TCC Masthead
In This Issue
Art Supply Madness
Graduate of the Month
Project of the Month

TCC Website

Want more information on The Creative Center? Check out our website!

Fall Open House
Hall of Fame
The Creative Center will be holding our Fall Open House on Saturday, October 10, between 11am and 3pm. Join us!

Alumni -
Where Are You?
TCC Grads
We want to stay in touch with our past graduates! If you or a graduate you know haven't received any information from us in a while, fill out the Alumni Update Form on our website.

Art Teachers -
Looking for Training?

The Creative Center will be offering a professional seminar for art teachers during the summer of 2010! Want to join in on the fun? Keep watching this newsletter for more information!
Welcome to the Creative Center's New eNewsletter!

You are receiving this email because you are connected to the Creative Center in some way, shape or form. Whether you're an art teacher at a high school, a professional in the field, or an alumnus, we hope that you will find this newsletter entertaining and educational. Feel free to stop by on Saturday, October 10 between 11am and 3pm at our Fall Open House. We'll be providing tours and lots of information on the college.

Thanks for reading!
Art Supply Madness

With orientation, ID pictures, and hand-punch scanning, the first day of class is hectic - but there's always time for new art supplies! Students at the Creative Center can opt to purchase an art supply kit that the Creative Center and Blick Art Supplies have partnered to provide. Students get all their supplies for the semester, and they get a severely discounted rate, saving them time and money.

Joe Kroese

Joe Kroese was the 2009 recipient of the Andy Arrants Memorial Scholarship, which provided his art supply kit at no charge (approximately $500 value). Joe attended Western Christian High School in Doon, IA. Congratulations, Joe!
Graduate of the MonthKevin Mathis

Kevin Mathis, BFA '08
Graphic Designer
Fat Brain Toys
Elkhorn, NE

High School: Ralston HS, NE

What does the company do? Retail toy sales online and on land as well as toy production. A brick and mortar store in Village Point, Omaha. The company is six years old and is big in the e-commerce, online, retail store business with worldwide sales.

What does the graduate do? Whatever has to look pretty comes to Kevin, both print and web-wise. He maintains the web site, designs and produces a yearly calendar, creates brochures, catalogs, ads, point-of-purchase displays, package design, sales tags, and anything else they need. Kevin even gets to help design toys!
Project of the Month

White Paper Projects

Art Media Techniques 101 is a first-semester course that works with only traditional media. The first assignment is called the "white paper project" and helps students understand concept, perspective and craft without having to negotiate with color. Students can use different fabrics and textures, as long as the finished project is entirely white. Students are graded on concept and layout as well as craft. The final piece is hung on the students' wall for grading - and for all students and visitors to enjoy!
From the DirectorKim Guyer

I want to personally welcome all our readers - whether teachers, students, professionals or friends - and encourage you to contact us if you have any questions. You can also stop by on Saturday, October 10, for our Fall Open House between 11am and 3pm. We appreciate your support and collaboration. Have a wonderful Fall season!
Kim Guyer
Executive Director
The Creative Center
10850 Emmet Street
Omaha, NE 68164
402-898-1000 x205
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