Science, Etc.
Save the Date: Lab Hosts Open House on Oct. 13

Those who've attended previous Berkeley Lab Open House events know it's a fun-filled day for kids and their families as they talk with scientists, take part in hands-on activities, tour the facilities, and much more. If you haven't come by, or want to visit again, mark your calendars for Saturday, Oct. 13. Additional details will be provided in future editions of this newsletter. Go here to watch a video from last year's event.
From Robots to Android Apps, Berkeley Lab Invests in the Community

At first, Lab program manager Roby Berninzoni wasn't sure she wanted to give up her Saturdays to work with high school kids...her weekdays were busy enough. But after several weeks of helping teens at Richmond High School build a robot for a national competition, she felt she was actually getting more out of it than they were. In hopes of igniting a passion for science among both young and old, Berkeley Lab initiated a number of new outreach activities in the community in the past year. Building on its successful science events for the public, the new activities aim to make an impact on individuals by enabling science education, mentoring, or workforce training opportunities they may not othewise have. More>       
Video of 'Health Detective' Science-at-the-Theater Event Now Online


Those who missed the Lab's last Science at the Theater event on "Health Detectives," or want to experience it again, can now watch a video of the event online. The talk featured four researchers from the Lab's Life Sciences Division who revealed how they're uncovering the mysteries of disease. More>
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KQED's Quest program looks at Lab researchers and their efforts to create the most efficient flame possible

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Berkeley Lab life scientist Mina Bissell led an international collaboration in a breast cancer study that found that luminal-like breast cancer cells with no detectable stem cell qualities can generate larger tumors than their basal-like counterparts. This may hold important implications for the diagnosis and the treatment of breast cancer as well as future personalized cancer medicine. More> 

The Lab's Environmental Energy Technologies Division is looking for homes to participate in a study measuring residential ventilation airflows. Specifically, the group is looking for California homes that were built after Jan. 1, 2010 or meet the ASHRAE 62.2 ventilation standard. If you or someone you know is interested in participating or would like more information, contact Chris Stratton (510-486-5451).   
Significant boosts in the microbial production of clean, green and renewable biodiesel fuel has been achieved with the development of a new technique in synthetic
biology by Berkeley Lab researchers. This new technique can detect metabolic changes in microbes during the production of fatty acid-based fuels or chemicals and control the expression of genes affecting that production. The result in one demonstration was a threefold increase in the microbial production of biodiesel from glucose. More>  

Lab to Lead a U.S.-India Clean Energy Research Center

Berkeley Lab has been selected to lead a new joint U.S.-India research center focusing on energy efficiency technologies for buildings. It is one of three consortia that will make up the U.S.-India Joint Clean Energy Research and Development Center. Berkeley Lab's U.S.-India Joint Center for Building Energy Research and Development will conduct research with Indian counterparts focused on the integration of information technology with building systems in commercial and high-rise residential buildings. This area offers enormous potential for reducing energy use in both countries and is of particular importance in India, which experiences critical shortages in its energy supply coupled with booming demand. More> 


Ski-Jumping Event in 1935 Held Where Berkeley Lab Now Stands


The road that leads up to the west end of Berkeley Lab is steep and has a tight horseshoe curve, but imagine taking it at 60 miles-an-hour after soaring off an 85-foot high ski jump near what is now the Lab's main bus stop. In January of 1935, before the Lab moved to its hill location above the campus, a band of intrepid skiers trucked in six boxcars of snow to help promote skiing in the Sierra. Alyse Jacobson of the Lab's Materials Sciences Division found a video that proved an old story her husband, Tom Mikkelsen, had heard from his father and uncle, Halvor and Roy, the star jumpers. More>
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