African Handbell Print
           The Twelfth Tone E-newsletter
AGEHR Area XII Newsletter
September 2009
In This Issue
2010: A New Bell Odyssey
Area XII Board
Bell Loan Program
Escondido Seminar
Handbell Cruise to Alaska
Job Opportunities
Carol's Reverberations
Message from the Chair
Area XII New Members
Laquetta Franz Shares NS Experience
Area XII- National Seminar
Distinctly Bronze West
LDZ Auditions
Bay Bell Lite Auditions
Cathedral Bells Has Openings
Bay Area
LA Metro
National News
Calendar of Events
2010: A New Handbell Odyssey
2010 Logo

Conference brochures for 2010: A New Handbell Odyssey-were mailed to all AGEHR members in mid August.   This "cutting edge" conference with a new and fascinating track format lead by four top clincians, Dr. William Payn, Debbie Rice, Michael Glasgow, and Michele Sharik, promises to be one of the best Area XII conferences ever. This format should appeal to ringers with diverse interests, ablilities, or needs.  Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to improve your skills as ringers and directors by marking your calendars now!  The UC Davis campus will provide the perfect setting for this event which will be held June 17-20, 2010.   Visit the Area XII website for further information. Click Here Online Registration will be available mid-September.
Area XII Board
African Handbell Print

Chair............ P.L. Grove
Past Chair.....William Kyle
Chair Elect..... Rima Greer
Treasurer.........Don Rossi
Secretary..... Linda Krantz

Appointed Officers:

Communication.Carol Smith
Events .........William Kyle
Education.....Tess Houston
Historian....Diane Levorsen

Regional Coordinators:

NorCal....... Nancy Schmitt
Bay Area......Beckie Wiley
CenCal.......Shirley Werner
LAMetro.......Debbie Shaw
SoCal............Ruth O'Neil
Nevada......Barbara Walsh
Hawaii....... Karen Carlisle

Local Liaisons:

Nevada.........Dixie Bailey

Our National

African Handbell Print
AGEHR website
Area XII Bell
Loan  Program
African Handbell Print
Teachers, would you like the use of a 3 octave set of handbells or chimes to add a new dimension and interest to your music class?  Area XII encourages schools and other educational institutions (both public and private) to develop educational programs using handbells and handchimes. To support the development of such programs Area XII has  2 sets of 3 octaves  of handbells and 3 sets of 3 octaves of  handchimes for loan. To learn more about the responsibilities and procedures for participating in this program Click Here
Upcoming Concerts at a Glance:

Please check Calendar of Events for all the details.

Bay Area

September 19, 2009
7 p.m.
Rolling Tones
Benicia, CA

November 7, 2009
5 p.m.
Methodist Mass Ring
Oakland, CA

NorCal Area

October 31,2009
4:30 p.m.
Redding Handbell Festival
Redding, CA

CenCal Area

October 3, 2009
3 p.m.
Workshop Open Rehearsal
Paso Robles, CA

SoCal Area

October 17, 2009
3:30 p.m.
Read & Ring Workshop
San Diego, CA

LA Metro Area
November 1, 2009
4 p.m.
Bellfest at Master's College
Newhall, CA

December 13, 2009
3 p.m.
Linda Krantz, soloist
Inglewood, CA 
Conductors' Seminar
August 22, 2009
Escondido, CA  
Rudy Rodriguez
Rudy Rodriquez, above, gives new directors conducting and baton techniques at the Conductors' Seminar in Escondido, CA.  More details in the SoCal Section. 
Quick Links...

AGEHR Website

Handbell Cruise to Alaska
Low DIng Zone Logo
Bells of the Cascade invite you on a ringing vacation on an Alaska Inside Passage Cruise July 31-Aug.7, 2010. This 7 day cruise aboard the Holland American features guest clinician, Dr. Wm. Payn. In addition to the handbell workshop, a multitude of eperiences await you.  Departure will be from Vancouver, British Columbia and includes port stops in Juneau, Skagway, and Ketchikan.  To book contact Azumano Travel American Express, Vancouver, WA 800-888-7025. For further information Click Here
and Click Here
Job Opportunities

Looking for Conducting Experience? 

