Al-Bustan and Trinity Center present
the final concert of this season's

Wednesday, May 26, 2010 - 7:30pm
Trinity Center for Urban Life
22nd and Spruce Street in Center City Philadelphia
Music Director Hanna Khoury
Khoury, Refela and Kotain at Trinity Center
Al-Bustan Logo

with Hafez El Ali Kotain
and Adeeb Refela

guest flutist
Maron Khoury
of the Metropolitain Opera

Come enjoy the music of "The Three Musketeers -- Al-Fursan Al-Talatha", composers who wrote songs for the legendary Egyptian singer Umm Kalthoum, and enjoy some Western classical music by flutist Maron Khoury

See photos of previous concerts in the series at our website.

$10 admission at door

Info/RSVP: 267-809-3668 or
Trinity's Great Hall
Trinity Center

Note:  limited amount of parking permits available for parking on 22nd St.  Call tel # above between 7 and 7:30pm to obtain parking permit from Trinity Center.

Also of MUSIC INTEREST for adults. . .
Registration deadline is June 1st!
Arab Music Course for Adults:  June 28 - July 2, 2010

Open to educators, music majors, musicians, vocalists, and music enthusiasts, this course is taught by an experienced faculty of musicians/scholars. The condensed format combines theory and practice and ends in a culminating recital on Friday evening. Offered in partnership with University of the Arts; can be take for 3 grad credits. More Info.

is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating youth in Arabic language, arts, and culture, and to
promoting cross-cultural understanding and respect.