Friday, October 8 After morning drop-off Entry and cafeteria
St. Paul Oktoberfest
Saturday, October 9 12pm - 11pm Klub Haus 1079 Rice Street
Auflauf Cook-Off
Friday, October 15 6pm - 8pm
Salvation Army
2727 Central Avenue NE Minneapolis, MN 55418
Calling All Crafty Folk! 2nd Annual Craft and Bake Sale is November 19th and 20th
PTO is looking for handmade craft donations and/or bake donations for
our 2nd Annual Community Craft and Bake Sale. Watch for more details
later in October. Contact Heidi Zimmermann, hzimmermann22@yahoo.com, if you have any questions. The sale is scheduled for Friday,11/19 and Saturday, 11/20 at the school. Thank you!
Kaffeeklatsch Please
join us for Kaffeeklatsch this Friday, October 8th, in the school lobby
and cafeteria! Coffee is $1 if you bring your own coffee mug,
$1.25 for using paper cups. This is always a good opportunity to meet
other parents and members of the school community while sipping a nice cup of coffee!
News from the Jugendchor
The Jugendchor is well on its
The students are studying
hard but having lots of fun too.
The choir is learning stage
protocol, choreography, and rhythm, as well as expanding their repertoire of
German songs. Our choir rehearsals are all conducted in German.
We have a homogeneous group
of 1st thru 3rd graders. Our next project will be a choir for 4th thru
6th graders, with a different focus and a more advanced repertoire.
The Jugendchor has already
had an invitation from the Honorary Consul to sing at a community event in St.
We are looking forward to
helping the choir students become good ambassadors of TCGIS!
Look for the choir at the GAI
Open House, November 21, and at the Nikolaus Tag celebration on December 5.
If you would like more
information about the Jugendchor, Call Frau Nancy, Vienna
Community Arts, at 651-773-9525.
Scrip is Back It's
time once again to start up the TCGIS Scrip program. Scrip is an easy
way to funnel dollars toward TCGIS while making day-to-day purchases.
Families purchase gift cards for their favorite retailers, and those retailers then donate back a percentage of the sale to TCGIS. Available retailers include gas stations, grocery stores, drug stores, home improvement, electronics, booksellers, restaurants, and many more.
Check out www.shopwithscrip.com for a complete retailer listing.
You may set up an account to order online. Instructions are available here.
After you place your order, you will need to turn in the summary page
along with your check (made out to TCGIS) to the office. This has been
an easy way for the school to make over $1,000 per year. Check it out
& put your everyday shopping dollars to work for the school! Orders
will be due on the first Tuesday of each month (first order due October
5), for delivery the following Wednesday. Feel free to contact our
Scrip Coordinator, Deb Helmel, at debh@siewertcabinet.com with any questions.
Target: Take Charge of Education
We recently received a check for $2,139 from
Target. This is a sign of not only
Target's generosity, but of the effort of parents to sign up for the Take
Charge of Education program. Target
commits to give 1% of your purchase to the school of your choice.
You can support the school financially at no
cost to you. Request a Target Red Card
online or at the store and link your card number to our Target *School**# 122860*.
This can be made either at the store or online.
One of the new benefits with
the Red Card starting October 17th will be a 5% discount every time you
shop with your Red Card. A 5% discount will be taken off your total
balance due at the register, every time you shop with your Red Card. The
Debit Card is free...no fees and the amount comes right out of your
checking account. Easy, convenient, rewarding.
Another free way to support the school is through Office Depot. Mention our
school *ID# 70212624* when you shop at Office Depot for office or school
supplies, and the school will receive 5% credit back to use for free supplies.
Annual Executive German Wine Dinner
The German American Chamber of Commerce of the Midwest, Inc. (GACCoM) is pleased to host their Annual Executive German Wine Dinner.
Friday, November 12
Time: 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm Location: InterContinental (Renaissance Ballroom) 505 N Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL Table Sponsorship: $2,000 Beerenauslese $1,800 Spaetlese Both sponsorship levels include a table for 6. Cost: $160 Members, $175 Non-Members
a 7-course dinner, prepared by the Austrian Chef Kurt Mittelberger,
paired with 7 German wines and a networking cocktail hour.
is pleased to present this year's Wine Dinner at a new location - the
beautiful Renaissance Ballroom at the InterContinental Chicago overlooking The Magnificent Mile� at night.
Register here!
Request for Art Supplies
PLEASE EAT MORE CEREAL!!! The K-3rd graders need 50 more cereal boxes for making lanterns in art
class. These are for our Martinstag celebration in early November. I
will gladly take the oatmeal boxes still, but we really need empty
cereal boxes by Wednesday, 10/13! Please bring boxes up to the
room on the second floor or have your child bring them to art class.
Also, anyone who would be willing to help cut up boxes to prepare them
for the students please email me. Thank you!
Frau Lenburg
Yahoo Parent Group
The TCGIS Yahoo group is an online discussion board where TCGIS parents can discuss latest developments at the school in an informal forum. The group is not sponsored by the school or the PTO. It can be a useful forum for sharing news and tips, asking questions, and gaining the perspective of other parents on the topics du jour. Just keep in mind that the Yahoo group is not a school-sponsored site, and so posting a concern or question there is not the equivalent of bringing it to the attention to the school board or the director.
To request membership, visit the URL:
and click on "Join this Group." The moderator, TCGIS parent Tim McGuire, will need to authorize your membership, which typically happens within a day or so.
