
Weekly Newsletter for TCGIS Families

 October 13, 2011

in this issue
:: Upcoming Dates
:: Late Pick-Up Policy
:: Martinstag Celebration
:: Scholastic Book Club Orders
:: Kinderclub Open on School Release Days
:: Thank You to Library Volunteers
:: Electronics Policy
:: No After School Activities Next Week
:: Auflauf Cook-off and Community Dinner This Friday!
:: Kafeeklatch This Friday
:: Facilities Committee Information Night
:: Outreach to Prospective Families
:: Introducing Two New Amity Interns
AnnikaProfile- cropped
Annika Fjelstad, TCGIS Director
Dear Families,


We can all share a collective sigh of frustration with the recent congestion with construction and traffic on University Avenue and 94. We can imagine that as the weather gets worse, it will become more frustrating. It's a good time to make sure you have a back-up plan for picking up your child if you should be late. Our late pick-up policy is here. We are beginning to keep a log of late pick-ups, and we don't want you to run up against that $50 fee for a third late pick-up. Because traffic has been bad, we suggest that you aim for the early end of the 3:15 - 3:30 window, so that if you're running late, you're still within the window. If you haven't registered for Kinderclub, this is a good time to do it. It's a great insurance policy.


Thank you to those parents who have paid their annual $70 supply contribution. If you have not done so, you can fill out the form to request a scholarship or make a payment plan here. 


Remember there is no school next Thursday and Friday. Thanks for all you do to support our school.   

Find us on Facebook

Annika Signature


Annika Fjelstad  

651-492-7106, ext. 103

[email protected] 


UpcomingDatesUpcoming Dates
Save the Date  Calendar
14 - 8 AM, Kaffeeklatsch
14 - 6 PM, PTO Auflauf Cook-Off 
17 - 2 PM, Pre-school teacher open house
18 - 6:30 PM, Facilities Committee Information Night 
20 & 21 - NO SCHOOL
- Author Monika Schr�der visits TCGIS
- 8:15 AM, Tour for prospective families  
27 - 6:30 PM, School Board meeting
28 - 8 AM, Kaffeeklatsch
28 - 2 PM, Tour for pre-school teachers
30 - 2 PM, Info session for prospective families

- 8:30-10:30 AM School Pictures Retake Day
8:15 AM, Tour for prospective families
3 -
Parent Teacher Conferences, PM ONLY (school open)
4 - NO SCHOOL Parent Teacher Conferences
10 - 8:15 AM, Tour for prospective families
17 - 8:15 AM, Tour for prospective families
- 6:30 PM, Info session for prospective families
22 6:30 PM, School Board meeting


For the complete school calendar, click here.

LatePickUpLate Pick-Up Policy
Please Make Arrangements in Case of Late Pick-up

If a parent or other designated adult cannot pick a child up on time, there are two options:


1. Kinderclub is available on a fee basis for after school care. For a one-time registration fee of $25 and a $10 drop-in fee, they will take care of your children from 3:30 - 6:00 p.m. (2:45 p.m. on Wednesdays). Please contact Kinderclub directly to make arrangements at 612-227-4412. Please note there is a fifteen minute grace period after the end of school before the fee goes into effect. The $10 fee is payable regardless of whether you pick your child up at 3:31p.m. or 6:00 p.m.


2.If children are not registered with Kinderclub or if Kinderclub has reached capacity, a TCGIS staff member will supervise your child.  After using this service three times, there will be a $50 fee payable to the school at the time of pick-up. 


TCGIS strongly encourages parents who want some flexibility and peace of mind to register with Kinderclub and to call them directly at 612-227-4412 when running late.  

Martinstag Celebration November 6
Thank you for bringing in cereal boxes!

10-6 Martinstag
Frau Lenburg would like to thank everyone for bringing in their cereal boxes for making our Martinstag lanterns. We have enough boxes now, and some K-4th grade classes began making their lanterns this week. Please plan to join us at the Landmark Center on Nov. 6th at 4:00PM to see the fruits of our labor!
Scholastic Book Club Orders
Due October 24th

Shop the NEW Book Clubs website for your Scholastic Book Club orders! Choose from a much wider selection of books than in the printed flyer. Plus, you can send your orders directly to English teacher Michelle Wallace online and use your credit card to pay.  