Energetic Yorba Linda church bell choir seeks a conductor for its established ensemble.  No experience necessary.  Training help available.  Practice once a week September thru mid-June and perform in service once a month.  Extra music & reearsals at Easter and Christmas.  Extensive bell music available.  Please contact Pastor Kathleen at 714-777-2885 or email

Handbell Director Opening

The First United Methodist Church of Glendale, CA is seeking candidates to consider for the position of Handbell Director beginning Sept. 2009.  The handbell ministry consists of two adult handbell choirs, each with approximately 10 ringers. Rehearsals are currently held Monday evenings from 6-9 p.m. Handbells play in the church twice per month, One Sunday for each group, as well as for special occasions such as the late Christmas Eve service and the annual concert in the spring. The church owns 5 octs. of Malmark Handbells and 3 octs. of chimes.  For further information contact Nancy Sulahian, Director of Music Ministries, First UMC, 134 N. Kenwood St., Glendale, CA 91206.
Join Our Mailing List

    Welcome to the first issue of The Twelfth Tone E-newsletter for Area XII!  As the new Director of Communications, I'm looking forward to keeping you apprised of all handbell events through this electronic communication and the AreaXII Website.   Over the past two years, Area XII has been communicating with you through regional e-newsletters written by your Regional Coordinator.  To keep communications consistent to all members, we are now consolidating Regional, Area, and National news into this one publication.  Hopefully you will find it easy to navigate to the news items you are interested in reading.  By clicking on an article in the Table of Contents, you will have the information about your area or an event at your fingertips, or you can scroll to view all the news.  Please note there are articles in the left column too.  Many of the articles will have quick links to the Area XII and National Web sites for more details and registration forms. If you have problems reading this as an email please click above where indicated to view this newsletter as a web page.    Our goal is to provide timely and up to date information about workshops, festivals, and concerts so you can take advantage of the many wonderful opportunities to improve your skills as ringers and directors and at the same time become an active member of the handbell community. 

Carol Smith
Communications Director
Carol's Reverberations......

Carol performingToday feels like Christmas!  After a year of anticipation, The Area XII new website has been launched along with the first issue of The Twelfth Tone E-newsletter!  As you can see, Area XII is going "green," saving trees and money, by presenting The Twelfth Tone E-newsletter in an electronic format.  Over a year ago, the Area XII Board voted to take a positive step into the 21st Century by discontinuing the Twelfth Tone Newsletter which was mailed to all AGEHR members.  In this age of high tech communications, we can now provide you the latest news in a timelier and more cost effective way through the Internet. 

Editing The Twelfth Tone E-Newsletter will be one of my main responsibilities as your new Communications Director.  I'm looking forward to the challenge of keeping you abreast of the latest happenings, as well as creating enthusiasm for our art, which will hopefully entice you to become more involved in the guild and handbell activities.  This is your newsletter, so I welcome ideas and feedback on what you'd like to see in the newsletter.  I invite each of you to submit information about workshops, festivals, concerts and other handbell related events to me at
Short, interesting articles as well as pictures are also welcomed.  Deadline for submissions is the 28th of each month.  It's only with your help that I can keep the Area XII handbell community informed and the lines of communication open. 

Your Twelfth Tone E-Newsletter will be arriving in your inbox the first of each month from  If you have spam filters, remember to add my address to your address book so it won't be rejected.  You do not have to be a member of AGEHR to subscribe, so please tell your ringers and friends who might like to receive this news to send me their email address, or you can forward them this newsletter so they can subscribe by the link provided.  The option to cancel your subscription at any time is available at the bottom of the newsletter by clicking unsubscribe. 

The Area XII Board is excited  that  the redesigned  Area XII website is up and running!  Check it out! Click Here  Although it is still a work in progress, (we are aware there are a few glitches to work out in the next few days) you can find information about 2010 A New Handbell Odyssey ( Online Registration will be available soon), scholarship information, regional news, plus you can browse our Calendar of Events for exciting workshops this year.  Details for each event on the calendar can be found by clicking the date.  P.L. Grove, Chair, and William Kyle, Past Chair and Event Director, deserve a big THANK YOU for the hours they have spent inputting information onto the website.  It's a tedious and time consuming job.  We ask your patience as we continue to complete the site.    We hope you will find the website also easy to navigate and a useful tool for finding helpful resources and information on events throughout Area XII.

Happy Ringing!
To view the News and Information webpage
Click Here
A Message from the Chair 
Pam Grove
While I have to admit it's not even close to perfect, I am very pleased to roll out Area XII's new Web site and new Twelfth Tone E-newsletter this month. As Carol said, this transition has been a year in the making, and there is still so much more to be done. With the new Web site, we hope to provide you with a place to find out what's going on, to advertise your own events as AGEHR members, and to continue to learn new things and make new connections in the handbell community.

