2011 Annual Report
| What began 20 years ago as a concept project, has now grown into a prosperous model of partnerships and initiatives that extend throughout the Parkway region. See what we accomplished in 2011. Read our 2011 Annual Report. |
Upcoming Events
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May - September 2012
DePere Lock Historical Tour
Saturday, June 30 - more information to come soon!
Fox-Wisconsin Heritage Paddle Maps for Purchase
These high-quality, water-resistant maps from the 2010, 2011 & 2012 paddles enable paddlers to recreate their own Parkway paddles all season long. Click here for more information.
Click above to donate to the Fox-Wisconsin Heritage Parkway!
Photo by Steve Wagner
Celebrating our Partners
Over 70 organizations, individuals and communities have stood up in support of the FWHP |
 | Portage Canal:
The Portage Historical Society is a Parkway Partner |
The Fox-Wisconsin Heritage Parkway (FWHP) is following an innovative structure that is rooted in developing partnerships with nonprofit, private, local governmental organizations and citizens. Based on successful organizational models recommended by the National Park Service, these groups work with the FWHP to voice a range of visions and perspectives and shape a plan together that will impact the long-term future of their communities.
Since the FWHP was founded as a nonprofit in 2010, the organization has looked to our community partners to support and guide our vision. Over seventy organizations, agencies, municipalities and businesses throughout the Parkway region have stood up in support of creating vibrant, connected riverfront communities. Together, we aim to promote the unique heritage resources of our region to promote community pride, stewardship ethic and economic growth.
Listed below are a few examples of what the FWHP was able to accomplish in 2011 with the help of our community partners:
We would like to thank all our new and renewing partners in 2012! We simply could not do this without you and look forward to an exciting and successful year. We encourage you to support FWHP partners in your community! View a full list of FWHP partners on our website.
There are a variety of opportunities for groups and individuals to get involved. For more information on becoming a partner of the Parkway effort, visit our website.
Fox-Wisconsin Heritage Paddle
2012 Paddle kicks off Friday, May 18 in Spring Green
 We invite you to participate as the 2012 Fox-Wisconsin Heritage Paddle kicks off on Friday, May 18 in Spring Green. This summer-long paddle event celebrates the heritage of the Parkway region through a series of ten paddles over six weekends, from May to September. Paddlers have the opportunity to experience the various landscapes of the Parkway through the unique vantage point of the water--through industrialized urban settings and serene open areas.
2012 Paddle Schedule May 18-20: Lower Wisconsin River (Spring Green, Gotham, Blue River) June 9-10: Eco-Heritage Paddle (Wisconsin Dells, Portage, Packwaukee) June 23-24: Eureka Lock Paddles (Princeton, Berlin, Omro) July 21: Park-to-Park Paddle (Neenah, Appleton, Lake Winnebago) August 10: Moonlight Paddle (De Pere, Green Bay) September 29: Appleton Locks Paddle (Appleton, Kimberly) The paddles are open to everyone of all paddling abilities. Registration is handled at the launch site. Visit www.wisconsinpaddlers.org for more information, including a full schedule, maps, safety information and policies. |
Waterwalk Premieres throughout the Parkway
Film depicts the history & landscape of the Fox & Lower Wisconsin
 | Click above to view the official Waterwalk Trailer |
Steven Faulkner, the author of Waterwalk: A Passage of Ghosts, was a featured author at the 2012 Fox Cities Book Festival in Appleton. During his stay in Wisconsin, the Fox-Wisconsin Heritage Parkway (FWHP) sponsored Faulkner at six presentations hosted by FWHP Heritage Partners, including the Indian Agency House, Heritage Hill State Historic Park, Tripp Memorial Museum, Friends of the Lower Wisconsin and Paper Discovery Center. The book presentations are an example of the collaborative efforts of the FWHP and its partners to build and promote the mission of the Parkway.
Waterwalk is the true story of the author and his 17-year-old son's 1996 canoe trip retracing the historic 1673 route of French explorers, Marquette and Joliet. The 1000-mile journey began in St. Ignace, Michigan and ended 62 days later in St. Louis, Missouri.
Waterwalk, the movie, is based on Steven Faulkner's book and was filmed on location along the scenic Fox-Wisconsin Heritage Parkway corridor in 2010. The movie includes scenes in Green Bay, Oconto, Appleton, Oshkosh, Portage, Spring Green, Boscobel and Prairie du Chien. The film was directed by co-star Robert Cicchini, well known for his film and television career (Godfather III, Dream Girls, The Mentalist, Law and Order, Six Feet Under).
The Wisconsin premiers of the movie were held on April 30 in Milwaukee and May 1 in Appleton. On May 22, a screening of the film hosted by Arts Wisconsin will be held at the Point Theater in Madison beginning at 8pm. The film is expected to be released in theatres in Milwaukee, Appleton, Green Bay, Oshkosh, Oconto, Boscobel, Spring Green, Prairie du Chien, Platteville and La Crosse.
The FWHP is pleased to support the book and film Waterwalk. Through narrative and beautiful cinematography, these works tell the moving story of the reconnection of a father and son paddling on the same waterways that have captivated mankind for thousands of years.