Best of all, we earn a FREE book for the English classroom library every time a parent places an order online (excluding eBooks). It's so simple! Here's how it works:

  • SIGN UP by clicking here. On the parent page, click the "Register" button in the "First Time Here?" section. Register for your own user name and password. When prompted, enter the one-time Class Activation Code: GXLFQ. This unique code ensures that your order is sent to Frau Wallace.
  • SELECT the books you'd like to order. Choose from thousands of titles -- many more than in our monthly flyers.
  • SEND your order online by the due date, October 24th, and your child's books will be delivered directly to the school where we will then send them home.

Enjoy some of the many seasonal offerings in the October and November fliers! Scholastic books make great gifts, as well!

Kinderclub Operating on School Release Days
October 20th and 21st

Kinderclub will operate from 8am to 6pm on October 20th and 21st if minimum enrollment is met. The cost per day per child is $35.00. Please contact Babett Larimer at [email protected] with questions.
Thank you!
Thank you to the library volunteers

Thank you to all of the volunteers who help out with classes in the library and other library matters:

Ina Elliot
Silke M�ller
Alex Weeding
Elvira Houben-Schlag
Heidi Zimmerman
Janet Lenius
Julie Elias
Kelly Huxmann
Kimberly Feilmeyer
Kim Kompel
Sarah Wright
Sylvia Oxenham
Tina Roth
Sophia Shuran
Chris Weimholt
Nicole Skurich
Marilee Tuite
Angela Thomas
Phil Feilmeyer

If you notice anyone who is left off of this list, please contact Khrisslyn ([email protected]) and we will make sure to include them next week! 
ElectronicsPolicyElectronics Policy
New policy for electronics at school

It is the TCGIS policy to forbid forms of electronics on school premises during school hours, except for emergency communication before and/or after school. Forms of electronics include all smart phones, MP3 players and other hand-held video or gaming devices. This policy is an effort to ensure equality among students as well as to prevent theft, damage and/or loss. The consequence for violation of the above policy is that the student will be asked to leave the device in the office for the remainder of the day. Students will be escorted to the office to leave their device in a pre-established site. The child may pick up the device at the end of the school day, and the parent will be informed that the device was confiscated. It is permitted to store an electronic device in the off-position in a backpack or locker strictly for after-school use. Further exceptions include the use of such devices for the purposes of special education as well as teacher pre-approved academic use.

No After School Activities Next Week
October 17-21

Because of the shortened school week, there will be no after school activities during the week of October 17-21.
TCGIS Auflauf Cook-off and Community Dinner this Friday!
Friday, October 14, 6pm-8pm


Get out the casserole 9-22 auflaufdishes! It's time to compete in the 3rd Annual Auflauf Cook-Off. The dish to beat is Lisa Friedman's Kugel, which won top honors last year from both judges and attendees. 


We need Volunteers and more Aufl�ufe! We are still in need of many volunteers. Please sign up at VolunteerSpot. We especially need servers and kid-room attendants for the 3rd and 4th shifts! Hey, 6th and 7th graders, you can help too! Think about serving Auflauf. 


Our celebrity judges will choose winners in three categories: German Traditional, American Traditional, and the Rest of the World. Once the judging gets going, we will all join in a community dinner. Don't forget to take notes and vote for your favorite in the People's Choice. 

Announcing the Celebrity Judges:

Leubbert Kruizenga - GACC

Martin Ziegler - owner of the  Glockenspiel 

Kristen Boldon - blogger for Minnesota Monthly

Lisa Friedman - TCGIS Board Member, Chair

Marcus Sheire - TCGIS Board Member

Sarah Bailey - TCGIS Staff

This year we are introducing the "Non-Judgmental" Dessert Buffet - for those who enjoy cooking but not the competition. 