This e-newsletter will keep you apprised of the latest updates to the Web site, but we encourage you to check the site often yourself. Your Regional Coordinators will be leaving messages and updating their individual pages, and we will let you know of special opportunities such as the biennial composition contest and scholarships. Let us know if you don't see something on the Web site that you'd like to see, and keep checking for updates and new information. And note that this Web site and its contents are an important benefit for Area XII members. If you aren't already a member of AGEHR, sign up today.
Welcome, fellow handbell enthusiasts, to a new era of communication in Area XII. Please be sure to stay in touch!
P.L. Grove
Area XII Welcomes 13 New Members to AGEHR
(May - July)
African Handbell Print

Please welcome the following new and returning members of AGEHR to Area XII. 

Leslie Robb, San Diego
James Dixon, Ridgecrest
Janet Ty, Las Vegas, NV
Laquetta Franz, Antioch
Calvary Bible Church, Burbank
Sherrilyn Baker, Redding
St. Peter Episcopal Church, Santa Maria
Formosan Presbyterian Church, Los Angeles
Lanterman Developing Center, Pomona
Mirta Marconi, Burbank
Patricia Elm, Bakersfield
Susan Malinowski, Arcadia
Michele Sutherland, Oxnard

We like to keep in touch with our members!  If you have moved or your information has changed please contact the National Office
(1-800-878-5459x112 or to ensure that we have the most current information.

Laquetta Franz, Patty Marquart Scholarship Winner,  Shares National Seminar Experience
African Handbell Print 
Laquetta Franz, the Area XII Patty Marquart Scholarship Winner, who is pictured on the far  left with her three roommates, Kath Wissinger, Shelly Hopkins, and Nancy Hascall  shares the following regarding her experience at National Seminar. 

As I landed in Tucson to attend the AGEHR National conference, I was feeling both excited and a bit insecure and uncertain of what to expect.  I consider myself a "beginning director" and wondered if I would fit in with these seasoned professionals.  Not only would I have strangers for roommates via email, I only knew a handful of musicians from the Bay area.  But my apprehensions began to dissolve as soon as I reached the beautiful Hilton resort and met my "roomies."  All three ladies were fun, energetic and helpful.  They even helped me decide between some of the classes being offered as I realized there were more interesting topics than I could fit into my schedule.  With conducting being my weakness, I gained a wealth of instruction and helpful tips to work on from two of the classes I attended.  The faculty of all the classes I attended each day provided specialized training and many provided handouts to take home.  Whether the clinician was a composer, a conductor, an arranger and/or a solo ringer, they were each approachable and encouraging.  In addition, we were entertained each evening with a concert that was "over the top."  I came to the event with a host of questions and by the end of the conference, I had more than enough answers.  Besides meeting people in my own area, I met people across the country with whom I will keep in touch with.  I came home with new music, sure-found friendships, a myriad of ideas that I can't wait to implement with my handbell choir, and a new confidence as a director!  I am better-equipped and genuinely inspired.  Attending the AGEHR National conference was one of the best experiences I've had in my musical career!  Thank you Area XII.
Laquetta Franz

Area XII Well Represented at National Seminar 
African Handbell Print34 Area XII members attended the National Seminar in Tucson, AZ July 15-18. At the far left Carol Smith, Clayton,  Laquetta Franz, Antioch, and Leslie Lessenger, Benicia  compared notes on classes attended while they waited in line for lunch. 

Area XII BreakfastP.L. Grove, Area XII Chair hosted a breakfast for Area XII attendees. Officers were introduced and everyone was given the opportunity to express how Area XII can better serve them. 

