A Weekly Update for Families
In this issue...
Please Return All Library Books
Summer Garden Watering Sign-Up
GAI Summer Camps
GAI Now Hiring
TCGIS Library Summer Hours and Reading Program
GAI Deutsche Tag
Need: Boxes w/Lids
Outreach Committee
TCGIS Green Callout and Update
Help Needed: School Picnic Clean-Up
Macalester College World Cup Soccer Camp
ElternbriefJune 8, 2011

Dear Families,


Two more days and it's summer!  A few updates until we meet again. 


Class Assignments for Next Year  Everyone is anxious to know both who one's child's teachers are as well as their classmates.   Our plan at school is to remix groups of children every two years.  We recognize that there are benefits to continuing on with a known community and also benefits to giving social dynamics a new boost by remixing who is with whom.   As a staff we believe that the every two year plan gives kids the benefits of both approaches over their school careers.  This year children going into 2nd grade and 4th grade will be remixed.  Children entering 5th grade will be combined into a single class.  The children from 1st and 3rd grade will go on as a group.


Placement Decisions Decisions about who goes into what class are based on creating a whole class balance. Teachers watch the social dynamics at play in their classes every day. They are aware of children who are best separated and children who benefit from being grouped with friends.  Our foremost goal is to maximize our ability to meet the needs of each individual as well as to create a group as a whole that works together.  It is wildly tempting to put a bug in your child's teacher's ear about your insights of where your child will thrive best.  We ask that you respect teachers' judgment.


Thanks to the Library Committee for working on making our fantastic literature collection accessible over the summer.  Read on for updates on open Library dates. 


We've learned a lot, done a lot and grown a lot this year.  We look forward to seeing everyone again next August.  We will publicize summer office hours when they are finalized next week. 


Thanks for the many ways you support the school.



Frau Annika Fjelstad
Twin Cities German Immersion School

[email protected]

Please Return All Library Books


Library volunteers are beginning to re-shelve books and double-check inventory.  Reminder letters and/or invoices will be sent to families to cover the cost of missing books, but please help us minimize this step by returning all books now.   


Returned books can be put on the cart sitting outside of the library door or they can be turned in at the front office.  The Library Committee is also working on establishing summer library hours, so please watch for details.  Thank you for your help!

Summer Garden Watering Sign-Up


Volunteer families needed to water the TCGIS garden for a week during the summer.  It would involve watering the garden 3 times or so during your week in June, July or August.  The hose and water are readily available.


Sign up sheet is at the front desk this week and will be available at the June 10th picnic.


-Nancy Mulholland (Die Garten Frau)


GAI Summer Camps


The GAI will again be offering week-long summer language camps from
June 20-August 26 for children ages 6-12. 


Beginner to bilingual campers welcome.
Camps meet Monday-Friday from 9am-12pm with optional Kinderclub care available at 8am or until 6pm. 

Camp themes include: 


June 20 - 24: Europareise (A journey through Europe) 


June 27 - July 1: Zauberberg und Wunderwald (The magic mountain &
enchanted forests) 


July 11 - 15: Die Umwelt und ich (The environment and me) 


July 18 - 22: Willkommen in Deutschland (Welcome to Germany) 


July 25 - 29: Sport und Spiele (Fun with sports and games) 


August 8 - 12: Abenteuer im Mittelalter (Adventures in the Middle Ages) 


August 15 - 19: Ich mache Musik (Fun with music) 


August 22 - 26: German Safari 


Register now online at www.gai-mn.org or by calling Language Services at 651.222.2979.


Click here to see the flier! 


GAI Now Hiring  


The Germanic-American Institute is now hiring for the following two positions:

Kinderclub After-School Program Director
Kaffeestube Manager

Full descriptions and application instructions may be found at the following URLs:

TCGIS Library Summer Hours and Reading Program   


The Library Committee would like to welcome current students to stop by the TCGIS Library this summer and check out some German books. We will be open for service from 3:00-6:30 pm on the following days:
June 29 (W)
July 19 (T)
August 10 (W)

Library volunteers will be there for you from 3-6:30 pm on each of these days.

Students will be able to check out up to three books at a time and all books will be due back to the Library by the evening of the Open House on August 25th.
Hope to see you this summer!


Sign up for the TCGIS German Summer Reading program!  Read German books and win prizes.  See the attached reading chart for details.

GAI Deutsche Tag  


Guten Tag!

The annual, outdoor, 2-day event, Deutsche Tag (German Days) is almost here! This year at the Germanic-American Institute we will have again, the Lederhosenlauf 5K, the Sommerparty Under the Tent, the Euro Dance Party and an outside Biergarten option after 10pm as well.
Sunday is full of performances, kid activities, antique cars, vendors, FOOD and music.

Click here to see the poster!

Please attend this FREE event and if you are available to volunteer for a few hours, contact me at [email protected] 
Need: Boxes w/Lids     

We would like to invite all parents to stop by our last Kaffeeklatsch this Friday!  

Freshly brewed coffee is usually ready by 8:05am. Grab a cup of coffee for your commute to work or stay around for some chatting with other parents! Coffee is $1 if you bring your own mug, or $1.25 should you need a paper cup. All proceeds of the Kaffeeklatsch events go to finance coffee for our teachers.
Outreach Committee    

Do you and your family enjoy TCGIS? Would you like to spend two hours building a stronger community? Please join us for an outreach brainstorming meeting. It's a great chance to be creative, meet other TCGIS families and have fun while helping us generate more interest and awareness about the school. No prior marketing or outreach experience necessary. Meeting date TBD. Contact Molly Illes at
[email protected] for more info.

TCGIS Green Callout and Update  


We will be hosting a meeting open to all interested parties to decide on an external umbrella organization that can help with guidance, resources and networking as we move forward with the TCGIS greening effort. The meeting will be on Wednesday, June 8 at 7p.m. at TCGIS. We look forward to working together for a more sustainable future!

Help Needed: School Picnic Clean-Up 

The clean-up committee for our end of the school year picnic is still looking for volunteers. We need some hands cleaning up the park so we leave it the way we found it. Please contact Frau Rosenthal ([email protected]) or Frau Kile ([email protected]) with questions or to let us know that you are available. Vielen Dank!

Macalester College World Cup Soccer Camp 

Location: Macalester College Stadium

Date: June 27-July 7, 2011

Morning Session: 9:00am to 12:30pm

Afternoon Session: 1:30pm to 5:00pm

Cost: $89.95

For Boys and Girls going into grades 6, 7 and 8.


Click here to see the whole flier! 

Elternbrief Submissions

Please have all articles pertinent to the TCGIS community submitted to the Elternbrief by Monday at 9 am prior to Wednesday publication. Submissions may be sent to [email protected].