The Cook-off will be at the Salvation Army Community Center at 2727 Central Avenue NE, Minneapolis. Click here for more details and competitor info.

Kaffeeklatsch and Old Chinook Book Coupon Sharing
Friday, October 14th
We would like to invite all parents to stop by our Kaffeeklatsch this Friday! Freshly brewed coffee is usually ready by 8:05am. Grab a cup of coffee for your commute to work or stay around for some chatting with other parents! Coffee is $1 if you bring your own mug, or $1.25 should you need a paper cup. Bring your old Chinook Coupon books for sharing, so we can put them to good use before October 31st.
Viele Gruesse!
Facilities Committee Information Night
Tuesday, October 18, 6:30 PM

The TCGIS Facilities Committee would like to invite you to an information night to learn more about the committee's long-term facilities planning process. At the meeting, we will introduce the committee members, share the new facility search process, discuss the long-term needs of the school and more. The meeting will be held at TCGIS on Tuesday, October 18th at 6:30 PM. Please RSVP so we can appropriately plan space for the meeting.  
If you have any questions, please contact Marcus Sheire, TCGIS Board Parent Liaison, at [email protected] or Rob Hennelly, Facilities Committee Chair, at [email protected].
ProspectiveFamiliesOutreach to Prospective Families
Upcoming outreach efforts at TCGIS

Tours for pre-School teachers: On Monday, October 17th and Friday, October 28th, TCGIS will be hosting tours and information sessions targeted at pre-school teachers. These teachers are often influential figures in helping parents consider and prioritize Kindergarten options. Again, a personal connection and a personal testimonial is likely to be what catches a pre-school teacher's attention. Please print the attached flyer, or ask for a hard copy in the office to hand to a pre-school teacher in your neighborhood or faith community who might be interested in learning more about our program. Please pass on contact information to Annika at [email protected] for people you contact.


Tours and information sessions for prospective families: We have tours every Thursday and an Information Session scheduled for Sunday, October 30th at 2PM. Please invite parents of 4-year-olds you know to register on our website. In addition, we suggest you invite prospective parents to Kaffeeklatsch on October 14th and 28th. Children will have the opportunity to visit Kindergarten and parents can gain perspectives and testimonials from current parents.


Parent volunteers: We'd like to build a core of current parents willing to follow up on school visits and  information sessions with cards and calls. If you like to talk about our school and would prefer volunteer work that you can do in English on your own schedule and from your own home, give your name to Annika at [email protected]. You could play a crucial role in our outreach effort.

Amity Interns 

Bettina Weber and Tobias Brinning


AmityBettinaW Next up for our Amity Interns... Bettina Weber! She is studying English and Spanish at the University of Augsburg. She hopes to become a teacher at the German "Gymnasium." While at TCGIS, she is working in Frau Halvorson's fourth grade class. She is staying with both the DeBoer's and Dornreich's. She is interested in traveling, art, movies, cooking, and meeting up with friends.

Up next: Tobias Brinning. Tobias is studying sports and English at the University of Augsbug; he will be taking his finals next year. He is working with Frau Rosenthal this fall. He is staying with the Weidells. He likes to do things outdoors such as mountain biking, climbing (on a low level :) ) and fishing. He likes to work with children. He also likes to go out with friends, go to the movies, and sight see.
"Flashlights" Needed for the Library
Volunteer Opportunity for Parents

Flashlights needed! But not the kind that you think! There are some Kindergarten/1st grade books that are really fun and engaging for kids - but many of the small tagboard 'flashlights' are missing. 

If you don't know what is being discussed, page three of this link might help you out. Any that you can make and bring in would be very much appreciated! Drop them off in the library and we'll get them with the right books! Construction-wise, we would love it if these could be made with a color photocopier and then laminated so that they can last as long as possible. Contact [email protected] with any questions.


Educating Children for Informed and Active World Citizenship


The Elternbrief is published electronically Thursdays throughout the school-year and on an as needed basis at other times. Submissions are due by 3 PM on Tuesdays. Content printed at the discretion of the TCGIS administration.