Ruth & ElizabethRuth O'Neil, SoCal Regional Coordinator, gets acquainted with Beth Mays from Simi Valley, CA
Distinctly Bronze WEST Returns 

DBW2010Registration forms are now available for Distinctly Bronze West, which will be returning to  Bremerton, WA February 25-28, 2010 for its second year.  This fun and intense mass  ringing event,  designed for  advanced ringers  offers a unique opportunity  to ring on the largest set of handbells under the direction of David Davidson. DB attendees must be accepted to attend.   First time attendees are required to submit  two recommendatons from ringing and directing colleagues. This unique opportunity will be held at the Kitsap Conference Center located on the beautiful  Sinclair Bay waterfront of Puget Sound,  which is a scenic ferry ride from Seattle.   For more information
Click Here
Low Ding Zone Auditions 
Low DIng Zone LogoLow Ding Zone, the World's First Bass Handbell Ensemble will be holding auditions September 20, 2009 at Grace Lutheran Church, 3149 Waverly St. Palo Alto, CA in Brown Hall at 3:30 p.m. for their 2009-2010 Season.  Skills required: Bass ringing (bell and chimes) experience, willingness to try new techniques, high "ham" quotient, previous ensemble ringing experience and creativity. If interested contact Larry Sue  at by September 13, 2009.
Bay Bell Lite Announces Auditions 
Handbell Venture LogoBay Bells Lite is an outreach arm of Handbell Ventures.  It comprises 7-8 ringers rotating through 4 to 6 part pieces.  They ring on 4 octaves of handbells and 3 octaves of chimes.  They bring handbell music to nursing homes, fraternal organizations, senior centers, memorials, and private engagements throughout the Bay Area.

Because Bay Bells Lite is an ensemble, invitation to membership is determined via an informal audition process which includes assessment of ringing skills, interpersonal chemistry and presentational skills.  Flexibility in your day time schedule is a plus but not mandatory.

The busiest time of year is the Christmas season , but playing year round for weddings, schools and parties is possible.  The ensemble schedule and practices are planned as a group. Practice is generally on Saturdays from 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. at St. Timothy's Lutheran Church in San Jose.

If you'd like to have fun, laugh, and play to some very appreciative audiences please call 650-887-2243.
Cathedral Bells Is Looking for Two More Ringers
If you are searching for just the right handbell choir to ring with, maybe Cathedral Bells is the group for you.   Cathedral Bells is part of St. John's Lutheran Church in Orange.   It's current membership draws ringers from both Orange and Los Angeles counties, and one need not be a St. John's member or Lutheran to join.   The ensemble plays a wide variety of music, both sacred and secular, levels 3 to 5, using six plus octaves of Schulmerich bells and five and half octaves of handchimes.    At St. John's, they play for services monthly, as well as for festival services and concerts.   They give an annual concert at St. John's in early May, and perform twice in the community during the year, once at Christmas and once in the spring.   Uniquely, Cathedral Bells has a short ringing season.   This season will begin on September 29th and will end with the concert next May 2nd.   Rehearsals are on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 to 9:15 p.m. at the church.  
If you are interested, contact Ramona Miller, director, at (714) 633-3034 or by e-mail at

NorCal - Nancy Schmitt Regional Coordinator
 Canterbury 6th grade team                                   
   Greetings, Fellow Ringers

Summer is winding down, school has started, and bell rehearsals have resumed.  I enjoyed talking with some of you at the National Seminar in Tucson this past July. Despite the heat it was a terrific place for the National.  I commend Ruben Mendoza for performing his solo concert outside in the heat.  Ruben's concert was outstanding!  The classes and other concerts were great.  Next year the National Event will be in Nashville, TN.

We hope to see many of you at the Redding Handbell Festival, Oct. 31, 2009.  All the details are below.  Fall is beautiful in Redding that time of year and what better way to celebrate Halloween than at a festival!

I want to wish all of you ringers and directors a happy ringing season!


To view Nancy's webpage Click Here          

 Redding Handbell Festival

Excitement is beginning to build as ringers in the Redding area begin preparing their music for the Redding Handbell Festival on Oct. 31, 2009.   This festival, hosted by The Carillons Handbell Choir and the Simpson University Handbell Choir, will be held at the Simpson University Heritage Life Center, 2211 College View Drive, Redding, CA. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m.,opening bell is at 9:45 a.m.  and the event culminates in a concert  at 4:30 p.m. which is open to the public.   Guest conductor will be Michele Sharik, a member of Sonos and an outstanding handbell soloist from the Bay Area.  Class clinicians will be Mary Balkow, Larry Sue, Neil Gertner, Lois Nichols, and Jackie Feeser.   Partial choirs and individuals are welcome.  Cost is $25 per person which includes a light breakfast and lunch.  Purchase your own music.  For repertoire, registration forms,  and further information click here

