
Weekly Newsletter for TCGIS Families

 September 22, 2011

in this issue
:: Upcoming Dates
:: Auflauf Cook-off and Community Dinner Tickets on Sale
:: September Art News
:: New Book Clubs Website
:: Introducing Two New Amity Interns
:: Construction Update
:: After School Activities Registration Forms Due Tomorrow
:: October Lunch Menus
:: Lost and Found Overflowing
:: Cereal Boxes Needed for Martinstag
:: MCA Individual Results Information
:: Community Events
Annika Fjelstad

Annika Fjelstad, TCGIS Director


Dear Parents,


One of my favorite parts of my job is taking the opportunity to be present in individual classrooms and observe what is happening. I get a regular view of engaged students, joyful community and frequent glimpses of beautiful, fluent German coming from students. It is a privilege to witness first hand the enthusiasm and skill of our teachers and the effort and skill of our students.


MCA scores form a snapshot of one aspect of our school's performance. The numbers become more useful in creating a comprehensive view of strengths and weaknesses when we receive more detail about individual students and performance in particular areas. The state has committed to release reports of individual student performances to us by October 14th. More information is included below.  


The TCGIS School Board meets tonight, September 22, at 6:30. The agenda is available here


Thanks for all you do to support our school and your students,  

Find us on Facebook

Annika Signature


Annika Fjelstad  

651-492-7106, ext. 103




UpcomingDatesUpcoming Dates Calendar
Save the Date  
22 - 6:30 PM, School Board Meeting
23 - 8 AM, Kaffeeklatsch
4 - 6:30 PM, PTO Meeting
14 - 8 AM, Kaffeeklatsch
14 - 6:00 PM, PTO Auflauf Cook-Off 
20 & 21 - NO SCHOOL
27 - 6:30 PM, School Board Meeting
28 - 8 AM, Kaffeeklatsch


For the complete school calendar, click here.

TCGIS Auflauf Cook-off and Community Dinner Tickets on Sale Now! 
Friday, October 14, 6pm-8pm


Get out the casserole 9-22 auflaufdishes!It's time to compete in the 3rd Annual Auflauf Cook-Off.   

The dish to beat is Lisa Friedman's Kugel, which won top honors by both our judges and attendees. 


Our celebrity judges will choose winners in three categories: German Traditional, American Traditional, and the Rest of the World.Once the judging gets going, we will all join in a community dinner. Don't forget to take notes and vote for your favorite in the People's Choice. 


This year we are introducing the "Non-Judgmental" Dessert Buffet - for those who enjoy cooking but not the competition. 


Cook-off and Dessert Buffet participants both receive a reduced ticket price. Tickets are on sale now. Space is limited! The Cook-off will be at the Salvation Army Community Center at 2727 Central Avenue NE, Minneapolis.


Click here for more details and competitor info. We have many volunteer opportunities, so please check-out VolunteerSpot to sign-up!  

September Art News
Monthly Update from Frau Lenburg

I am excited about a new year of Art at the Twin Cities German Immersion School! The art room is already buzzing with creativity and enthusiasm. I plan to update families once a month in the Elternbrief, to let you know about the great things we are learning in the art classes. Click here for this month's "Art News!"  As you will see, the K-4th graders are beginning with the "real" art work after several classes of discussing the rules and procedures of the art room. Look for information soon about our exciting Artsonia online gallery! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at alenburg@tcgis.org 

TCGIS Students Love to Read!
Order books from our NEW Book Clubs website!

Now it's easier than ever to find the perfect books for your child. Choose from a much wider selection of books than in the printed flyer. Plus, you can send your orders directly to Frau Michelle Wallace online and use your credit card to pay. Best of all, we earn a FREE book for the English classroom library every time a parent places an order online.*


It's so simple! Here's how it works: 

-SIGN UP by clicking here. On the parent page, click the "Register" button in the "First Time Here?" section. Register for your own user name and password. When prompted, enter the one-time Class Activation Code GXLFQ. This unique code ensures that your order is sent to us at TCGIS.  

-SELECT the books you'd like to order.  

-SEND your order to Frau Wallace online by September 28 and your child's books will be delivered directly to her classroom.


Ordering online is fast, easy, and secure.

Of course, you can still order using the form from the printed flyer. But why not see for yourself how convenient it is to order online? Order by next Wednesday, September 28th and receive your new books just in time to enjoy them over the long October weekend!


*Excludes eBooks.

Amity Interns 

Barbara Humpf and Bettina Hajek  


We are introducing two Amity-Barbara Humpfmore interns this week. First up is Barbara Humpf. She will be working this fall in Herr Goetzman's fourth grade class. She is staying with the Bulach's. She is at the University of Augsburg studying English, Catholic Religion, and Music. She enjoys singing, running, dancing, cooking, and music.  


