey Ensemble Track once you have been notified of your successful completion of the audition process.

Deadline for submission of audition materials for consideration is March 1, 2010. All materials should be mailed to:

P.L. Grove
AGEHR Area XII Chair
5665 Leona Street
Oakland, CA  94605

Auditionees will be adjudicated by an impartial panel outside of Area XII and then ratified by the Odyssey Ensemble director and the Area XII Board. Ringers will be notified of the final selection by April 1, 2010.

For complete information on the audition process Click Here.

Please contact P.L. Grove, Area XII Chair via e-mail ( or phone (510.336.9418), if you have questions about the auditions.

Davis Showcase Choir Performance Opportunity 
Sample Ad 2
The 2010 Area XII conference in Davis is right around the corner, and there are many opportunities at the event, including performance.

Area XII is now accepting applications from handbell groups wishing to perform the Saturday night showcase concert at the conference. Any group affiliated with an Area XII member is welcome to apply.

To be considered for the concert spot, send an e-mail to indicating your interest to perform a concert.  Groups will be selected by a panel based on the following criteria:
  • Unique and interesting repertoire
  • Exceptional performance ability
  • Technical ability
  • Musicality
While a DVD of your group's performance is not required, it is strongly recommended in order to give the panel a better sense of your group's capabilities. If a DVD is not available, a CD must be submitted. Once your initial e-mail indicating interest is received, you will receive a reply e-mail telling you how to submit your recorded materials.

Deadline for applicants for the Saturday night showcase concert slot is February 15, 2010.  The panel intends to finalize its decision by March 1, 2010.

Soloists and small ensembles are also encouraged to apply. Now is your chance to show off your group!  Don't miss out on this unique and exciting performance opportunity.
Nominations Open for 2010 Area XII Election
Sample Ad 2
The nominating committee is now taking nominations for persons to be considered as candidates for AGEHR Area XII Chair-Elect, Treasurer and Secretary. Elections will be held by ballot in 2010, and two nominees will be selected as candidates for each office.
SUBMITTING NOMINATIONS:  Those wishing to submit a name (including your own) into nomination should: 
  • contact the person to ensure his/her willingness to serve
  • provide a letter of qualifications from the potential candidate
Nominations must be accompanied by a statement/letter of qualifications by the potential candidate. This statement may be used for the candidate's ballot profile. Letters may be submitted via pdf or via regular US mail to the chair of the nominating committee.
POTENTIAL CANDIDATES: The Area XII Board is a diversified and inclusive group of individuals who share an interest in our instrument, but without gender or ethnic restrictions. To continue this focus for future Boards, the Nominating Committee will concentrate on candidates with one or more of the following qualifications:
  • Historic experience with AGEHR
  • Music and handbell experience as a director, ringer, music educator, church musician, or involvement with community or special needs handbell choirs
  • Business experience in finance, accounting, policy governance, marketing, law, human resources, or fundraising
  • Strategic planning with not-for-profit organizations
  • Current AGEHR membership
  • Good communication skills
  • Ability to attend 2 or 3 meetings per year, each meeting lasting 2 days
  • Time, willingness and demonstrated ability to do the job 
Area XII Welcomes 1 New  Members to AGEHR
African Handbell Print
Please welcome the following new member to AGEHR Area XII. 

Community Congregational Church, Benicia, CA.  Leslie Lessenger, director.
2010 Siskiyou Summit Handbell Conference-April 30-May1
"Rhythm and Movement" is the theme of the annual Siskiyou Summit Handbell Conference, April 30-May1, 2010 in Ashland, OR. Guest conductor is Tim Waugh, who is well known for his work in musicality and rhythmic acuity.  Once again Nancy Hascall will offer the opportunity for advanced ringers to participate in a Bronze Conference Choir.  Participation in this choir is by application and space is limited. Four outstanding Area XII clinicians, including Michele Sharik, Larry Sue, P.L. Grove, and Rima Greer along with Nancy Hascall, and Brian Parrott from OR will lead classes on basics, solo/ensemble ringing, chimes, alternative assigning, 4-H, memorization, and tips and tricks for handbell directors. 