Bay Area- Beckie Wiley Regional Coordinator 
Canterbury 6th grade team              
We welcome Beckie Wiley,  the new Regional Coordinator for the Bay Area, who assumes her new position today.  Beckie says, "I'm excited to begin my term as Bay Area Regional Coordinator.  I can't wait to meet more people who share my passion for handbells."   Beckie is currently the director of the Asbury Ringers and Rookie Ringers at the Asbury UMC in Livermore.  She is also an avid ringer and currently rings with The Ringing Bells at the Walnut Creek UMC and subs for Canto Bello.  Beckie welcomes inquiries about Bay Area events and is ready to help in any way she can with your handbell needs.  Please contact her at

To view Beckie's webpage Click Here

                               Methodist Mass Ring

African Handbell PrintMethodist handbell choirs are invited to participate in the 6th Annual Methodist Mass Ring on Nov. 7, 2009 at Lake Merritt UMC, 1330 Lakeshore Ave., Oakland.  Under the direction of Dorothy Straks, the rehearsals will begin at 10 a.m. with a potluck lunch at 12:30 p.m. The public is invited to a closing concert at 5 p.m. which will feature the mass ringing numbers as well as solo numbers performed by individual choirs/soloists.   Registration before Oct. 9 is $10 per ringer or $75 per choir.  After Oct. 9 registration is $12 per ringer or $90 per choir.  For further information contact Bruce Pettit at

Bay Area Spring Ring & Intense Ring

March 12 & 13, 2010
Valley Church- Cupertino, CA
Monica McGowan, Clinician

Bay Area ringers have an exciting array of classes to look forward to at Spring Ring this year.  Monica McGowan, director of Twin City Bronze and a premier bass bell ringer, will not only conduct the mass ringing, but teach two classes.  One will be on bass bells with the emphasis on "its not only for men" and the other will be a velocity class.  In addition Ruben Mendoza will teach two classes on solo ringing- beginning and more advanced and present a mini concert during lunch.  More details will be available soon at
and on the Area XII website.

Concert Listing:

Pasta with The Bells

The Rolling Tones, a new handbell choir at the Community Congregational Church United Church of Christ, 1305 West Second St. Benicia, CA is hosting a fund raiser pasta dinner and bell performance to help raise funds to buy  their own set of handbells Saturday, September 19, 2009.  The dinner starts at 6:00 p.m. followed by a  concert at 7 p.m.  Suggested donation is $10 per person. $5 for those 12 and under.  For more information contact Leslie Lessenger at
CenCal - Shirley Werner Regional Coordinator
African Handbell Print
Welcome to the CenCal Section   of your new newsletter now named "The Twelfth Tone E-Newsletter".  Carol Smith,  the Communication Director,  is open to your comments and constructive criticisms.  This newsletter is going out to more than 1200 readers and we want it to be the best possible source of communication.

You can send your comments to Carol or me and I'll pass it on.  Remember, too, that I'm here to help you in any way that I can, so feel free to contact me at

To view Shirley's webpage
Click Here

Fall Handbell Workshop

October 3, 2009
Downbeat 9 a.m.
Plymouth Congregational Church
1301 Oak
Paso Robles, CA

Do you need help with rhythms, weaving, damping, bass bells, 4-H, or other techniques?  If so this workshop, designed for beginners and intermediates, is the perfect place to hone your skills. Clinicians will be Barbara Walsh from Nevada and Tessique Houston from Concord.  Cost is $22.50 a person. Open rehearsal 3 p.m.  For more information contact Shirley at

Opus Jump-start Workshop/Reading Session

October 17, 2009
9:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.

Trinity United Presbyterian Church
1600 Carver Road
Modesto, CA 95350

Opus has a new multipurpose building which is a great space for a handbell workshop and they're anxious to break it in! This event is intended to help "jump-start" your bell ringing program as you begin your Fall season.  This partial day event is for handbell choirs and individual ringers alike.  Under the direction of Opus' Artistic Director, Richard J. Colla, two handbell arrnagements with optional chimes have been selected for the workshop ringing and technique building.  Breakout sessions to learn and/or polish your skills will also be offered, including handbell maintenance for both Malmark and Schulmerich handbells, led by Mel Tully.
West coast Handbell Supply will be there with their handbell supplies, goodies, and music for the reading session.
Click Here for details and registration form.  Registrar: Stephen Reddy

2010 Spring Ring

April 17, 2010
Elks Lodge
Atascadero, CA

Another event for Cencal ringers to put on their calendars is the 10th Annual Central Spring Ring .  Nancy Jessup will be the mass conductor of "Favorites from the Past".

