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Friday, May 25, 2012
Celebrating 40 Years of People Working Together for Justice in Tennessee
Today is SOCM's birthday! On May 25, 1972, the founders of SOCM (thenHistorical Strip Mine Damage called Save Our Cumberland Mountains) signed the state charter formally establishing SOCM as a community organization.  SOCM was founded in Tennessee's coalfield communities in response to problems caused by irresponsible strip mining practices.  In 1971, armed with research about the failure of large absentee land corporations to pay taxes on their rich mineral land, residents won an appeal to require this taxation.  In January 1972, after the win, residents formed an organization to take on other critical problems in their communities: virtually unregulated strip mining of coal which literally blasted the sides of steep mountains onto homes, roads and streams; insufficient revenue for schools, roads, and other services; and general neglect on the part of county officials.  SOCM was membership-based (first dues were $1!) and from the start it was democratically run by members.
Historical protest
For the past 40 years, SOCM's work has been concerned about the quality of life for all people in Tennessee. We believe we deserve a say in determining our future. While we have expanded to different parts of the state and we've branched out to work on different issues, our focus remains the same. People, working together, provide the power to make change possible.


We invite each of you to join us on October 20, 2012 at Henry Horton State Park in Chapel Hill, Tenn., as we celebrate 40 years of SOCM history.  The celebration will take place in the afternoon following our annual meeting in the morning.


SOCM members are always welcome to come to the annual meeting free of charge. If you're not a SOCM member, now is a good time to join! You'll be able to participate in SOCM's decision-making and elections. You'll receive our quarterly SOCM Sentinel and invitations to special conferences and trainings, assistance in fighting problems in your community and leadership development opportunities.

 Historical tug-of-war

Additional events are being planned as we speak to celebrate SOCM's history.  If you would like to join in the planning process, please contact our development director Jennie Caissie at [email protected] or by calling 865-249-7488.  Otherwise, stay tuned for the many opportunities ahead to take a walk down memory lane with SOCM!


As always, we thank you for your support throughout the years. Please take a moment to think of what SOCM has meant to you and help us continue for another 40 years!


SOCM's Story
Watch this 10-minute video on SOCM's History


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Mailing List


Anti-Racism Transformation Team Meeting
Saturday, May 26
Lebanon, Tenn.
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Knoxville Chapter Kick-Off House Party Hosted by Todd Shelton and Polly Murphy
Friday, June 1
3111 Foster Lane, Knoxville
7 - 10 p.m.
Maury County Chapter Meeting
Saturday, June 2
St. James UPB Church, Mt. Pleasant
11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Jackson Chapter Meeting
Tuesday, June 12
SOCM West Office, Jackson
6 - 7:30 p.m.
Public Hearing on Crab Orchard Permit
Tuesday, June 12
Cumberland County Courthouse
6 - 8 p.m.
Bedford County Chapter Meeting
Tuesday, June 12
The Fly Arts Center, Shelbyville
6 - 7:30 p.m.
Other Events of Interest 
Artists for Appalachia
Thursday, June 21st
Charlottesville, Va.
Appalachian Voices is gearing up for a special annual membership meeting and 15th anniversary celebration that will celebrate Appalachia's natural and cultural heritage. Special guests include Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Kathy Mattea, Michael Johnathon, and a host of singers and songwriters. Receive a ticket by becoming a member of Appalachian Voices or renewing your membership. For more information, go to www.appvoices.org. 
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