In This Issue
*Focus on Farming VIII, Nov. 3
*Livestock Risk Protection
*Centennial Farms sought
*Snohomish Conservation District Classes offered

Aaron Reardon
County Executive
Linda Neunzig

Agricultural Coordinator




Snohomish Conservation District Celebrates 70 Years of Conservation!


Snohomish Conservation District is a political sub-division of state government that has been working with farmers and landowners since 1941. District boundaries include Camano Island (added in 1961) and most of Snohomish County.

Snohomish Conservation District's mission is to work cooperatively with others to promote and encourage conservation and responsible use of natural resources.

Find out more at




Focus on Farming VIII

"Harvesting Opportunities" 


Hold the date! Focus on Farming VIII will be held Nov. 3 at Comcast Arena in Everett!


With the new venue comes new opportunities. This year's event will feature a full trade show -- the first for Focus on Farming. The ice rink will be covered up for the event and will be filled with tractors, implements, seed suppliers,  and so much more.


Save the date now and plan on a great day of learning, networking, and of course wonderful, locally produced food.


For more information contact Linda Neunzig at 425-388-7170 or

Livestock Risk Protection Program Available in the Pacific Northwest


The Risk Management Agency's (RMA) Spokane Regional Office would like to remind Pacific Northwest livestock producers that the Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) program is available in Snohomish County and other counties in Washington. LRP insurance plans include Fed Cattle, Feeder Cattle, Lamb and Swine.


LRP coverage protects the policyholder from downward price risk during the insurance period. It does not cover any other peril (e.g., mortality, condemnation, physical damage, disease, individual marketing decisions, local price deviations or any other cause of loss).


There are two steps to buy LRP coverage: 1) producers must submit an application. Once the sheepapplication is approved, the livestock crop insurance provider will assign a policy number; and 2) the producer activates coverage at any time by applying for a Specific Coverage Endorsement (SCE). No insurance coverage is provided until the producer submits an SCE. Insurance will attach immediately when RMA confirms the SCE has been accepted.


Premiums are due on the day an LRP insurance endorsement is purchased and includes a 13-percent subsidy on the premium from RMA. To determine a premium, an insured producer will select the appropriate insurance period covering the expected sell or slaughter date; choose a coverage price based on the chosen coverage period; provide the number of livestock expected to be ready for sale or slaughter at the end date and the target weight at time of slaughter; and the percentage share of ownership in livestock to be insured.


Sales for the 2012 crop year will begin July 1 and continue through June 30, 2012, or until the maximum underwriting capacity as established by the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation is reached. Cattle, swine and lamb producers are encouraged to contact a local livestock insurance agent to learn additional details.


Federal crop insurance program policies are sold and delivered solely through private crop and livestock insurance companies. A list of livestock crop insurance agents is available at all USDA Service Centers throughout the U.S. or at the RMA Web site address:


Has Your Family Been Farming for 100 years or more?




If your family has been farming the same ground for 100 years, we want to honor you! Snohomish County is searching for the next Cenntential Farm to honor at this year's Evergreen State fair.


The turning of the century and the County's Heritage 2000 Program prompted the beginning of a new annual recognition program for Snohomish County Centennial Farms. To qualify, farms must have been in constant production and under the same family ownership for 100 years or more. 


This annual award is given to Centennial Farm families by County Executive Aaron Reardon during the Opening Ceremony of the Evergreen State Fair. This year is extra special as Snohomish County celebrates its 150th anniversary.


For more information or to be considered for recognition, please contact Linda Neunzig at 425-388-7170 or



Snohomish Conservation District 
Offers Summer Classes 


The following classes will be held at: Skagit Farmers Supply - Stanwood, 8815 272nd St NW, Stanwood, WA 98292.


June 25, 11 a.m.: Firewise Communities

Speaker - Leif Fixen, SCD Resource Planner
The Firewise Communities program teaches people how to adapt to living with wildfire and encourages neighbors to work together to prevent losses later.  

July 23, 10 a.m.: Raising grass-fed beef    

Speaker - Bobbi Lindemulder, SCD Farm Planner

Come learn about raising grass-fed beef. Bobbi and her husband Chuck own West Valley Beef in Duvall and have been raising grass-fed beef for over 10 years. Bobbi covers the science of producing a consistent product, proper grazing management, facility design, marketing, and record keeping.


July 30: Managing pastures & controlling weeds 




Speakers - Sonny Gohrman and SCD Staff
This class focuses on weed control and pasture management. Bring samples of weeds and grass for identification but please keep them in a bag to avoid dropping seeds.

9-10 a.m.: Learn the best methods for controlling/preventing weeds in your pastures.


Also coming in the Fall:



Rain Garden Planting Event in Everett with Ciscoe Morris!


10-11 a.m.: Tips and resources for managing your pastures for high quality grass & healthy animals. 


Saturday, Sept. 24, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Lombard Ave. & 14th St., Everett.

Watch SCD's 'upcoming events' web page for details on this hands-on event.




Realtors Workshop - Tuesday Oct 11 - 10 AM to 1 PM

The Stillaguamish Tribe's Natural Resources Department and Snohomish Conservation District are offering a workshop for Realtors who work with buyers looking for rural and farm property. It will be held at the Angel of the Winds Casino Restaurant. Learn what buyers should look for when buying property if they want livestock, how critical areas and wetlands can impact their plans, and how to assess a property on its suitability for a farm business. Realtor clock hours are pending. 



All of the above classes are free and do not require preregistration with the exception of the Realtor's class.

The Realtor's workshop requires pre-registration at for food planning purposes.   



For more information, contact:   



Snohomish Conservation District

 528 91st Ave NE, Ste A

 Lake Stevens, WA 98258

425-335-5634, ext 4 






























Linda Neunzig
Snohomish County Agricultural Coordinator
M/S #411
3000 Rockefeller Ave.
Everett, WA 98201