The next intern is Bettina Hajek. She is studying "Lehramt Gymnasim" English and Spanish at the Catholic University of Eichstätt- Ingolstadt. She will be at TCGIS this fall in Frau Heindl's kindergarten class.

Amity- Bettina Hajek

She will be staying with the Lidners. Her hobbies are dancing, listening to music, reading books, spending time with friends, going out, languages, and volleyball. She loves animals and children.

ConstructionUpdateLight Rail Construction
Wheeler/University intersection closed!

While progress on the light rail is exciting, it also causes congestion. Construction isLight Rail Train now taking place on the North side of the road and you can no longer turn onto Wheeler from University. You will be able to cross University at Fry and at Fairview. These intersections are signalized for full traffic movement but traffic is reduced to one lane in each direction. You will need to turn onto Wheeler from the north.

Updated information about the construction timelines, as well as  bus stop and sidewalk information can be found here.
After School Activities
Registration forms due tomorrow!

A list of after school activities was sent home with the oldest child of each family. To register, pick up a registration form from the front office and turn it in by tomorrow, Friday, September 23. No exceptions! Scholarships are available if needed, and scholarship application forms are also available in the front office. 

If you have any questions about the new registration process please email Amy Davis at adavis@germanschool-mn.org.
October Lunch Orders Due Next Week
Menu now available

The lunch menu and order form for October is available here. Please fill out the order form and drop by the office, or email to lyork@germanschool-mn.org. The deadline for ordering October lunches is Wednesday, September 28.
Lost and Found Overflowing!
Please help us identify and return your child's belongings

Our lost and found is already overflowing with jackets and sweaters of all shapes and sizes. To prevent a huge stockpile from building up as the year progresses, we'd ask you to do a few things to help us get things returned to you:

1) Please write your child's name (at least last name) in their sweaters, mittens, hats and jackets whenever possible and appropriate.
2) Come in to the office at drop-off or pick-up and take a look at the lost and found collection whenever you can. If you don't recognize your children's things, perhaps you'll recognize your children's friend's things. 

Until the weather becomes inclement, we'll try to put the lost and found on display at least once a week (usually Fridays) on the playground at pick-up time. Please take a moment then to look through.

Since the nearby Dugsi Academy uses the same space for recess, we surmise that some of the found items belong to their students and will be collaborating with their staff to manage the lost and found.
Cereal Boxes Needed for Art Class
Send in boxes for Martinstag Celebration

Please start saving your cereal boxes and round cheese and oatmeal boxes! We will be needing them for the elementary students' art classes, where we will be making lanterns for our Martinstag celebration in early November. You can start sending them to school next week with your child, or bring them up to the art room.

Thank you! 

New bike racks installed and regular library visits begin


Thank you to Hans Steege and his business Dero Bike Racks for both donating and installing a new bank of bike racks to the school. We're happy to have a good population of students, parents and staff that ride their bikes to school and are grateful for the enhanced parking since Avalon removed their bike racks several weeks ago.


Thank you to the Library Committee under the leadership of staff member Khrisslyn Goodman for keeping our excellent collection of German and English books available to our students.

MCAIndResultsMinnesota Comprehensive Assessments
Information on Individual Results

Individual student MCA reports will be released on October 14th. When we receive these reports we will pass them along to you as parents. It is unfortunate that there is such a lag time between the students taking the test and the opportunity to incorporate feedback into teaching. This year the timeline is particularly impacted by the state shutdown during the summer.


The individual student score reports will come with charts that indicate which areas your student may need additional practice in and a code which gives access to computerized programs giving practice opportunities in those particular areas.


Our school-wide results can be seen here

Community Event: Forest International Retreat Center Open House

From 1pm to 4pm on September 25th, 2011 and again on October 9th, 2011, Concordia Language Villages will host an open house at the Forest International Retreat Center near the Twin Cities. The events will feature cultural games, activities and presentations by Concordia Language Villages staff. In addition, Concordia College faculty will speak about the importance of global education. International refreshments and language activities for the entire family will be provided all afternoon.

This event is free and open to the public.

More information can be found here

Community Event: GAI Kaffeestube

The Germanic-American Institute's Kaffeestube Authentic European Breakfast Café opens again on Saturday, September 24! Enjoy a delicious, hearty and authentic German breakfast buffet while you read the paper, connect with friends and colleagues, catch-up on e-mail, and visit the GAI library. Check out our expanded collection of children's German materials! At just $6 per plate, it is the best brunch deal in the Twin Cities! Reservations not required.  


The details:
Saturday mornings, 9am-12pm
September 24 - December 10*
*closed November 26 for Thanksgiving holiday
301 Summit Avenue
Saint Paul MN 55102   


For more info, call 651.222.7027 or click here

Educating Children for Informed and Active World Citizenship


The Elternbrief is published electronically Thursdays throughout the school-year and on an as needed basis at other times. Submissions are due by 3 PM on Tuesdays. Content printed at the discretion of the TCGIS administration.