LA Metro - Debbie Shaw Regional Coordinator
Canterbury 6th grade teamHello Everyone!

    September has arrived and school bells are ringing.  Soon many of us will have our Handbells ringing again, too.  I am sure you have been busy getting everything ready to start the Fall ringing season and the upcoming holidays.

    Area XII has been working for one year to bring you this new format of The Twelfth Tone E-Newsletter and the launch of our newly re-designed website.  We hope you like what we have done, but we really look forward to your feedback.  So don't be shy! Let us know what you like and would like to see.  This is your resource, so help us keep you informed.  You will find all of the usual LA Metro news in this section.  The new calendar below is for ALL of Area XII.  I think it is great to see everything that is going on.
    Later this month the Area XII Board will be holding their semi-annual meeting.  Please let me know if there is anything you would like discussed at the meeting.  I am here to represent you on the Board.
    During the summer months I have been having some e-mail "challenges".  If you send me an e-mail to
and don't hear back from me try re-sending the message to
    I have caught a few messages in my spam folder, but it is easy to miss things with 100's of spam a day.  We are working to fix the problem, but in the meantime I don't want to miss you!
    Remember: I am here to be a handbell resource for you.  Do you have a question?  Need advice?  Looking for a Mentor?  Want to plan an event?  Let me know how I can help you. 
    My thoughts and good wishes go out to those of you in the fire areas.  Stay safe and everyone try to stay cool! 

To view Debbie's webpage Click Here
                                  Free Open Fall Ring

October 3, 2009

                                     8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.
                                Grace Presbyterian Church
                                     3955 Studebaker Road
                                     Long Beach, CA 90808

Cost: Free- Advance reservation required

Contact: Stan DeWitt

BELLFEST 2009 at the Master's College:
with Christine Anderson
Sunday, November 1, 2009

2:00 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Masters College
21726 Placerita Canyon Rd.
Newhall, CA 91321
Cost: $50 per ensemble, $25 per soloist
4:00 p.m. Concert
This  event is for choirs and soloists.  Set up will be from 2-3 p.m.  3:00-3:30p.m.  will be massed rehearsal followed by a concert at 4:00 p.m. Christine Anderson will be the guest conductor and will present a mini-concert.  Each choir may perform up to 8 minutes of "solo music"  and ring  the mass choir  piece which is Adeste Fideles, arr. Cynthia Dobrinski  MHP1434 Handbells, MHP1449 Full Score organ/handbells, MHP1595  brass, MHP1449T percussion. 

For more information contact: Claire Blackwell at 800-568-6248 ext. 3182

Advancing to Bronze Workshop

Here is the perfect opportunity to advance your skills to a bronze level with this two day event beginning Friday March 12 from  7 p.m.- 10 p.m.  and continuing March 13, 2010  from 8:00-9:30 a.m. under the leadership of Larry Sue.  Los Altos UMC, 5950 E. Willow St., Long Beach, CA will be the host of this event.  Cost is $20 per registrant.  Contact Debbie Shaw at

LA Metro Spring Ring

Saturday March 13, 2010
9:30 a.m.
Clinician:  Larry Sue
Registration: $20 per registrant
Los Altos UMC
5950 E. Willow St.
Long Beach, CA.

SoCal - Ruth O'Neil Regional Coordinator
Ruth O'Neil     Rudy Rodriguez led a lively and informative Conductors' Seminar at the First United Methodist Church, Escondido on August 22.  Designed for conductors new to the handbell instrument, the audience ranged from conductors with music degrees who had never experienced handbells to those who had played handbells for years, but had never been a director.  Rudy discussed AGEHR resources, recruiting, teaching correct damping, movement (scooping up snow from a snow bank!) , stopped sounds, notation, and a multiple of other techniques.  Regardless of one's experience, everyone left the seminar with a wealth of ideas and inspiration.  Many thanks to D. L. Shearer for organizing the event. 


Low DIng Zone Logo

   To view Ruth's webpage Click Here
    Read and Ring Workshop

October 17, 2009
Deadline for Registration Oct. 9, 2009

This workshop is designed for Level I & II choirs who find Spring Ring music too difficult.  Come and enjoy a day of ringing music which requires no advance preparation. Joanne Hammond, director, will help bring your skill level to new heights.  This is your opportunity to learn strategies for making bell changes, playing accidentals, achieving musicality and accuracy. Registration is  $65  per choir. Registration opens at 8:30 a.m. and the event concludes with a concert at 3:30 pm.   St. Mark's UMC, 35022 Clairemont Dr., San Diego, CA. 