2012 Fox River Lock Schedule
Locks operating at Menasha, De Pere, Little Rapids, Appleton (1-4) & Cedars |
The Fox River Navigational System Authority has released the 2012 Fox River Locks operational schedule. Visit www.foxriverlocks.org for more information, including a full schedule with expanded hours, vessel lock procedures and season permits. The Parkway wishes you a safe and fun summer on the water!
Midwest National Heritage Area Conference
FWHP Invited to Participate by the National Park Service |
The FWHP was again invited to participate in the National Park Service's (NPS) conference for National Heritage Area (NHA) organizations throughout the Midwestern region. The conference was held in April at the NPS regional offices in Omaha, Nebraska, and provided an opportunity for NHAs to come together to share ideas, network and learn how to strengthen their programs.
During the three-day conference, NPS Midwest Regional Director, Michael Reynolds, emphasized the value of NHA's within our communities. As community and partner-based organizations, NHAs embed themselves within the communities of their region, working directly with citizens, organizations and businesses to create opportunities for economic growth and revitalization through preservation and promotion of the unique heritage of the region.
The Midwest contains 9 of the 49 NHAs designated throughout the United States. In March 2012, legislation was drafted and submitted to the 112th Congress by Senator Herb Kohl and Congressman Tom Petri. The bills are now working their way through the committee process. If designated, the FWHP would become the first NHA in Wisconsin. To learn more about this effort, visit our website. |
Aldo Leopold Foundation
FWHP Heritage Partner Spotlight |
The Aldo Leopold Foundation celebrates the life of one of our nation's most beloved naturalists and authors. Considered by many as the father of wildlife management and of the United States' wilderness system, Aldo Leopold was a conservationist, forester, philosopher, educator, writer, and outdoor enthusiast.
The Aldo Leopold Foundation is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit, member-supported organization based in Baraboo, Wisconsin, founded in 1982 by the children of Aldo Leopold. The Leopold siblings saw the need to create an organization to handle the growing interest in their father's legacy. The foundation's mission is to inspire an ethical relationship between people and land through the legacy of Aldo Leopold. The foundation operates out of the Leopold Center, a green-built visitor center located about a mile down the road from the
Leopold Shack and Farm on Levee Road in the township of Fairfield. The Aldo Leopold Foundation owns the 264 acres surrounding the Leopold Shack in addition to several other small parcels, and also manages much of the adjoining 1,800-acre Leopold Memorial Reserve established by neighboring landowners as an early land trust in 1967. The foundation acts as the executor of Leopold's literary estate, encourages
scholarship on Leopold, and serves as a clearinghouse for information regarding Leopold, his work, and his ideas. It provides on-site education programs for over 5,500 visitors annually, cooperates with partners on outreach education projects, and maintains a robust website and numerous print resources. Land stewardship initiatives work to restore healthy ecosystems and foster greater understanding of land health in various ecosystems.
Leopold's words have stirred many to a personal ecological awareness. The foundation's goal is to share the legacy of Aldo Leopold and to awaken an ecological conscience in the people of our nation. As long as we care about people, land, and the connections between them, we have hope for sustainable ecosystems, sustainable economies, and sustainable communities.
To learn more about the Aldo Leopold Foundation and visiting the Leopold Shack, visit their website or call 608-355-0279. You can also connect with the Aldo Leopold Foundation on Facebook and Twitter.
Read the full article on our blog..
Protect the Parkway: Stop the Spread of Invasive Aquatic Species
insert sub-title
Photo by Steve Wagner
Warm sunny days on the water will soon be here. As you plan your 2012 vacations and day trips on the water you should also consider what you can do to protect Wisconsin's lakes, rivers, and streams from aquatic invasive species (AIS).
Planning ahead to allow enough time to clean your equipment is one of the most important things you can do to stop the spread of AIS. Aquatic invasive species are amazing hitchhikers that can take a ride on your equipment without being seen.
You can protect the waters you cherish from new AIS infestations by following the steps below:
- Inspect boats, trailers, and equipment;
- Remove all attached plants, animals, and mud from your boat, trailer, equipment, and gear (including paddles and wadding boats);
- Drain all water from boats and equipment including live wells and bilge pumps; and
- Never Move plants or live fish away from a waterbody
- Dispose of unwanted aquatic plants and animals in an appropriate way.
You can also disinfect your boat, equipment, and gear by:
- Washing thoroughly with water ~ 2120 F;
- Drying thoroughly for 5 days after cleaning; and/or
- Disinfecting with either 200 ppm (0.5 oz per gallon or 1 Tablespoon per gallon) Chlorine for 10 minute contact time and rinse thoroughly with water (especially when moving from one waterbody to another.
If you are interested in becoming more involved in controlling the spread of AIS within the Winnebago Pool Lakes or have questions do not hesitate to contact Todd Verboomen at tverboomen@eastcentralrpc.org. For more information related to the State's Invasive Species Program visit http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/Invasives/.
© 2010-2011 The Fox-Wisconsin Heritage Parkway. All Rights Reserved.