Registration is $60 per person.  For registration information and repertoire list contact Diane Barnes, Conference Coordinator at

Twelfth Night at Saint Andrews
                                                 By Larry Sue

    The first ever Twelfth Night at St. Andrew's handbell festival on January 10, 2010 was an unqualified success!  Over 80 ringers came to Saratoga, CA to share their talents with each other and the audience of 125, and afterward got to know each other better with a potluck dinner.

 SFSU/BellAppeal/BellsofJoy   Among the groups participating were Ringtones, a quartet from Sacramento, Joyful Ringers, a handbell ensemble that provides opportunities to special needs young people,  pictured on the left,  an ensemble from the San Francisco/Half Moon Bay composed of members  from SFSU,Bell Appeal and Bells of Joy, Northminster Chancel Bells, The Bell System from Menlo Park Presbyterian, Bay Bells Lite,Brass Angel Ensemble from Northminster Presbyterian Church, and Bell Canto and Bells' Angels both from Saint Andrew's Presbyterian Church

Bell Canto Bell Canto, host choir from Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church and pictured on the left, opened the concert  with We Three Kings.  SFSU/Bells of Joy/Bell Appeal/ combined to play Cynthia Dobrinski's beautiful arrangement of "Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming" which featured Suzanne Butts on flute.  A new idea in mass ringing: an arrangement of O Come, All Ye Faithful, which came in four versions of different AGEHR levels, designed to be played simultaneously, made it possible for all of the groups present to play a complete arrangement tailored to their abilities. This wonderful arrangement was a stunning closing to the concert. 

Look for next year's Twelfth Night at St. Andrew's!

NorCal - Nancy Schmitt, Regional Coordinator
 Canterbury 6th grade team                        
Dear Fellow Ringers and Directors,

The holiday season is over and a new year has begun.  Let me rephrase that! The holiday season is being revisited here in Redding on Monday March 1, 2010 when professional handbell soloist, Kathie Fink, comes to town to perform a one hour concert entitled, "Christmas Treasures-Revisited".  Kathie is a founding ringer of Sonos Handbell Ensemble and has been ringing since the age of nine.  As a teenager, she toured in the United States with her family, known as the Fink Family Handbell Ringers.  Her concert will take place at First Presbyterian Church, 2315 Placer Street, Redding, CA at 7:00 p.m.  A free will offering will be taken. 

Before arriving in Redding, Kathie will be giving this same concert at Northminster Presbyterian Church, 3235 Pope Ave, Sacramento, CA on Feb. 28, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.  Contact Mary Balkow for further information at

Now many bell choirs are already planning ahead to attend spring festivals as well as learning music for Easter in honor of our Risen Savior.

Alleluia Ringers
The Alleluia Ringers, youth from second grade through high school and pictured on the left, as well as the Cherub Ringers, children ages 3-7 of the St. James Lutheran Church in Redding participated in their  Christmas Eve service. The Cherub Ringers did a bell processional and the Alleluia Ringers rang two songs in celebration of the birth of Jesus.  Children are a big part of the Christmas season and what better way to celebrate than to ring bells with their friends. The children and youth will soon prepare for a Palm Sunday processional.

Don't forget about the workshop with Mary Balkow and Mel Tully coming up soon.  Information about the workshop is below. I would like to welcome new Area XII member, Marge Shasberger, who is a new director at Peace Lutheran Church in Grass Valley.

Please remember I am here to serve you as the Northern Regional Coordinator and would love to hear from you.



Workshop/Reading Session

Feb.5, 2010- 6:30 p.m.- 9 p.m.
Feb. 6, 2010- 9 a.m.- 3 p.m.

Cost: $5 for each session payable at the door.

Northminster Presbyterian Church
3235 Pope Ave
Sacramento, CA
Hosts: Mary Balkow and Mel Tully

The Friday night session is for choir/band directors who have been ambushed into taking on a bell choir.  Saturday's session will be a reading/techniques workshop for all ringers and directors. Bring your lunch on Saturday or go to nearby takeouts.  They will furnish coffee and tea.  WestCoast Handbell Supply will bring their store. 
Contact: Mary Balkow at


Bay Area- Beckie Wiley, Regional Coordinator 
Canterbury 6th grade teamGreetings from the Bay Area,

Wow!  There is so much happening in the bell world during the next six months and I want to do it all!  This is the time to plan ahead and take advantage of early registration discounts. 