Repertoire List- Please purchase in advance

Holy, Holy, Holy  by Eithun                   Choristers Guild B398
Come Thou, Long Expected Jesus  by Geshke        Agape 2366
Joy Bells  by Mitchell                  Composers Music Co. CP7029
All Through the Night by Ingram         Ring Out Press RO 3245

For further information contact Ruth O'Neil at

Southern CA Spring Ring

March 13, 2010
 Faith Lutheran Church
Vista, CA
Clinician: Donavon Gray
from Azuza Pacific University

Donavon Gray of Azuza Pacific University will be our clinician, along with members of his handbell ensemble.  I say "along with" because we're using a different format this time having a Division A and a Division B.  Division A will be Level 1 and 2. Division B will be level 3 and 4. With the success of our SCHMEE event this year, we wanted to provide another challenge, but also to provide for those bell choirs not ready to ring that level of music. We will be divided most of the day with Azuza Pacific ringers helping with small groups on specific techniques. We will come together at the end of the day for a great multilevel concert in which Azuza Pacific will participate. 

Repertoire List-

Level A      A Grand Celebration                        Level 2   AG35271
                  Gift of Love                                               Agape 1419

Level A & B
                 Because He Lives                                         Agape 2472

Level B    An American Spiritual                          Level 3  AG37007
               Staccato Giocoso                                  Level 3    CGB538
               Capriccio                                              Level 4    CGB517

SOCAL Choirs Invited to Ring at San Diego Zoo

Southern CA choirs as well as choirs from Orange County are invited to ring this year for the Festival of Lights at the San Diego Zoo.  For this event called "Jungle Bells" they would like to have three choirs ringing for half an hour each at the entrance to the zoo every evening from Dec. 10 - Jan. 2 except Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Years Day.   Free tickets, meals, and etc. are offered.  If you are interested in participating contact Ruth at

Nevada- Barbara Walsh Regional Coordinator
African Handbell Print                
5th Annual Las Vegas Ringers Workshop

October 9 & 10, 2009
Friday 10/09 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Saturday 10/10  9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Doug Benton, Clinician

First Presbyterian Church
1515 W. Charleston Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89102

Registration: $30
Early Bird $25 before September 24, 2009
For registration form
Click Here
Contact: Dixie Bailey at

Northern Nevada Ringers Workshop

October 17, 2009
Tessique Houston, Clinician
Place: TBD

Las Vegas Twelfth Night

January 9-10, 2010
Clinician: Tim Waugh
Sat. setup/registration 8:30 a.m.
Rehearsal 9-4:30 p.m.
Sunday rehearsal 12:30-3:15
Concert 4 p.m.
Place: TBA
Cost: $20 per person

Contact: Dixie Bailey at

Hawaii - Karen Carlisle Regional Coordinator
Low DIng Zone Logo Aloha, handbell ringers!

I have been the Hawaii Regional Coordinator for the past five years.  I'm currently directing the Kailua UMC Handbell Choir as well as the Aiea UMC choir on  Oahu. In addition my husband and I co-direct a community choir.  I look forward to  continuing to share my enthusiasm for handbells  and to help promote  learning opportunities  for  ringers here in Hawaii. 

To view Karen's webpage Click Here

Young Pak 2Young Pak, who directs a choir in Honolulu,  recently  attended the National Seminar in Tucson, AZ.  Young is very enthusiastic about handbells and is  trying to get more youth involved in our art.   
African Handbell Print    

For those advanced and enthusiastic ringers, the second  Distinctly Bronze West will be held February 25-28, 2010 at the Kitsap Center in Bremerton, WA This prestgious event, under the direction of David Davidson, gives ringers an opportunity to work on high level musicianship and performance.  First time attendees are required to fill out some extra forms and submit them before being accepted into the event. For more information on registration Click Here

Handbells Are For Everyone

How to teach non music readers and special needs communities.

January 29-30, 2010

The Brookwood Community
Brookshire Texas

Clinicians: Cathy Taylor, Sue Graves, Joyce Klinck, and Linda McKechnie. 
Click Here for further information.