Safety Presentation
Monday, October 18 the TCGIS PTO is welcoming staff from the Jacob
Wetterling Resource Center at the school to present, "Talk Safety to
45-minute presentation for parents or caregivers answers the question,
"How do I talk to my kids about personal safety?" Includes questions
every parent should ask before choosing an afterschool program, activity
or overnight visit at friend's house. If you have wondered about how
you can effectively teach your children how to recognize a dangerous
situation without scaring them, this presentation is for you!
Highlights: Recognizing dangerous behaviors
For more information on the Jacob Wetterling resource center, visit them at www.jwrc.org.
To help us plan better for this presentation, please RSVP. You can also sign-up for free childcare through this link.
Gifted Services Testing Information
Attention parents of kindergarten through fifth grade students:
Gifted Services testing offered to Saint Paul private, parochial, homeschool and charter school students
Testing Sessions:
5:30 pm Tuesday, November 30, 2010 9:00 am or 10:30 am Saturday, December 4, 2010
Testing sessions are located at: Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development St. Paul Public Schools 345 Plato Boulevard East, Suite 625 St. Paul, MN 55107
Pre-registration deadline is November 2, 2010
Click here for more information!
Seeking English to German Translator
***The Elternbrief will
occasionally feature community activities. Please note that they are neither
necessarily school-related nor recommended.***
From community member Barbara Claussen:
I am interested in engaging a German translator to translate a web page
and some letters to German universities. I would like someone who is a
native German speaker who operates at a high academic level of language.
If you are interested, email Barbara Claussen.
MEA Kinderclub
Dear Kinderclub Families,
Kinderclub offers a full day program from the hours of 8:00 a.m. to
6:00 p.m. on school release days at the rate of $35/day. You must be
registered for Kinderclub and sign up your child's name by the deadline
of Friday 10/15 so that we may staff and supply the curriculum
appropriately. Kinderclub may close for a school release day if minimum
enrollment numbers have not been met. I will notify you via email after 6
PM on Friday the 15th if Kinderclub will close for a school release
day. Please reference the School Release Payment Policy in the Family
handbook for related payment information. All billing is final after 10/15/10 any any unattended days will not be refunded. To sign up, click the link below and enter your child's name.
Check the appropriate day(s) that you wish your child to attend. Enter
multiple children individually.
In-home Piano Lessons
***The Elternbrief will
occasionally feature community activities. Please note that they are neither
necessarily school-related nor recommended.***
Looking for in-home piano lessons?
Who: Elementary and early-intermediate (ages 5-early teen) What: Individual private piano lessons focusing on performance,
theory and technique.
Teacher has over 5+ years piano teaching
experience, a 20+ year musical background and many years experience
working with kids of all ages. Where: In-home lessons (prefer working with siblings too)
Why: To help your kids develop a passion for music and develop transferable skills When: Thursdays and Fridays after school (after 2:30 p.m.) Reasonable Rates: $25 for 30 minute, half hour in-home lessons (price includes transportation to your home)
Contact Emily Murrin at 218-340-3843 for more information.
Recital of German Music
"Ich liebe dich," a recital of German songs and arias, is coming to House of Hope Presbyterian Church on Saturday, October 16
Soprano - Sofia Ardalan Pianist - Thomas Bartsch
Saturday, October 16, 2010 at 7 PM
House of Hope Presbyterian Church 797 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105
Questions? Contact Eva Heidmann.
The 2011 Blue Sky
Guide Chinook Book is here! Buy yours now! Back
with a new name but the same great coupons and local, sustainable focus, this
year's Chinook Book coupon collection
is as useful as ever. Chinook Books arrive
in the TCGIS front office this week. Please check them out and buy one - or
more - to help support our school. Chinook Book,
the original Blue Sky Guide, is full
of coupons to help you save at local, sustainable businesses that promote
healthy living in our community. Find hundreds of dollars in everyday savings
with offers for:
● Lunds/Byerly's ● Kowalski's ● Erik's Bike Shop ● Science Museum ● Bachman's ● Frattallone's Ace Hardware ● Bibelot and many, many more!
books cost $20 each, and we keep $10 per
book in our school community! Our goal is to sell 100 and raise $1,000. Save
money and support our school with Chinook Book.
Chinook Book has something for everyone. It makes a great gift, so
pick up copies for you and a friend.
You can peruse this year's coupon book and pick
up your copy in the front office at TCGIS. Checks are payable to the TCGIS PTO.
St. Paul Oktoberfest is October 9th
The 2010 Saint Paul Oktoberfest is Saturday, October 9, from noon to 11
p.m. at the Klub Haus located at 1079 Rice Street in Saint Paul,
Minnesota. Please visit www.saintpauloktoberfest.org for more information.
Auflauf Cook-off & Community Dinner Get your recipes ready!
sauce, and layer up your finest at the second annual TCGIS Auflauf
Cook-Off! It's competitive, hot-dish-style action as TCGIS cooks face
off over their best recipes. Celebrity judges will be on hand to
evaluate entries in several categories, including German Traditional
(Auflauf), American Traditional (tater-tot optional), and
Non-Traditional (Spicy/Vegetarian). When the judging is done, everyone
will have a chance
to dish up at this community dinner. This is a terrific family event -
after dinner, children can run off steam in the incredible play area!
Tickets are on sale now- space is limited! Suggested ticket donation price: $8 - non-competing
adults and $5 - competitors and kids over 5. The Cook-Off will be at
the Salvation
Army Community Center at 2727 Central Avenue NE, Minneapolis. This is a
nearly zero-waste, 99% recyclable, compostable event! |
UPDATED Parent Handbook Available
Click here
to access the most up-to-date version of the Parent Handbook. Included
inside is essential information regarding school policies, contact
information and calendar.
Even if you are a veteran community member, there a number of updates in the latest version, so be sure take a look.
If you can't access this .pdf document, hard copies are available at the office. |