The SF Bay Area Spring Ring on March 13 offers a variety of interesting classes for all ringing skills.  I highly recommend you attend this event! If you have never heard solo ringing at its best, you will be awed by Ruben Mendoza's solo concert and class instruction.  Maybe this is the year you register for the 4th Annual Intense Ring on March 12. Challenge yourself rehearsing 2 songs Friday evening under the direction of Monica McGowan, followed by performance in concert Saturday evening.  This year's Spring Ring even features a garage sale of handbell music and paraphernalia  offered by ringers and ensembles.  Don't forget to register for this great event!

If you're looking for something special to do on Valentine's Day, I suggest you attend Bell Appeal's Concert titled "Love Songs: Past and Present" at 2:00 p.m. Sunday February 14, 2010 at Metropolitan Community Church, 150 Eureka, San Francisco.  Bell Appeal and guests will play the best of classical romantic and popular love songs.  Grab your sweetie and join them.  Special guests include Megumi Yamamoto (violin), Stephen Gerard (cello), and Larry Pascua (tenor).  This concert would be the perfect prelude to a romantic dinner in the world's most romantic city by the bay!  

Another concert you won't want to miss is Kathie Fink's "Christmas Treasures" which will be given in Los Gatos and Pleasant Hills February 27 and 28. Kathie provides an amazing display of technical dexterity and at the same time rings with great musicality.    Check the calendar of events for all the details. 

Please send me info about your upcoming workshops and concerts in the Bay Area so I can promote your event in the Twelfth Tone Newsletter. 

Happy Ringing!

Bay Area Spring Ring & Intense Ring

March 12 & 13, 2010
Valley Church- Cupertino, CA
Monica McGowan, Clinician

      It's far from being too late to register for either the Intense Ring, Spring Ring, or both, in March.  Intense Ringers will enjoy working with the top-notch director of Twin Cities Bronze, Monica McGowan.  See web site for more details.
      Monica is also the conductor for massed ringing at the Spring Ring on Saturday.  At this event ringers may ring one, two, three or all four of the selected pieces, depending on time, money, and ability.  But all may attend Ruben Mendoza's special solo concert during the lunch hour; all may enjoy meeting other ringers and socializing, and all may have fun learning from a group of distinguished clinicians in some really fun bell classes!
      Here's the list of classes, but please, go to the web site for more information and registration forms.  Get them off to our registrar, Carol Smith, as soon as possible to help with our planning.  We need to gather bells, pads, and prepare handouts.
Ability and Agility through the Articulations- Monica McGowan
Basics Revisited (Your 100,000 Measure Tune Up!) Michele Sharik
Change Ringing- Cross and Stretch- Dave Ruder
Conducting Tips for Directors and Ringers- Lynnelle Bilsey
Handchimes are for more than Kids- Dave Ruder
Reading of New Handbell Music- easier- Lynnelle Bilsey
Reading of New Handbell Music- medium- Michele Sharik
Picture Those Bells- Wil Mandac
Maori Sticks Game- Dian Ruder
Solo Ringing Part 1- Ruben Mendoza
Solo Ringing Part 2- Ruben Mendoza
They ain't Heavy, They're just Bass Bells- Monica McGowan
Twelve exciting classes, but you only get to pick two, so bring a friend and enjoy a class together, or split your resources and compare notes (handouts) from the classes.
Click here for the list of  repertoire, clinician bios, and registration forms .
or  go to the following website.

Bay Area School Handbell Festival

April 15, 2010
All Saints Catholic School
Hayward, CA

Dave Ruder, Mass Conductor
Steven J. Meyer, Host
For more information contact:

