18th Annual SCORE Dinner


On behalf of First Priority Greater Birmingham, I would like to thank you for your continuous support of our organization. It is because of your hard work and leadership that precious lives have been changed. Thank you for your deep desire to reach students, help educate them and make a positive impact in their lives. Your involvement with First Priority and the difference you have made in students' lives will never go unnoticed. 

I would like to invite you to join First Priority for our 18th Annual SCORE (Students Count On Real Examples) Dinner on Thursday, April 26, 2012, at 6:30 p.m. at Grace Life Baptist Church, 6200 Lou George Loop, Bessemer, AL, 35022. Come out and join us for an evening filled with fun, fellowship and inspiration.


Our special guest speaker is Javier from the movie Courageous: Robert Amaya. Robert is a bilingual professional actor/singer in Miami with a background in theater. He felt humbled and honored playing his character in the movie because it reminded him of his own father's struggles to survive in a new country with a family. Don't miss Robert and his words of encouragement.


As you know, First Priority's vision is to touch the life of every student, on every campus, in every community with the love and message of Jesus Christ before graduating high school. Statistics show that 85 percent of all people who do not pray to receive Christ before the age of 18, never will. In 21 years of ministry, we continue to work as a campus ministry of the local church. We help multi-denominational teams of churches join hands and work together as one. The result? A positive impact for the Gospel in secondary and senior high schools in the Birmingham area. Together, with the support of local churches and businesses, we are encouraging our students to take a united stand for Christ. Please join us to learn more about the impact of First Priority and how you can continue your partnership with us to support this vital outreach.


If you want to continue to touch students' lives with the Gospel at more than 250 public schools by supporting First Priority campus ministry efforts in Central Alabama, then please support this fundraiser. Please click here for more information and table sponsorships. Please call me at 205.871.8886 or e-mail greg@gofirstpriority.com if you are interested in sponsoring a table to support our largest fundraiser. We are truly grateful for your time and sponsorship. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please let me know if you have any questions or need more information. Thank you again for your continuous support.


Keeping Christ the First Priority,


Greg Davis





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