A Weekly Update for Families
In this issue...
Leftover Plants from Plant Sale
Board Agenda
Library Notes
Lost and Found
Help Needed: School Picnic Clean-Up
Volunteer Appreciation Talent Show
Macalester College World Cup Soccer Camp
Performing Arts Donation Drive
Calling All Scientists, World Travelers, Rock Guitarists and Philatelists!
Seeking Host Families
ElternbriefMay 25, 2011

Dear Families,


NO school Friday, May 27th  or Monday,  May 30th.  Enjoy the long weekend.


Volunteer Appreciation Talent Show  Our volunteer appreciation invitation for our Talent Show today, Thursday, May 26th was sent to each and every parent.  Parents volunteer in classrooms, in the library, on field trips, as classroom parents, on the PTO on committees including Amity, Technology, Facilities, Finance, Governance, Inclusivity, Greening, Library, Assessment and Curriculum, Grants and the Board.  Parents give school tours, run fundraisers, create community, share videos, support teachers, check for lice and create support systems for one another's kids. There is no end to the ways that time, skill, insight and experience are shared to weave the web of community deeply.  Come tomorrow to come celebrate who we are to each other.  1:30 in the cafeteria we'll share treats, cards and revel in the talents of the children. 


Board Elections  Working on the school board is a generous commitment of time and insight.  Welcome to new board members Marcus Sheire, Matt Schneider and Gregor Adriany as they take on this new responsibility. Thanks and condolences also to candidate Liane Gale.  The willingness to serve on each one's part is a gift of commitment.    A big thank you to outgoing Board Members Andrew Oxenham, Juergen Konzak and Mary Zellmer Bruhn.  It is difficult to imagine the long hours put in by each in service of the school. 


Picnic on the Last Day of School  Please look for a hard copy coming home.  We're looking for volunteers and hotdog orders.  This is our last moment to be together before the summer.  Come be part of the party and help wish the rain away. 


Slow Down  It's the end of the school year and a lot of people in a big hurry.  Please walk in the halls and in the parking lot and help your child also remember.  Let's all keep staying safe. 


Performing Arts Success Saturday's performance was a big success.  Thanks to the efforts who were able to be there and support the school on a busy weekend.  Links to portions of the show can be found below.  Thanks to Brian Hagerty and Janet Lenius. 


First half (K-4) of the school show on Saturday, May 21, 2011. The files can be downloaded here: http://www.brianhagerty.com/files/ 

First Graders: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHYjM1vk-ew 

Fifth grade Play: A Midsummer Night's Dream, Part 1 of 2 

A Midsummer Night's Dream, Part 2 of 2 



Thanks also to those who pledged to support our Performing Arts program. We're already on our way to the $30,000 goal.  We have a pledge to match dollar for dollar for up to $15,000.   We've already raised about $2,000 of that with only $13,000 to go.  You can make a donation at Tcgis-Performing-Arts-Fund-Drive-2011.  (The link given in the concert program was not quite correct!) More info on fundraising to retain this strong program will be coming your way soon.



Frau Annika Fjelstad
Twin Cities German Immersion School

[email protected]

Inclusivity Task Force
Monday, June 6th
TCGIS Conference Room6 6:00 pm
Childcare provided.


Leftover Plants from the Plant Sale

Left over Salvia flowers, Sun Gold Tomatoes, Sweet Chocolate, Sweet Bell Boy, and Sweet Banana Pepper are still available for purchase at $2.50 each.  You can find the plants at the front desk.  Please leave payment in the brown wooden PTO box at the front desk.  If you have questions please contact Heidi Zimmermann at [email protected] or Linda Michel [email protected] 
Thank You.
Board Agenda   

Click here to see the agenda for the May 31st Board Meeting.

Library Notes  


Classroom visits to the Bibliothek have ended for the school year. Please remind your children to return all library books back to school now.
Items can be returned to the classroom or to the return cart right outside the Bibliothek. Danke!
Also, the Library Committee would like to extend a big thank you to the TCGIS community for your generous donations and purchases at the 2nd annual used book sale! Our 2nd sale was a success, raising over $400. for the TCGIS Bibliothek!
Lost and Found Items from School and Last Saturday   


Some items were left behind at last Saturday's all-school event that was held at St. Thomas More School.  If you are missing anything, please let us know -- we may have found it.  Please also take a moment to check the Lost & Found in the front office.  The piles are getting high!  Thank you!
Help Needed: School Picnic Clean-Up 

The clean-up committee for our end of the school year picnic is still looking for volunteers. We need some hands cleaning up the park so we leave it the way we found it. Please contact Frau Rosenthal ([email protected]) or Frau Kile ([email protected]) with questions or to let us know that you are available. Vielen Dank!

Macalester College World Cup Soccer Camp 

Location: Macalester College Stadium

Date: June 27-July 7, 2011

Morning Session: 9:00am to 12:30pm

Afternoon Session: 1:30pm to 5:00pm

Cost: $89.95

For Boys and Girls going into grades 6, 7 and 8.


Click here to see the whole flier! 

Calling All Scientists, World Travelers, Rock Guitarists, and Philatelists!

Do you or does someone you know have some interesting or unique skills or experiences you might be willing to share with TCGIS kids?  If so, please complete the TCGIS Classroom Enrichment Talent and Resource Survey:   http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/R72YZLJ

We are collecting this information for our TCGIS teachers, who will use it as they plan classroom enrichment activities for next year. The information will not be shared with anyone other than TCGIS staff. Please feel free to forward this survey to any friends or families who might be willing to help support TCGIS kids' learning in this way. Thank you!

--The PTO Education Support Committee (Leslie Watson, Ursula Hargens, Lisa Friedman, Julie Elias, Chris Weimholt and Anna Botz) 

There will be 14 new interns coming to our school this fall - please consider hosting one of these young people!
  You can also look at their short introductions with pictures in the office.


Andreas Zeilnhofer will be coming from the University of Passau for a full year.

  He studies English and Economics and is looking forward to the opportunity to teach and make a difference in the classroom. He is interested in biking, hiking and skiing, as well as going to the movies, cooking and reading.   


For more information, please contact Darcy Rindelaub

Elternbrief Submissions

Please have all articles pertinent to the TCGIS community submitted to the Elternbrief by Monday at 9 am prior to Wednesday publication. Submissions may be sent to [email protected].