Upcoming  Concerts: Click Here

CenCal - Shirley Werner, Regional Coordinator
African Handbell Print
Happy February to all:
I'm sure we're all pretty happy to see the end of January and all the rain.  Parts of our yard was under water, all quite sloshy.  Wonder if our area will have a wealth of blooming wild flowers in the next couple months.  It's so pretty when that happens.
I certainly don't hear much from anyone in this area, so maybe what I do know is what is happening.
On a personal note, my choir has been asked to ring for a wedding of one of our church members.  This is a first for us and we're really excited.  We shared four pieces of music so the bride-to-be could choose which one she wanted and, to our surprise, she chose all four!  Will let you know next month how it all went.
Listed below you'll find the Reading Session that's taking place Feb. 27thMel Tully will be leading this event and he & Gail will bring a scaled down store for those attending to shop for their handbell needs.
Bakersfield has a full day agenda for their Spring Ring on March 20th.  I'm hoping to attend as an observer and I do want to take one of the workshops being offered.
Then April 17th, is the Central Coast Spring Ring and registrations are beginning to come to me by mail.  We have room for maybe 12 choirs, and I've a verbal list of choirs planning to attend.  So, if you're interested, please contact me for a registration form and any questions you may have about this event.  It's our 10th Annual Spring Ring and we're hoping for a full house!
Don't forget the deadline for the Early Bird registration for the Davis Conference.  There have been questions about how the tracks work.  Just to answer a couple questions, the mass ring on Sunday will be with different directors.  Dr. Wililam Payn, Debbie Rice and Michael Glasgow will each direct two of the massed pieces.  You are to purchase the music ahead of time and come as prepared as possible.  Orphan ringers are welcome to participate in the Sunday mass ring.  You can reserve a table and bring your bells & music & participate.  Again, refer to the information on the website.
The tracks on Friday & Saturday will be led by the posted clinicians.  While the main clinician will lead most of the classes in the track, there will be some smaller breakout classes led by an assistant.  Classes for the tracks will soon be on the Web, so I encourage you to keep checking the Area XII website for this updated information.
I hope I've been able to clarify some of your questions.  Be sure to check out the Area XII website for complete information on the Davis event. 
Have a Happy Valentines Day, a great Presidents weekend and, as always,
Happy Ringing

Reading Session-February 27, 2010

Trinity Lutheran Church
940 Creston Rd.
Paso Robles, CA
Mel Tully, Clinician
Time: set-up & refreshments 8:30 a.m.
Downbeat: 9a.m.-12 noon
Lunch:(Bring your own lunch) Light snacks & drink provided
Bell/Chime Maintenance Class-1 p.m. (For those interested)
End of Day should be between 2:00 & 2:30 P.M.

COST: $5.00 per ringer

Checks can be made out to Shirley Werner in the amount of $5.00 and mailed to 1913 Bella Vista Ct., Paso Robles, CA 93446, or is payable upon arrival.

Some of you may be asked to bring your bells, chimes, mallets, and pads, and your music binders & risers (if wanted). This will be determined as time draws closer to the 27th. 

Bakersfield Spring Ring

March 20, 2010
8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.  4:00 p.m. Concert
St. John's Lutheran Church
4500 Buena Vista Rd.
Bakersfield, CA
Cost: $20 per ringer/includes lunch & raffle
Clinicians: Bill and Lee Waggener

Bill/Lee Waggener

Repertoire List and Registration form
Click Here
Contact: Dianne Bryant at

2010 Central Coast Spring Ring

April 17, 2010
Elks Lodge
Atascadero, CA

 "Favorites from the Past".

Sample Ad 2

Nancy Jessup, Clinician

Repertoire List- Click Here

Registration is $20 per ringer and the deadline is March 31, 2010.
It will be a bring your own lunch, however, snacks & drinks will be provided.  Space will be limited, but a waiting list will be made & acted upon after March 31st.  All will be asked to bring your tables, pads, bells, chimes, mallets, music books, risers, gloves & anything else you need.  All music must be
originals and each choir is welcome to do a solo at the concert.
  For more information or questions, contact me at

