There can be many causes of bad breath, which include:
FOOD - Food particles become lodged in and around your teeth which can cause odour. Foods like onions and garlic, once digested, their oils are absorbed into your bloodstream and are carried to the lungs. Their odour is emitted through your breath until the body has eliminated these foods.
DENTAL PROBLEMS - Poor dental hygiene, cavities, a plaque (bacteria) coated tongue and gum disease can all contribute to bad breath. With gum disease, the gums can pull away from the teeth that leave behind pockets. These pockets can house odour causing bacteria.
DRY MOUTH - The amount of saliva in the mouth is decreased. We need saliva as it helps to naturally cleanse the mouth. Dry mouth can occur during sleep which causes morning breath. If you have a tendency to breathe through your mouth either during wake or sleep, you will also experience dry mouth and take note that some medications can be the cause of your dry mouth (high blood pressure medication, anti-psychotic medication, anti-depressants, digestive (Zantac), cholesterol (Zocor), antihistamine (Claritin), and the list continues. If you would like more information on which medications can cause bad breath, do not hesitate to give us a call.
MOUTH, NOSE, THROAT - Bad breath can be associated with sinus infections and post-nasal drip. Bad breath in children is usually associated with a foreign object, a toy or piece of food lodged in the nostrils.
TOBACCO USE - Smoking has a tendency to cause dry mouth which again is directly related to bad breath.
DIET - Protein rich foods can enhance bad breath. Foods like: Meat, Fish, Seafood, Eggs, and Dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt).