
Weekly Newsletter for TCGIS Families

 September 1, 2011

in this issue
:: Upcoming Dates
:: Parent Satisfaction Survey Results
:: Scrip Fundraiser
:: GAI Event
:: Thank You Volunteers
:: Info Night/ Meet the Board
:: Construction Update
:: After School Activities Instructors Needed
:: Daily Schedule
:: Magazine & Book Collection
Dear Parents,              
Annika Fjelstad

Annika Fjelstad, TCGIS Director



It sure is exciting to see all these happy kids coming through our door. We worked hard preparing for you and each day these kids remind us they are the heart and inspiration of our work. Thank you and welcome back! 
Many of you are asking when we will learn the scores from our students' comprehensive assessments last spring. The state has not yet released these as they are behind schedule due to the shutdown. We will update you as soon as we get more information.

On Tuesday, September 6, at Info Night, you will have an opportunity to learn about various committees and volunteer opportunities at TCGIS. This will also be your opportunity to meet the board. Learn more below

We are busy updating the Parent Handbook. Please keep an eye out for it next week. Please note, as of today the Elternbrief will now be sent on Thursday instead of Wednesday.  


Also, please check your children's backpacks today for the Pick Up Authorization form. This form lets the school know who is allowed to pick up and drop off your child. Please fill out one form per child and return to the school office by Friday, September 9th.


Sincerely, Find us on Facebook

Annika Signature


651-492-7106, ext. 103

[email protected] 




Upcoming Dates 
Save the Date  
5 - Labor Day, NO SCHOOL
6 - 6:30 PM, PTO Meeting followed by Info Night - RSVP HERE
9 - 8 AM, Kaffeeklatsch
15 - 6:30 PM, Curriculum Night
20 - 6:30 PM, New Parent Night Out
22 - 6:30 PM, School Board Meeting
23 - 8 AM, Kaffeeklatsch
4 - 6:30 PM, PTO Meeting
14 - 8 AM, Kaffeeklatsch
14 - PTO Auflauf Cook-Off
20 & 21 - NO SCHOOL
27 - 6:30 PM, School Board Meeting
28 - 8 AM, Kaffeeklatsch


For the complete school calendar, click here.

Parent Satisfaction Survey 
93% Satisfaction

Each year since the school started we have done a Parent Satisfaction Survey. Highlights from this year include that 93% of survey participants are satisfied with their children's educational experience at TCGIS and 91% indicated their children will return.  We also did some exploration this year as to how well we are fulfilling our mission for our students to become active and informed world citizens. Over three-quarters of survey participants believe TCGIS prepares its students to be informed and active citizens. 


We are also pleased that our already high rate of parent involvement increased last year to 87% and that 91% were satisfied with their volunteer experience. As a school we're pleased for the affirmation of things that are working for families and grateful for the feedback of ways we can improve our performance. As a growing school we are a work in progress constantly learning from our experience and setting new goals.  More detailed information is available here.


A huge thank you to Nancy Bostrom who has conducted this survey for the school each year since the founding of the school. Nancy would love to partner with some new volunteers in doing this survey and make a secession plan as her son reaches graduation age. Please let Annika know if you would like to help, particularly if you have some assessment or evaluation background.   
An Introduction to TCGIS' Shop with Scrip Fundraiser


 SCRIP Photo







What Is Scrip?

Scrip is a term that means "substitute money".  When you purchase scrip, you're purchasing negotiable gift certificates and prepaid cards that are used just like cash. You can use scrip to purchase everyday expenses like groceries, clothing, gas, and other essentials, and with every purchase, you earn revenue for our organization.  The gift cards are the same cards you would get if you walked into one of the stores to purchase one, but with one important difference.....


How scrip generates revenue for TCGIS

The Great Lakes Scrip Center acts on behalf of churches, schools and other non-profit organizations to purchase large quantities of gift cards from grocery stores, department stores, and other retailers. Because the cards are purchased with cash up front, the participating retailers offer a substantial discount. TCGIS families & friends order cards online at face value & remit a check to the TCGIS office.  The discount - from two to fifteen percent or more -  is the school's revenue.  Last year we earned over $1,000 for the school from Scrip sales!


Scrip is "shopping cart fundraising"

Scrip is a popular fundraiser because families don't have to sell anything. Organization members produce revenue by making regular household purchases they would make anyway. Groceries, clothing, toys, gifts, even gasoline can be purchased with scrip.