LA Metro - Debbie Shaw, Regional Coordinator
Canterbury 6th grade team

Happy February Everyone!
I hope this issue of The Twelfth Tone finds you well.  We are currently between rain right now and I hope you have been able to enjoy the much needed rain.  I have been busy with preparations for our LA Metro Spring Ring in March.  Don't forget that the Early Bird Registration deadline is Feb 13.  Space is still available, but please get your forms into the mail and save your choir a spot.  I am excited to announce that we will be offering 4 different classes at our Spring Ring!  In addition to being our clinician, Larry Sue will be teaching his Bass Bells class at both sessions.  Lisa Arnold, of Low Ding Zone will be teaching Beginning Bell Basics and Beyond the Basics.  Rudy Rodriquez will teach a class on Directing and Following the director.  I am also pleased to introduce Cindy Chaffee, a music educator and handbell ringer, who will teach Rhythms Made Easy.  
      A mailing with the Spring Ring and Advancing to Bronze information and registrations forms  went out in mid-January to the LA Metro AGEHR members.  If you did not get one or are having trouble getting the forms  from the website please let me know, I will help you!  Need some extra time to get a check processed?  Drop me an e-mail with the important information about your group and that will save you a place until the check is ready!
     Larry has prepared rehearsal notes for our Spring Ring repertoire.  The links were included in the mailing.  I am working to get them up on our website.  These will help you in preparing for our concert on March 13.
     Advancing to Bronze is an opportunity for ringers seeking a challenge to stretch their wings and try their hands at two level 4 pieces from the Distinctly Bronze West 2009 repertoire.  Individual Ringers are most welcome to attend this event.  A2B ringers will then share their work by presenting those pieces at the Spring Ring Concert on Saturday afternoon.  Information for both events can be found below.
     Please Mark your calendars for Sunday March 14th at 4:00pm. Low Ding Zone is presenting a concert in Long Beach.  I believe this is the first concert they have presented in So Cal that was not part of a conference.  They put on a great concert.  Hope to see you there!
       Also, don't forget to register for the 2010 Ringers Conference at UC Davis.  The details are mentioned earlier in this newsletter.
       News from our area has been very light!  Please let me know what is happening in your group, so I can share!  This can be a concert announcement or Workshop, or something cool your choir has done.  We want to know about bells in the LA region.
     As an FYI, I will be out of town Feb 24 - March 1 while I am attending Distinctly Bronze West in Bremerton, WA.  I will have limited access to e-mail and my repsonses may be delayed while I am gone.

Advancing to Bronze Workshop

Here is the perfect opportunity to advance your skills to a bronze level with this two day event beginning Friday March 12 from  7 p.m.- 10 p.m.  and continuing March 13, 2010  from 8:00-9:30 a.m. under the leadership of Larry Sue.  Los Altos UMC, 5950 E. Willow St., Long Beach, CA will be the host of this event.  Cost is $20 per registrant.  Contact Debbie Shaw at  Click Here for more Information
LA Metro Spring Ring

Saturday March 13, 2010
9:30 a.m.
Clinician:  Larry Sue
Registration: $20 per registrant
Los Altos UMC
5950 E. Willow St.
Long Beach, CA.
Click Here
for more information

Upcoming Concerts: Click Here

SoCal - Ruth O'Neil, Regional Coordinator
Ruth O'NeilGreetings SoCal Ringers,

    I am so excited about our Spring Ring!  I just came from Faith Lutheran Church, 700 E. Bobier Drive in Vista, where they have built an incredibly wonderful new addition to their campus.  You won't believe this facility!  It has a multipurpose room which will accommodate as many ringers as we can conjure up as well as an audience for the closing concert.  There are lovely, spacious conference rooms for our small groups and breakout sessions.  It will be a marvelous setting for this event!
    I particularly want to encourage ringers who have never attended a Spring Ring, new ringers, and level 1 and 2 choirs to participate in our Division A group.  Azusa Pacific music majors will be working during the morning with small groups refining the music from our festival repertoire.  This is such a unique opportunity to have individualized attention for learning various techniques and for recognizing the possibilities for growth.  Until we see other ringers, we don't realize how far we can reach. (I saw concert choirs at National in Tucson last summer doing things with bels that I had neer even imagined!
    The day's schedule as well as the registration form is available by clicking here. 
 Break out sessions for level 3 & 4 will include sight reading new music from our vendor, Mel Tully of WestCoast Handbell Supply, and workshops enhancing performance beyond the notes.  We encourage choirs to share a piece in the final concert at 4:00 p.m.

Please feel free to email me at with any questions you might have.