14th International Handbell Symposium

Low DIng Zone Logo"Echoes for Peace" is the theme of the 14th International Symposium which will be held August 3-7, 2010 in Osaka, Japan.  This bi-annual ringing event will be held at the Grand Cube Osaka International Convention Center and will feature mass ringing, workshops,  cultural classes, excursions and sightseeing, international solo concerts, and a final massed concert.  They are expecting 1500 ringers- 1000 from Japan and 500 from the other guilds.  As with past Symposiums, AGEHR participation will be limited to a quota that is assigned by the International Handbell Commitee.  Members who are interested in attending should send an email to Vickie Iverson ( with the following information: your name, member number, total attending from your choir or an indication that you are attending as an orphan ringer, choir name, email address and phone number.  For more information Click Here

Pinnacle 2010

Pinnacle LogoThe National event next year will be the return of Pinnacle, designed for community and professional ensembles.  Classes with topics specific to the needs and challenges facing these groups will be offered.  Showcase concerts featuring Sonos and the Raleigh Ringers  will open and close the conference which will be held at Gaylord Opryland in Nashville, TN  July 18-21, 2010. Watch for further information on the AGEHR website.

Calendar of Events - September - December

September 19, 2009
Pasta with Bells.  Fund raising dinner sponsored by The Rolling Tones.  6:00 p.m. dinner, 7:00 p.m. concert.  $10 donation suggested, $5 children 12 and under.  Community Congregational Church United Church of Christ, 1305 West Second St., Benicia, CA. Contact: Leslie Lessenger

September 20, 2009 3:30 p.m.  Low Ding Zone auditions. Grace Lutheran Church, 3149 Waverly St., Palo Alto, CA in Brown Hall.  Contact:

Oct. 3, 2009 8:30a.m.-3:30 p.m. Free Open Fall Ring, Grace First Presbyterian Church, 3955 Studebaker Rd, Long Beach, CA 90808. Cost free. Advanced reservations required.  Contact: Stan DeWitt at

Oct. 3, 2009  9:00 a.m.
Central Coast Handbell Workshop.  Plymouth Congregational Church, Paso Robles, CA.  Barbara Walsh, from Reno, NV, and Tessique Houston from Walnut Creek, will be the clinicians. Open rehearsal  concert at 3 p.m.   Contact Shirley Werner at

Oct. 8-11, 2009, Distinctly Bronze, New Bern, N.C.  Contact AGEHR

Oct. 9-10, 2009 Friday 7:00 p.m.- 10 p.m.  Saturday 9 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. The Annual Las Vegas Ringers Workshop. Doug Benton, clinician. Cost: $30. First Presbyterian Church, 1515 W. Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas, NV.  Contact Dixie Bailey at

Oct. 17, 2009 N. Nevada Ringers Workshop.  Tess Houston, Clincian. Place TBD. Contact Barbara Walsh at

Oct. 17, 2009  9:00 a.m - 2:00 p.m.  Opus Jump-start Workshop/Reading Session. Trinity United Presbyterian Church, 1600 Carver Road, Modesto, CA Contact:

Oct 17, 2009  9:00 a.m. Read and Ring, St. Marks UMC, 3502 Clairmont Dr., San Diego, CA The cost is $65 for an entire bell choir with deadline for registration Oct. 9.  Joann Hammond, Clinician.  Contact Ruth O'Neil

Oct. 31, 2009  8:30 a.m. - 5:30p.m. Redding Handbell Festival, Simpson University Heritage Life Center, 2211 College View Drive, Redding, CA.  Michele Sharik conductor.  Cost $25 per ringer.  Contact Nancy Schmitt at

November 1, 2009  2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.  Bellfest 2009 at the Master's College.  Master's College, 21726 Placerita Canyon Rd., Newhall, CA 91321.  Mass Ring (one number) and solo choirs.  Christine Anderson, director.  Registration $50 per choir/ $25 per soloist. Contact: Claire Blackwell at

November 7, 2009  10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.  Methodist Mass Ring.  Lake Merrit UMC, 1330 Lakeshore Ave., Oakland, CA
Concert 5:00 p.m. Contact

Dec. 13, 2009  3:00 p.m. Linda Krantz, solo artist, in concert.  First Presbterian Church, 100 N Hillcrest Blvd. Inglewood, CA 90301 Contact Linda at

To view all the events on the calendar for Area XII Click Here