Ignoring Women's Feelings Put Brands on their Black Lists in Skin Care Products
AstaREAL� Astaxanthin can Increase Brand Loyalty for Skin Care Products because it fulfills women expectations and provide positive emotions that are rooted in visible improvements of their wrinkles and dry skin condition

AstaREAL astaxanthin 
AstaREAL astaxanthinThe sight of a new wrinkle on the face motivates 56% of women to rapidly seek new skin care products before fear or depression kicks in. Whereas 89% of women with dry skin admitted to "put brands on the black list" and inform their friends about it when their skin remained dry, according to a survey conducted on twitter involving over 100 respondents.
With this in mind, this month's newsletter shows that AstaREAL� astaxanthin can increase brand loyalty for skin care products because it fulfills women expectations and provide positive emotions that are rooted in visible improvement of their specific skin conditions.
AstaREAL astaxanthinEmotionalizing consumers to feel good about themselves with concrete results, which they can share with friends and family signs the difference between survival or evaporation in today's skin care business. Indeed, deciding to purchase a new brand product is triggered by intense emotions that range from anger, disappointment, depression, anxiety, hope and exciting expectations. Inversely, repurchasing a current brand product is often associated with gratefulness, relief, satisfaction and confidence.
Consumers and manfucturers may ask themeselves often critically "Does Astaxanthin really work? Would I feel relieved after using it? Does it worth the efforts ?" From this point of view, manufaturers and consumers alike should feel relieved and confident when using astaxanthin for wrinkles reduction, hyperpigmentation, skin irritation and skin dryness.

A series of studies conducted by Tominaga et al (2009) further reinforce the fact that AstaREAL� Astaxanthin systematically satisfies users expectations with visible reduction
28 healthy female subjects took 6 mg of astaxanthin supplement and applied astaxanthin topical product (manufactured by Fuji Chemical) for 8 weeks. Crow's feet condition was evaluated before and after the study. 
AstaREAL astaxnathin
of wrinkles that are simultaneously confirmed by both dermatologists  and instrumental assessments (see studies below). 
In this light, AstaREAL� Astaxanthin can be extremely beneficial to manufacture new or upgraded products line that satisfy emerging needs of modern women for all daily cycle. Sepcifically, AstaREAL� Astaxanthin can used to produce skin care creams and supplements for antioxidant skin protection usually applied in the morning before the "daily skin battle". Indeed, research suggests that Astaxanthin suppress lipid peroxidation in the skin surface thus preventing dry skin, rough skin while improving skin moisture and oil balance.
Furthermore,  astaxanthin is also a formidable anti-inflammatory ingredient that works directly in the epidermis  reducing skin irritations and age spots. For instance, in the Asia Pacific region 35 people out of 1000 suffered from dermatitis and 90 from recurrent eczemas (Asia-Pacific Center for Skin Ageing, 2010).
Therefore, AstaREAL� Astaxanthin can be added to existing products in order to increase resilience against hyperpigmentation and anti-inflammatory responses. Finally, in-vitro studies demonstrated that AstaREAL� Astaxanthin protects fibroblasts and favor collagen production despite UVA irradiation (Tominaga et al, 2009).
AstaREAL astaxanthin
AstaREAL astaxanthin
AstaREAL astaxanthin
AstaREAL astaxanthin


AstaREAL astaxanthinAstaxanthin
Astaxanthin is often called the King of Carotenoid because its antioxidant potency against singlet oxygen has been estimated to be 110 times stronger than Vitamin E; 75 stronger than a-lipoic acid; 560 stronger than green tea; 800 stronger than CoQ10 and 6000 stronger than Vitamin C (Nishida, 2007).  Astaxanthin orginal molecular structure spans the membrane hydrophllic and hydrophobic layers attracting and then quenching free radicals for longer and far-reaching spectrum.
Tominaga et al., (2009). Cosmetic effects of astaxanthin for all layers of skin. Food Style 21, 13(10):25-29.
Tominaga et al., (2009). Protective effects of astaxanthin against single oxgyen induced damage in human dermal fibroblasts in-vitro Food Style 21, 13(1):84-86.
Yamashita (2006). The Effects of Dietary Supplement containing astaxanthin on skin condition. Carotenoid Sci., 10:91-95.
Nishida et al., (2007). Quenching activities of common hydrophillic and lipophillic antioxidants against single oxygen using che chemiluminescence detection system. Carotenoid Sci.., 11:16-20.
Asia Pacific Center for Skin Ageing. http://www.apcsa.com.au/healthyskin.php. Information retrieved on May 25, 2010.
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