Southern CA Spring Ring

March 13, 2010
 Faith Lutheran Church
700 E. Bobier Drive
Vista, CA
Clinician: Donavon Gray
from Azusa Pacific University

Donavon Gray of Azusa Pacific University will be our clinician, along with members of his handbell ensemble.  I say "along with" because we're using a different format this time having a Division A and a Division B.  Division A will be Level 1 and 2. Division B will be level 3 and 4. With the success of our SCHMEE event this year, we wanted to provide another challenge, but also to provide for those bell choirs not ready to ring that level of music. We will be divided most of the day with Azusa Pacific ringers helping with small groups on specific techniques. We will come together at the end of the day for a great multilevel concert in which Azusa Pacific will participate.

For repertoire list and registration form Click Here

Nevada- Barbara Walsh, Regional Coordinator
African Handbell PrintHowdy!

Twelfth Night in Las Vegas was, in the words of some of my ringers, epic awesomeness! Tim Waugh was the conductor, so you would expect it to be great, but he really out did himself!  The groups were very well prepared, so we were able to create some extraordinary musical moments with Tim's leadership and positive energy.  Saturday was a long day, but it never felt that way because of Tim's incredible ability to keep us focused and energized.  The individual groups' solos were wonderful 12th Night Renoand added a lot to the final concert.  We weren't able to have Twelfth Night at our usual venue because of conflict, but it turned out to be a good thing.  Dixie Bailey and Janet Ty worked very hard to come up with another venue at the  Southpoint Hotel/Casino/Convention Center.  The ringing room was roomy and comfortable and had decent acoustics.  Those of us who came from out of town (probably over half of us) really appreciated being able to stay and eat on site. Thank you Janet and Dixie for making this event such a success.
    I hope to see all of you at the 8th Annual Sierra Spring Ring on April 24, 2010 in Reno.  Details are below.


8th Annual Sierra Spring Ring 2010

April 24, 2010

South Reno United Methodist Church
200 DeSpain
Reno,NV 89511

Tessique Houston, Clinician

David Weck 09

Cost: $7.00 per ringer

Click Here for Schedule, Registration form, and Repertoire List

Hawaii - Karen Carlisle Regional Coordinator
Low DIng Zone Logo

Upcoming Event: May 8, 2010.
 P.L. Grove, Chair of AGEHR Area XII, is coming to Hawaii to lead us in an all day Aloha Ring.  This will be much different event than our Fall workshop. Mark your calendars now! 

Fall Workshop Pictures can be viewed by Clicking Here

African Handbell Print    

14th International Handbell Symposium

Low DIng Zone Logo"Echoes for Peace" is the theme of the 14th International Symposium which will be held August 3-7, 2010 in Osaka, Japan.  This bi-annual ringing event will be held at the Grand Cube Osaka International Convention Center and will feature mass ringing, workshops,  cultural classes, excursions and sightseeing, international solo concerts, and a final massed concert.  They are expecting 1500 ringers- 1000 from Japan and 500 from the other guilds.  As with past Symposiums, AGEHR participation will be limited to a quota that is assigned by the International Handbell Commitee.  Members who are interested in attending should send an email to Vickie Iverson ( with the following information: your name, member number, total attending from your choir or an indication that you are attending as an orphan ringer, choir name, email address and phone number.  For more information Click Here

Pinnacle 2010

Pinnacle Logo"Pinnacle", AGEHR's signature event for performing handbell ensembles, ringers, and directors, will be held July 18- July 21, 2010 in Nashville, TN  Headline concerts will be given by Sonos, Raleigh Ringers, Vivace,(Puerto Rico) and Agape Ringers.  For those whose passion is ringing, you can register to ring in one of the all star choirs under the direction of the following conductors, William Griffin, Hart Morris, William Payn, and Arnold Sherman.
Jason Wells will lead an Art of Performance Track which will focus on presenting an engaging, visual performance.  The goal of this event is to help each attendee to reach their personal best.  For more information Click Here

Calendar of Events - February - March

February 5, 2010 6:30-9:00 p.m
February 6, 2010 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.  Friday night session for new  handbell directors.  Saturday  reading/techniques workshop.  Northminster Presbyterian Church,  3235 Pope Ave, Sacramento, CA.  Hosts: Mary Balkow and Mel Tully.

February 14, 2010  2:00 p.m.  Bell Appeal presents "Love Songs: Past and Present".  Metropolitan Community Church, 150 Eureka, San Francisco.  Free will offering. 

