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Guidance for Helping Aging Parents
Financial Planning Tips You Can Use
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9 to 5
At The North Shore Music Theater Starts on
September 25!
Exciting News |

This international music organization is currently in Massachusetts to present the World Premiere of their show "Voices".
Upcoming shows are in
September 14 & 16
Marshfield, MA
September 20
Sept. 21& 22
Marc and his daughter, Mindy were featured in a story about Up with People
Take a Peek.

One of Life's Most Difficult Conversations
Are you ready to talk about elder issues?
10,000 Americans turn 65 years old every day. This means that the proverbial "pig in the python" will be aging at a rate faster than we've ever imagined. Are you prepared to address "elder care" issues for yourself or for your parents?
Whether it's finding in-home care for an aging parent, identifying companion services, or having a conversation about "the next phase" in someone's life, elder issues are likley require signficant attention in the
Listen to Mary Demakes, RN AAAAA Private Home Care
years to come. The question is, what can you do? Where do you begin? Are there options besides a nursing home?
That will be the subject of this weeks episode of Dollars & Sense on Sunday from 4 - 5PM on News/Talk 96.9. We will have special guest, Mary Demakes of AAAAA Private Home Care of Marblehead to answer your questions on this most important topic. Listen in or call us on the show. Planning Pointers readers will go to the top of the caller list.
Financial Question of The Week: |
Who is a member of the sandwich generation?
According to the Pew Research Center, one in eight Americans between ages 40 and 60 is raising a child and caring for a parent simultaneously and, therefore, a member of the sandwich generation.
And while raising your own kids, college planning, working and thinking about your own retirement may be your primary focus right now, take a moment and think about something:
What do you know about your parent's financial and emotional well being? If your answer is "I don't know" we urge you to find out. Clear some time on your calendar to sit down with your parents and have some real basic conversations about their wishes, money, insurance, legal documents and expected levels of care as they age. Sound like an awkward conversation? Tune in to Dollars & Sense this Sunday for some great talking points.
Your parents may tune you out just like your teenager when discussing college plans, but the message will be there nonetheless; you care about them and simply want the best for them. |
When Driving Gets Dangerous |
How Old is "Too Old" to Be Driving?
Like it or not, news reports seem to be littered with stories of elderly drivers losing control of their car, making irresponsible decisions and putting others at risk.
Just because someone reaches a age-based milestone in retirement doesn't mean they can't or shouldn't be driving! In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration offers an interesting perspective as well as ideas on how to help aging drivers operate a vehicle with more care and diligence. However, if you don't feel that you can drive safely or if you have a parent who is a danger to others behind the wheel; perhaps it's time for conversation about alternative methods of transportation. Need help with the conversation? Give us call for some tips. |
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The opinions expressed in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. To determine which investments may be appropriate for you, consult your financial advisor prior to investing. |
Financial Planning Services offered through Freedman Financial, a Registered Investment Advisor. Securities offered through LPL Financial � Member FINRA/SIPC. |