We would like to thank you for attending First Priority's Seventh Annual Leader's Summit sponsored by Chick-fil-A, Resource Center for Pastoral Excellence at Samford University and Food for the Hungry. Nearly 1,000 students, teachers, youth leaders and parents from 85 middle, intermediate, junior high and high schools across Central Alabama attended this year's event. God moved in mighty ways and students left enthusiastic to use their talents to spread the love and message of Jesus Christ with their peers.
We would like to give a special thanks to our sponsors, donors, volunteers, speakers and band who helped make this event such a great success.
Be on the lookout for a survey we are going to send you that we would like for you to complete and provide us with feedback from this year's Leader's Summit. By completing the survey, you will receive a chance to win some really cool First Priority gear!
Be sure to click on the links below to view pictures from this year's Leader's Summit. Please "Like" First Priority's Facebook Page and tag yourself in the pictures. You will also find below a link to the Student Leadership University video Speaker Brent Crowe informed you about. Be sure to check out all the links!
We hope you will attend next year's Leader's Summit. We will begin providing details about it in October. Thank you again for attending First Priority's Seventh Annual Leader's Summit!