
Weekly Newsletter for TCGIS Families

 March 15, 2012

in this issue
:: Upcoming Dates
:: Parent/Teacher Conferences This Week
:: School Board Nominations
:: Support the 8th Grade Capstone Experience!
:: Facilities Survey Coming Soon!
:: After School Activities Begin Next Week
:: PTO Game Night
:: Advertise in the TCGIS Yearbook
:: Testing Schedule
:: Construction Update
AnnikaProfile- cropped
Annika Fjelstad, TCGIS Director
Dear Families,


Standardized Testing: Next Monday, March 19 we will begin our first round of Math MCA online testing. Our school is using this round of testing as a practice opportunity for both teachers and students to familiarize themselves with using the computers. After this round of testing, teachers will have data that shows where students may need additional support before the second round of testing in April. Families should take the testing seriously, but most importantly remain calm and not exert additional pressure regarding the tests. The most important test preparation that we do is the everyday work of learning all year. The testing schedule is included below. Fifth graders are taking their German proficiency tests this month and will not participate in the first round of Math MCA preparatory testing.


Welcome and thank you in Middle School Science: We are in the full swing of a hiring process to account both for our growth and for teachers who must return to Germany next year. I am proud to announce that Frau Stephanie Lauenstein will be joining us next year as a science teacher in grades 6, 7 and 8. Frau Lauenstein is a native German speaker who has worked for many years as a microbiologist in the Twin Cities. She got her teaching license in Minnesota and has been teaching science for the last year in the Minneapolis Public Schools. We could not be luckier to have her join our team. A large thank you to Cornelia Fritsche for the huge progress she has made in developing a relevant and challenging science curriculum for the middle school. She leaves behind a well-documented set of units, assessments and resources for Frau Lauenstein, who will follow in her footsteps.


Teachers are looking forward to the opportunity to talk with parents during upcoming conferences. Thanks for all you do to support your children and the school.

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Annika Signature


Annika Fjelstad   

Director, TCGIS 

651-492-7106, ext. 103



UpcomingDatesUpcoming Dates
Save the Date  Calendar



15 - Parent/Teacher Conferences - PM ONLY (SCHOOL OPEN)

16 - Parent/Teacher Conferences - NO SCHOOL

19 - Session 3 of After School Activities begins 

19-22 - MCA Math Round 1  

22 - 8:15 AM, Tour for prospective families 

22 - 6:30 PM, Board meeting

23 - 8 AM, Kaffeeklatsch

23 - 6:30 PM, PTO Game Night 

26 - 6:30 PM, Board meeting 

29 - 8:15 AM, Tour for prospective families  



2-6 - Spring Break - NO SCHOOL

9 - Teacher Work Day - NO SCHOOL

10 - 6:30 PM, PTO meeting

13 - 8 AM, Kaffeeklatsch

13 - Instrument "Petting Zoo" for Concert Band

15 - Benefit for 8th Grade Capstone Trip  

17-18 - MCA Reading

23-26 - MCA Math Round 2

26 - 6:30 PM, Board meeting

27 - 8 AM, Kaffeeklatsch

27 - 5:30 PM, PTO Pump It Up Fundraiser


For the complete school calendar, click here.

Parent/Teacher Conferences
Conferences held tonight and tomorrow

Please remember that parent/teacher conferences will be held on the evening of Thursday, March 15 and during the day on Friday, March 16.
It's Time for School Board Nominations
School board elections coming up in May

This year's school board elections will take place on Friday, May 18th. We will be electing three new members to our nine-member board of directors. The board plays a crucial role in providing direction, vision and continuity for our growing school community. We hope that you will give serious consideration to volunteering for a board position, or will take the time to recommend someone who you think would be willing and able to support the school in this way. Please click here for more information about the TCGIS school board and the election process.
Performers wanted!
Support the 8th grade trip to Germany
We are looking for musicians and performing artists in the TCGIS community (students, teachers, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and friends) who would be willing to perform at the benefit event for the Capstone Experience in Germany on April 15th at the GAI. The program will start at 2:00 pm.

We are hoping for a wide variety of instruments and musical styles and other performances. At the beginner level, plan to perform for no more than three minutes; at the intermediate to professional level, plan for up to 15 minutes of performance time. If you are interested, or if you would like to suggest a musician or performing artist, please contact Sylvia Oxenham at s.oxenham@yahoo.com.  
Facilities Survey Coming Soon
Watch your inbox for a survey about possible TCGIS locations

We will be sending out a survey soon regarding potential future locations for TCGIS. Your input on this issue is very important to us. Information about possible future sites can be found here. We will be asking you to fill out only one survey per household. Watch your e-mail inboxes and future Elternbriefs for this important survey!
After School Activities
Classes begin next week

Remember that Session 3 of After School Activities begins on Monday, March 19th!
Game Night
Bring your family to play games at TCGIS!

CardsOur annual Game Night is coming up on Friday, March 23rd, 2012 at 6:30 PM! All TCGIS families are invited! We will have games for all ages and across all genres (including last year's popular CheckersWerewolf game), snacks and beverages for refreshment and prizes for the winners of our game raffle! So mark your calendars and bring your family to school to play some old and new games!
Advertise in the TCGIS Yearbook
Proceeds go to 8th grade trip

Looking for a great way to make your business known? Parents, want to send a greeting to your favorite students (see examples of student recognition ads here)? Well, here's your chance! You can buy space for advertising in the first ever TCGIS yearbook! Here's the deal: $50 for a whole page (8'' by 13''), $25 for half of a page, $13 for one fourth of a page, and $8 for one eighth of a page. What a bargain! If you're interested, please fill out a this form and turn it in to the front desk. If you have any questions please contact Molly Kalda at mkalda@tcgis.org.

All proceeds from advertisement sales will directly benefit the 8th grade trip to Germany next year.
MCAsTesting Schedule
MCA's begin next week

March: Sprachdiplom - Grade 5  

March 19-22: MCA Math Testing Window #1 - Grades 3, 4, 6, 7 (Practice Test)

April 17-18: MCA Reading Test - Grades 3 - 7

April 23-26: MCA Math Testing Window #2 - Grades 3 - 7

May 8-9: MCA Science Test - Grade 5

May 14-15: MCA Math Testing Window #3 - Grades 3-7 (by referral only)

Light Rail Construction Update
Intersection closing may affect your commute

ConesWith the return of warm weather, construction on the light rail is set to begin again. Beginning Monday, March 19th,  the intersection at Aldine and University will be closed to north-south movement for two weeks. Work will include installing the embedded tracks and duct banks through the center of the intersection. East-west movement will be possible. 

As of April 1st, the intersection of Fry Street and University Ave will be closed for the same reasons. This intersection will likewise be closed for two weeks to north-south traffic. We realize that all the construction around school can be stressful. Thank you for your understanding, and we will keep you updated on any further developments.

Educating Children for Informed and Active World Citizenship


The Elternbrief is published electronically Thursdays throughout the school-year and on an as-needed basis at other times. Submissions are due by 3 PM on Tuesdays. Content printed at the discretion of the TCGIS administration.