Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission
In this issue...
Arts. Open October
Free Public Art Tours
Second Saturday Public Art Tour
Arts Innovation Fund
Operating Grant Program
SMAC Update September 7, 2010

Welcome to our new weekly e-newsletter!  We will be sending it out at the beginning of each week, with a focus on announcements.  I hope you will like the changes we have made.  This week we want to take the opportunity to announce innovative partnerships as well as some upcoming events.

Warm regards,

Rhyena Halpern
Executive Director of SMAC
Opening Reception at SMUD Gallery
Friday, September 10
6301 S St., Sacramento

The show "Eyes, Nose, Mouth" is on view through September 30.
More Information>
Last 2nd Saturday Tour of the Season
October 9, 2010
RSVP by October 7.

Go to the SMAC website to learn how to register and to find out where to meet.
AOD logo small Arts. Open October
Look for it this month!

Please be on the look-out starting September 13, 2010 for 30 RT buses and downtown banners advertising ARTS. OPEN OCTOBER.

In partnership with Sacramento Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Sacramento News & Review, we are highlighting October as Arts & Culture Month in anticipation of Sacramento's 1st Annual Arts Festival in October 2011.  Please go to for more information.
Rabbits Free Public Art Tours and In-Class Presentations
To School Groups in Sacramento

Tours are lively, interactive and tailored to the audience. They are designed to reinforce classroom curriculum including California history, Sacramento city history, government, and natural resources. Presentations incorporate state art standards such as aesthetic valuing and historical and cultural context. To schedule a tour, contact Dixie at (916) 386-8240 or More information>

Macy Mural Second Saturday Public Art Tour
October Tour

The last tour of the season, October 9th,  features public artworks by Chicano artists including a major mural by Juanishi Orosco on the Macy's parking garage and works by Joe Mariscal, Eduardo Oropeza, and Gilbert Lujan.  Reservations required by October 7.  Learn more>
AIF partner logosArts Innovation Fund
Prizes awarded to six local arts organizations

In a unique public-private partnership, the Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission (SMAC) and the Sacramento Region Community Foundation (SRCF) have given local arts organizations a reason to celebrate in the midst of this tough economy. Six local arts organizations will receive over $30,000 in total awards as part of the Arts Innovation Fund. The fund promises cash awards to organizations who have most creatively and effectively used innovation to survive reduced funding and audiences.  Read More>
Cellos Operating Grant Program
Deadline is approaching

SMAC is offering the Operating Grant Program (OGP), a parallel grant program to CAA, for nonprofit arts organizations of any arts discipline who wish to apply to CAA when a new round opens.

Grants are awarded to nonprofit arts organizations in Sacramento City and County through a competitive review process for general operating expenses.  Grantees must meet high standards of artistic quality, show evidence of community involvement and outreach and exhibit sound managerial and fiscal accountability.  The deadline is October 4, 2010.  Read More>
Follow-up Links
About Us

The Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission is devoted to supporting, promoting and advocating for the arts in the region.  For further information on programs and opportunities through the Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission click here.  SMAC is funded by the City and County of Sacramento.