Find Out More

There are hundreds of participating retailers!  Check out www.shopwithscrip.com for the full retailer list and to place orders. Contact your scrip coordinator listed below for any questions. Then put your shopping dollars to work for our organization!  Our first order is DUE 9/13/11.


Twin Cities German Immersion School

Enrollment Code:  4CA2AE9714L14

Deb Helmel, Scrip Coordinator

[email protected] or 612-729-8415


GAI Event - KinoKneipe
7:00 PM Friday, September 16

Grab a beer, socialize, and use your German! 7:00 PM conversation hour, 8:00 PM screening of "Die Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed" (Reiniger, 1926) This silhouette film, which took Reiniger three years to make, was the first animated feature film and was based on The Arabian Nights.


The film will be shown in German with English subtitles and both German and non-German speakers are welcome. Get more information here.

Thank You!   

Getting the school year off the ground takes an extra effort on many people's parts. All teachers went above and beyond to not only prepare curriculum but to help prepare space.
An extra large thank you to Anne, Simon and Elisabeth Kile, Scot Stephenson, Susanne Grimm, Mandi Rosenthal, Tobias Brinning, Andreas Zeilnhofer, Valentin Solokhau and Sarah Bailey for the extra effort to set up classrooms and move from our old storage closets to our large new supply room in the basement.

Thanks to parents for your generous investment in school supplies. 
Thanks to the efforts of Linda Michel and Sarah Bailey for each classroom having the furniture and technology it needs.  These things do not happen by accident.
InfonightInfo Night/Meet the Board 

Tuesday, September 6, 7:00 - 8:00 PM


Want to know about the school? Get involved? The various groups and committees at TCGIS will have tables set up so you can find out the function of each group, and discover where your talents may be of service. The same evening, parents will have a chance to meet the members of the school's Board of Directors in a casual setting. 


There will be a short PTO meeting prior to Info Night starting at 6:30 PM. The PTO is offering FREE babysitting for the meeting and info night. You must sign-up beforehand.

Light Rail Construction
Wheeler/University intersection closed!

While progress on the light rail is exciting, it also causes congestion. As of today, they switched work from the South side of the road to the North sideLight Rail Train and you can no longer turn onto Wheeler from University. You will be able to cross University at Fry and at Fairview. You will need to turn onto Wheeler from the North. More detailed information about the construction timelines is provided here.
After School Activities
Open Call for Instructors

Interested in teaching a class after school? Let us know! We are open to ideas. Email Molly for more information. Deadline for submissions is Wednesday, September 7th


Daily Schedule 


Teachers begin Morning Circles at 8:15. Many classes have tight schedules to keep to get to specialist classes on time. Late kids disrupt the flow of the morning. Remember that we will close the front door at 8:10. If we buzz you in after we've closed the door, please make your first priority to help your child enter the classroom before 8:15. Next, please come back in and sign in as late. We apologize the closed door seems unfriendly. Our objective is to help classroom work start smoothly and on time.  

Magazine & Book Collection

Women's Advocates Logo

As part of the TCGIS PTO's Family Volunteerism and Community Service theme we will collect donations for area non-profits at each meeting. At the September meeting we will collect magazines and books for Women's Advocates, Inc.


Women's Advocates is a safe place where battered women and their children can escape domestic violence. In addition to providing shelter, Women's Advocates provides advocacy, personalized support (including mental health therapy and aftercare services), education, and resources for nearly 1,000 women and children every year. The first shelter in the nation for battered women and their children, Women's Advocates opened its doors in 1974.  Women's Advocates welcomes women and children of all backgrounds and cultures. Women and children stay at the shelter anywhere from one night to three months.


We will be collecting the following at the meeting and in a box in the lobby all next week:

  • Casual reading books. The women enjoy light novels that help to distract them from their problems and that they can read quickly. Teen literature is also popular.
  • Magazines. Got a stack of magazines that you've read (or that you know you will never get to) recycle them here! Preferred magazines are celebrity/gossip, O, parenting magazines, Better Homes & Gardens, Good Housekeeping, etc.
  • Children's books. Children's books in good shape are also appreciated!
Thank you for helping us make this new project successful!

Interested in coordinating a monthly collection? Sign-up here.


Educating Children for Informed and Active World Citizenship


The Elternbrief is published electronically Thursdays throughout the school-year and on an as needed basis at other times. Submissions are due by 3 PM on Tuesdays. Content printed at the discretion of the TCGIS administration.