February 14, 2010, 4:00 p.m. The Concert Handbells of Concordia University Irvine with Resound! and soloist presents a "Lovely" Valentine's Day concert including atheir Christmas hits.  Immanuel Lutheran Church, 5545 Alessandro Blvd., Riverside, CA  Free will offering. Contact

February 20, 2010, 4:30 p.m. Concordia Handbell Invitational Conert Series 2010, Concert. Concordia University Center for Worship and the Performing Arts
1530 Concordia West, Irvine, CA Concordia's Concert Handbells and Spirit Bells are joined by ringers from Glendale High School; Mater Dei High School; Faith Lutaheran High School Las Vegas; The Tintinnabulists from Will C. Wood High School, Vacaville; Cornelia Connelly High School, Anaheim; Lutheran High School of Orange Co. Tickets: $8 general/$6 Students and seniors available at the Music Office, 949-854-8002 Ext. 1526.  

February 25-28, 2010 Distinctly Bronze West with Jason Wells conducting. Bremerton, WA.  For more information contact AGEHR

February 27, 2010, 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Reading Session, Trinity Lutheran Church, Paso Robles, CA.   Cost: $5 per ringer,  Bell/Chime Maintenance class offered.Contact Shirley Werner at
February 27, 2010, 7:00 p.m.  Kathie Fink, handbell soloist  presents "Christmas Treasures".  Los Altos Lutheran Church, 460 El Monte Ave, Los Gatos, CA.  Free will offering.
February 28, 2010, 2:00 p.m.  Kathie Fink, handbell soloist presents "Christmas Treasures". St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 1601 Mary Dr., Pleasant Hill, CA  Admission: A canned good for the homeless.  Free will offering. 

February 28, 2010, 7:00 p.m.  Kathie Fink, handbell soloist in concert.  "Christmas Treasures-Revisited'. Northminster Presbyterian Church, 3235 Pope Ave., Sacramento, CA
Free will offering. Contact Mary Balkow at

March 1, 2010, 7:00 p.m.  Kathie Fink, handbell soloist in concert. "Christmas Treasures- Revisited". First Presbyterian Church, 2315 Placer Street, Redding CA  Free will offering.

March 12, 2010, 7 p.m. Bay Area Intense Ring under direction of Monica McGowan.  Valley Church, 10885 N. Stelling Rd., Cupertino, CA  $25 registration. Contact: Dave Ruder

March 12, 2010, 7 p.m.  Advancing to Bronze Workshop. Los Altos UMC, 5959 E. Willow St., Long Beach, CA   Larry Sue, clinician. $20 registration. Contact

March 13, 2010 8:30 a.m.  Bay Area Spring Ring.  Monica McGowan, clinician.  Valley Church, 10885 N. Stelling Rd, Cupertino, CA Concert, 6:30 p.m.  Contact:

March 13, 2010 9:30 a.m.  L.A. Metro Spring Ring. Larry Sue, Clinician. Los Altos UMC, 5959 E. Willow St., Long Beach, CA  Contact:

March 14, 2010  4:00 p.m.  Low Ding Zone in concert.  Los Altos UMC, 5959 E. Willow St., Long Beach, CA. Free will offering.

March 20, 2010  8:30 a.m.  Bakersfield Spring Ring.  Lee and Bill Waggener, clinicians. St. John's Lutheran Church, 4500 Buena Vista Rd., Bakersfield, CA  Contact: Diane Bryant

To view all the events on the calendar for Area XII Click Here
Advertising Rates for 2010 Publishing Year

The  Twelfth Tone E-newsletter is published the first of each month, except July, by Area XII of the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers.  AGEHR is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the musical art of handbell ringing through education, community, and communication.  The editor of this publication reserves the right to reject or modify copy.

Advertising Rates: 2009-2010 Publishing Year

Two different types of ads are offered:

1. An ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels X 300 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will by hyperlinked to your website.

Cost:  $10 an issue    6 issues for  $54    11 issues for $94

2. A 1.5 X 3.5in ad which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor. 

Cost:  $15 an issue      6 issues for $81    11 issues for $140

Payment is due before publication.
DEADLINE is the 24th of the month

Please submit your ads to Carol Smith, Director of Communication at
Make checks payable to AGEHR Area XII and send to
Carol Smith, 406 Mt. Sequoia Ct., Clayton, CA 94517