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BMS Friday Folder
September 14, 2012
Dear Parents and Guardians,

We had a great first week of school with your children! We look forward to what amounts to be a fantastic school year at BMS!

Shawn Kelly
BMS Calendar

September 27th - Back to School Night @ 7:00 p.m.
Please click here to access an announcement about our upcoming back to school night.
School News
Co-Curricular Activities:

In the next few weeks, advisors for our co-curricular activities will be meeting with students to review when their activities or clubs will be meeting. To access a list of the co-curricular activities offered to our students, along with who the club's advisor is, click here.

Attention 7th and 8th Graders!! Auditions and signups for stage crew for the Fall Play will be held Wednesday, September 19th and Thursday, September 20th from 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. in the cafeteria.

Below are forms that contain important information for the start of the school year. If you haven't already returned your child's forms, please access them by clicking on the links below. Please return the forms to your child's first period teacher as soon as possible.

Early Dismissal Letter
Free and Reduced Lunch Application - English Version
Free and Reduced Lunch Application - Spanish Version
Photo Release Form
Student Activity Form
Student Dismissal Form
Student Handbook Agreement
Technology Use Agreement

Your child will also be bringing home a pink emergency card. Please fill this out and return it back to school as soon as possible. 

Below are forms that you may download strictly for informational purposes.

Allergy Letter
Annual Asbestos Letter
Co-Curricular Advisors
Guidelines for Responsible Computing
BMS Health Office Information
School Integrated Pest Management Plan
Prescription Drug Campaign for NJ




Below are upcoming events that are sponsored by the BMS HSA.



September 27th - The BMS HSA invites all 5th grade parents to the 5th Grade Parent/Staff Dessert Click here to access information about this event.

Join us for our first HSA General meeting of the 2012-13 school year on Tuesday, September 25th at 9:00 a.m. in the BMS Library and meet our new assistant principal, Shawn Kelly!

October 12th - Please join us for a fabulous night out on Friday, October 12th for our 2nd Annual "Autumn Harvest Fundraiser" at the Somerset Hills Country Club. This event was sold out last year. Limited tickets are still available and will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. Click here to see the invitation.

The HSA's BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION Program is up and running for the new school year!  Collection bins are in the students' social studies classrooms, ready for all those General Mills box tops clipped over the summer and throughout the school year. Our first mail-in date for monetary reimbursement is the end of October, so let's stuff those bins! All proceeds earned go directly into HSA programs to benefit the children. In addition, the social studies class collecting the greatest number of  box tops in each half of the year will win an ice cream party!






GET YOUR BMS SPIRIT WEAR FOR THE FALL! For a limited time, BMS Sports will offer an online store featuring hooded sweatshirts, sweatpants, flannel pants and long-and-short sleeve T-shirts. Youth and adult sizes are available. Check out the online store at No orders will be accepted after Friday, October 5th. For more information or questions, contact Amy Baratta at (908) 719-3366 or Please note: Items will be delivered to the student through the front office at school. If the order is a gift, please contact Amy Baratta to make other delivery arrangements.    





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